Ive been told that people will eat immediately after lifting weights to fuel their body. Curious what to eat? Protien? Carbs? Anyone do this? Like litin the car after they worout?
is working each muscle group once a week enough? For example bi/triceps Tuesday, legs/gluted wed., and chest/back Thursday. I like to do more cardio otherwise. Should I do more often? What do you do?my goal is to lose and tone up everywhere
just taking a poll....what is your best time of day?? Mine is 5 am until noon then I'm done lol. I love cool mornings and quiet! How about you?
Im actually mad at myself for being upset at a 4.3lb loss. I know thats awesome but I thought it would be more so Im bummed. I hate this. When I get to my goal.....and I stress WHEN not if, I will never let this happen again!! Thanks for letting me vent!!
Going to try a smotthie this morning. My coworker told me to try more protien so im trying greek yogurt in it. Never been successful in making and or staying full on these....here we go! How do you make yours?
Oh boy did I have a bad day yesterday!! Ate well all day but had some drinks and chinese for dinner. Im not beating myself up because I enjoyed every minute but wow what an eye opener when I tracked the calories!!! Oops. Well back at er today :)
Good morning friends! I just joined yesterday and this is my first post! Im wondering, do you get really stiff after you run? Ive been running for years now and everytime about an hour later if I sit for a bit and get up I cant move! My joints get really stiff any thoughts? I do stretch btw :)