Pouches of belly fat that makes the stomach look uneven as weight drops?
I'm almost forty pounds down now and about one twenty to go, but I'm finding it weird that my fat burn seems to be pretty uneven. There's this one stubborn what appears to be pouch of fat in the center/left side of my belly that doesn't seem to wanna go down....it doesn't hurt or anything, but anytime my shirt is off and I…
I don't understand my body at all
Ever since I started to lose weight, I notice I'll suddenly drop five or more pounds within a week...plateau off that may last a month or more, then almost out of nowhere start shedding a pound a day or so overnight. And while I am still doing my best to eat healthy, I see no real change in what/how I eat. Like, I started…
Weight loss and risk of disease...
One of my big drives to lose weight is trying to drive down my risk of colon cancer. I've had digestive issues for longer than I can remember, and a fair bit of paranoia...but I've got so much to lose (about 150 pounds.) What I am wondering is...does the risk start lowering immediately with the change of diet and with each…
At what point of weight loss does your clothing size begin going down?
I'm about 15 pounds, going on 20 down. And yet, far as I can tell, none of my clothes are feeling even the slightest bit looser. I've seen all the displays showing 'this is what 5/10/15 pounds of fat looks like', so...15 pounds feels like it should be a lot of fat and at least some off the waist... Does anyone know how…
I've lost and regained the same 10 pounds for 10 years now. How to a break this cycle?
I started when I was 24. I'm now 34, and quickly approaching the point where my doctors tell me 'losing weight gets really hard, if not impossible'. Problem is, I feel like I'm already there and the idea of it getting even harder scares the crap out of me. Every time, I got from 315, and seem to just plateau off at 304.…
EXTREMELY fast digestion?
So, I had a puzzler today. I had a big lunch out, but, kept it healthy. Then, about four hours later I had a bowel movement....and saw some clearly recognizable undigested portions of lunch in the toilet bowl (part of a red pepper I didn't chew properly, some lettuce fragments). Now. I know normally it takes three hours…
Weight apparently began to plummet-how is this possible?
For about three weeks, I was noticing a gradual-ish weight drop after my diet change. Then, this weekend, it seemed to just start plummeting. If my scale's to be believed, I've lost four pounds since Friday, which I'm not sure if that can even be right. I know I have been eating VERY light this weekend as I consider foods…
Is having to keep going number two a normal part of the 'healthy eating' transition?
Sorry if this is graphic.. So, for the last few weeks when I've been working on cutting out processed foods, eating fresh foods, and introducing more fruits and veggies to my diet-I've noticed I can't seem to stop going number two some days. Depending on the day, I'll have anywhere from 3-6 or so bowel movements-usually…
Why doth the body protest a healthy diet so much?
I spent pretty much my entire adult life living off mostly processed foods...frozen food, lunch meat, barely any fiber, things like that. About three weeks ago I decided to change....I started buying fresh produce, started cutting out processed foods, began eating fruits and veggies to get fiber. After all, I keep hearing…
Digestive health question...
Ok, so, I have a story to give and want to see if anyone can relate. I weighed in at 300+ over the weekend. On Saturday, I let myself go a little...went out to a movie, had a fast food lunch, and some lite tacos for dinner. But, I skipped the evening snack. That night I had some bad cramping and loose movements (I assumed…
Why must my body punish me for helping it? @.@
Ok, this seems to happen every time I try to start losing weight, especially working out. First two weeks go well, then my body begins to protest..with... -Abdominal cramping -Weaker bladder (and going ALOT) -Bowel irregularities -General crankyness All I'm doing is 30 minutes of walking each day and trying to give up soda…