2014 - Year of YAYOG
This year I'm planning on using the You Are Your Own Gym (YAYOG) book, DVDs, App and EFX to get in my best shape ever. Here is the plan that I've laid out for the year: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak35REbb2l5AdGNzcGl4MmE2U1JESEYtcW0xSDF3dmc&usp=sharing I got the YAYOG DVD set for Christmas and plan on…
You Are Your Own Gym (YAYOG)
Anyone out there currently doing any of the programs in YAYOG? I read the book and just started using the APP on my phone. So far I think it is awesome. Just seeing if others are using it and what you think. Thanks!
Easy Healthy Homemade Frozen Dinners
I just created a blog post on how to make Easy Healthy Homemade Frozen Dinners! I wanted to share it with you guys here. A while ago I came across a way to make your own Frozen Dinners! This really appealed to me, because frozen dinners from the store have some drawbacks: Not Big Enough – Most “healthy” or “Diet” frozen…
High Protein Scrambled Egg Recipe
A few months ago I saw a co-worker do this. I've been doing it for one of my morning meals every day. It is easy and tasty! You take eggs and mix in some cottage cheese, then microwave it for a couple minutes. That's it! Here is what I do: Crack 3 whole eggs in a bowl. Add 1/2 cup of cattage cheese Mix well Microwave for…
Getting Back On Track
In 2011 & 2012 I had lost a lot of weight. I was within 12 lbs of my goal weight, but fell off the wagon early last year and have not been eating healthy or exercising for several months. I've decided to get back on track, since I've gained almost everything that I had lost. :( I discovered Your Are Your Own Gym by Mark…
2014 = Year of YAYOG
I just noticed there is a YAYOG board, so I'm going to post this here too! This year I'm planning on using the You Are Your Own Gym (YAYOG) book, DVDs, App and EFX to get in my best shape ever. Here is the plan that I've laid out for the year:…
Finding your Goal Body Weight
I created a blog post on how to find your goal Body Weight. If you interested, you can check the preview below, then head over to the blog to read the rest. So, you want to loose Fat. But, do you know what your Goal Body Weight should be? I know that I need to loose 49 lbs. But how do I know this? Keep reading to find out…