ithink2020 Member


  • Hello Getting into the smoking season again and saw this. Just wondering if you'r still around. I'm looking to maiden my IQ110 soon. Thinking maybe chickens or pork loin.
  • Another option is to get the YAYOG DVDs. The workouts (even the novice ones) are intense, but there are no pulling movements. Work on the Novice workouts, until you get get through the 3 workouts without taking a breaks, then stay on them for another few weeks perfecting your form. Then move up to the Intermediate…
  • Hey Bryan! Glad to hear someone else to doing the same thing. Keep me posted on how you progress! Matt
  • Welcome! I just started using the DVDs this week. I'm on novice, so have a long way to get to where you are! lol MattFriend me here on MFP: Follow me on Twitter: @MatthewASchmitt My Blog:
  • The site did change. At the top of the page, click on Nutrition or follow this link: Sorry, not doing IIFYM, so cannot comment on that. MattFriend me here on MFP: Follow me on Twitter: @MatthewASchmitt My Blog:…
  • If you want to see how they turn out, you can check out this image: Matt
  • You're welcome! I'm glad people found this interesting! MattFriend me here on MFP: Follow me on Twitter: @MatthewASchmitt My Blog:
  • I can not find a way to post a picture on here... So, this link will take you to a photo of my lunch today. It was made using this method. I hope you can see how moist the chicken is. And the Veggies were not over cooked. Matt
  • Yep, scrabble eggs. :)
  • I use whole eggs. By getting rid of the yolks, your throwing out a lot of healthy micro nutrients, plus a portion of the protein. Also, more recent research that I've read is showing that eating cholesterol and saturated fat does NOT raise cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Not that I have noticed, but tenderness is you might try it and see how it turns out.
  • I put the protein in uncooked. I'm normally put in uncooked Frozen Chicken Breast. I've used uncooked fresh chicken breast before, but frozen is usually a little cheaper where I shop. However, I make these on the weekend, then put them in the freezer. So by the time I cook them for lunch, everything in the bag is frozen.
  • The chicken is cooked perfectly! Not chewy and is really juicey. The steamer bag cooks the food by steaming, is it is in a cooking in a very moist environment. At first I added about a TBSP of liquid (water, wine, marinaded, etc.), but now I don't bother. The chicken comes out better than any frozen dinner I've had from…
  • I was reviewing forum rules and seems they do not like people posting links to blog posts. As such, I've posted the information here. I want everyone to know about it, but also want to be inline with the forum rules. I just will there was a way on here to edit test so that it looks a lot better.
  • While doing the 1st class, you might want to try the 30 day Plank Challenge as well: MattFriend me here on MFP: Follow me On Twitter: @MatthewASchmitt My Blog:
  • I know RTheHutt already posted the minimums for 1st class, but I figured I'd post the others here, just in case someone else is looking: Master Class: 16 One Arm Push Ups with hands elevated on mid-thigh surface, 8 reps on each side 5 Pull Ups with 2s pause top and bottom 24 Alternating One Legged Squats, butt down just…
  • I spoke with Mark over Twitter regarding this and here is what he told me: "I wasn't clear during the intro, but all 3 workouts should be done each week. The progression of exercises from Novice to Intermediate to Advanced makes the most sense that way. Monday- Timed Sets / Wednesday- Ladders / Friday- Circuit Training. Of…
  • Sweet, going to go through and read through your blog! I've started a new blog (not on MFP), I wanted some addition options that were not available via MFP. Check it out here: I'll be using it to track my progress through YAYOG! MattFollow me here on MFP:…
  • Congrats and Great work! I hope to have my own before and after results soon, too! Matt
  • I'm going to start using the YAYOG DVDs on 1/13. I'm currently recovering from a bronchial infection and a nasty viral infection that almost put me in the hospital. I'm taking the next two weeks to recover, before stressing my body with a new workout routine. My plan is to use the DVDs in "mini" Periodization blocks.…
  • I'm starting Week 3 tonight. I know that it has only been two weeks, but I can already see a difference in my arms and my wife has commented on my shoulders a couple times. I plan to stick with it, but it might take me a little longer than 10 weeks. Our daughter is due Dec. 2nd. So we'll see how much energy (aka sleep) I…
  • The 20 calories per minute refers to doing the Kettlebell Snatch. The American Council on Exercise proved that doing the snatch/swing burned 20.2 calories per minute. “We estimated oxygen consumption and how many calories they were burning aerobically, and it was 13.6 calories per minute. But we also measured the blood…