Why can't I poop?!
I haven't had an amazing bowel movement in a few weeks. I'm a 25y/o female, do HIIT 15-20 times monthly depending on my schedule, and have one of most whole food diets of anyone I know. Breakfast: Coffee with coconut milk MAYBE some nuts if I sprinted Lunch: Massive salad with a base of kale or some other dark green,…
What's your go-to meal for a week's worth of pre-cooking?
Last week I cooked three days worth of meals for the boyfriend and myself and I keep asking myself why I didn't do it sooner. Seriously the most convenient thing I've ever done with almost zero planning because I have a pressure cooker. We have Bullet Proof Coffee for breakfast which means I only really have to cook two…
One day of fasting in addition to cheat day
Hey! I've been reading a lot about 24 hours of fasting. Not necessarily going morning to night with no food, but eating dinner on Tuesday, for example, and then not eating again until Wednesday night at the same time. There are loads of benefits that go along with a 24 hour fast that aren't practiced often in the west -…
100 jumping jacks an hour in addition to morning gym time
Hi there, So about me: 5"3 140 Not new to exercising Not new to eating healthy The most fit I've been was about a year ago. I had an active job as a kindergarten teacher and exercised nearly every day. I was at about 125 with a great diet. Since then I've started a new business that requires me to work from home, obviously…
Crossfit and clean eating without weight loss - help?
During the winter I go through these really intense workout streaks. In 2012 to early 2013 I lost 20lbs within a few months of eating clean, working out frequently, and not really counting calories, just minding my portions. I've counted calories in the past, but pretty much became obsessed. My previous weight loss put me…