MAGIC SPOON helps weight loss
What's the best advice you've gotten- and implemented?
BEST ADVICE I've gotten so far??? *Revisit your food diary and repeat a good week* and the NSV? I'm actually doing it.... Today's a NEW DAY.....moving forward.
Shut my mouth
While I would not consider or refer to a friend who is the same height/weight as I am @ any given moment as a "fat cow".... no matter where I'm at, I still can view myself that way....... and I'm beginning to understand how I personally help perpetuate this CRAZY MENTALITY OF what's *acceptable* and what isn't........ for…
Shut my mouth
While I would not consider or refer to a friend who is the same height/weight as I am @ any given moment as a "fat cow".... no matter where I'm at, I still can view myself that way....... and I'm beginning to understand how I personally help perpetuate this CRAZY MENTALITY OF what's *acceptable* and what isn't........ for…
Thanksgiving- Just isn't the same without___________
Aside from the main course, what ONE side dish do you consider to be a MUST on your Thanksgiving table (family tradition)??? For me, it's kluski noodles and gravy. I could skip everything else and just have them and SMILE :) ( but they're MUCH better with mashed potatoes)
first the TidyBol Man, now this- UGH......
Years ago, I had *issues* after being traumatized by the TidyBol Man commercials Now THIS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-k9K8V2-Itw UGH.....:laugh:
Who needs a MiracleThaw???
OK, so I've always been a *sucker* for the TV ads.....new gadgets to try out...... some are winners, some are a waste of $ Years ago I bought a Miracle Thaw defrosting tray.....didn't work, until I got the idea to put a heating pad under it.....set it on LOW........ works like a charm every time. (Yes, I know microwaves…
Missing Disclaimer on Exercise Videos
Dad: " Gee thanks for the exercise video, Kiddo, but I had to return it to the store." Me: "Why? Was there something wrong with it?" Dad: " YEAH...did you know they expect you to actually PARTICIPATE?" [groan] :tongue: on a side note: he did say the pretty girls in the aerobic tights did get his heart rate WAY up :laugh:…
Keeping Fruits/Veggies @ their best- Thank you Paula Deen
Just read a great article, VERY informative, perhaps you might enjoy it too: http://www.pauladeen.com/article_view/keeping_fruits_and_veggies_at_their_best/
Overflow of peppers? Here's an idea what to do w/ 'em
Such a GREAT idea- just wanted to share it. From Paula Deen: http://www.pauladeen.com/article_view/the_prettiest_peck_of_peppers/
Are foggy memories a common occurrence?
I've been having *flashbacks* lately- little *snippets* of scenes popping in my head, like clips from a movie- except I can recall emotions and even some smells- not just sights & sounds. In all these, I am drowsy- almost in a fog-and I wake up to the abuse going on- but I see the voice/face of someone I always loathed-…
Feeble Attempt @ compliments
Something the world needs to know: I just may have this tattooed to remind them- No matter how well intentioned you think you're being, telling someone how great they look cuz they've lost a TON of weight is about as stupid as saying, "yes, you look like a cow in that dress." What bass-akwards compliments have you…
What's the *secret* to chopping onions W/O crying/dying?
I've watched one Food Network celebrity after another- and never once do I see them wincing like I do when they're slicing or chopping an onion........... What's the *secret*???? Someone PLEASE share. I ♥ onions but I don't like the burning eyes from it- no matter how gently I try to slice 'em, they slay me.
Favorite Movie Line(s)
What's yours? My all time fav: "Now my father, he was a *complete* idiot. I'm still a half-wit." The Village Idiot in 10th Kingdom
Life Lessons @ WalMart
Overheard in line @ store: Dad: " When we get home, you have lawn mowing to do before you go out tonight." Daughter: " What the ____? I JUST mowed it LAST weekend." Welcome to *LIFE* little girl.......grass is just ONE example of how much FUN us adults have.
FAMOUS LAST WORDS (add to list)
"so you're a cannibal?"
Proud member of the NAOF club
Not An Old Fart I am beginning to realize that the OLD FART mentality is NOT based on chronological age, it's attitude. It's apathy about getting older, and resigning oneself to sitting on the sidelines, being a SPECTATOR, rather than a PARTICIPANT- because it takes too much energy ( often accompanied by a neglect of ones'…
FOOD for thought
I keep trying to lose weight, but it keeps finding me. Most people gain weight by having intimate dinners for two. . . alone. The toughest part of a diet isn't watching what you eat. It's watching what other people eat. There are two things you should never eat before Breakfast: Lunch and Dinner.
Things to ponder ( and chuckle about)
Just passing this along- gave me A LOT to think about AND laugh over:laugh: Things to ponder..... by Jeff Sutten 1 Sometimes I'll look down at my watch 3 consecutive times and still not know what time it is. 2. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong. 3. I totally take back all…
CAROB- is it healthy?
Is it a healthy alternative to chocolate? Where might I find it besides online?
RUNNERS- what do u eat during/after a race for PROTEIN???
I don't run, but I have a hubby who tournament fishes (8-10 hour) and he is NOT the fast food type (never has been) but he ALWAYS craves a SUPER GREASY BURGER after he's done.... (and indulges) After doing some research, I'm wondering if his body is craving PROTEIN??? Is there something HEALTHIER/BETTER that you could…
Making SENSE out of CRAVINGS????
I APOLOGIZE in advance if his subject's been covered- couldn't find in SEARCH Is there ANY correlation between different TYPES of CRAVINGS (salty, sweet, sour, ect) and something your body is SEEKING? ......PARTICULARLY when it's things you don't *normally* crave??? ANY sources IN ADDITION to opinions would be GREATLY…
CHICKEN STUFFED WAFFLES??? intriguing to say the least
This is the CRAZIEST thing I've ever heard- and am planning on trying this SOON- ANYONE else had this- or feeling as daring as I? Check back w/ you sometime this coming week- let you know how it goes. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/guy-fieri/chicken-and-stuffed-waffles-recipe/index.html
ENJOY your day, my friends. Tell the most important people in your life that you ♥ them, and let them know what a blessing they are to your life. I'm sure they know, but it's something no one ever gets tired of hearing. And for those of you struggling to keep your motivation in this journey towards a healthier YOU- I want…
TEAR HERE on plastic packaging
Years ago it was the OPEN HERE spout on paper milk cartons that could be a CHALLENGE at times...... Nowadays, it's the TEAR HERE strips on plastic zippered packages.:grumble: UGH......
Looking for PANINI recipes!!!
YEAH! Just got my birthday present: A PANINI maker :happy: Now, PLEASE SHARE your FAVORITE RECIPES-
When you CHOOSE a salad ON PURPOSE
just amused at the idea that I walk over to the fridge to make lunch and a big ol' salad sounds YUMMY to me......... and I am eating it because I WANT one, not because I HAVE to in order to lose weight. Now, if that isn't a NSV (Non Scale Victory) I don't know what is........... Just want to encourage all the I RESENT…
Pasta Salad- TIPS? how NOT to use ENTIRE bottle?
This year I'm making pasta salad. This year how much dressing MATTERS to me. I'd like to NOT use the entire bottle. IS THERE SOME *TRICK* to keeping the pasta from absorbing ALL the dressing, thus having to add MORE AND MORE AND MORE? Don't laugh: This will probably make it to the dumb questions asked list of forum posts,…