Can you feed a baby too much?
Hey moms! I started weaning my 7 month old son recently. We are giving him puree / mashed food as he finds it difficult to keep hold of fruit and veg - he just started eating a rusk by himself yesterday. Anyway my question is can you feed a baby too much? I'm giving him primarily fruit and veg ((banana, avacado, potatos,…
What would you be doing if you hadn't found your fitness?
So its Saturday night, and in the past I probably would have been well into a bottle of wine and eating a Dominos while watching TOWIE,tonight I did not eat Dominos. How have your weekends changed since you started this MFP stuff?
You did what????
whats the stupidest thing you've done while under the influence? I've gone wrong a few times... Tattooing the whole of my boyfriends leg & foot. Trying to steal a tiny horse. On a family holiday i went out for a pint - ended up at a festival & didn't get back until 8am the next morning being unintentionally extremely…
If i ate myself would I weigh twice as much?
is it just me or are there a huge amount of crazy posts around this week?
Please can someone kick me up the *kitten*?
Is there anyone out there in the big wide interwebs that can help me get back on track? I started off ok but feel like I have hit a brick wall, this months a lot of my friends have / are turning 30 so there has been far too much drinking & eating crappy food on weekends and not enough healthy eating and exercise during the…
Vice on obesity
Read this article, found it quite interesting, thought I would share. http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/were-in-complete-denial-about-our-fat-problem?utm_source=vicefbuk I particularly like this bit "The scary thing is that scientists think that there may be "some widely shared cause, beyond the control of individuals, which…