Please can someone kick me up the *kitten*?

Is there anyone out there in the big wide interwebs that can help me get back on track? I started off ok but feel like I have hit a brick wall, this months a lot of my friends have / are turning 30 so there has been far too much drinking & eating crappy food on weekends and not enough healthy eating and exercise during the week and I feel like I am slowly slipping back in to old habits. Does anyone have any tips on getting yourself motivated or words to give me a good kick up the *kitten* and get the scales moving in the right direction again.

Thank you kindly


  • runningforicecream
    Sorry, but you're the only one that can kick your own *kitten* for this purpose. I know, that's not very helpful but it's the truth.

    "Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.”

    I went through the same bout of 'lethargy' a couple of months ago but then I remembered my goals and all the reason why I want this so badly. So, I keep my head in the game and eyes on the ball, so to speak, and got right back into the wagon. It does get easier once you're back to the routine. It's like you never left.

    Best of luck!

    ETA: Oh, and maybe this would help a little, too.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Pretend you've been on vacation---now you're back, have had your fun, and it's time to get back to counting. Stop now, and reset. You definately don't want to backslide. Put on the brakes. Good luck to you. :smile:
  • Jessie24330
    Jessie24330 Posts: 224 Member
    Can't kick you but I can remind you that today is a new day. It doesn't matter if you have "fell off the wagon" for how many days this month, you can hop back on it today. I know it is hard to resist all the cake and whatnot but part of our journey here is to learn how to enjoy this stuff with moderation and without guilt. I have not deprived myself of a single thing that I wanted since I have started this time, about two months ago, and I think that is a major reason that I have been able to stick with it this time. Previous record for a "diet" was about a week or so. The other day I wanted a doughnut so I bought one from the bakery case at Walmart and me and my daughter split it because it wasn't going to fit into my calories for the day, plus 300 calories for one doughnut just didn't float my boat. When you go out, have ONE beer or drink and drink water or diet drinks after that. Have a small piece of cake or forgo it you don't really want it. You can also scrap a lot of the frosting off to make it a lot more calorie budget friendly. You are the only one who can push yourself to make better choices. I know it is not always easy but it is worth it, just the way I feel since I have cut a lot of the junk food from my diet has been worth it, even if I never lose weight. And always keep in mind that just because you did "bad" yesterday doesn't mean that you can't get back on track today. Don't let one day of bad choices turn into a week of bad choices or a month. It is too easy to get back into that like you said.
  • pimmsgirl
    pimmsgirl Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with what Jessie24330 said - you have to restart with today. I've been away the weekend, had a lovely BBQ with friends etc, but today back on logging and tallying all that I eat. I have a wedding to go to, and I set a target weight that I really want to get to.

    Runningforice's quote is right, I don't want to be this shape or weight any more, once this is your thought pattern, you can do it and achieve :)
    Good luck today, day 1 is always hardest but look back on today when you reach tomorrow and you can see you did one day, now you can do another.
  • IbiH
    IbiH Posts: 250 Member
    I know what you mean...... I've recently met a new man in my life and I've slowly noticed the lbs creep back in. I've worked so hard in getting them off I don't want them coming back. Although I'm exercising as I have been, it's the extra glass of wine and his love for convenience food due to his busy work schedule.
    I can only blame myself I am in control of what I eat. I'm back to it as from today.....
  • helsbelshms
    helsbelshms Posts: 93 Member
    Sending you a virtual kick up the *kitten*. I've been where you are and I let it ruin my weight loss, I'm back a year later and 5kg heavier than I was then :cry: . This time I'm determined and have created a spreadsheet with a projected weight loss and actual weight loss and net calories consumed. Plus it shows my exercise days and nights/days out, that way I know what's coming up and I can stay more in control. I track my calories weekly and I'm making sure I eat 100-200 less than my 1600 daily goal to make sure I can have a night out without worrying about going too far over.

    I would recommend taking a step back and make a plan. Understand that you're going to have these nights out, but make sure you keep on track for the rest of the week. The weight loss may be slower, but it will still come off.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    *kick* Make a plan. Follow the plan. Rinse. Repeat. *kick*
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    Thanks all, I've given myself a good talking to and tried to kick my own *kitten* (nearly fell over) got up went for a 2 hour walk in the sunshine. I've also downloaded a pedometer app so I can try and track how much I'm doing and set myself targets.

    Right positive metal attitude, lets do this!!
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i find standing in front of a full length mirror in your underwear is good motivation! happy with how you look? no? go work out!