Any one using the fit bit?
Thinking about purchasing one and was wondering if its worth the money?
HCG injections and starvin!
:frown: 6406741_2372_thumb 145Karen Good Morning! To all my MFP friends concerned with my low calorie intake, thanks for looking out for me I guess I should have noted that I am trying HCG injections and my calorie count is only supose to be at 500 so you see I am not doing well at this either I am always over and ther is…
What I want to do... and what I am going to do..
Ever feel like this is the day I will do good I will stay away from candy and junk and I will exercise and I will be happy ? I start this every day and some minor little stupid thing changes my mind. and What I want to do is eat M&Ms or ice cream. so tomorrow I am going to try this I will write it instead of eat it what I…
Looking for people that need support to quit using food as a
I am looking for people that use food for things like boredom sadness emotions as a rule I am trying desperately to stop this crazy lifestyle until I know why I eat I won't loose weight and if by some miracle I do loose I can guarantee the pounds will come back I would like to form a support group to help stop the insanity.
Help with water retention.
Does anyone know of a safe over the counter water pill I have been drinking lots of water and drinking hot lemon and if I eat out or anything my weight jumps up so much so disappointing when I am doing exercise and eating proper calories.
breaking a hol bab habit! SOS
145Karen So here it is 3:00 and I am finally home. and what do I want to do? EAT! am I hungry hmmm not really this is a bad habit I have had for ever and what is stopping me from getting to my goal weight. any one of my MFP buddies out there HELP SOS .
feeling defeated :(
So this is the way it goes yesterday I had a great day drank all my water plus stayed on track for calories and exercised got my 10000 steps in and my reward a 2 lb gain.I thought I was ok with it I started my day on a I will push harder try harder attitude. but by 3:00 my give a damn got broke. This water retention thing…
The scale went down!
This may not be a big success story, but I was really struggling yesterday the bad weather here put a huge damper on my mood. But I logged on My Fitness Pal and got lots of support and ideas and it helped so much! I got through the day. and only ate a couple things not really diet friendly this for me is big! I know how I…
Bad weather putting me in a down mood :(
I am so tired of snow I am a girl that needs SUNSHINE! and when I feel down I look for comfort in high carb food I have not had any junk snacks as of yet I am writing this instead. any suggestions?? Does anyone else feel like this when the sky is black. oh and any one feel free to ad me as a friend I need all the help I…
Hi I am new to this site, but been on a diet for years
So I am here hoping for ideas motivation and friends that know how it feels also to get goin in the right direction so I can once and for all loose the extra weight thats slowing me way down!