I always start Mondays fantastic. Making good decisions, sticking to my meal plan, logging my calories, and then by the end of the week I'm a GRAZER. Anything in sight. I've tried gum, walking away, and keeping busy. Any tips!?
hi I'm Jessica & I've been on the road to a better me since April (with the help of a nutritionist). This morning as I'm getting dressed for work I've had my first moment that I've been like "WOW this is really happening!" In my half asleep daze last light I took my entire washer load and without thinking just threw it in…
Last year around this time I had begun my successful relationship with MFP. I ended up losing 43lbs and I was so happy with myself. It was almost to the point that I was obsessed with eating healthy, counting calories, and exercising. I was very pleased with the way I was beginning to be more confident with myself and then…
I live in northern New England & if you're familiar with the area.. it's FAIR SEASON! My friend Hilary (who is also on here) and I planned to make our annual trip the the Fryeberg Fair & all week I could think of nothing but fair food (how fatty of me) haha Hilary & I are walking around the fair smelling all the delicious…
okkk so I've been mixing in Wii Just Dance 2 to make exercising a little more interesting. I read different things online that says divide the amount of sweat points by 4.2 and thats how many calories you burn.. I did 5 songs and had 2048 sweatpoints so if I divide that by 4.2 I get 455 calories??? Is that even right??!!…