Does anyone here over 300lbs do Zumba?
I (regrettably) weigh 358 right now. I started out at 371. I've been doing Zumba for a few weeks and I'm just looking for friends my size that do it too :)
Why?? -- Question about how much you eat
Ok so my question is... why is it so much easier for me to eat nothing at all than it is to eat a small meal? If I eat, I want to EAT. If I don't eat I could go all day and not get hungry. I mean I try not to go all day without eating (although it does happen sometimes), but the point is that I am all of a sudden starving…
I love looking at everyone's pictures. Anyone here lost 150-
I am on the road to losing 200lbs. I would love to see pics of someone who started out close to where I am and met their goal. I have only lost 14lbs so far so I don't have any progress pictures lol That title didn't put everything in - It is supposed to say anyone lost 150-200+ lbs
Do I trust my body or my scale?
For at least the last week, I have been SOOOOOO hungry. I am starting to wonder if it has anything to do with starting thyroid medicine a week ago (thursday). First let me say that I had been eating anywhere from 1200-1600-1800 calories a day depending on the day. MFP suggests 2500 calories a day. Now I am eating over 1800…
feeling a little discouraged
My weight loss is going smooth. I am averaging about 1.6-2.0lbs per week of weight loss. I have lost JUST under 19lbs (might as well call it 19 its so close). My waist (the smallest area, anyway) has gone down about 3 inches. Other areas have gone down around an inch as well. However, my hips have not. Actually, a couple…
It's my thyroid....
I decided to have my thyroid checked. Turns out my TSH level was 6.5. I have a doc. apt here in a little while to discuss medicine, etc. I guess now I am wondering what's next? I have heard that hypothyroidism causes weight gain (which would explain the 40lbs I gained since my daughter was born last May). I have also heard…
So, anyone gotten taller?
I didn't realize I slouched so much until I gain 1/2" in height :) Anyone else getting taller with their weight loss?
subclinical / hypothyroidism
I had some blood drawn today and I wont get an answer for about a week but my doc said I may have subclinical hypothyroidism or just plain old hypothyroidism. I made a post about it lastnight because someone mentioned I should get it checked. Come to find out, my last round of bloodwork (who knows how long ago that was)…
So what happens after i've lost a lot of weight?
So right now I weigh 354. I eat anywhere from 1200-1800 calories a day. I try to change it up to keep my metabolism going. So what happens after i've lost a lot of weight? They say you aren't supposed to eat less than 1200 calories a day. So, do I just keep eating the same calories all the way through my diet? That doesn't…
After posting another topic, the idea was brought up that I COULD (not necessarily do) have thyroid problems because I weigh 354lbs and in order to lose weight I have to eat 1200-1800 calories a day (less than that if you include exercise). If I eat what MFP recommends (2,500) I gain weight. Well, I guess now my mind is…
Sharing my Omlet Recipe!
I have never measured calories in my omlets before, and I was overly excited when I counted it up! 164 calories per omlet and they are oh so yummy. I wanted to share it with everyone! You're going to need: Fresh Spinach less than 1/8 cup Onion (I used white) 3-4 Mushrooms (I used Crimini) 0.7oz Honey Ham (deli sized…
Us really big people - how do you use the treadmill???
I am 356lbs. I cant use the treadmill to save my life (literally, lol). When I get on it I end up looking more like i'm half way off the end of it. I have to hold on because I lose my balance otherwise - so one end of me is at the front and the other end half-way to the back. I look so crazy. Then, if I try to "fix" my…
On days that you exercise
Do you eat more, less or the same (without TRYING to eat that way)...?? I noticed that on days I exercise I tend to eat a lot less than days that I dont - meaning I HAVE to eat after i'm done or I haven't had enough fr the day. I guess that kinda proves I am a bored eater huh?? I guess I should re-word that - are you more…
This has nothing to do with MFP But PLEASE give me advice!
First off let me say I have lived here going on 10 months and this neighbor of mine hasn't been around (like not even living there) until about a month ago. I live in townhouses and she's RIGHT next to me. Anyway, this girl KEEPS coming over to ask for cigarettes. EVERY day she comes over here. I have never even given her…
Is this heart rate healthy?
After becoming curious about heart rate vs calories, I decided to measure my heart rate right after getting off the elliptical tonight. I measured it at 210bpm. Now I'm a pretty big girl but still capable of exercising as long as my knees don't give out on me lol but I was just wondering is that healthy? It seems like a…
Are you addicted to food?
I think I am addicted to food. Most of the time I am not hungry at all. But if I start thinking about a specific food its like I have to have it. Food is like a drug to me. If I get my mind set on a certain food I HAVE to eat it. It's like my body doesn't give me a choice - I have to have it. And when I eat it, I eat a LOT…
NSV Mac N Cheese
I just have to post this. I am a cheese obsessed person. Cheese is my comfort food and MacNCheese is my absolute favorite. Well the other day my grandma was over for dinner. I made a yummy veggie pot roast-type soup and a pot roast to go with it. But I also made my (almost famous) mac n cheese. Now I won't lie I had 2-3…
Cut-off time for eating??
(I see myself becoming obsessed with posting here, nothing better than people with experience to get advice from) I was just wondering what cut-off time you all give yourself for what time to stop eating for each day (if any). I had always heard that a good rule is 6pm. For me that's kind of tough because I don't usually…
I think I need a protein supplement...
I know I hardly eat enough protein. I try to stay away from nuts and beans are nasty!! I could probably be borderline vegetarian if I tried to be. I hardly ever eat meat. Generally I only eat pasta, veggies, breads, fruits and cheeses. Every once in a while i'll cook on the grill, other than that I don't normally prepare…
I think I need a protein supplement...
I know I hardly eat enough protein. I try to stay away from nuts and beans are nasty!! I could probably be borderline vegetarian if I tried to be. I hardly ever eat meat. Generally I only eat pasta, veggies, breads, fruits and cheeses. Every once in a while i'll cook on the grill, other than that I don't normally prepare…
Sleeping too much?
I got to thinking about this and thought i'd ask around. Saturday night I went out and stayed up until about 5am (yeah it was a long night), but the next morning I had lost a little more than usual than I do day-to-day. (Keep in mind here I was drinking so I probably got quite a few calories in that night) So it got me…
How much does your weight fluctuate?
I have been tracking my weight every day because even though some people don't see it this way, it motivates me to keep going. When I see the scale moving down I want it even more. When I see it go up a little it just makes me want to work harder - and that's what keeps me going every day. Anywho, I am just wondering how…
These DARN Hips!!
Anyone have any suggestions on good hip-busting exercises? I know for a FACT I could look like a completely different person without these hips! I took a picture of myself straight-on and edited it in paint. All I did was cut off my hips and I looked so different! How do I get rid of these things? I literally look like I…
Calories vs Exercise
I have a question I hope someone here can answer for me. My calorie goal is between 1200-1800 calories a day (give or take). I am mixing it up so that my metabolism keeps going. Anywho, when I exercise - Should I eat more to make up for the calories burned or should I still only eat that amount of calories per day? I have…
Anyone here looking to lose 200lbs + ??? (Or HAS lost that m
I am currently on my way to losing a total of 211lbs. I was just wondering if anyone else is in the same place I am. Or, if anyone here has lost that much and how long it took you etc.