Creatine is one of the most if not the most recognized supplement around. I've heard debates about all three and which works and how it works. What are some of your experiences and opinions on which one is more effective and why?
I've heard some decent things about the Body Beast workout, and it has me curious to try it out. I'm looking for some feedback and their thoughts from anyone who has done it. As well as what equipment is necessary, and how much weight is needed to really push your body.
I've noticed that when it comes to macros...there are so many ratios to experiment with. I see that alot of people customize their macro splits where some simply use the split that MFP creates for you. With that being said, what are some of you guys/gals macros splits? how much of each macro do you take in, and what do you…
Over the years i've tried several styles of workouts, and what i mean is either training one bodypart per session, all push movements, pull movements, push/pull, etc.....but as i get older and i find out more about what's good for my body; i've come to realize that a full body workout is ideal for me. I'm able to get in,…
what's going on everyone!!! for all of us fitness is part of our lives and along our journey we've grown to love it. especially those who have done a complete 360 in their appearance. i've seen some incredible transformations. and most of the most dramatic transformations have been from women. don't get me wrong us fellas…