I went to the store today and pick up some groceries I was tired of fish and wanted some tacos but I am on a low carb diet this week so I decided to ditch the carbs and come up with something creative. There is no tacos shells needed and I believe that if anyone have kids they are sure to love it as it packs with lots…
Anyone in warm areas run or walk at the beach? I live in south florida and was thinking of starting to do it in the mornings I know its a silly question but is it better to run on the sand barefoot or with sneakers?
I am working out and what I normally do is 50 minutes of cardio then i do weights for thirty minutes it would consists of leg press, arm curls, leg extension, arm curl, shoulder press with occasional free weights. I am just wondering should I just focus on doing just cardio since I am trying to lose 100 pounds for now…
i just feel like giving up its so annoying i check the scale this morning and its not moving I have been working out and eating cautiously for like two weeks and it seems like i gain weight instead of losing it. I'm like so over this whole thing and at the same time I dont wanna give up cause this weight is not healthy…
Just wondering like today was my first day getting back in the game of working out and I didn't eat any breakfast. My stomach feels fine for now but I know i can't do that for long because Im basically running on the treadmill for 30 minutes than 15 minutes on weights so I want to do whats best so question is what do you…
Ok i try to lose weight i even bought some taebo tapes and this week i only had one day off and i havent worked out at all this week only oncewhich was on Sunday. Last week i worked everyday for six days straight and like im trying to lose 20 pounds. I keep messing up cause everytime i wanna lose wieght something always…