I want to know 1)how much calories should I eat a day 2) how long should I exercise a day I found calorie calculator and it said , I need to eat from 1100 calories to 1300 calories to lose 2lb (1kg) per week. I am 160cm.5 and 3. weigh 116 now. I tried eating all the calories I exercised as what people on this website…
In my country, rice is like main dish for side dishes/ curries. I want to cut eating rice for 2weeks. So, what foods are there instead of "rice" for side dishes/ curries or anything that will be most like rice (I know brown rice is one of the answers but it is really hard to find brown rice here) So, please suggest other…
Hey guys. So, I went for this extreme short term diet. The first day was okay. It is just eating 2apples and a bana and one hour exercise for 4days. I am on my second day now and I am eating apple now and I feel like I am gonna faint. What should I do???? I know I will faint if I do exercise now. I am HOME ALONE too. It…
Hi guzss.. I want to know the list of food which has total 1200calories in it. I want to eat 1200calories a day. Please write down the list of food I can eat for 1200calories a day. Thanks :love: :love: :love:
for breakfast, I ate Noodle Soup With Chinese Preserved Vegetables and Pork (榨菜肉絲麵), 1 bowl which is 400calories for lunch, I ate only a little of rice and a stir fry bean sprouts with veggies which is 167calories for dinner , I ate pork porridge which is 364 Total is 931calories. I feel like I ate a lot. However, the…