Does anyone know if you can donate blood after surgery? I am part of a group that does it every few months at work and would like to know if I can still do it. Thank you!
I am getting ready for surgery next month, and I am really freaking out about hair loss. My hair is super thin already I am so scared of losing it! Does this happen a lot? Any tips? Thank you!
Hi all, I am wondering what I can eat and make ahead for the 2 weeks after surgery. I know I can have broth, and jello. I just don't really know what else. Can I blend up soups and eat that? Thank you!
Hi all, I got my surgery date! September 10th. I was just wondering how you guys handled the liquid diet? Did you pretty much starve the whole time? TIA!
Hello, I am getting ready to start the 4 week pre-op diet. I already bought a huge thing of protein powder from costco and I am wondering if I can use that as my meal replacement shakes, or if I should use the Bariactric Advantage. The both have 27 g. of protein. Thank you!