hi guys, i decided not to weigh myself at the begining as last time i tried to lose weight it demoralized me and i nearly started having an eating disorder because i got obsessed with the numbers on the scale, instead i decided to measure myself. I have to add i've lost it mainly by cutting calories and doing very light…
Hi guys, i have just joined the group, i have been on a low carb diet 3 weeks now entering my fourth and i'm amazed at the improvements on my health and mood in such a short time ( i wasn't eating that much carbohydrates to start with anyway). My question is for the people who have been doing this for a very long time to…
Hello, i just started low carb dieting, on my third week now and already seeing the benefits. My question is once you switch to ketones can you ever again eat any carbs again without regaining all the weight back? i'm not talking about stuffing yourself but maybe once in a while being able to eat a macaroon or have some…
i thought i'd share this here. i indulged on a little bit of ice cream today, yeo valley organic vanilla to be precise which is not too bad calories wise, but the best thing is that it ocurred to me to put 1/2 tsp of cacao powder ( the bitter, no other ingredients kind), mixed it up and by God it was rich chocolate ice…
hello there people, i'm new here. I've been trying to cut out the calories and i'm doing alright except for breakfast. i'd pretty much always had 2 gluten free toast with margerine+ jam and coffee and i need something filling in the morning as otherwise i can't function. Any sugestions beyond scrambled eggs? any help will…