Can anyone recommend some good books on what to eat? I've looked some up and came up with The Way To Eat - David Katz No Fad Diet - American Heart Association I just want help with ideas of what to eat and when. And how to plan out balanced meals. Thanks!
Has anyone tried this? I got the one with 40g protein and 330 calories. I plan on replacing two meals with it and adding snacks during the day. Anyone have luck with this or other meal replacement shakes?
I'm getting married next May but wanted to see others success! Post pics of your before and your after on your wedding day please!
Looking to add friends for motivation!
I've decided to try GNC's 7 day fast loss kit for a jumpstart. Has anyone tried it with success? Any tips for it? Also, I know this isn't a cure all. You need to make lifestyle changes: healthy eating and exercise. Just using it as a motivational kick start.
Has anyone used the nutribullet? How have you incorporated it into your diet plan?
How do you reward yourself after losing weight? I know food is a bad option so I wanted some suggestions out there!