Tired of the sweet shakes?
I use the Visalus shakes and, for the most part, they taste pretty good. My problem? Well, I crave salt like CRAZY when I am on the shakes. They are really, really sweet. I wish there was a way to tone down the sweet and make a more savory shake. I swear, I was having fantasies about putting kale and spinach in the shakes.…
Weight loss and skin flab
I gained about 60 pounds when I was pregnant - most of it along my belly - I got HUGE. Now my stomach has all this extra skin (and fat) that I would like to lose. I have started slowly and still have about 17 pounds to go but I still have all this skin around my belly. I have seen people's before and after pictures (after…
STARVING after a work-out
Often times, on any 'normal' day I am "shaky" by 10:00 am. I just started participating in myfitnesspal (off and on for awhile, but I am committed to losing about 17 pounds) and I know my eating habits need adjustments. I started workout and and I notice that after a workout I am REALLY hungry and I start to get 'shaky'…
Belly Flub
Hi Ladies! It's been almost 15 months since baby #2 and although I am down to my pre-pregnancy weight (give or take a pound) I literally can't fit into a single pair of pants nor can I button up my shirts without the buttons hanging on for deal life. I have this extra 'giggle' of fat and skin around my waist and I am…
Healthy eating and bloating
So, since I decided I would eat healthier I have noticed that my clothes are a lot tighter. I am afraid to weigh myself, but I could hardly button my "fat pants" today. I feel SO bloated and gassy. I know some of the foods I am eating are generally gas-producing, but I was wondering if this is something that my system will…
Controling hunger and 'the shakes'
What are you ladies doing to control hunger and the hypo-glycemis 'tremmors'? I am trying to adhere to a 1200/day caloric consumption but I find it really challenging. I eat breakfast at 6am and I am STARVING by 10. I start shaking and I will eat anything I can to stop - I sometimes get to the point where I feel…