Starting Over
So I was here over a year ago and had lost almost 30lbs. Then the doctors put me on all sorts of meds, and now I am heavier than where I started. Feeling very frustrated and not even sure how to begin again. I think I am scared that I will just try so hard and nothing will happen and then I will be devastated. But I am…
New State of Mind with PCOS
Okay, so I have not been even remotely motivated to focus on losing weight since I gained back 20 of my 30lb loss. Was diagnosed with PCOS in December and that just did me in. Depression, medicines coming from 4 different doctors. I just gave up.....But now I have realized that the only way to overcome PCOS even remotely…
Feeling I have failed....
I need some good support from all you wonderful people. I was doing very well with this site last year and had lost 30 lbs. In December I had a few medical problems and fell into a deep depression and with all the medication I have gained 20 lbs back. I need to get back to being focus on me again now that I am back on…
Does anyone take an antidepressant that does not cause insomnia or weight gain? I am currently on Effexor and I take it at night to keep me from being nauseated but I can only get 2 hours of sleep. It has alos caused me to gain 7 lbs. I think it is water. But I still don't like it...
Purple People Eaters Wednesday
Alright people!!! How are we doing this fine weigh in day?!! I don't think I saw a post yet so thought I would get it started. I have not been on here in a few days...Not been doing too well and trying to come out of my hole today and say hi... :happy: Hope everyone is doing well....getting in that water!! and all our…
Stupid Scale Question
Okay, I know this is stupid. But I weight first thing every morning. I wear the same clothes every time I weigh. Now, the first time I get on the scale it will say one thing (it is digital), I can get on it 30 minutes later and it will ALWAYS be about a pound less. Which weight am I supposed to take? How weird is that???
Moment Please
Let us not forget this day 7 years ago. I have been listening to Talk Radio here at work. They are replaying the 9/11 incident. We will never forget, we will always remember. But I must admit, I have forgotten exactly how those emotions felt. What those poor people and families must have gone through. I remember that…
Is anyone else concerned????
So, watching the news last night and find out that the FDA has approved using RADIATION zapping on our produce, lettuce, spinach, tomatos, etc. I am not so sure about this. It is supposed to be killing bacterica, but what is it doing if we are ingesting any of the residue (for lack of a better time). It is supposed to be…
I need a quick and easy dinner meal for tonight. Not feeling like standing very long and hubby is going to need a good meal for lunch at work tonight. Any suggestions?
okay, so i did it.....
I finally broke down to putting myself up for everyone to see.....hopefully one day this will be my before and I will have a GLAMOROUS photo of after that you all can't stop looking at LOL :wink: At least now you can put a face to the name....:bigsmile:
Good Morning!!
Wanted to say good morning to everyone!! And thank you to all those who gave me encouragement yesterday and all those who post their progress pictures. I was having a really rough day yesterday and ready to quit, but thanks to everyone being so helpful and encouraging I have renewed my thinking again. :wink: I couldnt have…
Frustrated already....
I have been counting calories for two weeks now and walking every night. I am working myself up to a complete cardio workout every night. I will lose 2 lbs and then gain it back. I fluctuate so much.... I have struggled for the past year eating well and drinking ALL my water every day and nothing. I did LA Weightloss for 6…
Just Started
Well, I am here...that's a start, right? :o ) I am committed this time. I just usually get really excited about starting my new regiemen and then I see no results and get soooo frustrated that I start to stress eat. I am hoping now that I have time for myself again, I will find other things to relax and keep me busy. Maybe…