Moment Please

Let us not forget this day 7 years ago. I have been listening to Talk Radio here at work. They are replaying the 9/11 incident. We will never forget, we will always remember. But I must admit, I have forgotten exactly how those emotions felt. What those poor people and families must have gone through.

I remember that morning. My son was in Kindergarten, just turned 6 years old and I debated on going to pick him up while watching the second plane hit the twin towers. This easily could have been any of us. We walk into work every day expecting to go home and see our family and do our nightly activities. It could have very well been any of us.

I still have the picture journal for the month of September that my 6 year old drew from back then. When I thought that he really didn't realize what had happened and then I saw the picture he drew in the days following. Two towers, even the details of the all the windows, airplanes, and then I saw these little lines going down the building in the air and asking him what it was and his reply was "those are the people falling from the building Mommy". A 6 year old child.

Never take anything for granted. It could have been any of us. Take a moment to remember all those who didn't know their lives would be changed in a moment.

God Bless America


  • Skittles6617
    Skittles6617 Posts: 247 Member
    Let us not forget this day 7 years ago. I have been listening to Talk Radio here at work. They are replaying the 9/11 incident. We will never forget, we will always remember. But I must admit, I have forgotten exactly how those emotions felt. What those poor people and families must have gone through.

    I remember that morning. My son was in Kindergarten, just turned 6 years old and I debated on going to pick him up while watching the second plane hit the twin towers. This easily could have been any of us. We walk into work every day expecting to go home and see our family and do our nightly activities. It could have very well been any of us.

    I still have the picture journal for the month of September that my 6 year old drew from back then. When I thought that he really didn't realize what had happened and then I saw the picture he drew in the days following. Two towers, even the details of the all the windows, airplanes, and then I saw these little lines going down the building in the air and asking him what it was and his reply was "those are the people falling from the building Mommy". A 6 year old child.

    Never take anything for granted. It could have been any of us. Take a moment to remember all those who didn't know their lives would be changed in a moment.

    God Bless America
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
  • frithir
    frithir Posts: 179 Member
    I was working as a counselor at an outpatient VA satellite clinic and was in the middle of a staff meeting when one of the nurses came running in, yelling at us to turn the TV on. I'm not ashamed to admit to sitting there with tears running down my face and when I looked around, I saw the same reaction from others there, including some big. rough, tough vets.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I teach kids who don't even know why it's such a big deal.
    It's sad.

    Today on the radio a caller had the nerve to say, "Why don't we just get over it and on with our lives."

    ......If only it were that easy......
  • Skittles6617
    Skittles6617 Posts: 247 Member
    I teach kids who don't even know why it's such a big deal.
    It's sad.

    Today on the radio a caller had the nerve to say, "Why don't we just get over it and on with our lives."

    ......If only it were that easy......

    We don't get over it, because we better wake up before there is a September 12th.....Try telling all those who sent their wives, husbands, sons, daughters, off to work or vacation that day to "get over it"

    Getting Over It is what is wrong with our country today....
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I agree so much, I remember the day like it was yesterday. Don't you remember where you were what you were doing and who you were talking to at the moment that you find out about it. i do. Now having another child that was not around when that happened is scary she does not know anything that happened other then mommy has lots of magazine saved for me and bubba. God Bless all of you that serve and have served this country.
  • pdxmomof2
    I was just telling my BFF that I remember it like it was yesterday. How can we forget. It is a part of our history , a major part. My children will read about it in their history books one day. All of those people who didnt get to come home that day! It sure changed the way I think about life! I was at work with my radio on at my desk. I immediately stood up and saw that I was not the only one who had just heard what had happened. We didnt work the rest of the day. It was impossible to work, people around me who didnt know if their family was alive or not. My uncle was only blocks away at a school teaching.
  • kleimola
    kleimola Posts: 210 Member
    I remember I was working across the river fromt he Pentagon. My Mom called me to ask me if I was alright. I asked her why wouldn't I be and she told me the Pentgaon had just been bombed (at the tiem they didn't know it was a plane). I looked up and out the window and there it was, big billowing black smoke rising form the Pentagon. I was so scared. My boss made me hang up grabbed my hand and dragged me into her office and under her desk. My friend worked at the Pentagon and I couldn't get a hold of her the lines were down. Finally we evacuated. I was too scared to take metro so the office was grouping drivers with people who metro that live in their area and we carpooled out of there. It took us 3 hours to get out of Georgetown. I was so scared. It was not fun coming back to tanks on every corner of M Street. My friend ended up being okay but quit working there and moved to FL because she couldn't handle the stress.