Introduce yourself
I have been practicing Tai Chi for seven years and Qigong for two years. I have found Yang-style Tai Chi to be very healing. It burns a surprisingly high number of calories and is a weight bearing exercise. My Tai Chi practice has gone a long way towards healing my back problems. I would love to be younger so as to embrace…
Aquafit Ab exercises
This week I started doing my crunches for a full 10 minutes at a time. Wow. Is that effective! I have finally found the exercise that gets my tummy pulled in. These are the ones that you do with the noodle supporting your outstretched arms as you bring your knees to the chest, first from the front, then from side to side,…
Introduce yourself
Please tell us a little bit about yourself, how often you do aquafit, at what level, and the benefits you are finding with its practice.
Yang style Tai chi
I have been studying yang style tai chi for 7 years now. After our Tai Chi warm-up, the first sequence that we do is the 8 steps. Here is a you-tube video of the 8 steps, demonstrated in mirror form so that you can see the back and front simultaneously. https://youtu.be/lH4JZ6aqCbA Is this one of the forms that you…
This is the Qigong thread. "Qigong is an ancient Chinese health care system that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention. The word Qigong (Chi Kung) is made up of two Chinese words. Qi is pronounced chee and is usually translated to mean the life force or vital-energy that flows through all…
How to deal with the chlorine
Since I have been working out 4 days a week, I am finding that my skin is starting to suffer from dryness. Moisturizing shower gel is helping a bit, but I am wondering if there are other suggestions out there that are working for people. I also use Ultra Swim shampoo, which I buy on Amazon for my hair and bathing suits. I…
Eat on $4 per day, and eat well
check out this site and download the recipes: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/490865454/good-and-cheap Good and Cheap is a collection of recipes for folks with limited income, particularly those on SNAP benefits (formerly Food Stamps).
Moving Christian testimony
The Coptic Christians of Egypt sing of their faith within the ruins of their church. Watching this gave me goosepimples. What a shining example. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x18nk12_ils-tournent-un-clip-au-milieu-des-ruines-de-l-eglise-de-mynia-ترنيمة-جمالك-زاد-ـ-your-beauty-is-awe_music
Interview with Pope Francis: Your reaction?
http://www.americamagazine.org/pope-interview What is your reaction to Pope Francis interview? What stands out the most for you? For me, it is this: Ours is not a ‘lab faith,’ but a ‘journey faith,’ a historical faith. God has revealed himself as history, not as a compendium of abstract truths." "So I ask the pope if this…
Burn 586 Calories in 90 minutes
How? By square dancing! Square dancing is a great whole body exercise like cross-country skiing in that both upper and lower body gets exercised at the same time. It is fun, social, and easy to learn. Different callers play different music styles. You can dance to traditional music, or to rock and roll, or to contemporary…
Corporations and the Culture of Death
Lifesite News has just published some intriguing analysis about how corporations and their desire to control the workforce have created a culture celebrating infertility. I've posted a summary article, and the full interview can be found here:…
Discuss Lumen fidei
Here is a link to the new encylical, composed by both Benedict and Francis, entitled ON FAITH. Why don't we share our impressions of it here. It would be great to discuss it. First question: What part just stood out for you as being especially important?…
Any square dancers out there?
Square dancing is a wonderful exercise that burns a ton of calories, is social, a lot of fun, keeps you fit, and something you can do until you reach 100. Fact: in 90 minutes of square dancing, you burn 560 calories an hour. You can dance with your husband, or you can dance with your best friends (roles are…
buckwheat pancakes
I tried this recipe this morning, and with maple syrup, it was not as bitter as other buckwheat pancakes I've tried to make. Next time I will add a cup of blueberries, scattering the berries over the pancakes as soon as they have been poured out. 1 cup buckwheat 2 tsp baking powder 3 tbsp brown sugar 1/2 tsp salt Mix dry…
Pope Francis
Exerpt from a talk given by our new pope: "Everything in our life, today just as in Jesus’ time, begins with an encounter. An encounter with this Man, the carpenter of Nazareth, a man like all men and yet different. The first ones, John, Andrew, and Simon, felt themselves to be looked at into their very depths, read in…
Lent coming up here
How do you plan to integrate your dieting with Lent fasting? What else are you planning for Lent? Let's share some good ideas.
Idle No More!
"Idle No More is a peaceful organization that is working towards profound social, political, and economic change. Our goal is to use education to build consciousness and awareness in all Canadians on the resurgence of Indigenous sovereignty and environmental protections. We are working on building relationships within our…
I'm hungry all the time, and gaining.
Last June I had lost 30+ lbs, going from obese to overweight. But since then, I have fallen off the wagon, and gained 12 lbs back. I am hungry all the time. Like a bottomless pit that is impossible to satiate. To lose, I had to keep my intake at between 1200 to 1400 calories, and it took about 10 months to lose that…
Advent 2012
What plans do you have in celebrating Advent in your Domestic Church (i.e. your home and family)? Advent calendar? Wreath? Creche?
Prolia: who's tried it?
Has anyone here taken Prolia, an anti ostereoperosis drug? What have your experiences with it been?
New weight loss calculator predicts loss
New research out published in NYT shows that you can't exercise to eat more if you want to lose weight. You really have to cut those calories. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/08/01/dieting-vs-exercise-for-weight-loss/?src=me&ref=general FROM THE ARTICLE: "The problem for those of us hoping to use exercise to slough off…
American Tourist Scared of Canadians Wants Gun
This letter was published in the Calgary Herald. It was written by an American cop who freaked out when 2 Calgarians wanted to offer him passes to the Calgary Stampede on Nose Hill, a public park on a big hill in Calgary. This is his letter: +++ "I recently visited Calgary from Michigan. As a police officer for 20 years,…
Do you combine devotions with exercise?
I was reading at Catholic Digest article some time ago where a woman was describing her walks, where she says her rosary. Recently I've taken to my treadmill regularly at 3:00 pm when ETWN has on the Divine Mercy Litany followed by the Rosary with a little talk by a Franciscan in between. Do you pray and exercise at the…
Avoiding Zumba injury
http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2012/07/avoid-zumba-injuries-10-physician-tips.html The tips: After describing common injuries, this doctor offers the following advice to beginners: 1. Prepare for class. Zumba instructors select dance steps from a variety of styles, including salsa, samba, merengue, hip-hop, tango, and belly…
Is Your Ab Workout Hurting Your Back?
http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/06/17/core-myths/ "...a core exercise program should emphasize all of the major muscles that girdle the spine, including but not concentrating on the abs. Side plank (lie on your side and raise your upper body) and the “bird dog” (in which, from all fours, you raise an alternate arm and…
Help! Back pain when doing the crawl
The crawl is giving me back pain. I wonder what I am doing wrong. Has anyone had that problem? What do you recommend. The pain is not there when I swim on my back.
Weight lifting on a bad back
Has anyone found some weight lifting exercises that can be done in such a way that you are not compressing your spine? I find that even lifting a 5 lb weight causes my bad discs to start to compress, leading to spasm, and my being out for a week. What about lifting weights while lying down? Machines? Ankle weights? I am…
Catholicism Series starts this week
I am a fan of Father Robert Baron, and I am really looking forward to the series on Catholicism that he put together. It starts on Thursday on ETWN. http://www.catholicismseries.com/ Who is going to be watching it?
How do you plan to observe Lent?
If we are on MFP, we are obviously engaged in some kind of partial fasting already. So what do you plan to do for Lent? I've been noticing that our Evangelical brothers and sisters are much keener on fasting than are your average cradle catholics. One of the fasts that they practice is the Daniel fast. This fast is much…