Cashew Milk Anyone?
Has anyone tried Cashew Milk? It is friggin' awesome! I'm a big soy and almond milk drinker! I highly suggest it!
Cheat Meals
What does everyone think about "cheat" meals or even days?
Proud of Myself!
I ran 6.5 miles this morning which is my longest distance since running again! I know it's not a half marathon or anything, but it felt great. My pace was a little slow but half the run was uphill so I'm giving myself a break :)
Trouble Feeling Full
Hi Everyone, As the title details I'm having trouble feeling full/completely satisfied after my meals. I know that not drinking enough water can cause us to think we are hungry/not as full, but I drink 8-12 cups of water a day usually. My calories goal is 1500 calories a day and I don't eat back my exercise calories (if I…
Mini Success
Okay, so this is super small but I lost SEVEN POUNDS this past month....I am literally SHOCKED and AMAZED! I restarted this weight loss track on July 1st after a 5 month hiatus. Back Story: When I began losing weight in 2011 I weighed in at my highest weight of 160 lbs. I met my initial goal of 20 lbs lost in 5 months. I…
Need Help! Heard this Group was the place to go!
Hey guys, I heard this was the group to go to if you were upping your cals. So, when I first started on MFP I ate 1200 cals a day and lost 20 lbs in about five months. Now, two years later I've been restarting this weight loss process for the third time with only 10 lbs to go until my goal weight. I'm currently at 130 and…
Need Help -- Upping my Cals?
Hey guys, So, when I first started on MFP I ate 1200 cals a day and lost 20 lbs in about five months. Now, two years later I've been restarting this weight loss process for the third time with only 10 lbs to go until my goal weight. I'm currently at 130 and have slowly reached a goal weight over the past two years,…
Anyone doing the 5K-to10K Program?
Hello all! I graduated from C25K the first week of July and the following week I began actives 5K-to-10K program! Just wondering if there are any others doing it? I am enjoying it a lot especially since there are intervals included at least once a week :) After I finished this program I am hoping to do a program for…
BMI & My Weight Question!
Hello Everyone! I was just wondering how much people on here take into account their BMI in terms of their weight loss goals/overall goal? My situation is this: I'm 4'11"ish (give or take a 1/4 inch or so). When I started MFP I weighed in at 160 lbs. My initial goal weight was to lose 20 lbs, and I reached it in 5 months.…
30lbs. Lost
I am very proud of myself at this point, although my goal weight is still 10lbs away, I am very happy with how I look at this point and I'm feeling great! First Picture: 160lbs Second Picture: 130lbs
Half Marathon Training
Hey Guys, Hoping I can get some insight into training for a Half Marathon. I just completed Active's Couch-to-5K program this past Saturday. Today I started Active's 5K-to-10K program which I should be finishing the first week in September. The 2nd week of October (October 13th to be exact) there is a half-marathon a few…
Soy Protein Powder
Hey Everyone, I just got a soy protein powder that I'm going to add to my morning smoothies. I had been just using soy milk with fruit in my smoothies but I found myself getting hungry and usually the calorie count of most of my smoothies is below 120 so it's not super sufficient as a meal. I have a question though (which…
Getting Back To the Gym! Help!
Hey MFPers! So, I am getting myself back into the gym, officially signed up with Planet Fitness today! I'm excited! The past year I've been doing home workout's because of my crazy schedule but I think I need to get back into the gym in order to change up my workout patterns. I've been doing Yoga and Jillian Micheal's 30…
Hey MFPers! I NEED to start running again! The weather is getting to beautiful to pass up and although I love doing yoga everyday I haven't lost weight in FOREVER! So, I was thinking of starting the Couch-to-5K program. Any thoughts? Suggestions? Any input would be helpful! Thank you all!
April Ab Challenge!
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=cf5e2f04c3&view=att&th=13dc8340a8bb9406&attid=0.0&disp=inline&safe=1&zw Hey guys! Not sure if the image will show but just follow the link and check out this April Ab Challenge! I'm doing it and I think it's a great idea to mix things up! Doesn't talk more than 10 minutes to do…
FitBit Wrist Band or Others?
Hey Everyone! I am really interested in getting a device that tracks steps, calories burned, distance, sleep, etc. that als0 syncs with MFP. Does anyone have any experience with the FitBit Wrist Band? Are there any other devices that sync with MFP that I should look into? Currently the FitBit Wrist Band is out of stock on…
Do you eat back your exercise calories?
Hey everyone! I'm sure this topic has been posted before. The question I always ask myself this question: Do I eat back my exercise calories? Lately, I haven't been...is this wise? Is it better to eat them back? I've lost 5 pounds already this month and I started on the weight loss track again January 1st. Any thoughts…
Almond Butter
Hey MFPers! I'm thinking of trying Almond Butter. I heard its really good for you. Anyone have any thoughts/suggestions? Thanks!
The Last Seven Pounds
Hey Everyone! I hope you all great holidays and new years! So, I need some advice for the last seven pounds I'm trying to loose... Basically, I started my weight loss journey in June 2011. I was 160 pounds when I started, which is quiet hefty for my 4'10" frame. After about five months, by November 2011, I lost the 20…
Follow My Weight Loss Blog!
Hey MFPers! Hope you are all having a great week! Please follow my blog! http://fromfattytohawty.tumblr.com/ It would mean so much to me! Thank you all!
Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred - Level Up Question
Hey Everyone! I just started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (day two) and I love it! I was just wondering, for anyone who has done it before, how long until you leveled up from level one to level two? All of the circuit workouts she does are manageable for me except the push-ups. Should I wait to level up until I can do the…
20lbs Lost Body Photo & 25lbs Lost Face Photo!
Red Dress 160lbs & Purple Dress 140lbs Left Photo 160lbs & Right Photo 135lbs 15 Pounds To Go! SW: 160 CW135 GW:120
20lbs Lost Photos, 20 More To Go!
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7hkmkptUu1rbhbgxo1_1280.jpg Red Dress 160lbs Purple Dress 120lbs My initial weight loss goal was 20lbs & I did it! Now my weight loss goal is another 20lbs to get down to 120 :) Follow my weight loss blog at http://fromfattytohawty.tumblr.com/ & add me as a friend on MFP if you'd like!…
Looking for Support
Hey ya'll! Please feel free to add me! I'm looking to be supportive and be supported as well! This road has been a difficult one for me but I'm getting through! Thanks everyone! :heart: Lexi
Time of the month -- I know TMI
Ok, I know TMI but I need some female support! So I am getting really frustrated because I haven't lost weight in almost the past two weeks. Now this past week has been that "time of the month" and I'm wondering if having my period is having anything to do with not loosing anything? Or maybe I'm just clinging to false…
Strawberry Banana Soy Milk Breakfast Smoothie
Hey everyone! So, I have never been much for cooking but now that I'm home and graduated from college I figured it's time to learn. My first recipe I tried all on my own was a Strawberry Banana Soy Milk Breakfast Smoothie (I know very simplistic, don't judge me lol)! It is actually DELICIOUS and FILLING! I got the recipe…
23 Pounds Lost
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/375320_2643573691682_1325790211_32477259_1643724592_n.jpg Can't figure out how to upload it correctly but just copy and paste the link!
Hey guys! I have heard a lot of bad things about diet pills but out of all of them I've heard one worth trying is Slimquick. Anybody know anything about it? Thanks!