Heart Rate
Just got myself a heart rate monitor. Loving it! However, was wondering for advice on what zone your heart rate should be in for weight loss. I mainly do very high impact cardio and with my heart rate monitor on, I was averaging out at about 175, at peak points in the class I was going into the 180s, which is great for…
Slimmer for Summer Challenge
Hey guys, I'm thinking of setting up a challenge group to help motivate and support a group of us to get slimmer for summer! There'll be challenges set weekly and a weekly weigh in. Is anyone up for it?
Random Acts of Kindness
Well I reckon there's a lot of caring individuals on these boards and I thought we could have a thread to allow us all to share that kindness with others. So how about we post things we need help with or need and if someone else is able to help, then they can. It doesn't need to be something physical....although I'm sure…
Making a Giant Cupcake
I know a few guys on here are bakers so I thought I'd ask your advice. I'm making a giant cupcake cake for my sister's birthday and she told me she's going to take the cake into school to share with her colleagues so I want to make it good! I've got a baking tin but was looking for advice on what cake recipe to use? I'm…
September Slim Challenge
Hey guys, I joined in with the Biggest Loser Challenge and loved it. I felt it really kept me hugely motivated and wanted to start my own challenge up to help others, too. I was hoping to get one started on July running through until the start of September. It would be a percentage weight loss thing and I'd report on…
Where are we all from?
I was thinking it would be good if there were people nearby who used this site to be able to meet up for a chat/support/a work out once every so often and thought this might be the place to find out where everyone is from. I'm from Scotland, from North Lanarkshire. Anyone near me?
Some Awesome NSVs
I've lost a stone since starting this in mid-January but haven't really been seeing many changes in myself. Clothes have gotten a little bigger, to be sure but I still feel fat so have been a bit glum but carrying on with it. Today, I went to the gym and a woman came up to me to congratulate me on my weight loss as she…
Cute trick
Saw this online and thought it was good visual motivation and so I'll share it. Someone had put two jars out: one with pounds lost and another with pounds to go and had a button in each jar representing each pound. Cute idea.
Heavy Lifting
I've saw so many posts here on heavy lifting and how much it improves your figures. Just wanting some advice on how to get started. I don't think I'd have the guts to go into the Conditioning Gym full of big bulked up guys yet. My cardio gym has some weights machines but not free weights. Would these help? Also, I've…
No change in Pics. :(
I took pictures of myself in underwear before I started losing weight and thought this would act as a motivation when I could see progress over time. I've lost 8lbs on the scale since the first pictures and thought I'd take a few more tonight. I don't see any change. In fact, if anything, I look fatter in the new pics than…
Public Transport in America
My boyfriend and I are toying with visiting America if we can afford it but I've heard a lot of people saying that in America it is really hard to get around without a car and neither of us drive. Admittedly, most of the people who say this have only ever been to Florida and I would imagine that Florida is maybe a bit of…
Anyone else having trouble over Christmas?
I was doing really well with sticking to things and had lost 4 pounds and over the past 2 weeks I've put most of that back on again as I've been going out to meet friends for dinner for Christmas, having no time to go to the gym because work has been pretty hectic with it so close to Christmas and most of my gym classes…