Random Acts of Kindness

GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
Well I reckon there's a lot of caring individuals on these boards and I thought we could have a thread to allow us all to share that kindness with others.

So how about we post things we need help with or need and if someone else is able to help, then they can.

It doesn't need to be something physical....although I'm sure if someone needed help painting a room and there was someone on here who lived nearby that would be great. But even if someone needs a letter to cheer them up (or to cheer someone else up), if someone needs to learn how to do something and someone else on here has the skills and could make them a tutorial video.


  • I need to know of a way to find Insanity for A LOT cheaper than the informercial. If that's at all possible. I want to start it in September.
  • Iceman1800
    Iceman1800 Posts: 476
    I need to know of a way to find Insanity for A LOT cheaper than the informercial. If that's at all possible. I want to start it in September.
    message sent ;)
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    Well I guess I'll chip in. I've got a tonne of French translation to do for my PhD and if anyone is any good at French and fancies doing a few pages for me, I'd be very grateful. :)
  • steve1686
    steve1686 Posts: 346 Member
    Well I guess I'll chip in. I've got a tonne of French translation to do for my PhD and if anyone is any good at French and fancies doing a few pages for me, I'd be very grateful. :)
    i'll be kind and tell you to do it yourself, so you'll benefit by learning more
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    Well I guess I'll chip in. I've got a tonne of French translation to do for my PhD and if anyone is any good at French and fancies doing a few pages for me, I'd be very grateful. :)
    i'll be kind and tell you to do it yourself, so you'll benefit by learning more

    Well that would be kind if I was a 15 year old learning French in school.....my PhD, however isn't in French...it's in Ancient History and it just so happens that there are bits of secondary literature written in French, German and Italian. Funnily enough, it isn't going to be possible to learn three foreign languages to a degree of proficiency to be able to read academic texts in them in the next year that I have to finish the PhD and I have actually spent a year teaching myself French to tackle the French but obviously, I'm not proficient enough yet to get through it quickly, but thanks for being presumptious about my work ethic.
  • steve1686
    steve1686 Posts: 346 Member
    Well I guess I'll chip in. I've got a tonne of French translation to do for my PhD and if anyone is any good at French and fancies doing a few pages for me, I'd be very grateful. :)
    i'll be kind and tell you to do it yourself, so you'll benefit by learning more

    Well that would be kind if I was a 15 year old learning French in school.....my PhD, however isn't in French...it's in Ancient History and it just so happens that there are bits of secondary literature written in French, German and Italian. Funnily enough, it isn't going to be possible to learn three foreign languages to a degree of proficiency to be able to read academic texts in them in the next year that I have to finish the PhD and I have actually spent a year teaching myself French to tackle the French but obviously, I'm not proficient enough yet to get through it quickly, but thanks for being presumptious about my work ethic.

    i'm pretty sure you created this thread so someone would do your homework for you. How's that for presumptuous?
  • GuruOnAMountain
    GuruOnAMountain Posts: 489 Member
    Well I guess I'll chip in. I've got a tonne of French translation to do for my PhD and if anyone is any good at French and fancies doing a few pages for me, I'd be very grateful. :)
    i'll be kind and tell you to do it yourself, so you'll benefit by learning more

    Well that would be kind if I was a 15 year old learning French in school.....my PhD, however isn't in French...it's in Ancient History and it just so happens that there are bits of secondary literature written in French, German and Italian. Funnily enough, it isn't going to be possible to learn three foreign languages to a degree of proficiency to be able to read academic texts in them in the next year that I have to finish the PhD and I have actually spent a year teaching myself French to tackle the French but obviously, I'm not proficient enough yet to get through it quickly, but thanks for being presumptious about my work ethic.

    i'm pretty sure you created this thread so someone would do your homework for you. How's that for presumptuous?

    I actually didn't......I actually wasn't even going to post my request for French help and only did it as there hadn't been very many replies to the thread. And it isn't 'homework'......I'm not some lazy teenager who doesn't want to do my work. It is actually completely valid for me to go and pay someone to do my French translation for me....wouldn't be an academic crime as my PhD isn't based on the fact that I know or don't know French....it is just unfortunate that some of the stuff is in French.

    I actually genuinely created this thread because I was looking at some inspirational videos online of people doing small acts of kindness for others and I was touched by it and thought it would be nice to try something like this on the forums. And yes, I'd be willing to give of my skills to others gladly.

    But thanks for your negativity.
  • MadiRose2
    MadiRose2 Posts: 145
    Well I guess I'll chip in. I've got a tonne of French translation to do for my PhD and if anyone is any good at French and fancies doing a few pages for me, I'd be very grateful. :)
    i'll be kind and tell you to do it yourself, so you'll benefit by learning more

    Well that would be kind if I was a 15 year old learning French in school.....my PhD, however isn't in French...it's in Ancient History and it just so happens that there are bits of secondary literature written in French, German and Italian. Funnily enough, it isn't going to be possible to learn three foreign languages to a degree of proficiency to be able to read academic texts in them in the next year that I have to finish the PhD and I have actually spent a year teaching myself French to tackle the French but obviously, I'm not proficient enough yet to get through it quickly, but thanks for being presumptious about my work ethic.

    i'm pretty sure you created this thread so someone would do your homework for you. How's that for presumptuous?

    I actually didn't......I actually wasn't even going to post my request for French help and only did it as there hadn't been very many replies to the thread. And it isn't 'homework'......I'm not some lazy teenager who doesn't want to do my work. It is actually completely valid for me to go and pay someone to do my French translation for me....wouldn't be an academic crime as my PhD isn't based on the fact that I know or don't know French....it is just unfortunate that some of the stuff is in French.

    I actually genuinely created this thread because I was looking at some inspirational videos online of people doing small acts of kindness for others and I was touched by it and thought it would be nice to try something like this on the forums. And yes, I'd be willing to give of my skills to others gladly.

    But thanks for your negativity.
    Oh yeah, and I can totally pay someone to do my Communications homework because I'm going to be a teacher right? Perfectly valid. I like this point your making... Ok. Who wants to do my COM 220 homework?! 5 bucks!
  • MadiRose2
    MadiRose2 Posts: 145
    Well I guess I'll chip in. I've got a tonne of French translation to do for my PhD and if anyone is any good at French and fancies doing a few pages for me, I'd be very grateful. :)
    i'll be kind and tell you to do it yourself, so you'll benefit by learning more

    Well that would be kind if I was a 15 year old learning French in school.....my PhD, however isn't in French...it's in Ancient History and it just so happens that there are bits of secondary literature written in French, German and Italian. Funnily enough, it isn't going to be possible to learn three foreign languages to a degree of proficiency to be able to read academic texts in them in the next year that I have to finish the PhD and I have actually spent a year teaching myself French to tackle the French but obviously, I'm not proficient enough yet to get through it quickly, but thanks for being presumptious about my work ethic.

    i'm pretty sure you created this thread so someone would do your homework for you. How's that for presumptuous?

    I actually didn't......I actually wasn't even going to post my request for French help and only did it as there hadn't been very many replies to the thread. And it isn't 'homework'......I'm not some lazy teenager who doesn't want to do my work. It is actually completely valid for me to go and pay someone to do my French translation for me....wouldn't be an academic crime as my PhD isn't based on the fact that I know or don't know French....it is just unfortunate that some of the stuff is in French.

    I actually genuinely created this thread because I was looking at some inspirational videos online of people doing small acts of kindness for others and I was touched by it and thought it would be nice to try something like this on the forums. And yes, I'd be willing to give of my skills to others gladly.

    But thanks for your negativity.

    P.s. you're in college. You have work. And you have to do it at home. That's homework...
  • i can appreciate what your trying to do :) random acts of kindess rock! and it is a great way to make positive energy :)
  • p.s the only french i know is "shut your face" i dont even where to begin to spell that, but it could have come in handy for the rude chick that tried to turn this positive thread into a negative one...;)
  • mh569
    mh569 Posts: 41
    I really need some help in the "getting motivated" area...

    Would love to help someone else out too!
    Let's get back on the whole positive thing.
  • I really need some help in the "getting motivated" area...

    Would love to help someone else out too!
    Let's get back on the whole positive thing.

    motivation is always a hard one i think, but it helps to talk positively to yourself...we are all guilty of letting that little voice inside get the better of us :)
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    I like this idea!
    I am very handy. I am good at writing letters. I can build a chicken coop. I can cook a killer meal.

    Sadly, I don't know French or I'd be all over that assignment for you, GuruOnAMountain!

    So, what do you all need?
    By the way, I am in need of a job. Anyone got one of those up for grabs? An online job, work from home, would be best :)
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Well I guess I'll chip in. I've got a tonne of French translation to do for my PhD and if anyone is any good at French and fancies doing a few pages for me, I'd be very grateful. :)

    I speak French, but afraid not enough that I could help out. Maybe figure out the jist....except as you said, your PhD is architecture and I know conversational French.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    I am a good listener
  • TexasRattlesnake
    TexasRattlesnake Posts: 375 Member
    I like how even a post about kindness degenerated into a pissing contest in under 5 posts. LOL

    MFP forums are the best.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    While I'm at it....I am a good listener as well.

    I could also use help with learning Japanese. My friend speaks it, but she isn't around a lot when I have questions. I have less than four months to get the basics down before my husband and I get stationed in Okinawa. And if anyone has ever lived there, that would be better! I'm using Rosetta Stone, but it is hard to learn Japanese from context and sometimes have no clue what the words I'm using even mean.
  • TexasRattlesnake
    TexasRattlesnake Posts: 375 Member
    While I'm at it....I am a good listener as well.

    I could also use help with learning Japanese. My friend speaks it, but she isn't around a lot when I have questions. I have less than four months to get the basics down before my husband and I get stationed in Okinawa. And if anyone has ever lived there, that would be better! I'm using Rosetta Stone, but it is hard to learn Japanese from context and sometimes have no clue what the words I'm using even mean.

    Livemocha.com is a great site... I'm using it for Spanish. Gives you lessons and pairs you up for grading/critiquing/conversations with native speakers of the language you're learning who want to learn your language as well. Pretty cool!
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    While I'm at it....I am a good listener as well.

    I could also use help with learning Japanese. My friend speaks it, but she isn't around a lot when I have questions. I have less than four months to get the basics down before my husband and I get stationed in Okinawa. And if anyone has ever lived there, that would be better! I'm using Rosetta Stone, but it is hard to learn Japanese from context and sometimes have no clue what the words I'm using even mean.

    try checking with livemocha.com. I'm not sure if they have Japanese, but it is worth a check. They have a free and paid version.