Looking for Quinoa recipe ideas!!
I am looking for some Quinoa recipes. I've never cooked with it before and would like to start incorporating it into my diet. I had a dish at a banquet several years ago made with Quinoa, corn, bell pepper and black beans. I can't remember what else was in it but it was really good. Would like to find a similar recipe and…
In Memory of 9/11
What a sad and emotional day for us all as we reflect on the events on this day and the many days after trying to understand what had just happened to our country. My thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of the victims......we will never FORGET. I was just getting into work. I was a nurse at an Oncology…
"Only Lost a Pound"?
Next time you feel bad after weighing yourself and seeing that you've "only" lost a pound.....just think about this!! Fat does not weigh a lot, so a pound of fat is a LOT lost!! Be PROUD of that POUND you've lost!! Very Enlightening!! :D
First Time Before & After Pics - Halfway Mark!!
This is the first time putting up my pics as I've ALWAYS been insecure in my photos.....I've never liked the way I look in them and most of them always have a very insecure look on my face. My smiles always looked forced and not real. I guess it was the lack of self confidence. Every time it was time to take pics for what…
The Key To A Flat Belly- Abdominis Exercises
Hate crunches? Say no more! Truth is, they do little to banish belly fat anyway. For the fastest flattening, you need to target your deepest ab muscle--the transversus abdominis, also known as the TVA. To read more on this topic please visit my blog at:…
Can't figure out WHAT I am I doing wrong!!!
I just need to VENT please!! I just can't seem to lose any weight lately......and when I do lose it is sooooo slow!! I work out consistently 3-4 days a week at the gym doing anywhere from 45-60 minutes of cardio, and about 30-50 minutes of weight lifting. I stay under my calories most days. I see my other MFP buddies…
Thinspirations: A Weight Loss Motivation Blog
Visit my blog for Weight Loss Motivation! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/prunella1066/view/thinspirations-a-weight-loss-motivation-blog-133449 Prunella~
Want To Share My FIRST NSV!!
Just wanted to share my very FIRST NSV!! I just came home yesterday from a week long trip and it was such a HUGE challenge to stay within my calorie limit AND get my exercise in. On past vacations, weekends away, etc.....I would usually just give in and say "I'll treat myself because I'm on vacation". I usually end up…