ACV query
Hi, I am thinking of buying some ACV as I keep hearing it mentioned. I'm not sure the best way or how much I should be taking of it. Any feedback would be much appreciated! Thanks
Help needed with magnesium supplement please
Hi, I've just noticed one of the ingredients listed on my mag supplements is maltodextin Is this ok to take whilst doing keto?. Would I be better taking it in liquid form? Thanks in advance for any help.
Pysillium husk tmi question
Hello, I was wondering if it's OK to take pysillium husk whilst doing keto. I am currently taking 600mg of mag citrate a day and 2 tbs of Mct oil daily. Still no movement after 5 days. I don't really want to resort to a laxative so thought pysillium husk might be a safer alternative. Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly…
Diet Coke yay or nay?
Hi, is it ok to drink Diet Coke whilst following keto? Many thanks in advance. Ps. Love this forum
Coconut milk
Hi all, I wondered if anyone could tell me if its ok to drink full fat coconut milk on a LCHF diet. Apologies if this has been asked before, I'm new to this!. Thanks