A couple of you have asked for my recipe for these, and I blogged them today, so here is that link: http://passthetomatoes.com/2011/11/beccas-black-bean-brownies/ I hope it's ok to link to a personal blog? Not trying to promote or sell anything except health. :) Becca
Some of you may have already heard of this site. I joined yesterday. Just FYI if anyone is interested. www.vegfriend.com
I have recently started doing planks and I love what they are doing for my abs...I exercise at home without benefit of a trainer, so I watched some youtube videos to find out the correct way to do them and I THINK I am doing them correctly; however, I am experiencing some lower back pain during the exercise itself, though…
My name is Rebecca, and I'm a vegetarian. :) Just a little 12 step humor there to kick things off, although vegetarianism is one lifestyle choice you would never want to break yourself from. I started this group to give a place for us vegetarians to hang out and swap stories, recipes, whatever. I don't consider myself the…
http://www.veglov.com/2011/11/chocolate-cheese-meat-and-sugar.html Dr. Neal Barnard of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) tells it like it is. This one needs to go viral on the web. Becca