Shedding for the wedding!!!
Hi! My wedding is in 10 weeks, and I just went in for my first fitting on Saturday. My dress was designed to have a corset back, but I wanted a zipper put in. The people at the dress shop ordered me a larger size hoping it would have enough fabric to close and add a zipper. It turns out I'm about 2 inches too big all…
self sabbotage?
Hi All, It seems like everytime I go about 2 weeks of eating right and exercising I start to see results. If I am trying to slim down before visiting my family or vacation, I do really well for a little while. As time gets closer, I go through a point of self sabbotage. I completely fall off the wagon and I don't know why.…
Engagement hints?
So maybe I'm crazy, but I hope not. Here's some background info: I have been with my bf for 2 years now and just turned 26, he will be 27 in a little over a month. I currently live in NJ but I am from TX. He is born and raised in NJ. People up here don't tend to get married before 30, where as in TX almost all of my…
calories burned website
Hi Everyone, I am skipping the gym today so I can go grocery shopping. For me, grocery shopping takes up a lot of time and some energy so I wanted to know how many calories I can burn within 1 trip. I found this website that has a lot of random activities and the estimated number of calories burned per hour based on your…