Re: 5’2 females, how are you maintaining?
I'm 5ft and maintaining at 120lb with 1,200 a day (my job is sedentary. As in, I sit at a desk and don't move for 40 hours a week) but when I do exercise I get to eat the calories back. I want to dro…1 -
Re: “Make sure you eat a WHOLE avocado then your body will start burning fat!” and other silly things!
Eat an apple and drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of vinegar in it every night before bed. It causes a chemical reaction that neutralizes all the fat you ate that day and you'll never gain…9 -
Re: Fat Acceptance Movement
I love this so much cos in Ireland if you call someone "Thick" it is in no way related to their weight/body. If you're "thick" over here it means you're stupid!! Lol However I do …5 -
Re: Your ideal weight
I love this! I'm 5ft and always wanted to be around 105 (having read somewhere as a teenager that this was Britney Spears weight), but realistically I've only ever been healthy at 115 minimum. I'm cu…1 -
Re: How to handle spouse/s.o who distracts you from dieting or going to the gym
I'm wondering what is the context of you're wife getting mad? Is it like "Oh hey, I don't want you getting fit and healthy at all" or is it like "Hey, we have both been at work all day…3