
Water water water. Stretching stretching stretching. During your time spent with #BodyByOB you can only drink water. There are absolutely no cheat days. Dinner should be eaten within 2 hours before bed time. If you need a night snack grab a fruit or drink water. You should cut out all sweets. Your biggest meal of the day should be breakfast (your first meal depending on your schedule). After breakfast you should eat 4 more times during the day. Nothing big but be sure it satisfying not filling. With all of the water you drink your food portion should decrease. Nothing fried should be eaten. no red meat is to be eaten. Chicken, fish, turkey, lots of fresh veggies and fruit. If it's white it ain't right. Rice, potatoes, sugar (for future reference), flour, pasta. Honey is a great alternative to sugar if you need something sweet. I will randomly send pick me ups and suggestions throughout this experience. If you get bored with the same recipes let me know and I will give some suggestions. #BodyByOB #healthy #fit #FeastMode #results #GetThisWork
Owner: FeastMode26Leaders: FeastMode26Created on April 30, 20158 membersPrivacy: Public



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