Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    So hot today I was up at the crack of dawn to ensure the dogs were walked before it became uncomfortable for them. The usual route amongst snoozing sheep, lots of them sitting under gorse bushes and Rowan trees. At a bend in the path about halfway round we get a view across a valley that was once the hub of the copper mining industry, now just a silent area of crumbling engine houses. I love it there but it does certainly have its ghosts!

    We were back by 0830 so I thought it a good time to pop to town for fresh supplies and I was right because it was quiet. Thunderstorms again threatened but hit and miss who gets them. It’s too hot to work outside even at my pace so I might do more uncovering of the walls.

    Wow Lin, I hadn’t realised how bad that storm of yours was but glad you missed the worst. Hopefully you’ve now caught up with your friends. I’ve heard baby buzzard this morning so no crash landings!!

    Sandy, did you enjoy your get together in your friend’s garden? I meet a few friends now, one at a time, that I know have been as careful as me. Everyone is now ordered to wear masks in most buildings here and apart from a couple of spikes that have been controlled by immediate lockdown in the specific area it seems to be working. You’re being very sensible about where you go and who you see so I’m sure you’ll get through this with the rest of us.🥰

    I’m pleased all went well at the dentist Anne. Could your power supply be affected by the storms south of the border?

    Buzz that must be a relief for you not having to share your room. Enough to be thinking about your own needs never mind a roommate’s! I’m guessing the PT is a very important part of your care, that and rest so please just take your time and I’m sure you’ll see improvements. ❤️

    Bob, I thought of your Jean as I came upon 100% peanut butter with no palm oil. I’ve stocked up just in case! Delighted to take you with me on the morning strolls!

    Hot to trot Patsy sounds appropriate to me! We all need and deserve the occasional treat so go with John’s little purchases. When I lived in Canada in the 70’s we didn’t hear about your American wines and back then the Canadian blend was awful. Anne might remember there were controls on alcohol purchases and for some reason Canadian wine was mixed and even red was sparkling... a real headache maker!! We tended to buy Chilean wines that seemed to slip the net and I still sometimes find one I like.

    The latest asbestos man just phoned and will pop out to look at my mess tomorrow. Sounds more interested than the first one I contacted so fingers crossed.

    Haha, radio playing Paul Simon Still Crazy After All These Years... that’s definitely me!!

    Happy Wednesday everyone. Stay safe. 😘
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Early morning quickie. Yes JACKIE the power outage would be LINS storm because whatever Lin and Sandy get it floats on to us. I always know what to expect in two or three days when the girls mention their weather. The lights came on and the lights went off for ages. Big electric problem I think.

    The dentist was in a completely deserted mall. So sad! Everyone was enclosed in plastic shields and masks except me of course, but once outside the office I was back to wearing my mask. It's compulsory to wear them in the stores here.

    We continue with the heat, although a little less humid today.
    All for now, shower time.
    P.S. I don't drink wine - migraines - but I'm told Canadian wine is pretty good these days.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited August 2020
    Yes, I don’t remember anyone ever using the term derecho before. Apparently winds in the state reached speeds just over 100mph. The metro had about 110,000 people without power when they first reported I fo from the power company. That has been inching down but still stands at over 71,000. Statewide, the number is much higher. There are so many trees to clear to even get to the power lines, broken poles, smashed transformers, just general chaos we see would see after a tornado but with this monster the destruction from straight lines winds just kept on moving hour after hour, state after state.

    Approximately 10 million acres of row crops have been damaged. News reporters keep talking about the acreage recovering. Folks the corn stalks are broken. The tall corn stalks with an ear of corn growing on it, anywhere from milk to dough stage, that is not going to recover. Some images of corn fields. There may be some hope for soybeans.


    I won’t post any photos of broken power poles, damaged houses and vehicles. You are probably used to those. Seeing the damaged fields is a bit more unusual. Hopefully farmers have multi-peril crop insurance which will help a bit but not every producer has the coverage due to the cost.

    Enough farming news.

    Jackie, no, I have been unable to get in touch with a number of my friends. A few have gotten their electrical power restored but have Internet service for about everything including their phone and that has not been restored. They are using mobile phones and are in touch. Several do not have cell phone and regular landlines are not working in some neighborhoods. I am sure they are okay. I got one short text message from one friend. Said she would be in touch when power etc. was back on again.

    Jackie, another lovely photo and glad you got out early. Stay in and stay cool. Do you have some ice cubes? Iced tea?? Glad you got your shopping done. I am not ordering right now. Some businesses have not had power, although I would expect the large grocery stores would have generators. Anyway, with streets just opened and so many issues, I doubt they have many delivery people. Next week.

    Anne, I am sorry about your electrical service. I wonder what the problem may be. I hope you are starting to feel better after your tooth extraction. Odd environment isn’t it, with such changed office procedures. A friend was describing her dental office visit to me.

    Bob, thanks for the info on the glasses. That is what I thought. I will stay with the super expensive local option. 😄 By the way, purchasing peanut butter around here has been quite iffy, it is often out of stock. Haven’t ordered any applesauce as I still have some. Maybe I should start looking for a new container.

    Buzz, do you have PT several times a week? Hopefully you get enough recovery time between sessions. ❤️❤️

    Sandy, I was glad to hear from you Monday evening. It had been a frustrating and fingernail biting time not being in touch with local friends so thank you! Are things straightening up in your area?

    Hello Barbie and Diane. ❤️❤️

    All best wishes.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Corn fields, just heart breaking Lin. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Terrible damage Lin. Was it destined for animal feed or human consumption? Mother Nature isn’t easing up on her harsh lesson on what happens if we don’t look after the planet. We strange Brits swear by a hot cup of tea to cool us and I’ve just enjoyed mine under the garden umbrella. No liquorice allsort teapot though! That’s fun!!

    My wind chime is singing and the gentle breeze is back thank goodness so I’ll potter outdoors.

    A mackerel sky drifting overhead so we just might get some rain although reports today of flash floods and dangerous hail storms isn’t what I have in mind! A train derailment in the Aberdeen area during a storm this morning and flooding in several towns but no sign here so I’ll be watering the allotment this evening.... that’ll make it rain! 😁
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I had a wonderful time with my friend yesterday. It was a beautiful day with no humidity and her daughter has two dogs that are just so cute. One has cancer and is going through chemo but is doing well. I overstayed my visit but we were busy talking.
    I ordered my groceries and they will be ready this afternoon as well as an order I have from Kohls who also has no touch pickup and they will also put it in my trunk. I also need gas so it will be a little running around before riding the bike and visiting Joe.

    Lin, horrible weather and what a disaster for the crops. I am glad you are okay as I hope all your friends are. We had some tornados north of me with extensive damage. Derecho is a term I have not heard of either, never too old to learn I guess.

    Jackie, another beautiful site to share, such beautiful scenery. Our Governor also issued an order for masks to be mandatory and if any business doesn't follow they will be fined.
    This is not over so I just don't get why people think it is. I just got a text from the lady I was with yesterday and she said her granddaughter who was working at Dick's Sports Store for the last two weeks has the virus. Her family is in quarantine, she is a teenager. I just asked my friend if she was in contact with her and she said no but she did see her parents over the weekend but not at close contact. They help run the farm my friend and her husband own. So now I hope I didn't make a mistake by visiting yesterday.

    Anne, I am glad you are tooth free and not blind, I must admit I did laugh knowing you were okay. When I went to the dentist they had the same outfit, change of the times.

    Bob, things went well with being outside and social distancing although as stated to Jackie, feel so bad for her teenage granddaughter and hope the rest of the family is fine. I did not see my grandchildren in the beginning but now we feel safe in our bubble and it has been working for us. Of course I went outside the bubble yesterday but felt safe being outside. We will see.

    I better get moving if I want to get my groceries on time and the other errands. Have a wonderful day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    A day by myself!

    Jean off with one of her girlfriends that lives 30-40 min away. I’m sure they’ll walk, talk, do lunch etc.
    Great early morning walk. Weather is awesome in low/mid-80’s with sun. Already took a second “air conditioned” mall walk. The majority of people doing what they should.

    Back home I fired up the grill to make todays lunch: (254 cal.) Organic Shrimp Jumbo, Grilled veggies, garlic &herbs riced cauliflower, Chipotle Powder (Ground Red), Chicken Breast, Skinless – YUM!

    Next finishing a video, then hot shower or bath, relax and assess how much time I have left & then determine the rest of the day.

    Couple visuals from the morning / lunch.


    Lin – LOVE the licorice tea pot – I am one of those people that liked all licorice as a kid – including “black.” The word “derecho” is a new one for me. Thanks… you can bet I’ll work it into a conversation. Thanks for sharing the photos of damaged fields – you’re right about showing without houses etc. Don’t blame you on the glasses. As noted, my script can change often (I see an ophthalmologist on a reg basis because of one heart drug). AS for peanut butter – see my note to Jackie – I would have to break into my neighbor’s house if we ran out. :D

    Jackie – thanks – glad I took yesterdays walk with you – today might be to hot. I’ll tell Jean about the peanut butter – that is a mainstay for her. She has some “every” day as part of her breakfast – she “has” to have it. I love but avoid it – I have no moderation control and “in the day” would make 3 PBJ sandwiches for lunch! :D

    Sandy – So glad it all worked out. Ditto on the grandchildren here. Still don’t see often, but on Father’s Day etc we did celebrate outdoors with cake/fruit/ice cream and played games. Hope the errands and groceries go well. My store has most of what I want – but certainly not everything.

    Have a great hump day everyone !

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2020
    My horrible son just text me this taken unawares by me whilst I was humped over and suffering.
    Jilly you will notice is her usual self. Anne.
    This is my back room where I do my painting. Just like PATSYs dungeon I think.
    Note the dog hairs on old sofa. The Beans shedding.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Love this picture Anne!! You look amazing and of course Jilly is beautiful, well so are you, sorry.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited August 2020
    Anne, Oh my, look at Jilly. A happy girl while you are suffering. You look good, like your furniture and I see you are a barefoot gal. Did you ever decide on replacing your iPad (I see one included in the photo)?

    Bob, lovely photos and the wait to get into the Apple store looks like a long one! In prior days, the store was packed, noisy, and chaotic. This should be an improvement. Happy day for Jean and lovely grilling indeed for your lunch. I had cubed tofu, veggies and onion sprouts. And seedless grapes. Also yummy.

    Sandy, try not to worry. You were far apart yesterday. I see little groups of ladies in the shade near the library. They bring their own chairs and sit and visit. Also saw a little group having coffee at one of our shops sitting at an outdoor table. So people are apparently getting together in small groups.

    Jackie, the corn 🌽 is raised for many purposes. Each farmer makes his own decisions on where to sell. Some sell to ethanol plants, so the corn is turned into fuel for vehicles. Others sell to manufacturers of corn sweetener. Corn is used in as an ingredient in food for humans. It is also included in livestock feed. It is also shipped down the Mississippi for export. Specialty corn is raised for the seed corn market. Lots of purposes. Some farmers just sell to the local elevator and those operators decide where to ship the corn next. Too much information?

    Back to messing around. I signed up for another meeting this evening. It has to do actually with grain marketing and has been in the works for a long time. I wonder if he will mention anything about this week’s storm. May be too little information. We will see.

    Best wishes.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Hello, another bit of whimsy.

    “Disney Minnie Mouse Dressing Table Teapot, Paul Cardew Designs”


    I went through a phase of wearing a Mickey Mouse t-shirt, not Minnie. At that point, only Mickey shirts were available. Discrimination? 🤣😂🤣

    I haven’t finished making birthday cards. I have been sidetracked my concern for my friends. Several more popped up last night as their power was restored. Still around 41,000 without power In the metro area and it is hot today. Argh.

    It did occur to me that if I want to send out fall cards and/or thanksgiving cards, I had better start thinking up some designs with the supplies that I have.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I typed a long post and was about to finish when my neighbours arrived to help me put a new arch up in the garden. I left the page open but 2 hours later gone!! Am now going to drive to a garden centre to see what plants might take my fancy and also any veggie plugs for the allotment.

    Still have steaming heat and threats of storms which is more tropical than British!

    I will return. Stay safe.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just popping in. I'm amazed how long this extraction is taking to heal and making life a little uncomfortable. I'm trying to stop taking Advil which makes my mouth taste like the bottom of a budgies cage, or how I imagine the bottom would taste like because I haven't actually tried to lick one. Honestly, what a fuss over an extraction when I think how other poor folk suffer with much worse, and I'm so glad it's gone because I haven't forgotten the stabbing shooting pain.

    Bean is very sweet. She comes over and gives me a sniff every so often. Despite using toothpaste I guess she's aware something isn't quite the same with dear old Anne.

    That's enough Annie using your Sneaker pals as sitting ducks, no more self pity!

    Of course the heat doesn't help, not from my gap though, I mean the heat outside.
    How on earth are your pals managing without electricity in this heat and the food in their fridges going to waste LIN? It's a year of disaster upon disaster with the only good news being Biden and his running mate who hopefully will give Donald a thumping. Did you all see Donald's photo with his hair in disarray? Something to do with his shower head. I thought it an improvement.

    Lastly for SANDY, I am NOT beautiful. Never was, never will be, although I must admit I look better now I'm healing than the photo that my sadistic son took!

    So, all you lovely Sneakers, carry on being lovely and I hope you all have a lovely day with nothing hurting, biting or tripping you up etc.

    Anne........the old misery.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh meant to mention a meal I've concocted which ain't half bad if you lose a tooth, although I don't think it will appeal to BOB. One mashed potato, mashed veggies of choice, half small can of Atlantic salmon mashed, all mixed together with a dollop of Hellmans mayonnaise. Honest it's okay. I eat it warmish but will try it again once I'm back on top form cold from the fridge.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day and I am chairing and speaking so have to prepare. Nothing after that as I did all my errands yesterday, just the bike and Joe today.

    I just want to tell Anne I disagree and I do think you are beautiful. You are too hard on yourself, so just say thank you. <3

    Will try to get back later but if not have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SANDY, thank you!
    Just made out my order for groceries tomorrow. Lots of emergency stuff - just in case, like the can of salmon opened earlier. It's going to be a long hard winter I suspect, so girls fasten your seat belts and stock up now in the heat of summer. I'm favouring canned goods - in case the electricity goes off.
    Anne.......feeling a bit better.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited August 2020
    Slowly my friends are emerging one by one. I spent quite a while talking to the latest one to surface this morning.

    Here’s the latest completed puzzle.


    Our local snarky business RayGun had this shirt available for purchase today.


    Being a t-shirt fiend, I had to have one.

    Hugs. At least I have pulled out all my supplies for fall cards.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    I thought we had tornadoes not hurricanes. Interesting.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! Sunny day but so far, not too hot. I am hoping I can get a few more chores done today along with an amazon order. I am going to order another movie or two. Probably old ones since We seem to be holding off on new releases. I was looking forward to a couple of movies that our son has a few scenes where he used his his computer magic. But Alas! As yet, it is not to be.......

    Please indulge me, just a little bit. I am over the moon excited by the Biden/Harris ticket. I am not a classic feminist but I do like to see talented, intelligent women get a chance to climb the ladder. Okay! Enough about politics for now.

    We had a lovely chat with our son and he confessed to having a bad case of what he calls Covid fatigue. “ he is just sick and tired of this virus and being alone.” It is dangerous because he gets bored and is tempted to do something crazy.

    John went to his dermatologist yesterday. This fierce guy isn’t really so fierce. He has skin allergies. But he messes around in awful stuff. Car grease and oil as he “plays with his car.” He has always had a huge number of interests, tools and projects. Everything from wood working, car mechanics, Photography, to helping me with framing my paintings for a gallery show. The last is so frustrating, you cannot believe it. And he has skin allergies to so many things that he ignores.

    Anne: dearest friend! A tooth extraction is nothing minor. It is a huge hole right down to the bone. If the wound were on your arm, you would need bandages and antibiotics to heal. You are doing well and handling your recovery amazingly well! Now about your dungeon and mine...ahem! I think you must have a very elevated notion of my dungeon. It looks like ....a dungeon filled with odd stuff. Your lovely sitting room is very pleasant.

    Lin: oh my! Love the puzzle and the shirt. The devastation from that storm is heartbreaking. We All will suffer the loss of those crops. So relieved you are safe.

    Bob: your Jean is brave to leave you unattended for the day. When I do that with John, I come home to something astounding. A big new tool, a huge project that might take up all of the garage and his shop or the whole downstairs, a pile of lumber that has been delivered, one of the cars has been dismembered and is in pieces in the garage. Well, you get the picture.

    Sandy :I know you are being careful and following all precautions. I am so tired of being under house arrest. But as our doc says, “your choices are very clear. You know what to do and when. Do it!” We have all been so lucky. Stay vigilant.

    Jackie: oh no! Missed your post! I always love to read about Your life in lovely Cornwall England. I m so eager to be able to see and visit with people face to face. We have such a small family and many of our friends have moved or passed away. Also the culture here in western US is not as social as there in England. We have distant neighbors, not really nearby. They are lovely and help when asked. But not really neighborly in the classic way.

    Hello to all other sneakers. Stay safe and come back to see us.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    PATSY, The culture in Britain IS different. When we lived in Yorkshire and Derbyshire neighbours, family and friends would drop by any old time with a bag of something or other interesting to eat and a plea of "put kettle on luv, I'm dying for a cuppa." I've lived in Canada for 47 years but no one as ever done that. We have to wait to be invited. And so I of course can't just plonk myself down in someone's kitchen with a bag of something interesting to eat. I miss that, and I'm sure Patsy you would fit right in. The last time I was up in Yorkshire about 9 or 10 years ago, friends were still dropping by. It was a way to forget the housework, kids and pesky husbands for a little while. Girl chat about the interesting things in life like which neighbour appeared to be getting too friendly with the milkman and whose kid walked first. Ah the good old days when we all still had intact molars. By the way, that's the decent end of my "dungeon". Didn't show moms old kitchen table and what it holds!

    And..Talking of RIP molars and after my good old moan I do believe I'm on the mend. Apologies all around.

    Time for my lonesome cuppa and biccy, well, Jilly is already chomping on her afternoon milky bone.

    Anne 🙃 ☕️🍪🐶