Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Before my strength weakens, I must add to PATSY's delight about Kamela Harris running for VP! Great team.
    I was so happy my friend sent up my Waterpik, only to find it broken. They will replace it under warranty, though.
    Dinner arrived so now I know what Bangers and Mash are!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2020
    I’m not sure I can repeat my lost post that seemed so relevant 12 hours ago! We were in the clouds first thing which felt wonderful after so much heat but by the time the asbestos man arrived to look round the mist was lifting. A friendly chap who after being greeted by a barking George and friendly Betty showed me a video on his phone of his recently rescued dog that looks like an enormous Westie, bigger than a Labrador and as fluffy as Patsy’s Katie on a good grooming day! Video over I showed him what needs to be ripped out and we’ve agreed I will call him when I’ve cleared more furniture, books and lamps from the rooms although he was confident hanging plastic sheets from the ceiling beams will be sufficient to not have to remove the sofa and chairs.

    I had a very short walk with the pooches after he left because the temperature was soaring and so it’s been for the rest of the day, steaming and hot, hot, hot! That brings me to my new garden arch, metal and therefore heavy put together in the midday sun, giggling throughout. Not sure if I’ve ever mentioned as it’s not important as things go, that my immediate friendly and supportive neighbours are a gay couple so we 3 women struggling with this structure as well as having to move heavy granite garden features out of the way fought a battle with the elements. Tape measure, spirit level, mallet, screwdriver, you name it but most importantly jugs of cold fruit cordial helped us finish the project and I’m delighted with it. My later visit to a garden centre was a lesson in why not to go anywhere a face mask is required that is an enclosed area, some of which was under glass, on such a hot day! After a very short time I was finding it difficult to breath and perspiration ran into my eyes then under the mask which I then used to wipe my face! Phew, not for the faint hearted but I did find a few lovely potted plants to bring home. I particularly loved a gorgeous Lobelia named Queen Victoria so bought 2 and gave one to the neighbours as a thank you.

    Gone midnight so won’t hang around, but just to say I too love the photo of Anne and Jilly who looks as if she is enjoying a joke with the photographer... what a happy smile. I’m glad to read you are beginning to feel more comfortable Anne after that nasty procedure. I’m surprised if you weren’t prescribed antibiotics but hopefully no infection was found to be causing the initial pain.

    Ha Buzz, the institutional mash appears again! Did you enjoy onion gravy on your bangers too?

    Bob looks ready to rob a bank, just saying!

    Hello Sandy. Hope your meeting went ok.

    Oh dear, I dare not go back a page and risk losing another post although I remember another jigsaw completed by Lin. I gave up on the dogs jigsaw With faded colours because it became more difficult and frustrating to a point I wasn’t enjoying it. So all pieces back in their box and into the incinerator at the bottom of my garden ready for the next bonfire!

    Possible thunder storms in the early hours but I feel tired enough to sleep through anything.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member
    edited August 2020

    “This is Snowdrop Flower by Oxford Stoneware made in USA. Pre 1954“


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member
    :) The big box of yarn I ordered arrived yesterday so I'll have lots of knitting to occupy me for the next months. I am knitting a blanket for Project Linus in red, pink, and, repetition. This is a perfect project for me. I knit while riding my recumbent exercise bike and either watching TV or listening to podcasts.

    <3 Barbie
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    This will be a quick check-in… haven’t had this much social activity since March. Yesterday was a day of shooting senior photos. It was awesome. Ended up with about 250 photos that will now need to be culled / edited etc. We visited sunflower fields and one of the Finger Lakes. Wish I could share some of the close-up’s of the young lady, but wouldn’t feel right without asking her mom first. So here is a back-shot giving a glimpse.


    In a few hours, we are getting ready to celebrate the 89th birthday of Jean’s uncle at a local restaurant with a small family group… not sure what I will eat yet. We plan to do an indoor walk afterwards – it will be upper 80’s with 91 feel-like temp today.

    Out of the blue yesterday, we got a text from friends we haven’t seen since March, asking if we’d like to do a lakeside dinner Saturday. All this seems so strange and normal at the same time.

    Anne – Loved the Jilly pick – reminded me of this morning – Jean normally has the family room couch covered at night because Sabrina likes to land there…she forget yesterday as we were so tired and had the “roller” out this morning picking up those hairs. LOL Hope today is a good one for you. As for your meal – who knows I might like it. To be honest I haven’t had salmon since I was a kid and my mother made it…but have come close to ordering a couple times when out…so maybe I will live dangerously and order when things are back to normal!

    Lin – One of our nephew’s works at that Apple store, but we never really see him…maybe because our phones are Galaxy 9’s and my computer is a Dell… LOL. I love joking with relatives (majority have Apple products) that if they save their $ someday they too can afford Samsung…. As you can see from above – you’re correct about small group gatherings. Our grandchildren would love that Disney Minnie Mouse Dressing Table Teapot! They LOVE Disney World! Ps.. nice BIG BOY puzzle!

    Patsy – Jean was gone all day from 9am until 5:30pm… she only see’s this friend a couple times a year as it’s 40 min away…also her husband is suffering from dementia issues and is becoming more difficult by the day… from what I hear he has changed quite a bit from his normal jovial self… sad.

    My alone day was wonderful. Went thru some old garage files, had a cook-out, soaked in the tub, re-organized and cleaned my “office” area, watched an old movie, listened to vinyl… been a long time. I pit-stopped at the mall as Jean had been “eyeing” some Easter (yes, Easter) kitchen towels but wanted to see them reduced further…they weren’t expensive. I bought them and put them under her pillow.

    Guess, I better get cleaned up etc and get out of Jean’s way so she can “do her thing” with time to spare (I have learned a few things over the years). Bob

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member
    :) I rarely have "alone" time since Jake is so careful about staying home and when he goes out, he wants me to go with him. The only time I've been alone at home was Wednesday when he went to the chiropractor. Since they don't allow family members to accompany, I had to stay home. He was gone longer than usual because he stopped at Dairy Queen to buy an ice cream cone and then sat in the car to eat it before coming into the house.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I’ve just watched dreadful scenes of the fires raging in California and immediately thought of Diane although I’m not sure how near or far she is from that area. Stay safe Diane. ❤️

    My feet are singing after a wonderful pedicure and foot massage. We sat in the conservatory away from the mess in my cottage created by more wallpaper stripping and crumbling plaster and I heard all about her 12 hour shifts at the local hospital where she works as a nurse in the small injuries department. It’s incredibly busy at the moment what with so many visitors in Cornwall all requiring Covid testing before being allowed through the door but she did make me laugh at what she said was her ability to roll her eyes behind her mask and face shield without being noticed by the patient complaining about something incredibly minor!

    An overcast day which is creating a muggy atmosphere so I’m not being too active and anyway my hips are complaining about me doing a bit too much yesterday. I tend to forget I had the replacements just last year, probably because I feel so good compared to the way I was before. A visit to the allotment is planned for this evening but I’m not convinced we’ll get there because rain is now forecast.

    A stunning photo of the sunflowers Bob with that perfect colour contrast with the blue sky. At the allotment we managed just one sunflower from a rogue seed dropped by a bird and were so proud!

    Happy Friday everyone. I forgot to weigh this morning but will try to remember in the morning.
    Stay safe. ❤️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Morning everyone! Dorio has just delivered the groceries. Everything as ordered and my emergency shelves are beginning to look very healthy. I'm going to eat a front item and put a replacement at the back so I'm always ahead of the game whatever the plague or Donald does in the next few months.

    I'm never alone since I acquired the Bean who is a very demanding morsel and tries so hard to talk. We have long conversations. I told her Dorio had phoned and was on his way with her milk bone "good morning" treats. Great excitement. I am NOT telling her Mike is at the bank renewing his mortgage and will be here soon. Always scared she will have a heart attack when he's on the way if she knows in advance.

    Dorio was very sympathetic about my gap. I was in agony last Friday when he called. He is such a nice youngish man.

    Nothing much else to report except I put all last weeks veggies in the crockpot to make a sort of stew as I'm still wary of chomping on anything hard. BOB, you must have some salmon! Few calories but high in protein. I had to laugh at JACKIES comments about you looking like a bank robber. Keep it up! Social distancing at its best!

    Now for the BIG news. I lost a whole pound in weight this past few days. Whether this is the gone tooth which was large or the mushy food I'm not sure.

    Mikes here, I'm off.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE's post brought back memories of garden markets in Germany, where I fell in love with a magnificent purple plant I think was lobelia. I was unable to duplicate it back in NY. Is your lobelia purple, JACKIE?
    BARBIE, Knitting while cycling! Such talent. I'm sure JAKE enjoyed his cone.
    BOB, I hope Jean appreciates your consideration!
    LIN, I'm not a teapot expert, but today's reminds me of something in the distant past.
    I'm trying to think of something interesting and uncontroversial to write and am coming up empty! So I'll try to concentrate on the book I can barely lift, and try to remember those Yemen names that confuse me, since I always enjoyed Nelson DeMille's writing.
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And here's me today looking a whole heap happier than last Monday!
    The Bean is the same as always! Lol.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,088 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I had my blood test to recheck my cholesterol this morning and have started my laundry. I plan on at least doing the bathroom, dusting and vacuuming as soon as I muster up the energy and of course the bike and Joe.

    Anne, I love this new picture, use it as your profile picture. I know you have told us your age but even not remembering how old, I have to tell you that you look marvelous darling. You certainly do not look your age and have a beautiful smile. Jilly always looks wonderful, that goes without saying.

    Buzz, good to hear from you again. A friend recommended Original Politics Making America Sacred Again by Glen Perry. She is 93 and worries about our environment as well as healthy eating. She said it is about the Native American and gets depressing. I had a disagreement with someone on Facebook yesterday because I deleted her post from my post because it was so negative. I told her good bye and asked her not to post on my posts ever again.

    Jackie, please be careful with your new hips, I told you to rest didn't I? I am hearing more and more from people I know that are contacting the virus, this is not going away anytime soon.

    Barbie, I remember how much you knitted and donated, you are very kind to do that. I love Mcdonalds soft serve ice cream cones but my body isn't tolerating dairy anymore.

    Bob, so are you the photographer for high school seniors? Is this a side job or just a good friend good deed? The picture is beautiful and I love that you are protecting her identity, without her parents permission. I also love your bandit pictures. lol

    Lin, hope all goes well with your online physical today. Thank you for your support with that not nice person on Facebook. I really should block most people but because of boredom I only stop following them just so I can check to see what stupid things they say each day.

    Time to change the laundry and eat something. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Buzz, my Lobelia has red flowers and dark purple leaves. On the right of this photo of yesterday’s purchases.

    Getting ready for an evening allotment trip but it looks about to rain so may not get there.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh dear! A hot sunny day. I love a sunny day but this is ridicules! Dogs have such a strange reaction to adverse weather. Katie loves to bake in the sun out on the deck and then slither back in to lie in front of a fan to cool off. Then the whole thing repeats with intermittent big messy slurps of water. Around her water bowl is pools of slobbery water. Yuck! She also loves a couple of ice cubes in her water bowl. She handles the heat just fine, as long as her “staff” does as we are instructed.

    Not sure what this means but we are seeing a huge influx of spiders and webs and egg sacks? Does this mean an early fall or winter? Not sure since I just usually scream for John to come help me fight the cobwebs with another vacuum. We keep trying, in vane, to get control.

    This is trash day. I have gathered my trash and garbage together already, John’s shop trash and his office trash is mountainous. He must have had a few projects in process. I love trash day. Helps with some clearing of old and hopefully avoiding too much new! A lament of all us seniors, too much stuff!!!!

    Jackie: your hip issues are a familiar condition around here. John and I limp around groaning at a change in the weather. I marvel at your gardening knowledge as well as your dedication to all plants and flowers. I am hopeless. I have no talent regarding gardening. It is odd because my Dad was a master gardener. We used say if he sat a broom down in his garden, it would take root over night and sprout leaves. His veggie garden was a full acre. He grew free veggies for all the neighbors and the senior center that my grandmother lived in.

    Anne: I agree with Sandy. You look wonderful. Smartly dressed, pretty and happy with your Jilly perched on your lap. A joy to see.

    Buzz: if we can stay away from the evil Covid, we will persevere and I am determined to see a better political climate soon. Will you read any of the new political tell all books coming out? I am going to forego them. I have heard it all before. My mind is made up and has been for years now. I strongly advise getting in your motorized chair and taking an easy ride about to your garden area. Why not?

    Bob: wonderful sunflower composition. We still see our dear musician friend from time to time. We wave to him as his wife sits with him out on his deck. His amazing brain is gone now. He is still quite handsome but sort of blank. We know he doesn’t know us anymore. It is hardest for John. This is John’s oldest friend. They have been pals for decades. Dementia....the long goodbye.

    Hello all sneakers. Stay safe and ever cautious.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member
    edited August 2020
    Good late afternoon. My appointment took a long time. I had a call from the nurse to get the vitals and to go over meds, insurance information and drug allergies. You know, all the regular stuff. Then she said stay by the phone, the doctor will call soon. Same old doctor, going to see him in person was an entire morning shot due to the waiting. 😄 And it was today as well. I was ready to make lunch by the time he called and we were to do an audio call but he did a video call. I was very glad I had at least put on an okay shirt and had combed my hair. He said, oh, I just noticed, I was supposed to do an audio call. Sorry. Then lots of talking with him recounting all he had read about the 1918 flu pandemic. Some attempts at persuasion on going in to their lab. Then it was over. I wonder how much they will bill for that? I have a deductible so I will be paying for it.

    Some Social Security stuff popped up and I confirmed a telephone appointment with them next week.

    Finally, there is the farm lease renewal.

    Busy day.

    Patsy, oh yes, trash. I never make much progress. I did get the recent shipping boxes broken down and some papers cleared out. For me that is pretty good. I heard our trash may be delayed for one day next week. The city has been around picking up bundles of vegetation (bushes/tree branches) so I might have an extra day to sort through more unneeded things. Hilarious though, I keep all sorts of 8.5 X 11 preprinted paper where one side is blank. I use them when doing tape runner for cards to keep any errant sticky stuff from my countertop and from my good work surface. I have enough in that pile to tape for a couple of years I think. 😂🤣😂

    Anne, you are looking perkier now. Yes! And of course Jilly is still a delight. Good for you on getting things stocked up and instituting a rotation program. Excellent! Soft food for a while sounds like a very good plan to me.

    Buzz, you know loads about gardening, along with many other things. I always thought lobelia were blue but I never purchased any for my farm gardening. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Jackie, some very nice purchases. Gives me the itch to want a garden again. 😃 Ah, a pedicure. That also sounds heavenly. Not something I am accustomed to but I know when I had the reflexology appointments, my feet were happy feet indeed.

    Barbie, a big box of yarn for a knitter is a heavenly delivery. I will have to look up the charity you are donating to, I don’t recognize them. I understand Linus was the Peanuts character who did not let loose of his blanket but I don’t know about the charity. I was surprised that Jake stopped at Dairy Queen for a treat. I thought he would come straight home. There is no ice cream in my life although as a child, the Dairy Queen was the place to go. We knew the people who owned it and I think I got cones a bit larger than standard. Or maybe they looked larger to me as I was small. 😂🤣😂. I have had vegan ice cream, a horribly naughty indulgence, but I have given that up.

    Bob, ah what a wonderful background for Senior pictures. I love sunflowers 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 and I am certain all the photos are pretty darn good. I don’t know how people make selections. I am glad you had a good day all on your own.

    Sandy, hello again. Facebook can be like the Wild Wild West. I noticed a guy had a generator for sale in Marketplace a couple of days ago. He was lambasted from all sorts of people complaining about his price and how could he call it new when it had 4 hours on it, etc., etc. it was just horrible. Like predators attacking. And I was just curious about what type it was. etc. Anyway, I hope that woman takes a hint and doesn’t comment on your posts going forward but something tells me she may do it just to annoy you.

    Well, must hop along.

    Best wishes all round. ❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member
    Hello again. Teapot of the day.

    ABJ Grafton Ware teapot circa 1930s.


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Great morning – 65 degrees at 5:30am and will be upper 80’s today. Yesterday for Uncle Jack’s 89th birthday was winderful. (see snapshot) Fun guy…great sense of humor. Sad that his vision is so diminished, but he never really complains – just expresses annoyance with it. He is the kind of person you enjoy being around.


    Today will be first real “dinner” out with friends not seen in months. Already checked website menu selecting relatively low-carb etc. so I am not making a big deal at table and make wise choices.

    Barbie – Hope you get some more “alone” time. At least 3 times a week, I leave the house for 2-3 hours giving Jean time to “do her thing” at home. For me, it’s being alone “at home” once in a blue moon that I find enjoyable. In the old days - we both worked and had separate outside commitments. I love being together a lot – but I think generally there needs to be a bit of separation so we each have new stories to share.

    Jackie – Jean would be jealous of your foot massage etc… definitely a woman thing. LOL. Thanks on the sunflowers. In addition to tomatoes – Jean planted a single sunflower and it looks like it is going to bloom and she is excited… we’ll see. I see more being planted next year. She loves yard work and gardening. CONGRATS on that pound!!!!
    Buzz – With regards to Jean – I am the lucky one. Perhaps that is the key – she thinks she is lucky and I “know” I got the better end of the deal.

    Anne – great pic with smile intact and Bean….

    Sandy – Hope your cholesterol blood work comes back showing great numbers.
    With regards to photography – it has been a passion for 25 years. Throughout the years, Jean and I worked as a team doing weddings, senior photos and other events. Jean made sure that the person’s hair and surroundings were just right. She also has that “women’s knack” of relating to brides etc. - I took care of the photography. People will still call although, I tell them I no longer really do events…my arthritis doesn’t allow me to take certain shots anymore and weddings with 125 or more people are exhausting…

    I also enjoy street photography and that reminds me of NYC… here are two of my personal NYC favorites. Love on a Yellow Cab and a street person (the bag in her cart reads “Heaven”) – see what happens when you bring up photography LOL


    Patsy & Lin – Thanks on the composition – after all I wrote to Sandy I won’t bore with more photo talk. LOL . I will whittle down the photos to about 100 for delivery and then it is up to them to select. It will be a week of editing – I could do bulk editing – but don’t. I go through each individual pic until satisfied.

    Yes, debilitating old age can be so hard on the individuals and those around that person. I guess our friend was diagnosed with progressing Alzheimer’s . We are so fortunate.

    Time is getting away – gotta run for now.

    Best to all. Bob
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited August 2020
    I loved the sunflowers as well BOB. My old friend Roy who died in May of the horrid virus adored sunflowers. His service was full of sunflowers and few people. Will plant some next year in his memory.

    Bean and I have just had an adventure! Walking past a house, their sprinkler system suddenly came on and we both got soaked. She fared better than me! I set off looking reasonable and came home with soaked hair and shirt. She looked the same and a quick rub down soon had her looking normal.

    You would think life would be pretty quiet here wouldn't you, and yet it's not. Oh, SANDY, my age. I'll be 85 in October. Hanging on to 84 whilst I can, lol. Mark had an ultrasound yesterday for his stone. Awaiting results. Michael is to get a new company car next week. Meanwhile we went to the liquor store yesterday in this old banger which could break down at any moment by the look of it!

    Just like SANDY and LIN, BOB and us up here seem to share the same weather pattern. It was nice out walking before the soaking! Gets hot later. Do keep the photos coming BOB. The poor lady with the cart and the Heaven caption, neat. Makes us realize we are so lucky living in our piece of heaven. I think blown up and submitted to a newspaper etc, very poignant, deserving of a prize, and maybe get some civic leaders thinking!

    The dryer has grunted to a halt so must remove sheets etc.
    Have a great day and keep clear of sprinklers!
    Anne 😇❤️🐶
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2020
    🤭😁😂. Oh dear Anne, sorry about the soaking although it did make me laugh... should I admit to that? 84 going on 34! 😀

    Making myself an afternoon cuppa in between gardening but will be back once it cools off. We walked in fine drizzle first thing but the sun is now shining.
    Happy Saturday.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    BOB, me again. Your two photos of NY remind me of a William Blake poem which I can't quite remember.

    Some to misery are born

    Every morn and every night
    Some are born to sweet delight,
    Some are born to sweet delight, some are born to endless night,

    Must look it up, remember it from long ago, but it sums up your two photos of the street lady, and the happy couple.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,088 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Just put my sheets in the dryer and that is all for today except my bike and Joe. I cleaned the house yesterday so that is done thank goodness. I changed the filter on my furnace and then my A/C wasn't working. If I clicked to the fan, the fan would run but the thermostat would not stay at my set temperature. I was really frustrated and anticipated telling my landlord it was broken. (btw I should know better to anticipate the future it only brings frustration). This morning I checked the filter again and then went back to the thermostat where I finally realized I needed to change the batteries to make it work. I felt very blonde, no offense because I am blonde. All is good in Sandy's house once again.

    Anne, now I am even more impressed at how beautiful you are at 84, but I do remember thinking how beautiful you were in that one picture you shared when you were younger, the one with the beautiful legs. Just accept the compliments Anne, it is always nice to hear them.
    So I take it Mike had a loaner until the new car is ready??? Did you get any liquor for yourself?
    Asking for a friend. lol

    Jackie, back to the grind after resting those hips. You make me feel so lazy with the nothing that I do. :p

    Bob, great photos, I love the NY pictures but those of your family are special also. Great memories being made. <3 You are a great photographer btw.

    Lin, I wondered about blood labs with a virtual visit. Are you going to go in and have them done? I am sure the lady will not be posting on my wall again, my cousin seemed to have put her in her place. All her friends that are my friends will side with her as they are all in the same political party and those are the ones I stopped following. I can handle two views but I can't handle the bullying or the insults they throw, besides the posts they don't fact check. Ugh. Sorry, off my soapbox.

    Patsy, hope all is well in Oregon, so much turmoil there. Keep safe and healthy.

    Hi Barbie!!

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time