Senior Golden Sneakers



  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Back from running errands. Not the best weather – Rain and mid-50’s; tomorrow is more rain with a high of 53 and low of 36 degrees… puts a damper on some outdoor music we planned to attend at a local ice cream establishment. Oh well, we’ll see. Still haven’t heated up the Mexican lunch I made this morning…looking forward to it.

    Connie – I think we have something in common when it comes to the observation of a “whirlwind of colorful birds” on our property. You definitely get a better selection that sounds amazing and they do love to eat like crazy from the bird feeders. A couple years ago, we had a Robin “family” build their next over our front door. This allowed for some close-up photos. Flying lessons and feedings eventually expanded to our backyard deck. (photos).


    As for food -- you are correct. I actually spent dozens of hours researching and watching long videos etc. on Keto, Intermittent fasting, low carb / low sugar etc. At my heaviest I was 405. I started intermittent fasting on May 13, 2019 and during the last year have eliminated most sugar. I have been able to maintain a weight of roughly 170. (photo is at 165).


    Just wish I had been younger when I discovered this way of eating. I don’t call it a diet. It simply is the way I eat and works for me… We don’t need to discuss the bazillion failures. LOL

    Ok – time for that lunch and to catch up on the news! Bob
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Oh my Lord!! Very pricey!!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited April 2021
    PATSY - I salute you! The last time I was in The House it was dark and gloomy with just a black sofa and an enormous fish tank and tv. Now it's transformed. Dining table, coffee table, drapes of all things, chandeliers, fresh flowers, hell, I'd buy it if I didn't know better!
    The blurb says it should sell in 4 days. What! I hope Bean gets a friendly little dog next door. Mind you the trickle of water called a waterfall is a bit much as is the square called a pond. I hope it does sell quickly. Poor H must feel quite uncomfortable perched on a dainty chair. Everything is white now.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    😄😁😆😅 oh my goodness Anne, what a crazy world we live in! No wonder Harry has been working so hard to clear the property. As we say here, location, location and I’m guessing that will sell it. Everything crossed for nice new neighbours.
    I wish you a happy time tomorrow when you hop on your scales!

    I feel sad for that dog behind the big fence Barbie because not only will it live on rough ground, it won’t see beyond its prison. Nothing you could say I agree but I do sometimes wonder why people like that want a dog in the first place.

    Stunning bird photos from Connie and Bob. My little feathered friends don’t stay around long enough to be photographed because Brady is never far away!

    I’ve just enjoyed the prettiest pink sunset so hopefully that means a warmer, brighter day tomorrow.

    Time to retire to my bed sit!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited April 2021
    Meanwhile hidden down the side here's my side view, didn't want to spoil BOBS pretty meal before.

    Now if one can sell that for over a million dollars you are a true salesman indeed. Note the peeling rotten window wood hastily painted over. Annsie.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Good evening. It has been a bit of a busy day but I just looked up your neighboring property Anne and looked over all the photos and did the virtual tour they must have spent quite a bit on fixing up the inside of that home! The outside isn’t great looking. Think it will sell in a few days?

    We have a second for sale by owner sign in this neighborhood. I wonder if either of them will sell quickly.

    Lovely posts today. I especially like the photos of the birds. My mom loved to feed the Orioles each year. She also had many nuthatches, wrens, goldfinch and hummingbirds. Haaaa, I remember walking out to get the mail, this was an acreage so it was a long walk and at a certain point the red winged blackbirds would scream and often attack. Not the friendliest of birds.

    Well, did a few errands today and tried to make some phone calls but couldn’t get through to the people I wanted to speak with.

    Tomorrow, I have an appointment with the eye doctor in the morning.

    Be safe everyone.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lovely sunny but cool day. John is mowing and I am getting trash together and laundry. Katie has had a good run and ball game also she supervises the mowing operation from the safety of the deck. Very wise lady. John is very impatient when he runs into a snag, rock or mole hill.

    I am running at 1/4 my normally snail pace. I had one of those ugly nights! No sleep, tossing and turning. Why? Who knows?
    The house for sale next to Anne seems extraordinarily over priced. Of course, how would we know? We bought rundown or unfinished places that needed much work to be considered livable even. John has always been an excellent woodworker and our son is the same way. They loved to work together on the big house remodel projects. John always paid him so that he had a nice savings account during high school and college. Anne , If the place next door sells, will your son be tempted to sell your little house? I keep wondering if this real estate bubble will burst soon? Sandy...what do you think?

    It looks like that garage is still crammed with stuff, mainly trash. I don’t think that will impress too many people. Hope for the best. Sounds like they might need that capital in their retirement. Isn’t it funny how we are all speculating about this house? We don’t even live in the same country, city or neighborhood. What would they say if they knew?
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited April 2021
    Thinking of joining me LIN ?

    I just hope everyone ends up happy wherever they want to be and however they want to live. It was fun speculating and life will be awfully dull from now on. I rather wish things could remain just as they are with no for sale notices in sight. I'll say one thing, we all got on for 34 years which isn't a bad record, and I think I'll buy a thick lace curtain for the side window, and hope home shut in lockdowns and the boredom that comes with them cease soon. Mind you, if the lilac hadn't been cut down I'd never have noticed. I'd have just watched the birds and squirrels!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    :) What great bird pictures. We have birds in our neighbourhood. The ones I recognize are hummingbirds, crows, robins, and quail. Jake maintains a bird bath in our yard and it is very popular. Bird feeders are not allowed because the seeds that fall encourage rats.

    :) Housing prices make sense only if you compare them to property in the same general area at the same time. Last month five people in my neighbourhood died which put more houses on the market. Two of them sold immediately.

    :) Jake cut the grass and watered some of the flowers yesterday and I pulled more weeds and spread more bark. Last night it rained so there won't be any yard work done today.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,093 Member
    Happy Friday! :) My son and wife are here and I am going to a fabric store with Laurie as she is making dresses for herself and her daughter for a wedding they are going in July. She is a wonderful seamstress and quilter. No time to post but wanted to check in.

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited April 2021
    Meant to answer PATSY. No the Ms won't kick me out to sell. I'm to stay here as long as I'm able, and to be truthful I love this little old house, I like the inside. Cozy in winter. Beans happy here as well!. Anne.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good afternoon everyone – the morning flew by… gym, grocery store, clean-up, computer project etc. Lunch was: Haddock (Baked), Asparagus Tips, Spaghetti Squash, soy splash, Rosemary, fresh, parsley, paprika, fine chopped Garlic, reduced sugar ketchup, Lemon fresh…


    Wait for Jean to get home to head out for a 2nd walk. The band for tonight’s outdoor concert cancelled and rescheduled for the 3rd week of May. Weather is cold right now with high winds and temps will be in low 30’s late tonight – not sorry it was cancelled LOL.

    Annsie – That’s sounds like one awesome transformation. The way you describe it now – I’ll take it on your word alone. :D . In our area homes are moving pretty fast and people are getting good prices, but then you have to think wherever they move to they’ll be paying a good price for the new home. ..

    NOTE: just saw your follow up post – YIKES!!!!! I would hate that view. We have 1 house in the neighborhood that has a disastrous yard and overall poorly maintained. I always thank God it is next door to us.

    Jackie – Thanks on the bird photos. Like Connie, we enjoy observing them and I was fortunate they opted to make our doorway their home. LOL. I’m not sure Sabrina could scare anything away…she is not the boldest of cats.

    Lin – It will be interesting to see how the sale by owner in your neighborhood goes. We do pay attention to what happens in our neighborhood and nothing lasts for long. For sale by owner can go either way depending upon location, economy etc. In a tough economy a realtor can be a big help and properly selling by owner can get tricky. Hope your eye doctor appt went well.

    Barbie – Glad you get some neighborhood birds too! And the bird feeder / rats situation makes a lot of sense. Agree with your housing comment concerning comparisons and pricing. Some people can be very unrealistic and attach emotion not fully understanding the buyer might not care etc. When we sold our last home, I had to stop by 2 days later – they had already torn up flooring and were remodeling.

    Gotta sign off now… Jean should be home any minute. She brought her friend (86 yrs old & no car) to get her hair done and then they were going to stop for pizza….

    Have a great afternoon. Bob :)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another unusually cold day so I got the pooches ready for our walk early in order to miss any crowds visiting the local woods. Perfect timing as few about and I strolled while both dogs did lots of sniffing because it’s months since we were there. I then drove on to a farm supply store for a few items where outside they had shelves full of containers growing young veggies. I found a tray of celery plants that had been reduced 75%, probably because they hadn’t been watered properly and a couple were struggling. Luckily I was watching at the checkout as the store assistant gave it a cursory glance before scanning the barcode so when I returned to my car I studied the receipt and saw the full price and no sign of a discount. Back inside I went to obtain the refund! The young plants are mostly sitting up after a good soak so fingers crossed!
    The builders have today skimmed the first layer of render on to the dining room walls so it’s taking shape and before they headed home I checked if I’m still wasting my time washing all surfaces in the kitchen just to get covered in more dust. Some dust to follow but not nearly so bad as it has been so I’ll see what I can achieve in the morning before I get my hair cut... finally!! Another bank holiday weekend so 3 peaceful days... Dave’s words, not mine!

    Little Storm is doing well copying it’s mums and I saw today that it was drinking from a tiny dish of water I’d placed on the ground because the main water feeder would be too high to reach.

    Houses in my county are selling so fast they can’t keep up with demand. Most buyers are from the cities wanting what they see as an ideal lifestyle but some bring bad habits with them, especially when it’s their driving on narrow lanes! I use a dash cam just in case! They sell city dwellings for a small fortune and can buy a mansion in this area which of course pushes locals out of the frame.

    Have a wonderful time with your visitors Sandy and continue to take care and stay safe.

    The posing poodle on yesterday’s teapot reminds me of the tiniest chihuahua we saw today proudly trotting across a car park. I should have taken a photo except people are suspicious because of the rise in dog napping. He would have been a perfect friend for Jilly!

    Time to make sure Storm has found his way into the chicken house for the night. A bright evening but we have a few storms rumbling in the distance.

    Take care everyone
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    edited April 2021
    Hello, home after the appointment with the eye doctor, a stop at the Costco gas station (wow, late Friday morning is busy), and a stop to pick up library books.

    No change in my lens correction but I have a new copy of the prescription so I can purchase a new pair of glasses. I was told, for the first time, that she sees the beginning of cataracts. She tossed out an estimate of 5 years before they will need attention. Grand. Didn’t see that coming I guess. 🤣😂🙂😂🤣 but then I wouldn’t would I?

    Lunch looks quite good once again Bob. Dear Jean spends a lot of time helping others. That is so kind. ❤️❤️ Enjoy your afternoon. The temperature here has hit 70 degrees today. I am liking the warmer temperature. I hope you see a turn for the better as well.

    Anne, your house is cozy and I hope you have many years of happiness ahead in your home. And also hoping for the best with the property next door. And nope, I won’t be moving. Canada wouldn’t want me anyway!

    Barbie, we don’t have many in our neighborhood that feed the birds. Several have water available for them. But there are no prohibitions against feeding or watering the birds. I just like to see them hopping about in the neighbor’s tree. I did hear on the news this morning that experts say you must clean your feeder with a bleach solution every month or two to ward off a number of diseases that are fatal to birds. Well, I think my parents cleaned the bird feeder once a season and I doubt it was with bleach. I have friends around the metro that feed the squirrels by tossing out peanuts and/or bread on their back porches/decks each day. I would I imagine that would attract mice and potentially rats.

    Patsy, your descriptions of the properties you have lived in (and fixed up) is amazing. What has been your favorite place to live? Always your current home?

    Jackie, did you get your warmer day? I hope so. Super Pink Moon I hear. Makes for lovely photos.

    Sandy, enjoy your time with family. It passes so quickly.

    Best wishes to everyone. Off to sort out some containers to plant.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Good morning. Quite funny but my neighbours have disappeared up north I presume and LOADS of people trudged through their house yesterday BUT when the agents left it was still daylight and they forgot to turn the garage lights off which meant I didn't need to turn mine on with enough light shining through my LR and kitchen side windows. Never a dull moment.

    Jilly had a wonderful day barking and running back and forth. One very young couple showed a little more interest than the rest. They looked rather like a younger version of my present neighbours.

    Otherwise just the usual Friday. Garbage day, grocery delivery, but no Michael who decided to stay home because of strong winds threatening to blow For Sale signs sky high.

    Hope everyone has a nice calmer Saturday.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Happy Saturday… Waiting for Blink Fitness to open at 7am. Birds are chirping like crazy and it is very “crisp” outside. Jean is sleeping and wasn’t feeling 100% last night. We were planning (as a joke) to drive out of town “accidently” bump into her uncle at the casino (his neighbors were bringing him) - just for a laugh.


    It has been increasing difficult for her uncle. His macular degeneration has worsened…lost glasses and needed emergency pair ordered. Phone went bad and needed new one. His dog isn’t doing the best, but it is his last attachment to his deceased daughter. He can no longer drive his newly leased car and not sure what can be done. We will only do as he wants and treat him with the respect we would want – even as he approaches 90. He never really complains (except minor frustration at not being able to do something). Jean talks with him nightly generally for about an hour and I chime in a bit for some mutual kidding. Lots more going on but will end it here for now.

    Jackie – Stay warm and bundled up. We are definitely colder today than the norm…but still recall the snow we had on May 9th last year as we celebrated Brooke’s 5th birthday with a drive-by parade because of the pandemic. Good catch on the celery plant pricing error … we buy a lot of discounted plants and amazingly they usually thrive after some TLC.

    Ditto on our housing market. Our niece is a realtor and very busy. It’s amazing what some people can afford and so different from when we started out. Hope your storms aren’t too bad.

    Lin – Great Oliver Twist teapot…can always count on an interesting picture from you. Glad the eye doctor appt went well and no changes. Can’t wait to see your new eyeglasses. My dr has been mentioning “cataracts” etc., but I am holding off for now. Jean dealt with it a couple years ago. Love the humor.

    You’re right about Jean. She has a big heart and it truly is what attracted me to her. Reminds me of the Honey song by Bobby Goldsboro, as she is always young at heart, kind and I can easily see her “sittin there an' cryin', Over some sad and silly late, late show...”

    Jealous of your 70 temp…I don’t see that in the immediate future for us, so I will settle for any sun we can get.

    Bye for now. Best wishes to all for a great weekend! Bob :)
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited May 2021
    We've got a frost warning!

    Meanwhile I've taken down my thick winter drapes to let the sun in. Thinking of light flowery summery curtains. Any ideas on where to purchase them online? Ready made of course as my peepers are no good for sewing anymore


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We picked just the right window of weather for a long walk and halfway round met a lovely man with black Lab Scooby I’ve got to know through lockdown. This azalea hedge is along the road on the way to the next village and I often see cars stopping and drivers jumping out to take a photo when it’s in bloom.

    Now pouring cold rain but I’m off to my hairdresser.....Bliss! Neighbour Louise driving me as she doesn’t feel I should drive too far yet!

    Catch you later.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member

    Good morning. Shall we dance around a May Pole today? 🥳

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited May 2021
    Well I certainly feel like dancing. I've taken down the heavy drapes, the sun's pouring in, the blind at the side is open and with hardly any junk left to darken us and to look at my LR is sunny and light. As the poet said "call me early mother dear, for I'm to be queen of the May." I'm making hay whilst the sun shines for who knows what the future holds! Wow, that's some azalea hedge JACKIE! Just what I needed in the past but an azalea wouldn't grow as big as that in this part of the world.