Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm having leftover homemade broccoli, onion and cheese creamy soup for lunch. I've been digging out old books, like my "country living" ones, and this recipe came out of my vegetarian favourite cookbook. Little does Mike know if he's over this w/e but he's in for "Pasta with lemon cream sauce, asparagus and peas". He might, just might, be pleasantly surprised because it's one of my favourites. That will teach him hinting I'm too ancient to enjoy new curtains, lol.

    Yes SANDY - Harry is back but isn't clearing out the remaining junk outside my side window. He's definitely not into genteel living! I suspect it will be left if they sell, and added to if they don't, he definitely isn't into vases of roses etc, see above photo, lol.

    By the way apparently we had frost overnight and it's 3 degrees (38F) right now at 8:21am.

    Anne in her cuddly slippers
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,097 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Chilly here as well and I have the heat on. Meeting today but will no doubt stay in and stay warm. I haven't heard from Joe's son so I am not sure if I should go see Joe or not, I will wait until Sunday to make a decision about Monday. Not sure Bryanna is coming for dinner tonight she might be busy which is fine since I will see her tomorrow for my hair appointment.

    Annsie, my OCD would be over the top if I lived next to Harry so you have more patience than I do. I could live in that garden room, it is very beautiful. In your picture of your living room aren't your curtains plain? Are those the ones you want to replace??

    Jackie, still too cold for you to enjoy the outdoors, I hope it changes soon. Glad you got your two appointments with no conflict.

    Hello to all, have a good day and stay safe and healthy.

    One Day at a Time

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    And I've got another problem all stemming from him next door I'm pretty sure. Remember he removed all those rotten tree trunks just outside my kitchen window on his side? I think he disturbed an ants nest and they are now trekking through my kitchen window. Marks coming over to check the seal but honestly I will be so glad to see the back of Harry! Surely I won't get another neighbour as bad! He's packing the truck and car up with stuff right now, but not the remaining rubbish which makes me think they are going back up north for another weekend to avoid the house viewing here. I've never had this problem before of ants so I'm pretty sure they lost their nest under the tree trunks.

    Yes my present curtains are plain SANDY. The problem is they are fading in spots from the southern sun beams pouring through the window, plus I've had them forever.

    You know if H and J can find a northern wooden cabin with an outhouse they will be so happy and I will be as well, so wish us all luck!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello from cool and cloudy Oregon. Had a strange night. Not much sleep but I can just have a low key day.

    Anne: my ant story still cracks me up. I have huge bunch of calla lillies out beside the house and they are just stunning. I decided to bring a big bunch in and put them in a great tall vase that I have. I placed them on a butcher block table I have in the kitchen. Overnight hundreds of tiny sugar ants trailed out of the lillies and across to the cabinet where I have honey and sugar for the coffee and tea. On YouTube I read to mix jelly with borax and place a small puddle on an index card next to where the ants were trailing. I did this for a week. Ants disappeared. I scrubbed out the cabinet, threw away the lillies. The borax worked for earwigs in the garage. Spiders just laughed at me and keep spinning their cobwebs and now I see little egg sacs. I have an insect and spider war going. Help! I am losing!

    Jackie: having lived through many construction projects, I know the frustration you are feeling. I usually had animals to contend with and children, while John happily worked at a snail’s pace. I ran around with “my hair on fire” most of the time. We removed years of different layers of wall paper from every room in a large house in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The house was truly haunted. A benevolent spirit. The mess was ongoing for months. day it was finished.

    Sandy: I wonder if you might call the facility where Joe is, ask them if they think Joe is well enough to receive guests. Maybe his family is so busy arranging their own visits etc. they have forgotten to call you. Bring a card and a small photo of yourself. Tell him you are thinking of him and he can see you when he wants to.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I needn’t have worried.... the new loo on its pallet didn’t arrive and checking the courier’s website it has been sitting in their depot Since Tuesday, obviously being ignored.

    Patsy, the sun warmed up this afternoon so I sat on the swing seat outside drinking tea and telling myself there are a lot of folk in far worse situations than me. You are right dear friend, one day the mess will be gone! Spiders I can happily live with unless they are so big even Brady is scared!

    Anne, the neighbour who lives next door but one pulled down an old rotting shed a few years ago and horror of horrors we had rats popping up everywhere! I’ve been putting poison down ever since. Certainly sounds like your ants are looking for a new warm home so best do whatever is needed to deter them.

    Enjoy yourself with Bryanna Sandy whether tonight or for your hair appointment. I tested my new silver blue shampoo yesterday but possibly didn’t leave it on long enough... I was too busy spaying the tiled shower walls as it splashed dark blue everywhere! Will have to concentrate better next time. Patsy is right as ever, take ID and maybe proof of vaccination to see Joe but phone first so you don’t have a wasted journey.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    And I'm pooped. Mark turned up and sawed huge branches off the big apple tree at the back. I helped by cutting off twiglets and putting them in a waste bag. Jilly supervised. Mark is now digging up dandelions out of the lawn. But here's my BIG news, Harry and Joyce started clearing out their side. A bit left but not much, but what a huge MESS with rotting bark and soggy ground everywhere. No wonder I've got ants, I'll try your trick PATSY. I'm waiting for the rats to show JACKIE, but the chipmunks have packed their bags and left for drier pastures. Must check but I think the rain barrels GONE. No mosquitoes this summer, oh bliss.

    Anne, who it doesn't take much to make very happy!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,097 Member
    His son did test me and said he wasn't sure if he could have visitors outside of family as the are in a restricted mode. His sister is going Saturday so they will ask about non family visitors and get back to me.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,144 Member
    edited May 2021
    Hello. Okay, the day melted away again. I had the usual Thursday morning conversation with my friend. I wish I could speak to one of her sons. I think she needs to have her hearing aid fixed. She isn’t catching most of what I say. It makes a give and take conversation quite difficult.

    I spoke to another friend this afternoon. She is on her countdown for shoulder replacement surgery next Tuesday. She is off most of her medication as directed. No pain meds allowed now and she is really suffering. Her last Covid test is Saturday morning and then she must stay away from everyone except her husband and cat! Her hospital stay is unknown. It was 3 days when she had the other shoulder replaced a few years ago.

    Her husband has been recovering from his skin cancer surgery and had his staples out last Friday. He got a good report though, no more surgery needed at this time. Somehow he has broken his little finger and is having some pain from that. And he has everything to do starting next week. Cooking, cleaning, washing, lawn work, grocery shopping, looking after my friend and helping her get dressed, etc. I think they are having a rough time!

    Jackie, I am sorry that so many things are not going smoothly. Really Not At All Smoothly! I wish they could wrap things up and you could have your life back with some peace and quiet as well as heat when needed! But oh my, rats. Mice are bad enough but rats are mega problems! We fought rats on the farm for years with thousands of animals and feed being tossed all over (these pigs were not tidy), and shelled corn in flat storage, it was an enormous problem. They used to run over my feet when I worked in the hog buildings. I sincerely detest them. I hope you see the last of them soon.

    Anne, argh, ants. They are so good at finding their way into our homes. I have been invaded several times. I keep some ant spray (not poisonous) on hand now. I hope you find a way to get rid of them. And happy hunting for new decor. You deserve it! And your soup sounds lovely to me. Yummy.

    Patsy, oh my gosh, what a story! You worked hard to rid yourself of those unwanted visitors. You have the best stories. You have lived an eventful life.

    Sandy, I wouldn’t visit unless the families is okay with it. That’s just me. They have sounded kind of protective of Joe. But I am a wimp. Best wishes tomorrow on your hair update! It will turn out wonderfully.

    Time to move along. I just heard of the death of one of my early life boy friends. He was the first to give me a ring. We broke up for lots of reasons, one of which was we both needed to grow up!

    Best wishes.


    A teapot with legs!


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Happy Friday – Started yesterday with a rheumatologist appointment I had forgotten about for usual blood work etc. Sadly, the PA I have seen for last 2 yrs told me he is leaving NYS for N Carolina – for many of the reasons (if not for grandkids) we would too. Lost my last one that I loved for 10 yrs to Florida.

    Jean was up and working in the yard laying mulch by 7am. I stopped on the way back from Dr at store for a new umbrella stand we needed. By the time I got home Jean was done laying mulch and it looked beautiful. Told her jokingly that I would see about expediting her green card.


    We went to a Mexican restaurant for the 1st time in over a year for lunch…Fabulous meal that was my biggest in over a year… a million or so calories.


    Need to take my post-gym shower soon. Heading out in in 2 hours to pick up some special cookies we ordered for Brooke’s 6th Birthday on Sunday. The woman making the cookies leads a local band of professional musicians well-known for many many years – weddings, clubs, events, private functions etc. During the pandemic she was showing off her baking skills that rival any bakery I know. Can’t wait to see what she created.

    Jackie – Can’t wait to see your veggie dish creations when the weather cooperates. Your current weather is definitely not on my hit parade.

    Anne – That summer room photo was gorgeous. Jean would flip for something like that. Jean also spends time looking at country homes and designs – she will show me at least one a day…perhaps she really believes that next lottery ticket will be a winner. LOL. Fortunately, I love everything Jean does from a decorating standpoint and appreciate it all... I only ask her to consider my “office” room as my domain. That means I have 10% of the house under my control. Ha ha

    Sandy – Happy belated Cinco de Mayo to you too! Think I will do exactly as you say re: HULU and pray I don’t get hooked… Paying enough with Amazon Prime, Netflix and AcornTV – might have to rethink usage and values in the coming months.

    Looking forward to your Esther Williams photo!

    Lin – Sorry to hear about the death of one of your early life boyfriends. I do occasionally wonder about those youthful relationships while fully realizing exactly what you said about growing up. I think that is why the William Wordsworth quote from Splendour in the Grass has always been a top fav – “Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower, We will grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind…” Did I say “always” – not really – those are the things you don’t fully understand until you are “much” older.

    Off for now. Healthy wished to all. Bob :)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,097 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Joe's son texted me that all I have to do is call and schedule a visit. He said I could visit in his dad's room, it's clean or there is a lot of nice seating outside the room. His sister was supposed to go tomorrow but she broke her pelvis so probably won't be there for months. I called Joe and the place and we are set for tomorrow at 4:30 for dinner. Proof of vaccinations and temperature check and I am good to go. We are having our family zoom call tomorrow for Mother's Day as I won't be home most of Sunday.

    Bob, you made me laugh out loud with your Esther Williams comment, very unlikely I will be posting any swimsuit pictures. lol Your Jean is amazing to put all the mulch down by herself, that is hard work. I'm with you on all these fees just to watch TV. I am on my son's account for Amazon Prime but I pay for cable, Netflix and Disney+. Comcast is my cable company and they charge way too much although I love their internet. BTW, your house looks beautiful.

    Lin, I felt the same way about Joe's family, that is why I asked before just going there. Sorry about your friends and their health problems, it will be tough for them. I am not sure I have seen a street rat in person because I am pretty sure I would have died from fear. Even in the movies when they show rats I cringe. I think of my first boyfriend now and then and wonder what every happened to him. I searched google and Facebook but his name is too common.
    I do know he got married because that is why he dumped me. lol

    Annsie, great news with the clearing of the junk from your side. That would make me happy as well. It sounds like you will have a great summer without bugs and junk, enjoy!!

    Did I miss Jackie or are we posting at the same time?

    Have a great day, the sun is shining here.
    One Day at a Time

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Every one of my ex boyfriends is in greener pastures now. Only my ex of 24 years is still around. Just had a thought, maybe it's a good thing for him he is my ex! Lol.

    I cooked for lunch Pasta with asparagus, green peas, seasonings etc in a creamy sauce. My all time favourite vegetarian dish. It's soooooo tasty.

    Mark and I seem to have survived our gardening pruning and dandelion digging up.
    No Michael today. He tells me he's coming over on Sunday to cook ME a Mexican dish he likes.

    And that's about it for now. With all this light streaming in through the now open blinds I'm thinking of getting the easel out of mothballs later. Six huge bundles of huge branches have gone off in garbage day "leaf" pick up which is a relief because the truck coincided with my grocery delivery van.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,144 Member
    edited May 2021
    Good afternoon. I haven’t been able to get to the Sneakers Group most of the morning. First it said the server wasn’t available. Then I tried to get on through a browser and got a different error message—too many requests to login.

    Anyway, I am here. Did a bit of laundry by hand this morning and also a bit of deck gardening. I was just going to get some cold tea before running an errand when the phone rang. A friend who had a long story to tell me. I think we were on the phone for over an hour. Her husband had emergency surgery on Sunday morning. He has had a trip back to Urgent Care a couple of days ago and today had to make another trip back to the hospital for a check in. He had an infection before they did the surgery so they are checking on that. Sounds like a dreadfully anxious time for her. Of course now her husband wants to zip right back to work. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Bob, Jean did a stupendous job with that mulch. Not only a green card for her but a permanent job with a bonus for a job well done! Enjoy the weekend.

    Sandy, I am glad Joe’s family gave you the go-ahead and you have something scheduled with him! He will be so happy to see you.

    Anne, you are on the go!! What a lot accomplished around your house. Who knew the events of your neighbor would turn out to be so nice for the atmosphere in your home. Having such good light will be a plus if you dig out your easel again.

    Jackie, good day to you. I must have missed you.

    Patsy, I know you are waiting a week for your celebration with your son but I hope you have a lovely weekend.

    Best wishes everyone.



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2021
    The cold weather continues and everyone is complaining! Indoors looking out it looks inviting but a cold wind soon sends me scurrying back.
    I did a grocery shop early when it was quiet then walked the dogs round our wooded area. George led me astray at one point and I found myself climbing the narrowest footpath and almost tipping off the edge with Betty so called him back and found a gentle walk. One day I will take a carrier bag with me to fill with small branches that are lying everywhere because it will make perfect kindling.
    A silver spoon the builders found in one of my walls has been cleaned as much as I dare so I’m now trying to find when and where it was made. How to waste an hour google searching!!

    Lin, great news for your friend’s husband that no more surgery required but goodness they are having a lot of trials and tribulations thrown at them. It’s always sad to hear that people once close to us in the past have died but it is also a time to revisit memories, hopefully with fondness.
    A boyfriend of mine 30 years ago said as we parted on good terms that if neither of us was with someone when we reached 70 we must get back together and spend our twilight years on our rocking chairs! Hmm, since he’s overdue by 2 years I’m guessing he met someone! 🙃😉

    What a beautiful, colourful restaurant Bob and the food looks amazing.... so long as you don’t make a habit of it!!
    A great job achieved by Jean although I’m guessing your temperatures are a tad higher than mine to encourage her to be out so early in the morning.

    I’ve just noticed clouds now drifting in off the Atlantic so although it will be warmer it’ll bring with it rain.

    Sandy, hooray, you have sorted a visit to see your friend Joe. I hope you find he is settling in to his new surroundings. Knowing he can still see you will help I’m sure.

    Anne, your pasta dish is similar to one I often make when our British asparagus is in season although mine has grated Parmesan rather than a creamy sauce. This morning I bought a pack of tomato and mozzarella gnocchi and plan to cook a handful to enjoy with salad this evening. Was Mark able to redirect your ants?

    Time to prepare that gnocchi meal.
    As ever, take care everyone.

    PS Lin, you posted the same time. I had similar problems logging on earlier, something about too many people waiting to get on.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited May 2021

    JACKIE I believe an object was placed in the walls of old houses to bring good luck and keep evil spirits at bay. (Maybe I should do that on Harry's side!). Children's shoes are often found. Now I could be wrong of course, I often am, but maybe it might be a good idea to place it back in the wall. Superstition of course but why tempt fate. Lol.

    Mark more or less did what PATSY suggested as far as the ants. To be honest, it's a bit of a dull day here but so far I haven't noticed any in the kitchen. Cross fingers.

    I'm still feeling a bit tired after yesterday exertions so settling down with the Bean to read a book.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cool and partly cloudy. But the sun winks and flirts with us as he peeps out from behind the clouds. And you all is pizza Friday. We continue with the cauliflower crust variety. I am adjusting. But I will admit the cauliflower crust is crunchy and the veggie toppings are nice. It is a weekly tradition here at our house. Pizza or some kind of exotic burger for Friday “date” night.

    I have had a very rude and disturbing discovery. I had an upset tummy and heartburn yesterday so at John’s rather strong suggestion, I decided to forego coffee yesterday AM. The discovery.....I am totally addicted to coffee or at least caffeine. I developed a headache and honestly I could hardly get my nose off the pillow. What to do? Is it important to do anything? I read coffee is good for diabetics. So I am cutting back but still have some coffee in the mornings. I hate the idea of being addicted to anything. But I fully admit I seem to really want that feeling of the morning cup waking me up for the day. Small drama here on our lane.

    Sandy and Bob: I know subscriptions to entertainment channels are expensive but unless the budget requires it, why not have those entertainment options? To me, we have given up so much to that horrible virus, we deserve a small diversion. So we buy dvds, CDs , subscribe to any and all that’s available to enjoy in the evenings as we exercise and just also just settle into lump on the couch.

    Ooooops dryer is ready to be emptied!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    That’s my understanding too Anne because about 20 years ago my original slate roof was renovated when a horse shoe was discovered in the eves but the builder threw it in a corner of the footpath. Within a few days he was in hospital with an infection round his heart and as soon as he came back to work I suggested he put the horse shoe back where he had found it! Another was found under the hearth in a downstairs room so someone was certainly into good luck charms being dotted about! Did you see this article on today’s BBC news App? That’s a coincidence!

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I gave Michael, who was having a spate of bad luck, an old carthorse shoe we found in the garden. Funnily, his luck has improved ever since. Be sure to put that spoon back and a little something that reflects you. An old dog collar, an old gardening tool, a packet of seeds, something very Jackie.
    Yes, I saw the menu. So that's what my grandads were chomping on back in 1913. Wonder what they'd think of today's Chinese, Indian, Mexican etc dinners. Nowt much knowing my Yorkshire grands!
    Roast beef on a Sunday, Yorkshire pudding and nowt else, lol.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Happy Saturday to all – Back from Gym (really wasn’t feeling it but still went LOL), picked up a few groceries and a bagel for Jean.

    Can’t wait for Brooke’s 6th birthday tomorrow. As I mentioned yesterday, we ordered some “special” cookies from a well-known professional local musician (and awesome baker). She has a degree in graphic design. Here is a photo of what they look like – they’re a good size cookie and all from scratch.


    Sandy – Glad you liked the Esther Williams comment. I must say, I won’t be displaying any topless swim suit pictures of myself either. As for cable etc., Jean just said last night she didn’t care if we cancelled Netflix – but I want to go thru and see if there are any “originals” we watch. We have Amazon Prime for the free shipping etc., but it is disappointing that most of the movies I want to watch are addit $$ - and most of the time they are old classics. Lots to evaluate, but cable costs are nuts. Glad you liked Jean’s handy work. She does but a lot into making everything homey.

    Hope you have a wonderful dinner tonight and that Joe’s sister does ok. Can’t wait for the days when Zoom calls are a thing of the past, but they do come in handy at times like this.

    Anne – Your humor is always intact. ..even when it comes to an ex of 24 yrs! Always good to find humor in those things. Your vegetarian dish is definitely something I would love.

    Lin – I will pass along your comments to Jean. You talked me into it – a green card it shall be. LOL. Not sure about the bonus – I spent it on the cookies. Ha ha ha .

    Jackie – Watch those narrow footpaths – we don’t want to lose you! That silver spoon was a cool find. I would be doing the same thing re: finding out when/where etc.

    Patsy – Hope today the sun does more than “wink and flirt” with you. Your cauliflower pizza sounds just like mine. It took me a couple tries to get it just right, but I do like it. I can’t offer any advice on coffee – I am a HUGE ADDICT with no hope or desire for recovery. I have given up many bad food items and this one is staying “til death do we part.” LOL.

    I agree on the entertainment subscriptions, but want to be sure we are getting our monies worth. There are so many streaming services, I want to see which ones offer us the best selection. It might mean a cancel of Netflix to go with BritBox or Hulu or whatever. One of those things I will check into in the next month or so. We do have a record store that sells used music and dvd’s. I have picked up several movies for about $2. Each.

    Time to go, I have been ignoring Jean downstairs since getting home… so time for some small talk!

    Have a great day! Bob
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Low cloud, horizontal rain and 10c at best! A quick dog walk was planned but as George slipped through the cat flap when he saw his coat being taken out from the pet drawer, did his best to hide then did what was required in the garden I decided to cancel that plan. Having built a coal fire in the dining room stove even though the room is empty I’ve spent the morning in the kitchen preparing soup while George and Betty snooze. Little else to do on such a day!

    Little Storm is coping well and knows to hide under mums wing when the wind blows!

    I’m planning to drive to Plymouth tomorrow to look at sofas before Spring sales finish on Monday.

    Fresh brewed coffee is my only addiction too and I would expect a blinding headache if I stopped drinking it but Patsy, a good friend can’t enjoy it anymore because it started to upset her stomach a couple of years ago so maybe something that can occur over time. (I sometimes think wine is her favourite alternative but wouldn’t dream of suggesting she knock that on the head!)

    Wow Bob, the biscuits are phenomenal and go beyond talented bakery. Lucky Brooke!
    I’m not a huge tv fan but even so found the lack of new productions during lockdown tedious. At least the BBC streamed a vast selection of past series on their website so I caught up on programmes I might never have seen. That’s how I was introduced to Line of Duty and am now moving on to Luther as I seemed to miss the last 2 series.

    Enjoy your dinner with Joe Sandy. I do hope you find him happy with his new home.

    My days are drifting one into another with little achieved (deep sigh) but I expect to one day be busy painting walls and fighting my way back into an extremely cluttered spare room.

    Happy days all round!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,097 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Bryanna did a great job on my hair and it only took 3 1/2 hours. lol I really didn't mind since she is still learning and the teachers have to come and see how she is doing and/or help her. I love the color and she only trimmed the back of my hair as I am trying to let it grow a little longer for a short bob.
    Stopped at Walmart for the first time since the pandemic to buy a few item I needed and came home to finish my laundry which I started before I left. Between phone calls and text I finally ate dinner (lean crusine pizza) at 8:00pm.
    Today I am doing my sheets before our Mother's Day zoom call and then ride the bike before watching a zoom wedding of Lisa's cousin in Virginia and visiting Joe. Ordered a second swimsuit because I am not sure about the first, either one will go back or both, we will see. And how is your day.

    Jackie, I hope Joe is happy also, he doesn't sound it on the phone but that could be because he doesn't have his old phone with the speaker. He is also supposed to be getting hearing aids but that was with his daughter so things might have changed. Love the picture with the pups even though I had to tilt my head sideways. lol I wish your weather would warm up so at least with sunshine and heat you wouldn't mind the work being done. Interesting about the spoon in the wall, let us know if you finds it's origin.

    Bob, love the cookies, your granddaughter will be thrilled and probably won't let you eat them. Our state is opening everything by July I think but it is hard to do normal after all the precautions we have taken for over a year. I think people will be wearing masks and social distancing for a long time just out of habit. I am a little nervous about the waterworks tomorrow as they will have about 90 people but Lisa thinks some will be moms and grandma's who won't go in the play areas but just watch. I would like to be one of the watchers but with three young kids I think we both need to be close thus the swimsuit. lol

    Annsie, I have some superstitions inherited from my mom. Left palm means getting money, right means paying out.
    Bad luck for women to whistle in the house and so on. All I know about a horseshoe is you are supposed to hang it with the opening up so the good luck doesn't spill out.

    Patsy, I drink three cups of coffee in the morning and if you remember I had tummy issues. I have switched to decaff and although I thought it will never wake me up I think it was just a habit of drinking coffee. I tried to mix both decaff and regular a couple of weeks ago and had the same tummy issues so I am sticking with decaff. At least I have the coffee taste and I do wake up eventually.

    Lin, I am sorry about your friends and hope he makes a quick recovery. You are a good friend to listen to your friends on the phone, I am sure it give them great comfort. Like that teapot.

    I better put sheets in dryer and eat something before I have to get ready for zoom call Have a safe but great day.

    One Day at a Time