Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Michael got back in one piece but when he came over earlier he looked awfully tired. Didn't stop him taking Bean for a long walk on a very hot day
    When his father had the staples removed on Friday the surgeon took one look at the oozing wound and promptly hauled him back into hospital. And there Mike had to leave him because he has to be back at work tomorrow.

    It was lovely having him over for lunch again. Chicken pot pie and veggies. He stayed for 2.5 hours but could hardly keep his eyes open. Text me from his condo and was going back to bed!

    I gather he had cleaned the house from top to toe, done the grocery shopping, cut the large gardens grass on a sit upon mower, grocery shopped and ferried his dad to and fro for hospital checks. It reminded me of when I was flying across the Atlantic at the same age on a similar mission.

    Very hot here. We are in the middle of several days of heat. Makes one very lethargic so I will away.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Partly Cloudy and cool. Very PNW weather. Comfortingly normal. But next week we will heat up again. Not quite as bad as our killer heat bubble earlier in the summer. But I still feel like this might be an early fall. Wrong?

    Today I will make John a meatless Sunday dinner. He will not fuss if it sort of feels like a regular Sunday dinner. Tossed Salad and pasta with black olives, sweet onions, and artichoke hearts. Breaking him out of the meat thing is hard going.

    I am doing a new exercise regimen that is supposed to target areas that help from falling. Of course that is a big worry at my age. I am also (with doctors okay) ditching my statin pills. Not sure any of you take these but the side effects were miserable. Why was this prescribed for me? I don’t have high cholesterol? I fear it is one of those prescriptions that is just automatically given to people at a certain age. We must be our own best advisers. Look up drugs and side effects online and from many different websites. I should have done this right at the beginning.

    Still need to finish my fairy houses and fish rocks. That project got stalled. That happens to me. I have a disturbing urge to just keep starting things without finishing them. New rule in the dungeon… I will not allow myself to start anything new until I finish at least one thing. We will see if this rule can stick.

    Lin: oh yes, my friend. I know the problem of fingers not cooperating. I have ruined and dropped more than you will ever know. Elegant teapot shape.

    Anne: I’ve said this before…Mike is a good person. I hope his dad can appreciate the sacrifice Mike made for his benefit. Of course, I know Mike would not be doing all that expecting great thanks or appreciation. Still it would help take the sting out of all the work, travel, and restless nights. We do love our kids and hate to see them suffer. Even if they are no longer kids.

    Have a lovely remainder of this Sunday.
    Stay safe, stay well, and stay in touch!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2021
    I’m still locked into daily painting so no new news. We did have a lovely long walk on the moors and stopped to chat to another dog Walker, this one has a huge fluffy Malamute called, would you believe, Ewok!
    Lots more sunshine so a large load of overnight laundry was hung out to dry. I’ve left the overdue grass cutting for tomorrow.
    My ECG measurement kit from the research group arrived in the post yesterday so I’ve started recording today. They ask for 4 tests a day for 3 weeks so I’m writing down each time I use it so I don’t forget! It’s easy and only takes a minute so ideal if the research goes well.

    Lin, I agree with you totally about Afghanistan; things were always going to revert back once we left. Tribal people don’t change.
    How frustrating to lose your potato meal that way but the alternative sounds and looks interesting!
    That’s sad your Saturday Facebook lady died. I know you enjoyed those sessions.

    Hooray Anne, you got to see Mike and cook one of your favourite Sunday lunches.

    Feet up and relaxing for me!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Back home after a wonderful weekend with my friend and her classmate she hadn't seen for sixty years. Very nice lady and we all had a great dinner last night with a great breakfast this morning. I am very tired though so will catch up tomorrow. I need to put my feet up and relax.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited August 2021
    Good day. It is already over 80 degrees and heading higher!

    I did a few errands this morning. To the post office, hoping to run my envelopes through the little device that lets you know if they are too thick for one stamp. But there were too many people to wait in line so I just dropped them in the inside box and I will keep my fingers crossed. Then I stopped at the gas station. I have been listening to parts of a series on staying prepared. Of course, you know I will not. But I did decide to follow one rule, keep gas in your car. Never let it drop below a half tank. Just when you have fumes left is when an emergency will arise and you may or may not be able to find gas. There, I shared my lesson with you. Then I stopped at Walgreens to pick up an item. First time in that store since the beginning of the mess. I have done drive through pickup and have had delivery through InstaCart.

    Sandy, welcome home. So happy to hear you had a wonderful visit.

    Anne, also glad Michael is home and that you have already seen him. What a trying visit he had. He is really a great son. I hope you get to visit often.

    Patsy, best wishes on the new exercise regime. Let us know how it goes. I love it, fairy houses and fish rocks. You are soooo much fun! Lovely.

    Jackie, you seem to run into interesting folks on almost every dog walk! I hope the painting is going well. You must be wearing out your brushes! I heard China may be weaseling their way into Afghanistan. Oh my. That country just goes from one influence to the next. Praying all those who wish to leave that country are able to exit safely.

    On to the next thing. I did some laundry yesterday and I need to collect it and put it away.

    Be safe.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Rest day after a fun weekend. I will probably run to store to get some thank you cards and a gift card for my friend's daughter who so generously treated us to dinner and breakfast. She is such a great daughter and takes such good care of her mother.

    Where is everyone today??

    Have a great day and keep staying safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. Strange weather with high pressure hanging over us trapping clouds but warming temperatures. We enjoyed a long walk so I managed 5,000 steps before 10am but not many since! I met another dog walker who had a funny little Jack Russell crossed with French Bulldog that he told me he originally fostered through the charity that finds temporary homes for dogs coming out of abusive relationships. The couple got back together once so the dog went back to them but then they split again and the poor little chap ended up in kennels until the man I chatted to agreed to foster again. Finally the lady with 3 children was found accommodation away from her partner that didn’t allow dogs so Billy got to stay where he was and seems very happy. Amazing the stories I hear on our walks! Another man passed me later on asking how far to the old railway line he wanted to walk round but no dog this time, just a flask of tea in his nap sack apparently!

    I’m continuing to paint sections and also hung a curtain pole and curtains in the snug, a job that should have only taken 20 minutes but the rawl plugs bent as I tapped them in so I had to search for more, then the battery on the drill faded so I watched an episode of Homes in the Country while it charged!

    Patsy, I’m not taking statins so no experience to tell but I know we sometimes get told everyone over a certain age should be on them then that changes to don’t take them unless you have to! I take from that it’s a personal choice thing but seek advice.

    My neighbours have gone back to the canal boat they sometimes use but before they left dropped off a bag of veggies from the allotment… French beans, potatoes, sweet Corn and beetroot so I’m all set for my evening meal with a piece of fish.

    Jackie 🥰
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Happy Monday Sneakers… Life is still running at full-speed, but no complaints. I went 5 days without even checking email. Hope everyone has been well.

    This update, might be all over the map… had a wonderful evening of board games, treats etc. with daughter and kids last week – re-connecting after their trip to Outer Banks. Gave us a couple small souvenir gifts.

    Last week also had my cardiologist appt. for f/u to ascending aortic aneurysm, carotid stenosis, perm Afib, Atherosclerosis yada yada … he referred to sleep specialist for review to see if I can stop CPAP because of weight loss etc (as not waking with gasp as B4). See rheumatologist this Friday re: arthritis, blood work & methotrexate. Other than that – I have the physical fitness of a 20 yr old LOL.

    Jean is thrilled her sun flowers are coming up and we were able to pick some of her garden tomatoes this weekend. Delicious. We had a fantastic 90th Birthday buffet for Uncle Jack. I took a composite photo I had made of him from when he was a 17 yr old Navy man in Cuba – and made it into a card and T-shirt. You would think we had given him a million dollars. Love seeing him happy and his new dog “Roscoe” has brought him back to life more than ever. (pic)


    Won’t waste your time with other blow-by-blow past events. This week we will be going to the NYS Fair. Attendance has been SUPER LOW – roughly 39,000 a day and the normal on a weekend is about 127,000. Bad for businesses, but all things considered I am happy with the lower numbers. They changed the opening until 11am which is late for us. Normally we went early morning to “take-in” all the animals starting their day etc. and then left as most people were coming.

    It seems the world is insane right now (from COVID to Afghanistan) and I seem to spend the wee-hours catching up on everything…always from multiple perspectives checking sources in Europe, Australia, Italy, France and various USA. The Biden withdrawal disaster and extensive unnecessary suffering makes me sick.

    Colonel Kemp, the former commander of British military forces in Afghanistan, calling for him to be court-martialed. In London they watched with incredulity with one saying Biden “looked gaga” and described his press conference as “completely mad” as the president as “doolally.” I understand their thoughts and most people know he has been in cognitive decline for some time. Sadly – I can’t believe the on-the-ground unfiltered reporting I have heard today… and the continued mess. We still don’t even have the numbers on the number of Americans. I’ll stop here.

    Anne – I don’t even know where to begin with next door and the realtors assessing the house. Having been in finance and also sold real estate – a home inspection was always a must for me. Glad the son appeared to “translate” the situation. I don’t envy you and hope it all works out with a huge family, language barrier etc. We are very fortunate with our neighbors in all aspects.

    Sandy – glad you liked the Catholic grade school photos. I had to chuckle when you wrote that you “wanted to be a nun” in your younger years. Cough, cough – I wanted to be a priest! I actually spent a couple weeks at a seminary in Massachusetts when I was in Jr high. In the end, a love of “girls” won out. If priests could have married – I may have made a different choice. It’s all so different today.

    Still have to get around to buying some salmon. I almost bought some “King salmon” but if I recall talked myself out of it as I knew Jean wouldn’t eat any. Regardless, it is always in the back of my head, so some day…

    Lin – Those are some “purple potatoes” and it loks like you have had some nice weather. Hope you are enjoying those library books and TV! Very interesting Melbourne Australia teapot! As for Welcome back Kotter – it was an entertaining show. LOVE the photos you posted of the Fair…also love the Beach Boys!

    Patsy – Hope the weather is holding up. We have been very warm, but whenever the NYS Fair arrives I know early fall and cooler temps are around the corner. I actually love all seasons (and even 30 days of winter LOL). Wishing John well with his cataracts. You mention putting exercises to the top of your list and the humidity in your joints – I hope the discomfort becomes more bearable.

    Jackie – Funny how the days can fly by. I bet those tomatoes and cucumbers from the greenhouse were great. Hope George received a clean bill of health. I think we are the same when it comes to plans – you were going to paint and then 2 phone calls from friends and it was lunch. For me, cleaning always does the same thing…I find old photos and the next thing I know 2 hours have gone by.

    Time for me to make a mile! Hope it is a great day for everyone. Bob

    Ps –Saw this pic w/ caption of Winston & Clementine this morning – made me smile


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Patsy I take ATORVASTATIN CALCIUM for cholesterol. I have no side effects. Just an FYI.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited August 2021
    Good for Clementine BOB. but boy, we could do with the old lad today!
    Total disaster in Afghanistan and I read today the British who do security checks on would be refugees are finding one or two very bad men trying to join the throng to Britain.

    Long post from Bob to make up for my very short post. This is because I am wilting in 31 degree temperatures feeling like 40 for the past 4 days, AND it continues for another 3 until Friday.

    Bean is sleeping near the window a\c and I'm about to join her. Everyone talking of nuns and priests makes me hope I don't go to hell one day.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sweet friends, the day is mild and sunny. I hear some heat is in the way but not nearly as awful as earlier.

    Had a lovely long phone chat with an old school mate and her husband. Since I went to Catholic grade school, and part of high school before switching to a regular public high school, I only had a few school pals. Oddly this lady was only a distant memory for me. Sort of embarrassing really. I remember her as quite boring. Most or all of my pals were in art classes with me…except for John. He sat right in front of me in social science class. After that year, he told everyone we were going steady and after graduation, we were getting engaged. Huh? What could I do? We started dating steady and got engaged right before graduation! My friend remembered this little soap opera and we had a great giggle about it.

    After working for years for several politicians and having several (3) state politicians in the family, I have learned first hand that there is much more to every story. My dad had to hide and run from a hostage situation while working for an oil company in the Middle East. The event was so horrifying, he never worked for that company again. That after a very long career with that oil company. There was not enough money in the world that could tempt him.

    Lin: John would agree totally with your thought about gas in the car. He does the same thing. I opt for no preparation at all and always in a state of near panic.

    Sandy: that is exactly what I was taking ! Except I experienced every common side effect listed. I thought I had Covid or variant. Tests proved otherwise. But a wise nurse pulled me aside and suggested it might be the statins. Check with the doc…I did and things are much better now. Like I said, there is usually more to every situation. Now I am taking a plant sterol, Metamucil (yuck) and watching the diet closer when considering cholesterol.

    Jackie: walking your pups takes planning and dedication. I love all your wonderful chats with doggie walker friends. Animal people are obviously great people, in general. I know this will sound like an ancient old hippy but the sight and smell of paint and color being applied to almost any surface is addictive. I never see it as a possible mess. John always sees painting as a disaster in the making. Funny he never sees carpentry or car Maintenance as messy. Viva la difference!

    Anne: I feel the same way about heat. I wilt and then I get real cranky. Even Katie hides when she sees my red sweaty face. “Look out, folks! She is getting ready to BLOW!”

    Bob: sounds like a wonderful time with all your family. You are indeed blessed in that regard. Best of luck on your med tests etc. for me, going to the doc every 6 months is like going into battle. I hate it! But it must be done, of course.

    Laundry, cleaning bathrooms, dinner is a huge salad with tofu and sesame seeds.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well its still horribly hot up here, but regardless Jilly decided to become a puppy again and dragged at my my wash cloth as I walked past her, AND she got it. It was so good to see her hiding behind the coffee table and grinning at me. Honest I swear she grins. Of course I couldn't let the moment pass so I grabbed the cloth back trailing it low so she could reach and we had about 10 minutes of chase and retrieve meaning I ended up with a face as red as PATSYs and she ended up panting.

    She's made friends with a little brown chihuahua named Bella. Sweet little thing. They rub noses being about the same height.

    They are asking 1 million and 398 thousand for the house next door. My DIL thinks they intended selling immediately again when they bought it. Their agent phoned me to ask If I intended leaving my old house, "only in a coffin" said I at which point he took off no doubt to phone someone else close by.

    Knowing virtually nothing about statins. or anything about all the other health problems I will abstain from any comments. Just wish everyone long, healthy and happy lives.

    Thinking of you all as I sit holed up with my 23 year old A/C and hoping it lasts another 3 days!

    Hugs from Anne.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    PS. Anybody watching GLITCH on Netflix? From Australia and a bit different I guess.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Hot and humid here as well. I am sitting this afternoon. Nothing exciting going on until the weekend when my son and dil come in for a few days so she can see her migraine doctor on Wednesday.

    Anne, I am in awe of the price of the house next door especially since it is falling apart. Do they have a lot of land?
    I wish I was a fly on the wall when you responded to that agent. :D I get emails all the time asking me to sell and I don't even own this place. Stay as cool as you can and drink lots of water.

    Patsy, since my cholesterol was a little high she put me on this pill and it helped bring me to normal so I am okay with taking it. You must have had a bad reaction to it so good thing you stopped. You and John have been together since school, how wonderful. My son and his wife are also high school sweethearts.

    Bob, cute meme. I know a couple of men who went to seminary and changed their mind, not any girls who went to convent though. Keeping busy is fun but tiring and helps keeps you young. Enjoy! Uncle Jack looks good and his dog is just beautiful.

    Jackie, you do meet some interesting people on your walks. I am glad that man was able to keep his foster dog, he seems to be so happy. So much painting when will you be done to enjoy your new decor?

    Lin, I usually fill my car up every Tuesday only because through T Mobile I get 10 cents off a gallon. I can sometimes make it two weeks but I never let it go beyond a quarter of a tank except when Bryanna drove home from my sons and it was almost empty when I went to go to my sons. Luckily I made it to the station.

    Time for breakfast. Have a great day and continue to be cautious and safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hello. Super hot again today. I just got home from running a few errands.

    I spoke with several friends yesterday. One just makes me giggle. No matter when I call, we will talk for just a little while and she will say, I have to get that, I’ll call you back. 🤣😂🤣 I think she lives on her phone. Later I spoke with a friend from church and we ended up on the phone for a couple of hours once again. She is agonizing over an upcoming high school class reunion. It’s a long drive, all on her own, and she will have to stay in a motel overnight. She is very concerned about her cat being alone that long. She has never been away overnight since she got the kitty. And she has no idea what the arrangements are with respect to mitigation measures. That county is in the high red zone right now and several friends of her family living in the area just passed away from Covid. I could give her any help except to ask if there was someone she could contact as to any mitigation measures they have in place. I know, lame. Duh.

    Sandy, happy sitting with the kids today. Your poor DIL does suffer so from migraines. Is this doctor helping her? Enjoy your day.

    Anne, love your game of tug and chase with Jilly. What a pup! And I do hope your air conditioner keeps working. A friend wrote yesterday that she got home from work and apparently the air conditioner had quit working as it was 85 degrees F in their house. Not good for all the pets they have inside. A dog, a number of cats, bunnies, hamsters, guinea pigs. I think only the snake was probably okay. And no, I do not have Netflix so everything I hear about sounds like a wonderful program.

    Bob, time for the fair!! Wahoo. That will be fun. I adore the doggo! Really cute. I think your gift to your uncle was worth a few million to him. Extremely thoughtful gift. Keep enjoying your days. Sending best wishes to Jean🙋🏼‍♀️.

    Patsy, that was a very interesting phone call with your school friend. It must have been a bit difficult as you remembered her as boring and not a close pal. I am glad you enjoyed the call and thanks for telling us about your school days with John.

    I must move along and try to accomplish something today. 🤣🤣😅 it might happen!



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunny day here. Not too bad so far on temperature. Which is good because I want to sweep the deck and clean spider webs off the deck chairs. This is another reason I suspect fall is on the way. Our very busy Oregon spiders have been hard at work building amazing web constructions everywhere. I get very annoyed when I walk into a long floating strand that appeared instantly. Good grief!

    My list today is humanly impossible. For someone Ike me, easily distracted, every important task requires immense dedication. So far only started the laundry which includes Katie’s bed blanket. She is so nutty. She licks her blanket when she crawls into her bed at night. Soggy and messy!

    Our whole state is a dreadful hot spot for the virus. Partly because we have a lot of truly nut case people who are stubbornly refusing the vaccination, and wearing masks! Makes me want to go to each one and shout in their face…face up to it! You need to pull on your big boy pants and get a shot like a responsible adult. But John says I would be adding to the problem. There would blood shed and tears.

    Here is another of life’s puzzling issues. The widow of our musician friend is angry at me. Why? Who knows? When I last made contact to check on her well-being, she was very hostile to me. I know grief and loneliness can cause unstable reactions. I am not sure what to do now. Do I keep trying to communicate with her? Does my personality upset her? Do I let her alone and hope she is okay? Our friendship with her husband is the only reason I feel the need to help her, if it is wanted or needed. One of life’s conundrums.

    Lin: lovely delicate teapot. Reminds me of another of my grans teapots. Never used but always on display.

    Sandy: sitting again. I am sure those grandchildren are confused. You are another mom to them. They are so lucky, they have Mom one and Mom two who sleeps somewhere else.

    Anne: it is so true about our doggie children. They laugh, smile and cry and also act out when they are unhappy or angry. I swear Katie has temper tantrums! You know that old saying…invest in land, they aren’t making any more it! That is more true than ever. Our little acreage is precious to us and others keep an eye on buying it. No way!

    Hello to all sneakers! Stay well and safe!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another busy day but I didn’t pick up a paintbrush until about 4pm and that was for a job outside.
    George refused to eat yesterday so because we had taken a long walk that morning I decided today would be short.
    Our weather is settled for now so when I met my friend from the allotments for coffee we sat outside the coffee shop in warm sunshine and surrounded by grazing sheep on the village green. When we first arrived and went into the shop to order there was a long, slow queue and only one lady serving. After an age we got to the front and I ordered the coffee and received a very sharp ”this is the post office” so I looked round for a sign pointing me towards ordering coffees but nothing. We were then shown a menu on a wall and a young man appeared from behind her to take money and our order and also ask what table number? We don’t have a table. Then you might not get one if it’s busy!, Luckily we saw the funny side of it and giggled our way past the long queue behind us and out to then work our way to seating and a lot of empty tables!! I don’t think we will frequent their establishment again even with its idyllic surroundings!

    The lady adopting a dog from Romania phoned to say Bella was dropped off 4.30 yesterday morning, filthy, starving and just a little scared but is already calming down and after some cowering, allowed herself to be stroked, brushed gently and poo cleaned off her tail. She is already going into the garden to pee and goes to the lady to sit at her feet. It seems she once had a home but for whatever reason ended up running with a pack before being rounded up and placed in a kill centre. Now rescued and hopefully no more trauma for her and she’ll have a wonderful forever home.

    Roscoe looks like an adorable dog Bob and I can well believe your Uncle Jack has a new lease of life. Good to read you have physical fitness of a 20 year old and obviously a great sense of humour! 😆😅🤣. I think that can see us through most things.

    When will I be done painting Sandy? A very good question but I’m really not sure because I also have a lot of outside jobs needing my attention like this afternoon when I collected up all the old and odd pieces of wood ripped out of my cottage by the builder and cut it all into small pieces with an electric hand saw then bagged it ready to store for kindling. The grass still hasn’t been cut so I will have to attend to that tomorrow so my plan to have finished painting by the weekend was fantasy! Friends remind me there is no rush but in a way there is because I want my cosy home back.

    Patsy, I remember you buying a wonderfully colourful rug that would be perfect in my dining room when finished! I put a splash of the Buttercup yellow on a wall yesterday just to see…. Wow, it’s going to be very bright!

    Pretty pink teapot Lin but my favourite was the white sleek looking pot with a tiny pot handle on its lid… all ready to get snapped off during a washing up session! I see I’m not the only one to have hours on the phone!

    I don’t know Glitch Anne so will have to search, not that I have Netflix either but one of our commercial channels sometimes finds interesting series that are different from regular programming.

    Brrr, windows and a door still open and it’s suddenly turned cold so I need to get a warm cardigan to put over my short sleeved t-shirt. Signs of Autumn round the corner!

    Stay safe friends.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Glitch is starting to get quite interesting. Its set in the Australian countryside which is quite beautiful. You can imagine I am looking at the trees etc with great interest knowing my cousin over there will be looking at the real thing.
    Quite a lot of sessions and I'm rationing viewing.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited August 2021
    This was news to me regarding a Covid hot spot or whatever the proper term is these days.

    “ The organisers of Boardmasters Festival in Cornwall say they are working with public health officials after 4,700 coronavirus cases emerged which are suspected to be linked to the event.

    Health officials are investigating the positive PCR results, where people reported they had been to the 50,000-person festival, held between August 11 and 15 in the Newquay area.”

    Really? They allowed such a huge gathering?


    A friend called me this afternoon, quite concerned about 2 of her grandchildren who are too young for vaccine right now. Their school district starts classes in 2 days and there is no word of the children will be *allowed* to wear a mask. Could this be anymore confusing? Glitches everywhere….

    Back to the news. 🤦🏼‍♀️


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Good morning! A beautiful day and lovely breeze so we’ve enjoyed our morning walk where we bumped into one of our dog walking friends with her young Labrador Brody. We were early enough to miss the crowds of tourists as they spread Covid across the county! Of course if I was younger, lived in a city and couldn’t fly to many holiday destinations I would probably visit this area too but it’s incredibly frustrating after 18 months of all being so careful. Now as I sit in my garden I’m listening to police and ambulance sirens so am guessing someone who doesn’t know how to drive safely on our narrow lanes has had an accident. I’ve had a couple of close calls recently with people driving too fast round blind, narrow bends!

    Lin, our government has been experimenting with allowing certain events to take place and probably thought a surfing event on a beach relatively safe but didn’t allow for the crowds to be wanting food and accommodation. Some of the kids not bothering to get vaccinated are becoming extremely unwell but there’s still resistance. Here’s today’s news from Cornwall. I gather the vaccines are showing signs of waning protection so I’ll continue to be unsociable wherever possible! 😠

    I’ve finished my coffee as a huge cloud blocked the sun so will take that as a sign to get on with painting walls.

    Keep safe everyone.
    Jackie 🥰