Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2021
    Yes Anne, apparently Pen Farthing is out with his animals on the charter flight, paid for with public donations and helped by British forces. He’s furious that he couldn’t get his staff out but then hundreds of interpreters have been left behind too in all the chaos.
    Tragic that such young US service personnel died on Thursday and I’m sure we are all holding our breath until the remaining troops get away safely.

    This evening I watched a documentary about the Aztec Empire, yet another amazing civilisation that came and went!

    I wonder if Trudeau’s snap election will turn out to be a big mistake!

    Lin, the masking tape was recommended by builder Dave because it wouldn’t remove paint and the packaging said much the same! So far today my hand has been steady so I wish I’d had more faith from the start to trust myself. Nearly finished now… oh well! 🤪😜
    Amazing teapot. I’m trying to think what its spout reminds me of! 🤔

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello and happy Sunday. A perfect morning with early mist in the valleys and wall to wall sunshine so I was walking with George and Betty on the moors by 7.30. The sheep and lambs were on the move crossing the road to find a shady spot to spend their day and young bunnies were sunning themselves on rocks after a cool night.
    I’m finishing breakfast on the deck with a strong mug of coffee watching butterflies flit round a white buddleia, listening to the local St Cleer church bells and will soon make up my mind what I want to do first, gardening or more decorating.
    I’ve now seen what my not so pleasant neighbour was doing to make George bark at him yesterday. A black plastic panel about 6’ high has been put up on the edge of his new patio. Not at all environmentally friendly, not that I’m surprised, but I will soon erect wooden trellis to hide it from my sight and grow flowering climbers. At least I have regained some privacy.
    My weight isn’t going down and I suppose I should be grateful it’s not increasing either but as I sit I am aware of a roll across my midriff that shouldn’t be there! 🥺

    Amazing photos Bob but I see what you mean about social distancing. So quiet but well done to Jean and you for supporting the event. Doesn’t Jean’s sunflower prove just how amazing nature is to create a perfect symmetrical pattern. I hope you made it to at least one of the concerts. My choice would of course be Herman’s Hermits although the Mavericks come in a close second.
    It seems you enjoyed a thorough check over and I’m sure being able to sleep without the breathing apparatus would be a Godsend. A friend has sleep apnea and I remember the first time we shared a hotel room when travelling somewhere just how frightening it was for me to hear her stop breathing then gasp! She had no idea at the time she was doing it.

    Well I hope you all awake to as beautiful a day as I did… so good for the soul. 😊
    Take care and stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) We had thunder and rain during the night but the sun is shining now. More rain expected later today so I hope it holds off until we return from visiting the kiddos. We ordered in instead of going out for dinner last night and played one game of Catan. My son helped me put my Xfinity box in my living room and switch out Roku to my bedroom. I had to buy a 50 foot cable to do so but it is hidden behind couches and under a concealed cord cover in doorway. I am so happy to get this done and am grateful for my son.
    Weight wise I am gaining instead of losing with all the food we are eating and today is pizza. I will have to start over again once they leave so it doesn't get out of control.

    Jackie, it sounds like you had a wonderful walk in the sunshine. If possible can you take a picture of your neighbors panel? And let's not talk about rolls, this spare tire I have is very annoying, I need someone to stick a needle in my head and pull everything up and tie a knot.

    The page has flipped and I am too lazy to go back. I have to eat because our pizza will be late afternoon and we are having a zoom call with the family at one. I am hoping my son who is now in Ohio will be on to show us his new house. Have a good day and please stay safe. Our state went back to mandated masks inside no matter where.

    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunday morning and a cloudy and a bit hazy-smoky from the California fires. I am praying that something can help control and put out that terrible wildfire. It is so huge, poor California has had a bad time lately!

    Yesterday was quite stressful for us. First to our dear sweet Katie. Because of the raging return of the virus here in Oregon, our vet has gone back to us waiting in the car with our pets, then when the vet is ready, a tech comes out to the parking lot and takes the pet in the pet clinic to the vet. Poor Katie had the worst experience ever. She was terrified just going into the building without us. Things only got worse! When they tried to cut her toenails, she had to be muzzled. And it took two techs and the vet to get it done. Katie was so stressed she was panting a hundred miles an hour and her heart was beating so hard and fast we were very very worried about her. The vet came out and said he really didn’t like to do this but Katie gets so stressed and afraid, he wants to give her a relaxant before she comes in next time. She is very healthy but the emotional reaction was very dramatic. It took literally an hour sitting with her and soothing her to slow her heart beat and stop the panting. I was in tears and John was so worried he called the vet and they had a long chat about our dear Katie. I had a bad feeling about this appointment. I trust and know our vet is good but Katie is just extraordinarily sensitive. She came that way……..

    Then next to the post office and received a long letter from my oldest and longest college friend. She is in deep depression over Breast cancer diagnosis. She is ready to give up and die. Trying to call her but no answer. I will keep trying then will call police for a well being check in a couple of hours.
    Things will work out but it was just a worrying kind of day and continues until I can talk My friend.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    PATSY, what an awful day for you. Does the vet do house calls? The vets here will but it costs $50.

    It looks black and ominous outside and I know thunderstorms are in the forecast. Bean copes quite well with "bang bangs" as long as she can sit on my knee, lean against me and watch the display through the window.

    The first showing is going on next door. A young Indian couple with a toddler. Half of me wants to run outside and yell "don't buy" and the other half says "keep your nose out of it". The second half is winning.

    I didn't sleep a wink last night. The bee sting was throbbing and quite painful. Same as last year, on my finger. Not bad during the day but things always feel worse at night. JACKIE. I'd be no good as a bee keeper!

    Think I will wander off and try and have a quick snooze.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hi! I am a lost cause for catching up on things.

    I was just getting started yesterday afternoon when the phone rang and you guessed it, on the phone for an extended period and didn’t get much of anything done. I just got going when I found my glue bottle was blocked. I dug out a lot of dried glue and cleaned the spout as best I could. The day was about shot at that point so I watered plants again and read part of a book.

    I shouldn’t have long conversations for a while. I think I have run out of friends!

    Watched church online and then attended an online funeral service.

    Now back to cards. I need to get the fronts completed so I can put everything aside and start September birthday cards.

    Anne, sorry to hear you have a bee sting. Ouch! I hope you enjoyed a nap. I am sure Bean always does.

    Jackie, well done with the painting. Good job! Your day sounds quite lovely with the exception of your neighbor’s atrocity. I hope your trellis covers things up completely.

    Sandy, did you see any photos of the house in Ohio? Enjoy the rest of your day.

    Patsy, I am so sorry to hear of the miserable appointment with the vet. My vet didn’t do well with certain dogs. My male dog was one of them. He had me drug the dog before coming in but my dog knew something was up and he fought the drug until the appointment was finished. Then he promptly went to sleep. I was frazzled as was the vet.

    Well everyone, try to stay safe!


    A teapot shaped building.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Monday! :) A beautiful day with low humidity, so wonderful. It will be a day of catching up on paperwork and paying bills before going to dinner tonight. We watched the Croods after pizza with the kids yesterday and got home early enough to watch some adult TV. Masks are mandated for Illinois as of today in any indoor setting. If only people would get vaccinated. Ugh.

    Lin, Interesting building that looks like a teapot, do you know where that is? I did see the listing pictures but would like to see their furniture and cats in there since this is their first home together. They lived in a rented townhouse in Arizona.

    Anne, I am really confused on how they are selling the house when it is falling apart, unless they are looking for someone to tear it down and build a new house. Someone should have the village come out and see if it should be condemned. Very confusing.

    Patsy, poor Katie, I hope she has recovered from her trauma. I would definitely sedate her next time, even a doggie valium would calm her down. I would have been in tears as well.

    Have a fun safe day hopefully with perfect weather.
    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm beginning to feel really sorry for my ex. Me as well if it comes to that. He was released from hospital on Sunday after a ten day stay and the leg wound is healing nicely but after losing his wife a month ago his closest sister Pat is very seriously ill in hospital and almost died this past weekend. He lost Pauline, his youngest sister earlier. I was very fond of Pauline and actually loved his mother and father as well so it's almost like losing my own family all over again. We never lost touch and I'll never forget them saying I would always be their sister in law. Poor old ex, trouble is coming in spades.

    Three lots of people viewed the house this past Sunday SANDY. Two Indian families and two very burly caucasians with a wisp of a lady in tow. The trouble is. it LOOKS okay and also much nicer since the tarmac drive was laid. I think it is empty of the afghan family. Haven't seen them for days.

    Its still very hot here, 31 degrees this afternoon, but looking at the weather channel things should start to cool down a bit tomorrow at 26 and then 23 on Wednesday. I can't wait to get out into the garden again especially as my bee stung finger is looking a more normal size after blowing up like a throbbing red balloon. I will wear gloves for sure! Even if they are my leather dress ones until I can find normal gardening gloves!

    Hope Katie is back to her old happy self PATSY and the painting finally finished JACKIE. I know LIN will be creating and picking her veggies.

    Alls well with the world except for poor old Annsies ex.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Looks like a partly cloudy mild day. I am just doing the usual: Monday kind of thing. Laundry, cleaning bathrooms and I will make a casserole I saw being made on YouTube. I. Think I will have add chicken breast to appease John. I have made two veggie only meals in a row. He was polite and ate with gusto but with remarks under his breath about needing more protein.

    Katie is back to her normal spoiled rotten self. Actually we love it. She has many endearing habits and games she invented. I suspect every dog owner thinks that. Right Anne?

    Lots of help being offered for refugees coming here without anything. Money and clothing, toys, household items.. not sure how this is being delivered and where. Of course now we have people devastated by Louisiana storm.

    Ooooooops back later. Dryer full of laundry!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We seem to have lost our sunshine but it remains dry. A short walk this morning because George’s groomer was booked for midday and I didn’t want him getting mucky. He was so good while the clippers ran over him and is now looking very cute! While she worked I chatted about Betty’s constant moulting so she offered to wash her in her bath/tank and rub out what she could and that worked a treat, plus Betty didn’t mind at all whereas if I use my shower she panics. If nothing else she smells sweeter!
    My afternoon was spent in the garden and I’m now bringing as much out of the spare room as possible to see what gets kept and what goes to the tip… the tip is winning, especially all the 1980/90’s music cassette tapes! My favourites were duplicated with CD’s.

    Work continues next door but easily ignored now I no longer see them. Here’s half the plastic panel Sandy. It’s twice as long and once I’ve given my shrubs their Autumn trim will be an eyesore, hence the planned trellis. I did smile when, from the bottom of my garden, I saw their builder spending time leaning on it for a rest!

    Did I mention our national shortage of timber due to so many garden and house projects during the lockdowns? The country has run out and not much being imported because we also have a shortage of truck drivers with so many cases of Covid self isolation. I’m hoping by the Autumn when I’ll plant climbers, trellis panels will be available and not cost a small fortune.

    A no painting day but I’ll continue tomorrow as I’m finding the occasional break revitalises my energy levels. It should all be finished by the end of the week although didn’t I say that last week?

    Poor Katie and poor you Patsy. This business of not being able to be with our pets for vet visits is upsetting because we know stress levels would be low if we could be there. George has never run out of the vet practice open door as he did last week! I do hope you managed to talk to your friend you are so worried about. Being able to talk to each other will be the best thing for both of you.

    That’s a fun teapot house Lin. I see the price on the petrol pumps is in a $ sign so not British. Long phone chats are perfect for catching up but like you, I do easily lose a day.

    I hope your finger had stopped throbbing Anne and thunder didn’t arrive to disturb the peace. The good thing about beekeeping is the protective gear although I often didn’t bother with gloves. All depended on the Queen’s temperament and I did occasionally get caught out!

    I see America is no longer on our green list for travel but I’m sure Canada now is so I’m not sure how these decisions are made…. names in a hat probably!

    Time to relax with feet up.
    Take care and stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited August 2021
    Hello, I finally got enough of the Christmas card fronts completed to put things away and now have room for my next projects.

    I was out early this morning watering my plants as the rain stayed away again. I scared a bee and a wasp out of the marigolds. Glad they didn’t make me pay for washing them.

    I am now digging things out to start on other projects. And I have my list of birthday cards put together for September. I am also thinking of Thanksgiving/Fall cards as well as an easel type card with a 2022 tiny tear off monthly calendar. Just thinking about that. Will have to try it out and see what happens.

    Patsy, I am happy to hear Katie is herself again. Good news for everyone in the household. Have you abandoned the idea of walking around in the wild? I hope you and John are finding things to watch that are entertaining.

    Jackie, thanks for the photo. The black chunk isn’t very attractive. I hope you will be able to get a trellis. We are unable to get many wood products or if available, the cost is ridiculously high. Happy painting tomorrow. I did look up the teapot service station. It was a service station that was in disrepair until the town/city moved it and restored it to use as a visitor’s center. It is in Zillah Washington. So you are definitely right, a U.S. location.

    Sandy, happy day. Although a day of paying bills is not lots of fun. I started making out my property tax checks yesterday. I will mail them Wednesday. I do have a few more to pay online. I guess I am dragging my feet a little. 🤣😂 enjoy dinner this evening.

    Anne, I am glad your bee sting is diminishing a bit. Yes, you need gardening gloves with some leather or something for the fingers. My gloves mostly keep my fingernails from getting full of dirt and help me protect my hands a little bit but I would not put them up against a bee. Sorry you ex is losing many people in his life but it comes to us all. If we survive, we lose our family members and friends. I will say, he is not having a good year.

    I need to get the trash ready to put out at the curb and also need to pick up my mail. I see my license plate renewals are included in my mail today according to the post office.

    Be safe everyone.

    Oh, Jackie, there will be a little plush Max toy coming out sometime in December. Here are photos of it. Sorry they are so large. No orders being taken until December 1st. I think it is quite adorable.






  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Mornin Mornin –

    It’s a great day today with sunshine and temps expected to hit 77 – nice. Beautiful sunrise this morning.
    We have been taking our usual rides/walks. We even took in a great-nephews Kool-aide stand LOL. The son of one of Jean’s life-long friends is the drummer for Staind (on reunion tour) and they cancelled their 2 CNY shows I think due to Covid rescheduling issues. At least he posted a few pics. We are trying to enjoy as much as possible. Living in a “Blue” state things could change at any time.


    Jean has been to the NYS Fair a couple times with 2 girlfriends. Out of the blue she got a text this morning from our niece (in her 40’s) asking if Jean wanted to go with her (and her son & his friend). So she will be leaving soon. Tonight it is an outdoor park concert for us. I have grocery shopping etc. to do this morning.

    OMG – just after typing above…niece showed up early and Jean ran out…only to run back for her “mask” as they are required inside all buildings. I snapped a pic of her sprint LOL.


    Sandy – Hope all went well on the weekend with those home projects, time with kiddo’s and dinner… yes – family times are fun times.

    Anne – There always seems to be that usual clean-up that needs to be done.

    As for the tragedy of Afghanistan – it sickens me. Biden betrayed allies. I do not blame other countries that have expressed an inability to trust the USA under this feckless Biden administration. The mainstream media is trying to change the narrative and it won’t work. I go to British, Australian and other news sources for a real perspective. Mainstream media has covered for Biden since before the election… a 50 year record of failure. Just this morning I watch Nigel Farage on British TV outline exactly why Biden is clearly not up to the job and outlining how America has been humiliated on the world stage. And maybe we all now face the increased risk of terrorism in our own countries.

    Last night I watched Carl Higbie of Newsmax, a combat veteran, recount the loss of life from the failed withdrawal from Afghanistan, reflects on the true cost of war…

    I watched two Gold Star Fathers say they saw Biden repeatedly checking his watch during the Dignified Transfer Ceremony and one of them says it was “the most disrespectful thing” he has “ever seen”. Biden checked his watch on EVERY SINGLE CASKET THAT CAME OUT… It didn’t happen just once. He looked down at his watch all 13!
    Former press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said it best: "Biden is callous and cruel not caring or compassionate...He simply does not care"

    OK – enough politics…. I could go on for pages…

    Jackie - I just realized I spent too much time venting above and was going to check out – BUT – then I saw your comment “Doesn’t Jean’s sunflower prove just how amazing nature is to create a perfect symmetrical pattern” and I re-focused. A great observation…thanks for that!

    A friend went to see Herman’s Hermits but I haven’t heard back yet. He has been here several times and always a huge crowd-pleaser. I am sure the crowd was probably 25% of the norm. Yesterday’s attendance was roughly 40,000 vs. the normal 75-125,000 daily number. Mavericks is a “for sure” as long as the weather isn’t ridiculously horrible.

    Your assessment on sleep apnea is accurate – waking up gasping for breath can be frightening. When it first was happening I didn’t notice either…then it worsened and wasn’t fun…. So I guess we’ll see. Hoping to ditch the CPAP.

    Gotta run for now. Hope everyone has an awesome day! Bob :)
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    OK – one last thing – here is a post by Shana Chappell, mother of Marine Kareem Nikoui who was killed in Kabul…

    Other Gold Star parents have made similar observations – you won’t get this in CNN, MSNBC etc as they try to “move-on.”


    These parents aren't going to let this go...

    Again – have a great day and stay healthy. Bob
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited August 2021
    My day is another routine one. We had a lovely walk although it’s suddenly much cooler and my big excitement was mucking out the chooks…3 eggs found buried in their bedding!
    I’m gradually clearing my spare room and adding to the tip pile, this time a large carrier of cassette tapes. Rod Stewart Unplugged, Chris Rhea Auberge, The Best of Janis Ian and also The Eagles; even Faure’s Requiem. I have kept a box of newsy tapes I exchanged with my mother back in the mid 70’s when I lived in Toronto although can’t bring myself to listen to them.

    That’s it really. Not getting into the politics of Afghanistan because I think all Western politicians involved in the past 20 years have been at fault so still on the subject of my music collection, Joan Baez singing Where Have All The Flowers Gone…. When Will They Ever Learn comes to mind!

    A Max toy Lin… that’s just perfect. 😊

    Masking tape is calling!!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Heartbreaking BOB. I can only imagine how all the mothers and fathers and mothers and fathers of all nations must feel. At least our soldiers are out of there, but one does wonder just WHO sneaked into our respective countries posing as refugees.
    Even the Russians couldn't cope with Afghanistan and its mountainous terrain. Best we all leave well alone, and hope everyones defences are up and on the alert here at home.
    The west is sadly lacking in leadership right now, and has been for some time!.

    Mark and Mary Jo came over yesterday and brought me another book to read, plus a pair of thin gardening gloves for bee prone here. But best of all Jilly got a rather large treat for such a small dog. I've never seen a dog so happy. Her tail never stopped wagging and when we tried to take it off her eventually because it was rawhide and rabbit skin and we were afraid she might choke on what remained you've never seen a dog move so fast either, under the coffee table etc and gulp it was gone! She appears to be just fine today but I will be glad when she does a poop if you will pardon the comment.

    Can't say I like your neighbours choice of colour for a privacy fence either JACKIE but as LIN pointed out, a trellis and lots of greenery will soon shut out obnoxious neighbours. Where are mine? Not a sniff of them to be seen for over a week. They've done a bunk.

    And where is SANDY. At least we know PATSY and Katie are back to normal. Oh yes, Patsy, I think Jilly a very intelligent little soul. I can't get her down the stairs first thing in a morning so she uses a pee pad for that early morning rush. Yesterday she pee'd rather close to the edge and I said to her, "No peepee THERE Jilly you do it here", pointing to the middle.
    I came back into the LR and she rushed up all excited with her head pointing towards the back door. So off I trot to see what the fuss was about and she'd squeezed the teeniest drop right in the middle of the pee pad! I guess she was telling me she understood.

    Enjoy your day friends,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    edited August 2021
    Happy Tuesday! :) Well my son and his wife left to return home. They left a day early because when we got home from dinner last night Laurie got a phone call from her sister who told her that one of the ladies that they played Mahjong with last Tuesday has Covid and said Laurie should get a rapid test asap. She had a doctor's appointment with her migraine doctor tomorrow but was told to cancel and they will do a virtual call when she gets home. We had a hard time finding a place for a rapid test but Bryanna's mother works for a hospital so was able to find us a place close to my house. There were a lot of people so she has to wait a few hours for the results and once she does she will let me know. Hopefully she is negative so the rest of us do not have to be tested. Never a dull moment.

    Lisa already asked her parents to sit for volleyball later so I have a free day. I am washing the bedding in their room and later I accidently got glue on my coffee table so will brush it with another coat of chalk paint once I sand it down. I didn't want to do it while Laurie was here because she has bad allergies and smells bother her.

    We ate too much food and it shows on my scale so I will also be riding the bike and watching what I eat to lose these unwanted pounds.

    I too, will not comment on politics this is not the place to do so. Everyone have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Totally cloudy today. I don’t think we will get anything but a little mist out of it. I may sound rather crazy but we really do need a good PNW rain. A gentle soaker! But not too much. I am asking for that Goldilocks kind of rain. Not too much—not too little. It is a bit chilly this morning. A light sweater feels good.

    The wife of our late Musician friend is now emailing me again with nice friendly e-chats. It is a weird thing. I feel so sad for her. I will try to be mindful of her loss and how i would feel. I guess I understand her anger at fate for taking him away.

    I seem so sensitive to any bad news and our state has been dealing with astounding surge in Covid and delta. We are having to call in medical help from other states and portable morgue refrigerator truck. And still people are balking at wearing masks and getting vaccinated. I confess at this point to being quite impatient and furious. Not a good frame of mind.

    As for political stance, I thought we all agreed not to jump on our political soapbox here…I know it is hard when we have strong passionate feelings about a subject. I confess also to being guilty of something similar. But I vote we all try to hold off the urge to vent here, especially during these emotional times. This could be the one place where we share in friendship and support each other in good and bad times. I know you all have done that for me. You have even forgiven me when I have spun off into orbit.

    Katie is back to being her same fanatic ball playing self. John is fussing around with his car, I am rummaging around in my dungeon.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Laurie’s test was negative!! We are good!! Stay safe everyone!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited September 2021
    Hi, sorry got carried away trying to design something that will easily fold to place in an envelope and then come back to the desired shape when removed and it is not going well. So I tried to research alternate mailing containers with USPS. Nothing there. Then made up another sample. All in all, once again an epic fail.

    I corresponded with a friend this morning and then this afternoon, oh my, another phone call. Totally unexpected but a nice conversation.

    Finished paying online bills too. Yippee. I know, it won’t last long. 😄

    I am taking a little break from news programs. I just read little articles and try to catch local weather. A bit tired tonight as we did have storms roll in about 11:30 pm and I kept getting Code Red updates for over an hour. Disrupted sleep!

    Glad we are still up and kicking!

    See you in September.🎵🎵


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    😬😲🥴 lost my post!! Where do they go when they slide off into a corner? No amount of searching brought it back but it began with Happy September greetings and I can’t start all over right now because coffee is finished and I have a garden job to complete before lunch. The weather is changing and Autumn is in the air! On our walk this morning I watched as a bank of thick clouds arrived over the horizon to block the warm sunshine. 😢😭

    Once again, happy September… where is this year going?