Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I love those sheep Patsy. All constructed from old phone materials I was told. 👍🏻😄👍🏻

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday Night! :) Spent the day at a Pumpkin Farm with Lisa, kiddos and Lisa's mom. We got rained on a few time, got lost in the corn maze, picked some apples and did lots of fun stuff with the kids. Exhausted but enjoyed the day. Will check in tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Dear friends I'm writing early with a word of warning before your day starts, even you JACKIE because with earth warming who knows what's flying around Cornwall!

    A few days ago I got stung by what I thought was a bee, but it's turned out to be a deer fly and believe me its the worst sting I've ever had! The pain starts on my inner left eyebrow, travels across the brow and onto the eyelid before it continues. I've a very red and rather large open welt on my left temple with the pain going up to my hairline and down into my left ear. Apparently it lasts a week and I'm on day three I think. Advil is helping!
    Advice given? Never go out without an insect repellant spray especially now when the insect world is buzzing around preparing for winter. Honestly; as though we haven't enough to contend with

    Mike brought me a Casper pillow to match my new mattress and apart from the above it was lovely and comfy! No aching back, no crick neck.

    So I'll love you all and leave you and drown my sorrows in a cup of tea.
    Anne. 🪰🐝🪰 decided I DON'T love all creatures great and small, LOL!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) We were to have movie night this afternoon but Charlie has a fever so we are postponing. I am not unhappy about that as a day at home sounds wonderful. I am doing laundry and will ride my bike but that is about all the work I am doing today. It's too cool to go to the pool and more rain is expected. Monday is our last day of the pool so we will see what the future has in store.

    Anne, are you sure you were bitten by a deer fly? Not to scare you but google says:
    Deer fly bites are painful, and will cause red bumps or welts. They transmit a rare bacterial disease known as rabbit fever (tularemia). Symptoms include skin ulcers, fever, and headache. Tularemia can be successfully treated with antibiotics, but without treatment, it can be fatal. I know you hate doctors but it might be wise to have it checked out.
    If it were a horsefly, they to can be dangerous according to this article.
    Sorry to put my two cents in but that bite sounds serious. On a happy note, the pillow sounds fabulous.

    Patsy, I saw those sheep on Facebook, so clever.

    Jackie, soon we will see picture of the finished cottage I hope. George was awfully close to that calf as you were it seems, do they charge if upset??

    Lin, I am happy you found your foil but not the shattered glass you wanted. Your projects sound like so much work, but are appreciated by all who get them.

    Patsy, I am sure Damon will enjoy his weekend on the boat. Always sad when Labor Day arrives, it means the end of summer in some ways but the weather doesn't always agree does it??

    Bob, I do hope the flooding hasn't affected your house or area. New Jersey was under water as parts of NY.
    Let us know if you are okay please.

    Have a good day and please take my advice with a grain of salt but I don't want anyone to be hurt or sick.
    Stay safe and out of the gardens if nasty bugs are flying around.

    One Day at a Time

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Yes, I'm sure SANDY. Not to worry, I'm a tough old bird. Annsie. PS. Still hurting but also itching a bit now and that means I am on the mend. At least my ear is now just a bit tender AND my eyelid is opening a wee bit - no I'm not posting a photo, lol.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne: Oh my sweet friend! I am so sorry you were attacked by that criminal bug! An experience like that can cause someone to abandon gardening as a passion. I have been “stung” by deer flies before and Sandy is right. They are nothing to ignore. It sounds like you really have a big allergic reaction to them. Now hear this…..if you get stung by another one you could go into allergic anaphylactic shock. This is life threatening! You need to see your doc about caring a Epi Pen when outside in the summer and fall. Maybe a phone chat with the nurse, someone to give you expert advice. Coupled with your recent bee sting, you might really need meds.

    Expecting a call from our daughter. She said she would call right after she finished her exercises. That is so good to hear! So back later.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I don’t have any opinion on deer fly stings/bites, luckily I have avoided those so far. I did get stung one fall by some unknown bug that flew into my top. Horrible sting on my stomach that was very swollen and painful. It left a permanent scar and some bad memories. So very sorry Anne, what an ordeal my friend. Two insect attacks in quick succession. 😥 I hope you heal quickly and that there are no complications.

    Sandy, no movie night and too cold for the pool. So time at home which of course sounds good to me. I had been invited to join some ladies for a lunch outdoors but didn’t go. Stayed home instead. It looked like it was going to rain and it was windy so I stayed home. I do not think I was missed. 😁

    Patsy, wahoo, a call from your daughter. How lovely!

    Jackie, hello. Did I miss your post? I never know when MFP is going to act up. Kerry and the doggies are at Scone Castle today and tomorrow. I don’t know the occasion but apparently tickets are being sold and he is going to give some type of talk. There was a video posted today as he walked around the grounds. Oh, so very lovely.

    I have some books that need to go back to the library so I will be speed reading the remainder of the weekend. 📚

    I ordered a pair of shoes which arrived on my porch at some point last evening. Quite exciting until I opened them up and they do not fit even though I used their size guide. So I will be boxing them up again and requesting a return authorization.

    Be safe everyone. Long distance hugs.


    Another Hall teapot


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Back again. It is now sunny and warm. Rain is in the forecast. We will see….I think we need moisture, everything looks dry and as always that fear of fires.

    Daughter Andrea was too tired to talk. So she just texted me. She has a lot of fatigue and other symptoms. We are never sure if it is long Covid or her neurosis. Like I read, even neurotics get sick sometimes. I worry so about her. She is a medical mystery.

    Lin: I love that you are able to look into yourself and think….”the invitation sounds interesting but I really want to stay home and finish my reading or whatever else you want. That actually takes a certain amount of confidence. Yes I will be fine, I will not lose my friends, no one will think badly of me, they will ask again at a different time. Good mental health!

    I finished my exercises and will fix chili casserole for tonight with beautiful red grapes for dessert. Labor Day is a stay at home weekend. We are trying to avoid the crowds. The town is full! However, we have movies, and hope to see photos of Damon’s sail and a salmon burger dinner on Labor Day.
    Remember that you all are loved and cared for. Take care of yourself.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited September 2021
    Good morning. Happy to report my deer stung eye finally ungummed overnight and although still swollen I can see out of it again. Relenting with a photo as a warning! I think after two bee stings and this sting my gardening days are coming to an end. Please come back mosquitoes instead!
    Hope I don't get a scar on my temple LIN, but then it will just mix in with the other wrinkles.

    Annsie feeling less sorry for herself.

    I have no idea how to insert a photo but promise I will if Michael shows up!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2021
    Guess who just lost her post? 😩
    I can’t repeat it all so that might be a Godsend… all those pearls of wisdom have sunk back to the bottom of the ocean!

    A shorter walk this morning but yesterday we were climbing the hills before 8am because I was aware it would be warm later. High cloud today but still warm.
    Before I forget Sandy, the moorland cattle are gentle creatures although I wouldn’t get quite so close with an excitable dog if young calves are around! They take little notice of humans and George and Betty have the sense to keep a good distance! Once I get a few pictures on the walls in my dining room and make it homely I’ll post a photo.

    Anne, it’s a shame you can’t source Avon’s Skin So Soft which really does keep those pesky blighters away. I do hope you are beginning to heal.

    Lin, I saw a photo of Scone’s Paws at the Palace day.. what a crowd!
    That’s an interesting teapot. Love that colour blue.

    Those sheep are adorable Patsy and I’d love a couple to sit on my lawn! My hairdresser is apparently still dealing with long Covid and says it’s something those of us who thankfully have avoided it wouldn’t understand just how exhausting it is.

    Happy Labor Day even if I’m uncomfortable spelling it that way! 🤪 It’s always important to recognise the labour force that builds and maintains society.

    Stay safe. ❤️
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Our Labour Day is tomorrow which is Michaels birthday. Ironic when you think about it! I will research Skin so Soft JACKIE. Do Avon ladies still exist?
    Mikes coming over to share a bit of his birthday with me tomorrow, by which time I might NOT show the photo. It's bad enough to give little children nightmares.
    So, a quiet day for me and Bean,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Church service is over and a family video call at one. Meeting friends for an early dinner and then to a local minors baseball game, which shouldn't be crowded like a major league game. I think my pool days are over but will see if the movie night we postponed happens tomorrow. If not then it will be a pool day, either way I am fine, I can always sit on my balcony if I want more sun.
    I will try to ride my bike before dinner because it is really hard losing this last pound for some reason. I would really like to lose three more pounds but will be happy to get to my goal weight first.
    Our Labor Day is also tomorrow but have no set plans as of now.

    Anne, I think Avon Ladies do exist at least I think so. It would be interesting to see your picture but completely understand if you do not want to share. I hope Michael has a good birthday. Both boys are fairly close aren't they?

    Jackie, two days in a row losing posts? How frustrating. I am glad to hear the cattle is gentle as long as you keep your distance, I had visions of a bull charging at you.

    Patsy, I know of other people who are fatigued from having Covid along with lung problems. It is a terrible virus and hopefully more people will continue to get vaccinated to help stop the spread of the new variant.

    Lin, only you know when the time is right to mingle with people. I am sure your friends understood and missed you.
    It did feel good to stay home and just do what I wanted including watching another episode of Crash Landing on You. A series with subtitles since it is based in North Korea. I wasn't sure I would like it do to the subtitles but I am invested now.

    Bob, I wish you would check in and let us know your home is okay from the flooding.

    Have a wonderful day, enjoy the holiday and stay safe as I plan to do.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Mark and Mary Jo showed up after I posted the photo on text. They brought antihistamine tablets and I have to admit I feel a bit better. Then the stayed a further 1.5 hours picking some ripe apples and cutting back some foliage.. Jilly was such a happy little dog but when MJ decided to take her for a walk she hung back looking at me until I said it was okay to go with Mary Jo. Mark and Michaels birthdays are 10 days apart SANDY but it wasn't planned. All because Michael was 6 weeks premature.
    I feel a nap coming on after watching those two work!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2021
    Good afternoon. It is a nice sunny day once again. Just over 80 degrees F.

    I got up this morning, went out to hunt for tomatoes that might be turning and decided to pull another carrot. I washed it and cleaned it to have along with my breakfast. It was good but so far I have not found that homegrown carrots are better than store bought. Unlike tomatoes, zucchini and potatoes which are all more tasty. The squirrels living in the pine tree next door, come over everyday to eat marigolds blossom seeds and/or sweet potato vines. They like to damage them right up next to the pot. Yesterday, I watched a squirrel eat the entire piece of vine. I did discourage going back for seconds.

    I joined in to the live church this morning. There weren’t many people watching today. Holiday I guess.

    Jackie, thanks for the photo of the event at Scone castle. I checked it out on Facebook. It was busy! It is over now and it is time for everyone to head home. I didn’t look at the details. I know people were purchasing tickets but did it benefit the upkeep of the castle? Or other causes? I am glad the cows are quite mild. Probably less so when their calves are young? And thankfully you do have to contend with bulls each day. They can be quite rambunctious. Sorry you lost another post.

    Anne, I didn’t mean to scare you about having a scar. I am a very slow healer and I scar easily. I have lots of bumps and lumps from prior injuries. I have always wished I was a quick healer but alas, I am not. I hope your eye gets better each day. And you will be fine. How nice that Jilly wanted your ok to go for a walk.

    Sandy, enjoy the rest of your weekend. You have lots of activities! 🙌🏻👍🏻👍🏻🙌🏻

    Patsy, I am sorry your daughter was too tired to speak to you last night. Fatigue and illness really sap a person’s energy. That is not only hard on the person but also those who love them and want to be in touch regularly. ❤️

    Well, back to reading. I finished one book yesterday and am on track to finish another one today. Wahoo!

    I have a daily visitor to my container garden and I have never gotten a photo. I may have captured something today. Will return to post it if I was successful.


    Meanwhile, here is one more Hall teapot.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone. Had a very short night . Those things happen sometimes, no rhyme nor reason. High clouds but no rain. I thought I heard a rumor of rain?

    Anne: Avon has a regular web site. Just google. Also you can get Avon from Amazon. I use their hand cream. Avon is an international company. Here is the funny thing. I inherited some Avon stock from my mom. Never got any return , just PR from corporate. They were bought out by Tiffany I believe. I think they have been sold again. (Still have not gotten anything from mom’s Avon investment.) I think the original skin so soft bath oil works best. Use as a skin repellent rather than bath oil. They also sell a regular insect repellent. But it does not work on spiders. Spider just laugh at Avon.

    After Katie’s trip to the vet, she would not go with anyone but us on a leash. She is still very nervous. When we go around town in the car and go near the animal clinic. She remembers the place and the experience is still a trauma for her. Naturally, we have a drama Queen as a pet.

    Going at half my usual slow speed. Laborless Labor Day.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2021
    Happy Labour Day to my American 🇺🇸 friends.

    A perfect start to my day when I headed for the hills around 7.30am and discovered that apart from one lady riding a beautiful white horse, all was peace and quiet. Once again we climbed to the top with wonderful views of the mist sitting below us in the valley. An hour stroll but only 3,496 steps although I feel the climb in my legs and lungs so that helps my fitness.
    Breakfast and coffee under the patio parasol while a 2nd load of laundry rumbles round, the first already hanging out in the sunshine. My friend Pat hopes to visit in a couple of weeks so having fought my way into the cluttered spare bedroom, I’m washing the bed linen and covers to get rid of builders’ dust I’m still finding!

    Anne, Avon was apparently bought out and moved to the UK and although there is a local agent (ding, dong, Avon calling 🎶) in my area my neighbour purchased sprays online and gave one to me. It’s going to be a subject where we’ve had different experiences but I find the spray easier because I only use it if I’m in the garden. Reviews often say how it even keeps Scottish midges at bay! Haven’t needed on the moors yet but that’s probably because it’s so open. We have problems in the UK with unscrupulous people selling Chinese fake copies on Amazon so read reviews carefully or deal direct with Avon. Better still, see if you can discover if you have a local Avon agent.
    Have a lovely birthday celebration with Mike. I’m with you, some photos are not for sharing! 😜

    Is that a hummingbird Lin? How wonderful unless it’s feeding on your veggies!
    I read the Scone Castle Paws day was an annual event to celebrate Perthshire as a favourite dog friendly place to visit. It’s certainly a beautiful part of the world, in fact most of Scotland is.

    Sandy, I’m feeling relaxed reading you are having some me time. Enjoy!

    Patsy, I’m sure you and John are just like me when it comes to adopting pets. All 3 of mine have issues that I’m convinced relate to memories of past bad experiences but then I do tend to gravitate to the sorry, sad face or heartbreaking history. Romanian Bella is going to be a classic case for friend Chrissie who has always taken in strays, even when she lived in Kenya so imagine the state of those poor creatures. She apparently rescued one from a boar trap!

    I’m too comfortable here under the parasol but had better do something constructive. Thunder storms predicted Wednesday!

    Keep safe everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2021
    Good morning. Another sunny day here but it will be warmer, mid to high 80’s.

    Yeah Jackie, your post is here and what a delightful one! In my mind’s eye I saw the lone rider and could feel the calm of the scene. Quite an upward hike. Thanks for the background on the Scone Castle event. I didn’t dig deep enough and appreciate your efforts to satisfy my curious mind.

    And yes, that is a hummingbird who visits and flits around whatever is blooming. I cannot believe there would be any attraction to marigolds blossoms but the little one visits many blooms each day. I jumped up to take a picture with my iPad and have never done that before. Not a great photo but some evidence of my visitor.

    I finished another book yesterday and moved on to another. I am catching up which is my goal since the books must go back tomorrow. 😂

    I pulled a purple carrot this morning. This is a deep purple variety that stains your hands and teeth. They are loaded to the max with antioxidants. But as I found out, not particularly tasty or sweet. 🙃 and I have purple fingers now.

    Here’s an icky photo of that carrot. I am holding the stub of the carrot and you can see the core and how deep purple it is and my thumb is showing purple as well.


    I just found a lovely post on Facebook about English apple varieties. I of course, know nothing about these varieties, although Braeburn and Gala are known here but several others sound lovely.

    “ Scrumptious English Apples.

    The English apple season has begun and there are many delights to be had. Rediscover English apple varieties this autumn, look out for smaller growers at farmers’ markets and farm shops.

    Early to mid September will see the arrival of the Worcester Pearmain, the main English commercial apple, a small, sweet apple with a deep crimson flush that is perfect for eating with cheese. At the end of the month comes the venerable Blenheim Orange, an aristocrat among apples, first named and recorded in 1740; fat, with a dull but orange-tinged skin and a nutty taste. It is similar to the smaller Cox’s Orange Pippin,one of Britain’s favourite apple, along with English Gala and Braeburn.

    Waxy-skinned cooking apples, such as Bramley’s Seedlings, one of the oldest named English varieties still commercially grown today, and the Egremont Russet, which makes particularly sweet apple juice, both available in October.

    According to the Produce Marketing Association, Britain imports more than 476,000 tonnes of apples, but only export 14,800 tonnes (3%) of our own. Over the past two decades, the UK has become increasingly reliant on imports, with a self-sufficiency rate of just 11% in fruit. Without a real shift in buying behaviour, there is a risk that the UK’s apple industry will die out completely.”

    Have a safe day everyone.


    Seems early for a teapot.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday/Labor Day! :) Another beautiful day and still not sure what my plans are for today. Waiting to see if Lisa is having us for movie night or not. The kids had fevers and runny noses so to be safe she took them for a rapid test which was negative. She wanted to be sure they would let Robby in school tomorrow even though they test him weekly. If postponed to next week then I will go to the pool for the last time. It has been a couple of weeks since I have been there so it would be a good finish to the summer.
    We had a nice time yesterday with dinner and the baseball game. I hadn't seen two of them since before the pandemic and all were vaccinated. The good thing is that the field the minor league plays in is only ten minutes from my house so very convenient.
    My great niece and her finance got married in Vegas yesterday, just the two of them. They already have two little girls so I think it was time. lol My understanding is that she has student loans and he had a great job before losing it to the pandemic so they would have taken $1000 a month for repayment from his check if married. Now I guess it is more affordable, but who knows, things are so different today. She posted a picture of her and her husband with her in a beautiful wedding gown and him in a beautiful suit. I am very happy for them and will send a card and a check.

    I hope everyone has a great day and has beautiful weather. Stay safe and healthy. And happy birthday Michael.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just finished a conversation on one of those ‘can I help you’ boxes trying to purchase one more can of the pink paint that’s on the outside walls. The company now use number codes so I was trying to guess but helpful person went through all the codes looking for Suffolk Pink, confused me with brand names so back and forth until she found it. I said I needed a cup of tea after all that before ordering and she agreed she would do the same but after we said goodbye I decided to put the order through. Typed the number she gave me… OUT OF STOCK!!

    Kettle boiling. 😄