Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Pretty dull day here when it comes to writing, but am I ever ready for a nice dull day after the last few weeks bet!

    Michael was supposed to come over today but was feeling under the weather which isn't surprising when you think of all the running about he's been doing with pesky parents. I don't think he's got time for romance PATSY, poor lad.

    I felt better this morning so I made myself a huge vegan shepherds pie which should last me three dinners. It was my own concocted recipe and actually I'll make it again, if I remember what I put in it; because it's really tasty.

    These little blue pills I'm taking really knocked me out after that effort so I decided to have a nap this afternoon which didn't work! I hadn't slept the night before so I thought I'd be out like a light, but no. Didn't affect Bean though because she slept all afternoon under dark skies and rain clouds rolling in.

    Still looking like something dug up. The blisters are now dark red scabs. Very unappealing!

    Anne. 😡

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    My brother died this morning peacefully. I am the last of four siblings and will miss my big brother.
    I am happy I got to spend the last 2 days with him and was there for my niece, we were a comfort to each other.
    His funeral is Wednesday followed by a luncheon. I am very tired as it was a rough couple of nights.
    I am fine and glad he is peaceful, his quality of life was not pleasant.
    Thank you for all the good wishes.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dearest Sandy: I am so very sorry to hear about the passing of your brother. I know you were anticipating this sad event, but your heart is breaking. Knowing you are suffering and in grief is heartbreaking in itself. We care so deeply for you and to a degree we all suffer along with you. I am sure you know this little group thinks of us all as a family. We love you and send you all the support and healing thoughts possible. God Bless you and your family.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I’m sending lots of love Sandy. Hang on to those cherished memories of your brother that will see you through this sad time and stay with you forever. I hope it’s some comfort to know we all care and love you. ❤️
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    So very sad that your brother has passed away dear Sandy. Difficult to find words to convey how sorry we are to know that you are grieving. We can only let you know we are thinking of you and sending our love to you. ❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Sandy, words always fail me. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear brother.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Thank you for the wonderful thoughts, your kindness is always appreciated. I got some sleep and I am going out with some friends this afternoon to keep busy. The funeral is early Wednesday as the family didn't want a two day service. Viewing will be 8:30AM to 10:00AM followed by a Mass at 11:15 with a luncheon to follow. As customary in our family many will come back to the house to be with the family. It involves drinking and eating and if I weren't his sister I might bow out but my niece wants me there to be with her. She even wants me to spend the night so I don't have to drive home in the dark as it is about an 45 minute to an hour drive. I might try to leave before dark depending how things go. I will miss my brother as I do my other siblings especially my sister but life goes on and we hold on to the memories.

    Keep smiling, enjoy life and make the best of everyday. Hope you are all feeling well and keeping safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I gues everyone knows about the iPhone hack. And the great need to update. Hope everyone is okay and your phones are safely updated. We are fine here. Very tired after a busy day yesterday and this afternoon. I feel ready for bed right now but still need to straighten up the kitchen. Be safe, dear ones. Thinking of you all especially dear Sandy right now.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hi Patsy, I didn’t know about the latest iPhone hack… yikes, I’d better search just in case. I did download a security update yesterday that my settings reminded me about. Hope that isn’t the scam! 🤭

    Busy days but I’m now at the final tiny jobs and of course, still wiping dust off surfaces. This afternoon I viewed a property for gardener Sue. If I was looking to move into a small bungalow I would be more than happy with it but when it came to emailing on information I didn’t offer a recommendation as that’s too much of a responsibility. I took George and Betty who sat in the car while I looked around then on the way home we stopped at an open area of common land so they had a 2nd long walk of the day. Me too of course!

    I’ve enjoyed a piece of baked pork with steamed veggies and my usual cuppa this evening and now ready to put feet up. The electrician will hopefully arrive in the morning to connect a couple of lights and heater while I go off to the hospital in Plymouth for my 3 monthly skin cancer check. It is in fact 5 months since my first examination but lockdown has slowed things and the operation on my arm and lymph nodes got in the way.

    Oh dear, just coming up to 8pm and already dark outside! 😩

    Hugs for everyone, especially Sandy. Oh yes, and of course our Anne with her painful face.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    It was good to get out with my friends, it took my mind off of things for a while. I was going to go get my hair done and my nails done but decided to stay home instead. It was kind of a late night and I am tired. I have to be up by 6:00am tomorrow to get to the funeral home by 8:30 so it will be an early bedtime since it will be a long day.

    Hope all are well and staying safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    My scabs I think are receding, yeah, and Mike went and got a shingles vaccination, a second one in three months time. Nobody wants this.

    Well you could say I am doing a JACKIE. The bottom floor of the basement stairs was giving way so Mark and Mary Jo turned up with crowbars etc to lift up the wooden floor. Sure enough, wet and mould. Now Mark is taking down the lovely panelling that line the walls because it appears to be a leak from the roof and inside the walls. So guess what the outer inner wall is coming down as well. The roof leak was corrected ages ago but we hadn't realized it had been leaking inside the wall.

    The good news, my stairwell could do with a paint job as is, and a new wall will definitely need painting. Like Jackie I'm thinking colours!

    So Jackie, I've got bags of old dry wall and panelling sitting on my lawn! just like you had. Aint life grand. I'll be happy though if it's all over by winter and we are snug as bugs, Bean and me.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening.

    Nothing interesting here today.

    Be safe everyone. I did read about the vulnerability of Apple devices and have updated all of mine. My watch was the last to show an update was ready. No updates for Mac computers.

    Sandy, glad you decided to get some rest today. Funerals just drain a person don’t they. Safe travels.

    Hugs everyone.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy and cool today. That just fine. I have a lot of things to do today. Including cleaning two bathrooms and more laundry. Our town has closed the swimming pool and library and the senior center is closed except for lunches that are handed out as take out. School is still in session but that is looking iffy again. Lots of kids getting sick so many are working online again. So I think boosters would be a really good idea. We don’t seem to have Covid under control here. In fact we look exactly like we did a few months ago during the worst of it… worst?

    Fixing up our home is one of the most positive things to do while the world spins crazy and off balance. It is life affirming to clean up, fix up, change up when life seems so out of control. I am now back on the search for new drapes. Nothing exciting thus far.

    John is off to Costco for supplies. As I mentioned, I am doing some cleaning and then a search for maybe a class to take. It is good for my brain to deal with learning something. Just as the saying goes, I am still a work in progress.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Ive got on here but can't access the food and exercise part of mfp. If I disappear again you know why!
    Fingers crossed, Anne
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Morning Anne, I often get shut out of one or the other. Haven’t figured out why!

    Crikey, that’s a job and a half going on in your basement but having been there and finally come out the other side I know you will do the same and at least you have Mark attacking with a crowbar rather than a stranger who doesn’t care how much mess is created. A shame Harry isn’t still next door, he might have cleared your lawn to add to his collection! Can the wall panelling be rescued and out back?

    You know I’m thinking of you today Sandy and send warm hugs. ❤️

    You’ve got it Patsy, keep busy nest building. It does help to feel in control of things at home when there’s little we can do about the pandemic other than stay safe. I too have looked for dining room drapes but they do all seem to be the same style of sitting along a pole which I don’t like.

    A pretty teapot Lin that would sit nicely in my “plum” snug!

    The electrician should have arrived by now but when was he ever on time? I’ll have a light snack then get myself off to my hospital appointment.

    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Still can't get onto the fitness part of MFP but at least I'm still with community. That means I won't be able to post weigh in on the pound a week site.

    Not much to report here. The biggest excitement was when I lost a scab off my forehead but have no idea when or where!

    Mark came over to examine the basement outer walls inside, mainly to check if things are drying out. They appear to be. We won't put the panelling back JACKIE its wrecked on the backside of it, but thats okay, because its still installed on the other side of the stairs where there is no damage. Mark might be able to rescue the shelf on the top of the now gone panelling which is useful to put torches on etc. I think he will dry wall and then just paint to match the rest of the basement stairwell. It does look lighter without it, and wider, but it was rather special.

    I've just been on the phone with Maria. She noticed my absence but who wants to appear in public when they look like the walking dead. I've been sneaking Jilly out very early, which reminds me, I ordered my groceries to be delivered between 10 and 1 and was horrified when the driver phoned to ask if he could deliver at 7:25 am. I was still in my jam jams. Turns out his first stop was in the next street and he was hoping I'd accept delivery to save him coming all the way back to me. Of course I let him deliver after hastily donning clothes! Super fresh veggies thats for sure.

    And thats about it. I suppose having the house full of dust is exciting?

    Anne about to put her feet up.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Beautiful sunny cool day. In my childhood this was called Indian summer day. But I know that is considered a non-PC term. I guess I am okay with not using these terms that make a lot people uncomfortable and disenfranchised. But it is a beautiful fall day. The light has a golden hue and there is a wonderful perfume in the air. Damp leaves, chilly mornings mild sunny afternoons.

    Anne: our house seems to grow dust constantly. As I dust and clean one room, another room fills up with cob webs and dust and dust bunnies. Is there some evil creature hiding in here creating havoc ?
    I must learn to love the fact that life has interesting ups and downs. Your down (shingles) seems to be healing quite nicely. Happy things are getting back to normal in your basement.

    Jackie: going back for those cancer check ups is annoying and time consuming and EXTREMELY important. If for no other reason, your peace of mind. .I had to go back for two years and it was a teaching hospital. So at every appointment I was surrounded by my doctor and a covey of eager young med students. Me on the exam table with my feet spread apart….not my best look!

    Lin: always the lovely teapots and a reminder of a genteel and kinder time.

    Sandy: thinking of you dear friend. I know these are very emotional times for you. Stay safe and remember we know you and your family are suffering. Sending thoughts of friendship and support.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2021
    Good afternoon.

    Anne, the work on your house sounds like a kind of big job but it with your boys in charge, it should turnout well. That is early for a grocery delivery! My goodness. Thankful you got some lovely fresh veggies. And I hope you continue to heal up and the scabs disappear.

    Jackie, I hope the electrician showed up and that your trip to the hospital went well.

    Patsy, did John bring home all the needed supplies from Costco?

    I made a trip to the library to pick up my books and I was unable to use the self checkout system. I went to the desk and they couldn’t access my account either. So lots of messing about until he was able to get it to work. He said he hoped I would be able to access my account from home. No guarantees. Oh well.

    I spoke to a friend for a few minutes this afternoon. They were able to get their booster shot already. I guess it’s who you know and how they can guide you through the system.

    I have a huge pile of books to read and lots of projects to play with. I pull a carrot each day, my one a day vitamins!

    Be safe everyone.



    Hi Sandy. 💖💖
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It was a beautiful start to the morning but clouds have now drifted overhead. We walked across the top moor where we had stunning views of Misty valleys and George was so impressed he went into one of his dreamy Zen stares taking it all in!

    The electrician popped in yesterday just as I was about to leave, took a door key and said he would be back later. He was fitting the last item, a heater, when I returned from my hospital appointment and will return in a few weeks to finally complete his list of jobs, coming up to a year when he first started!
    The hospital check was fine, no issues. The doctor advised me the thought nationally is that 6 monthly checks are sufficient so did I mind? A part of me thinks this is a way of cutting down waiting lists which Covid has caused but I’ll be sent information on who I can phone for immediate advice if I have concerns and she said I’m obviously a sensible person… haha I thought!!

    Mine is also a teaching hospital Patsy so I too have experienced keen young things sitting in but never worry as I’m aware it’s the only way they learn and I so admire anyone who has such a calling. Yes, peace of mind is more important than any medicine!
    I thought a tiled floor a great idea for ease of cleaning but goodness, a broom seems to be constantly leaning against a wall ready to sweep. Betty’s shedding fur is the the worst culprit but second is the garden debris George collects on his tummy!

    Anne, I’m afraid if anyone turns up in the early hours they are confronted by me in my 25 year old M&S cosy dressing gown. I have no shame! 😄

    I love your lifestyle Lin; books, crafts, friends to chat to but do remember your stressful journeys in the past to visit your father so understand completely why you appear content.
    What a chunky teapot! I can feel my wrists complaining at the thought of pouring tea from it! Sunflower or Dahlia? Not sure.

    Sandy, I so hope you are home and rested. Let us know you are alright when you can. ❤️

    Coffee cup emptied so on with my chores.

    Happy Thursday. Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Good Thursday Morning. :) The funeral service was really lovely, my brother looked so peaceful it was comforting.
    Their were more people than we expected since it was so early so he was loved. After the funeral Mass since my brother was an Army Veteran three army personal were there and played taps and gave the flag to my niece. That was the hardest part of the day but so beautiful. The luncheon was good with lots of memories and then some people came back to my nieces house. I left around 7PM because I was exhausted and wanted to sleep in my own bed. I am going to my meeting today because it gives me comfort and although I should have had my hair done Tuesday I am going today after my meeting. Thank you for all the condolences once again, you are the best friends a person could have even without meeting any of you in person.

    Have a good day and stay safe as I am trying to do.

    One Day at a Time