Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Thanks JACKIE, sounds an interesting documentary so will try to find. Meanwhile, although early and chilly out it looks a promising morning to dig up "Lady's Mantle" which is taking over the flower beds. After 1.5 years of inertia my love of gardening is back along with good health. Just a minor tingling now above the eyebrow.

    We are promised rain this afternoon which means Mark can test out the new drainpipe he installed yesterday. Inside, the house feels much warmer since he's cured the basement wall.

    Jilly was so tired after three days of walks and family playing with her she collapsed into a deep sleep yesterday afternoon and I could garden in peace. A first I might add, she's usually with me barking at all passing dogs.

    So... all for now and a very good morning to everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Sitting for Charlie who is really good by herself. She came to my house which is better for me while Lisa gets her hair done. It is chilly right now but supposed to get up to 70 so I hope it does so we can go to the park across the street from me. Lisa didn't bring the stroller so will not be going to forest preserve as it is a far walk. Nothing else exciting going on except the boys are having fun with dad at the Adventure Guides campout.

    Anne, I meant to ask you yesterday where you did your laundry? Did they change your laundry room to upstairs or did you go downstairs? I am happy to read your shingles are almost gone and you are feeling in good health.

    Jackie, good to hear from you and happy you had a fun week with your friend. Once your sofa has found the perfect spot please share a picture. Company is always wonderful but once they leave it feels great to be alone again. I hope George is feeling better nothing worse than tummy issues with our pups.

    Have a good day and stay safe and healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I threw the laundry down the stairs SANDY whilst Mark was missing and then gingerly walked down the stairs which are still at the bare wood stage. Mark wasn't around to tell me off, and Mike was walking Jilly so I had someone around eventually if I had a mishap, I didn't. Mike put it in the dryer when done and before going home brought it back up. Easy peasy.
    Where there's a will, there's a way as the saying goes.

    Anne, still intact.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    You’re right Sandy, once I got used to the first quiet hour today I relaxed into a mood of wanting to get jobs completed, rummaging through the fridge to clear out anything pushed to the back and then take George and Betty for an afternoon stroll on the moors.
    It’s muggy but at least the clouds lifted enough to clear that oppressive feeling. The hens have been mucked out, I’ve enjoyed a bowl of the bean casserole I cooked in my slow cooker and am now sipping a lager called Golden Goose which is brewed in Belgium which is pleasant and mild!
    I’m hoping George’s tummy is settled but will have to see once his late lunch of raw, processed chicken works it’s way through! 🥴

    A couple of days ago it was my turn to find myself suddenly crashing to the ground while a rather hard footpath came up to meet my face. Luckily I managed to stop that collision by putting both hands down on the ground but that’s meant sore wrists and bruises slowly appearing below my thumbs. One knee has an egg sized lump and mass of bruises but apart from that and aching joints I came off lightly! The weird thing is, although it felt as if I stepped on the shoe lace of the foot about step forward, both remained tied in a bow so the only possible culprit was one pathetic bracken leaf that I assume was still attached to the ground and wrapped itself round my shoe! Pat was with me and thought my Superwoman flying through the air act clever!
    Each evening I read your posts to her and she quickly became drawn into each life as I explained who lived where with snippets of your lives. She commented how you all write beautifully!

    Here’s a couple of dining room photos and once a new bookcase is delivered Monday to go in the snug, I’ll photograph the new sofa.

    Take care everyone and enjoy the rest of Saturday. I’m going to relax and read for a while.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers! I believe we are again gathering each day to share our activities. I have missed seeing each and everyone of you. We have been forecast a sunny mild day. It is in reality cloudy and quite cool. That naughty marine layer refuses to move in.

    Everyone is thinking winter prep and that’s good. You never know. It could be mild but then again we could be in for a lollypalooser. We talk a good game but our winter preps are going very slow. The list keeps growing. I see little actually getting done. Drives me nuts!

    We are rewatching old showtime series. But I was interested in Jackie’s recommendation of that documentary. Just recently in the news there was a very old piece of clay tablet with a story poem I can’t recall the specifics. After the gulf war museums were robbed of so many priceless pieces of Iranian art and artifacts. They hit the black market to be sold and lost forever. The piece in the news was purchased by an American businessman and it was returned to the Iranian government. In art history, I had a professor who had been to that area and documented many of the amazing works of art.

    Sandy: I understand how important it is for kids to have time with a special adult family member. Kids need that time to share and feel they are special and wonderful to their parents and grandparents. Our kids had that with John’s mom. She was a terrific grandmother…like you. John and Damon shared happy hours building stuff in John’s workshop.

    Anne: so happy you are back in your garden, feeling perky and baking your wonderful bread again. You are sharing your day and adventures with us. I don’t think you realize how important it is to me and I suspect all of us sneakers, we miss hearing from you.

    Jackie: I am smiling from across the ocean, thinking of you and the pups and your friend enjoying a lovely visit. We missed you terribly as well. But I am sure every sneaker felt good to know you were safe and enjoying a delightful visit. Welcome back. Show us your photos and tell us everything!

    Lin: awaiting the teapot of the day. Hello my friend. Hope you are safe and healthy.

    Exercise time. Boo! I’ll listen to a repeat of Sunday Baroque. Happy music to help me move my feet.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good evening. It was my birthday today and I will post my birthday teapot. Spent the day on one thing and another. 😂

    Be safe.


    A blue Hall teapot

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lin! A very belated Happy birthday my friend. I feel terrible that I missed the date this morning! Of all the people on this planet, you who remembers everyone’s birthday and every other day of consequence. My dear you are caring, non-judgemental, and above all supportive whenever we are feeling down. We look forward to hearing about your gardening and love your adorable teapots. Forgive me for not seeing the notice of your special day. You are special every day but on this day we need to remind you!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh Lin, how did I miss your birthday? No excuses; I’m full of embarrassment but hope it’s not too late to send love and hugs winging across the pond. ❤️❤️
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited September 2021

    Like Jackie, I am so embarrassed I missed your birthday. And Patsy said it best, you who never forgets anyone's birthday and have been so good with your kindness. Please from the bottom of my heart forgive me. I normally rely on Facebook to help me with birthdays but as you know you don't have that information on your profile. I could use the excuse that I had Charlie from early morning to early evening but there is no excuse. I hope you had a good birthday and if it were possible I would give you a big hug to comfort you.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    How on earth did I forget, I know my life is all sixes and sevens lately but really Anne, I'm ashamed of you! The funny thing is I wished you a happy birthday LIN early this morning and for some reason it hasn't printed. Must have forgotten post reply as well.!!!!!

    I made myself a vegetarian shepherds pie for lunch and guess who showed up to help me mop it up, yes Mike of course who popped by for a couple of hours and took Bean for three walks in that time. Bean was all set for an afternoon nap when he left but up rolls Mark just now about to start cutting out the oak steps. I better wander off and see what he's up to.
    So much for Beans afternoon nap! Its a dogs life!

    Hope you are treating yourself to a nice day-after-birthday treat, dear Linda, and apologies once more for being so tardy.

    Anne. xxxxxxxx❤️xxxxxxxxx

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Whoosh!! 😬😲😡🤬 lost the longest post!! I can’t begin to start over. 😩😢
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Here it is…a cloudy Sunday, and a bit chilly. The approaching colder season makes us think about Halloween and thanksgiving, and pumpkin pie and families and friends getting together. Since we are a very small family, these celebrations can be upsetting but somehow really important. Our son’s birthday is coming up soon. Like our dear Lin, he never makes much noise about it. Also like our dear Lin, he never forgets a birthday. It will be challenging to come up with a gift for him.

    I have always enjoyed the e-cards sent by several of you here. My question is this, is there one company more reliable and trustworthy than others? I have avoided them because I worried about I.D theft. Is that a possible concern? Years ago I was hit (unsuccessfully) by one of the grandmother scams. The police thought if came from a e-card hack. So I wondered if any of you have a company you recommend.

    As usual, I attended online mass but could not find the one where I really feel at home. We will be chatting with Damon and maybe our daughter, Andrea. She is always a mystery. Maybe she will feel comfortable enough to chat…or not!

    I always say that if is far easier to order online but in truth, it is not easier at all. Ordering two turtleneck teeshirts took nearly two hours. In the good old days, I would have jumped on my broom and flew down to J.C Penney’s and bought them, usually on sale, by the way. That was then, as John would remind me.
    Making a casserole with chicken, rice and broccoli. And any other veggie I have in the fridg. John will hate it. Brawhahahaha. Seriously!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2021
    Hello friends, I apologize for bringing up my birthday yesterday. It was not nice of me to do so. I had some birthday greetings but actually was very unhappy. My coffee group, for the most part, didn’t contact me. This group generally has group wishes and conversations on Facebook Messenger and have often had birthday surprises, like stopping by the birthday girl’s house. I was kind of gutted by that. But no excuse to be rude to you.

    Moving on, I did get together with a friend on the shady side of the bookstore this afternoon and we had a nice long conversation.

    Patsy, I spend a lot of time trying to order things online. My friend was saying the same thing today and they have decided to go without as much as possible to avoid the ordering, shipping, and return problems. As far as e-cards, I have only used Jacquie Lawson. I picked it up after my cousin’s wife started sending those cards to me.

    Jackie, sorry you lost your post. Heck! I liked the photos you posted and am looking forward to the new sofa photos!

    Anne, you are crazy busy. So much gardening! I have a friend who gardens most every day in the summer when the weather is fit. She unfortunately has developed sciatica and is suffering right now. But she wants to get back out there.

    Sandy, busy lady. Did you have some fun with Charlie?

    Thanks again for the lovely greetings. I will be greedy and take them all.

    Be safe.


    Another Hall teapot

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Early morning greetings! I want to get in the garden again today. Just two corners to do, but one involves cutting back a huge bush we can't get rid of and its spread so much that last spring it engulfed the tulips peeping through the new shoots. Ivy is everywhere. I also want to pick more apples which the whole street seems to have enjoyed! Yesterday I slightly stewed some to put on my morning cereal and I've just enjoyed them so much I want to cook more to put in the freezer. Tastier than cut up banana or blueberries which are my usual winter choice.

    Birthdays, a mixed blessing. My two sons usually forget each others birthdays but I remember theirs like most mothers having been through all that pain and suffering! lol. I'm at that certain age where I happily forget my own. This is quite possible as we reach the age of absentmindedness. However, just in case I'm the only one who remembers these days I try to buy myself something to save for the day I entered the world no doubt squawking my head off. and I'm still squawking my head off so some things never change. I bought the Roots fleece lined top earlier with this in mind. When Mike finally remembers he's usually two or three days out, usually later which is nice as I remain "young" a little longer.

    Well, yet another busy day and I must get on before winter rears his snowy head. I keep thinking spring will be nice if the garden is sort of tidy. So far any stiffness is cured with an Advil.

    Have a super day as lovely September colourfully comes to a close,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I’ll try again and hopefully not see my post whizzing into a corner.

    Sybil Andrews, British/Canadian artist was taking my attention yesterday after spotting one of her pieces of art being auctioned. Not something I can afford, even as an investment, but I loved reading about her famous modernist linocuts. This is one of hers… Gale.
    I remember at school having such fun handling one of those sharp tools to dig and scrape a pattern into an old square of Lino. I’m wondering if such items are still available.

    Is it something you work with Lin amongst all your other amazing crafts? Please don’t apologise by the way, you weren’t rude. We should have been aware it was your birthday and you might have heard my loud exclamation of OH NO! when I read your post yesterday morning, I was so mortified. 🥴

    Patsy, about 10 or 12 years ago the Jacqui Lawson e-card website had problems spreading viruses and wonder if they were unaware such problems existed when they set themselves up. I noticed they weren’t the only businesses to be hacked and it was usually the sort that people of a certain age like me used! Also a friend used to include large bouncing, grinning emojis in her emails that apparently carried bugs! I don’t come across problems these days so expect the companies are more computer savvy.
    I saw a funny card recently that showed a lady holding head in hand over her computer which had the caption “she found the most time-consuming part of online shopping was scrolling down to the date of her birth!” I relate to that!

    Stewed apples on my porridge is a favourite of mine too Anne and I’ve just bought a bag of sugar so I can add a few blackberries to the mix and pop in the freezer.

    I guess the rest of yesterday’s post wasn’t that exhilarating if I’ve forgotten what I wrote!
    Heavy rain in the night and flooded roads as we headed for the hills to walk this morning. I managed to dodge a hefty downpour so we walked in sunshine but the leaves are beginning to fall and temperatures tumble.
    A quick lunch then off to drop a birthday card in to a friend. I was supposed to get delivery of a new bookcase today but a message this morning advised that because there is panic buying of fuel for some reason I haven’t bothered to look into, they don’t imagine they will arrive today. It’s the toilet roll fiasco all over again!!

    Happy Monday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    My IPad is not cooperating but I am sitting all day so have a good day.

    One Minute at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Our Monday is off to a very slow start. I got up late and then shuffled into the dungeon to spot a large coffee table book of Georgia Okeefe flower paintings. I lost about an hour pouring over that book and reading some of her notes and views. I confess to being absolutely entranced by her work and even her her lifestyle. Not for me but wonderfully avant-garde. (You all know I can’t Spell)

    We have great fall weather. A mild blustery wind is bringing down showers of leaves. We call this a Chinook wind. I wonder if that is a universal term? We enjoyed this same fall wind in Colorado and Alaska. We have also lived in Wyoming. Not my favorite, I was a fish out of water there.

    Jackie: I understand being captivated by an artist. It is like their paintings are speaking to you. I am also a fan of Chuck Close, who recently passed. His story is just plain mystical. I dare say I enjoy most artists that try to say something. I believe there are many different art languages. Some exotically unique and others easy and uncomplicated.

    Anne: our tangle of a jungle would make your heart beat faster and you would be appalled at the unsightly mess. I can only say we are not gardeners and there seems to be so much to repair, replace and maintain. I love hearing about your garden as well as Jackie and Lin’s gardening. I live through your posts telling me about all things green and growing.

    Sandy: enjoy your day and those little ones who are growing up way too fast.

    Lin: dearest friend, we learn each day how caring and sensitive you are. Do not even for one moment feel the need to apologize for letting us know your birthday. To that end, didn’t we use to have a sort of banner at the top of the sneaker group with birthdates? Maybe it was decided that was a bit risky in today’s crazy world. Let us all enjoy the wonder of this little group of internet friends. Some of us do not have Facebook or Instagram or other methods of staying in touch. I share the happenings of our group with John and son Damon. They both add a belated Happy Birthday, Lin! Knowing and sharing a birthday greeting is fun for everyone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2021
    Hello friends, we have a return to summer today. About 90 degrees F, sunny and breezy. I watered the remnants of my plants on the deck. The bees are still happy with the marigolds so I will continue. I cannot see if there are sweet potatoes to dig because I would kill the marigolds. I need to pull the remaining carrots and will keep snaring the tomatoes are they turn. Some tiny watermelons are trying to grow and a new green pepper is on top of a not-so-healthy looking plant.

    I have my little stack of medical, ID and vaccinationcards and a new mask piled up in anticipation of tomorrow’s appointment. I have several books that need to go back to the library and cannot be renewed so I am reading quickly!

    Jackie, I did spend some time researching and reading about Sybil Andrews. I was captured by the print you posted and had to see more. I remember in 7th grade having a go at this type of print making. The problem with art class is that it was so short! Never enough time to really dig in. Sorry your bookcase was not delivered but I heard there was panic buying off gasoline and saw video of people in their vehicles in very long lines. It seems there are shortages of things popping up all over the place. Never know what will be next.

    Anne, the work in your garden is monumental! Keep picking those apples as the season will be over soon. A long time ago I had purchased a package of dried apple slices. They were so incredibly tough that my teeth couldn’t chomp through them. I boiled them up in water and cinnamon, drained them, cooled them and bagged them for the freezer. They are very good now. I defrost a packet from time to time and put some in my plain yogurt. Very tasty.

    Sandy, hope the day is going well with the kiddos.

    Patsy, oh my, now I have another artist to research. 😁 I am afraid my knowledge of the art world is quite limited. I am always happy to research something though. Thanks to John and Damon for their birthday wishes. I appreciate the thoughtfulness. We still have a topic containing all the birthdays but it is more difficult to find now. If you clicked on Sneakers and a list of topics comes up, you now have to select display all and then an additional topic comes up with the birthdays. Since we are happy just to be here together, don’t get lost trying to find it.

    I need to scoot along now. Thanks for being here dear friends.

    Be safe.


    Quite an interesting shade of green.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I snitched this from the file Sandy keeps up to date. (Thanks ❤️❤️)

    Jackie Feb 2, 1949

    Sandy---March 10, 1942
    Barbiecat ---March 25, 1946

    Shirley..April 4

    Buzz---June 24, 1927 R.I.P
    June 26

    Jeri July 3
    Patsy......July 16

    Bob........Sept. 17
    Linder....Sept. 25

    Jake---Oct., 10, 1945
    Anne...Oct. 15, 1935

    Marie---Nov. 7, 1930 R.I.P

    January 7, 2021 11:55AM edited January 7
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    I am home exhausted from a long day of sitting. No sitting tomorrow so I can rest. Will check back in the morning. This link should also bring you to the home page of the sneakers. Thanks Lin for sharing the birthday page.

    One Day at a Time