Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Wet and windy weather has arrived but George, Betty and I managed an early soggy walk because forecasters tell us it will only get worse today. Waterproofs, doggy towels and even their leads are hanging to dry while I catch up with the smaller jobs requiring attention before Autumn turns to Winter. I’ve blacked the multi fuel stove in the dining room that was showing signs of rust because Dave had covered it in an old blanket while renovation work was carried out but damp air had been trapped. No more damp now thank goodness but I’m considering lighting a fire today for that cosy feel.

    Back to Sybil Andrews, I feel her lifestyle was incredible for her time, especially when women were encouraged to help war efforts and she chose welding! Reading about Georgia O’Keeffe I have to wonder at these women’s strength of character to insist on careers in art and then break away from traditional forms to do their own thing, all this during a decade when the women’s suffrage movement was fighting for their right to vote! Beautiful flowers Patsy so thank you for pointing me in her direction.
    Chuck Close is completely different of course but still, a man of his time with his pop art and clever use of pixels.

    Lin, art classes were never long enough as far as I was concerned but I’m guessing that in the 60’s it was considered a soft option. All aspects were favoured and I still occasionally dabble.
    My tomatoes are finally ripening so no more shop bought for now. The tiny red variety is sweet and sharp at the same time so they don’t often make it out of my greenhouse before being eaten!
    Love the green teapot that would sit happily in my green and yellow dining room!

    I hope you are feeling rested Sandy.

    I mentioned in my recent lost post how I read your posts out loud to my friend Pat during her visit and she commented how beautifully you all write. I explained a little about each of you so she became truly interested in what was going on in your lives. I might have to update her each time we FaceTime!

    I’m desperate to get my garden into some sort of order but the weather is against me. Tomorrow might be my one day to get my secateurs and trowel out! I’m jealous Anne of your time in your garden but so pleased you are enjoying the challenge and feeling more like your old self (figuratively speaking!).

    George has been standing outside in torrential rain chewing course blades of grass so he’s still feeling a bit uncomfortable. He pops in for a towel rubdown then back out!

    Lunchtime for me.
    Happy Tuesday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited September 2021
    Happy Tuesday! :) A very lazy day for me, I will try and see if I can get a Walmart order in but if not it will have to be tomorrow. It was a long day yesterday and very tiring, the two youngest are very energetic and at times don't listen. I was happy when I was able to go home and have a glass of wine. I will be glad when Lisa's parents return from Florida but that might not be until November. One Day at a Time.

    Jackie, sorry your weather is turning, ours is just beautiful this week. How about some boiled chicken for George, that was our cure for Daisy's upset tummy.

    It seems everyone else is on the flipped page so let me just wish you a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I've had lunch and thinking of going into the garden to cut back yellowing leaves of the Siberian iris and the lilies but maybe won't manage it because we too have dark clouds rolling in. Yesterday I finished the ivy cut back and the weeding and then picked apples to stew for winter use. We all worked so hard I am just recovering and when I did my usual text to Mark this morning I suggested we all had a day off. He's just text back that he spent the morning in HIS garden cutting out the new oak steps for the basement. So much for that idea.

    Jackie has fuel problems in the old country and we are being warned of a meat shortage over here. I decided to put in the weekly grocery order this morning and when I ordered chicken up came the message Out of Stock. I'll try again hopefully tomorrow but the second thing I ordered was also out of stock. Russet potatoes of all things.

    Poor little George! Hope the little guy soon recovers!

    Oh dear, we are on a new page and I can't go back to refresh what I read earlier. I do recall Sandy feeling very tired. Sandy, do be careful. We don't want you getting these horrible shingles again which can be related to stress. Anyway, not much else going on here so I will close and see what Patsy and Lin got up to. Has Bob vanished again?

    Have you noticed that when you are shut out of MFP and finally get on again its a new start and instead of years of faithfulness I'm back to day 10. Cheek, lol.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited September 2021
    Anne, for reset of days follow this link. Just make sure it is you and not me. lol

    For the link I sent the other day that shows birthdays, start days etc. You can use this link and remember to save it to your favorites and the opening page will open up for you. We also have other links on there like drop a word add a word, pictures of pets, pound a week etc.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sweet friends! Today is, of course, wet with a smiggen of sunshine in between! It is also Costco shopping this afternoon. I am wondering what will happen there. So many of us have bare shelves in the markets. We shall see what is available, then plan a menu. We cook Katie’s food and she eats people food, rather than dog food. And she has become picky because we have allowed it. With the recent issue with supplies, we are going to have to see what we can devise for her when the need arises.

    Our son has a birthday October 11th and just so we keep a better handle on this birthday list…I believe our adorable Anne is looking at a birthday in October…10/15. Isn’t it amazing? We have all been pals for so long! I thought of a wonderful gift for Anne. Six months of mild sunny weather, a bit of rain each night but only after sunset. Just enough to water her flowers and the apple tree. I’ll see if I can order it for you from Amazon. Sort of like Camelot!

    I have been digging through my art books here in the dungeon. I will pick out a book and bring it into the living room to enjoy in the evening. We have about an hour just before our bedtime devoted to reading. It is interesting how we gravitate toward a comfortable routine that quickly becomes a hard and fast rule. I never thought I would do this. I am so loopy-goosey.

    Sandy: as our doc and John reminds me, as we age we can still be healthy and vigorous but energy peaks happen usually for a shorter period of time. You are handling a lot, even young mothers get tired and look forward to the kids going down for an afternoon nap. I know Lisa appreciates you but I don’t think young mothers know how hard it is for grams to keep up.

    Jackie: maybe your friend Pat would like to join us. We are a friendly bunch, always ready to meet new friends. Just a thought. I hope I have not stepped out of line. Reading about other artists often makes my pulse race with excitement and I get thrilled with their accomplishments. It seems to me throughout time, artists have documented our cultural climate. Some of us read the paintings and images with interest and amazement. Others find the messages too disturbing. I confess to an endless fascination.

    Anne: once again, I am in awe of your dedication to all green things…except ivy and weeds. I am at the point that even a good healthy blooming weed is to treasured. Yea dandelions. Lovely golden yellow flowers and then sweet tiny parachutes. Got ta love ‘em.

    Lin: hello dear friend. I am in between your posts so will just say hello and I will check later to see about your day and see the teapot.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2021
    Hello. I have been boosted! I was thrilled that it went relatively well. People were coming in for shots and they had not made appointments which was frustrating the personnel in the pharmacy but I was all set to go. I had filled in all the info needed for the consent form online and provided an electronic signature. Walking in off the street, each person had to sit down with a clipboard and fill out several pages of questions. Finally got my shot and was required to stay 15 minutes. They actually hand you a timer. I was ushered out immediately with my first two shots. What a difference.

    Another hot sunny day with a breeze and the pots of plants look unhappy. The bees are still pleased and are buzzing about.

    Sandy, best wishes on the grocery order. We have shortages of things but I never see them coming as other than bottled water and shelf stable soy milk, it’s always something different. Curbside pickup with Walmart is routinely 3 days out now. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 Apparently more people prefer to stay out of the store.

    Anne, my gosh, you are putting in full workdays! Your backyard must look so much better now. Your family, all working hard each day. And darn, out of stock notices. I hate seeing those! I hope you do not have persistent shortages of items needed for Jilly’s meals. My friend and her hubby purchased a quarter of beef earlier this summer for pickup on November 1st. Guess that was a good idea for them. They really like meat.

    Patsy, happy Costco shopping. I hope everything you want is available even in a smaller than usual quantity. Are you concerned about a gift for Damon? It can be difficult to shop for an adult, even a close family member. You know, maybe you will be unable to purchase what you need to make cauliflower pizza this week. Just a thought. 😁

    Jackie, poor little George. I hope he feels better soon, this has been going on for a while. I hope you have a nice warm fire going and have enjoyed something interesting on television or online. And I hope you have fuel in your auto. And there will not be food supply issues.

    Back to addressing some Fall cards. Be safe everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Got my Pfizer booster vaccine. Thanks Lin for letting me know appointments were being taken at Walgreens.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Earlier rain has moved on and I’m just back from a long walk across the top of the moors with George, who’s feeling much better, and Betty. 4,484 steps which is a good start to a day of gardening.

    Sandy, thank you, I did keep George on a diet of chicken until today so not sure why he was chewing grass in yesterday’s torrential rain. I did ask him several times but he wouldn’t tell me! 🐶. So you’re boosted! That’s great news.

    It seems shortages are occurring everywhere although our fuel fiasco was created by panic rather than oil refineries running out. I will shop in the morning and be interested to see what’s missing. The last time I was in a supermarket it was packets of crisps (chips) that I don’t eat!

    Patsy, I will certainly invite Pat to join us although what I refer to as her chaotic life might get in the way, or at least exhaust you all, if she does! We’ve known each other for over 40 years so I know what to expect as my home rapidly fills with enough suitcases for a 6 month visit, extension leads out of every socket, jackets and coats strewn about, furniture moved and nowhere left on the bathroom shelf to even stand my toothbrush!! We do laugh about it because it’s how she goes through life generally!
    I’m certainly no expert when it comes to art but view it as I do classical music; I know what moves me or appeals but doubt there’s a pattern to my likes and dislikes. It’s the human story that gets under my skin!

    Lin, the torrential rain didn’t ease much yesterday so I did light the fire and in no time was too hot! The pets tried to sit on the mat in front of it out of habit but soon moved away but at least I know we’ll be warm as toast when the cold weather arrives. I caught up on a BBC documentary series I’ve been following A House Through Time. As the title suggests, the historian presenter chooses a house in one of our cities and researches its residents through archives, newspaper stories and occasionally living descendants, from the day it was built to present time. Amazing intimate family tragedies and scandals along with a few happy events they would never have imagined we’d be learning about in the 21st century!
    Another boosted sneaker, well done! I hope you can feel a lot safer as Covid continues to interrupt our lives.
    Lunch for me then dead heading the perennials. I’ll think of Anne and her rambling ivy!
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I managed to get my Walmart order in and same day pickup yesterday. All items were in stock so I am a happy person. I also went to the dollar store, got my booster and got gas. I did more than I thought I was going to do so today other than riding my bike and having Bryanna for dinner I will just relax today.

    Jackie, you do not do too much relaxing but it seems to be what you enjoy. With our cooler weather I should really get outside and do some walking, I am told that is the best form of exercising for losing weight. This is when I wish I had a dog to walk but of course they would never let me take Daisy. Wow, my OCD would kick in if your friend were to visit me. When my granddaughter came with her boyfriend I had to remain calm and not touch any of their stuff which was all over the place. I survived!!!!

    Lin, I am glad I also filled out all those forms on my computer but still waited about 10 minutes for my shot and then 15 minutes after the shot. Worked out fine though as my grocery order was ready after I went for gas and spent about 10 minutes talking to my friend on the phone in the Walmart parking lot. lol I have a little sore arm but nothing I can't handle, but so happy I got my booster which she explained is actually a third shot.

    Patsy, I would love if they took naps but they do not. They do go to bed early though around 7:30 for Charlie and 8:00 for the boys. Because they are so active I feel for Lisa especially with Robby having ADHD and anxiety. I try to help as much as I can. It won't be long before they are all in school and then her life will seem boring, although she may go back to teaching as she is a preschool teacher with special needs.

    Anne must be in the garden again keeping busy making things beautiful.

    Time for some breakfast, have a safe and wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited September 2021
    At last PATSY, someone else who loves dandelions as much as I do. If dandelions were as rare as orchids wouldn't everyone treasure them. They are the urchins of the botanical world. No matter how many humans stomp on them, dig them up, spray them, back they come in the spring in all their beauty. My views on ivy are a bit different. I remember the bonny Ivy tree in the old country beautifying walls, old houses and dead tree stumps with delicate leaves. Not so here, these are like aliens from another world. Dinner plate sized leaves, thick gnarly stems and they creep across the lawn and over the fences at an alarming rate. Beautiful as well, but they just take over. The tendrils are so long I have to cut them into many pieces to cram them into the garden waste bags
    LIN and SANDY having their third Corvid shots. There is talk here of vaccinating all the people in nursing homes with a booster. Tony next door has had his, maybe because he goes to a centre each week to give Maria an afternoon break.

    JACKIE - my friend Flo is exactly like your friend Pat! When we went to Florida she brought so much stuff back with her she almost got chucked off the plane. The stewardess was furious with her as she tripped over bags peeking out from under the seat and not just hers! My mom reckoned the UK economy improved no end with all the stuff she brought back to Canada from a trip to the UK. Mark was a teenager who travelled with us and he wasn't happy being given a couple of her suitcases [2 especially bought in England]. We travelled light with barely a back pack between us and she made full use of that!. We won't go into hotel rooms! Like you though, we put up with her eccentricities because she was fun and likeable and I wouldn't say no to having those days back!

    I've just put in my grocery order and keeping my fingers crossed that all will be available by Friday. Jilly Bean joins Katie in the spoilt department and if chicken become a shortage, well, Mike says we will have to go out and shoot the Canada geese! Must get an order in early next week as our thanksgiving holiday looms closer.

    All done, fare-thee-well, Anne.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good day everyone! We have a wet one here. A tiny bit cool, not too bad really. We have a week of showers and then at the weekend we will see more sun. Cool weather is here. It is time to dig out the sweaters and warm socks here. Speaking of socks, one of Katie’s favorite things is to find a sock and playful display it. As I try to get it she grabs it away and runs at the speed of light with the sock dangling from mouth. Wonderful games our pets invent, then teach us the rules of the game. It is called, Katie always wins!

    I am nursing my sad left thumb. I have a reoccurring condition, trigger finger. Actually trigger thumb in my case. Not too painful but annoying. I have to tape it in position and or wear an ugly black glove thing that supports the tendons while they heal. As I said, not a big deal but it does create some extra care and maintenance. The joys of being older than dirt, I guess.

    I am one by one going through my art books. It is like visiting an old friend. French impressionist now. Those boys could paint! The style was classic and yet they said a lot. As far as allowing women into their “club of creativity” well! Let me say, it appears it was for men only. Love reading about artists and their cultural messages.

    Jackie: I fear my style is close to your friend Pat. I can’t seem to do anything without causing a huge hubbub. John complains that when I sew, there is pins and patterns, thread, needles, fabric in every room in the house. I cannot curtail my activities to any one area. Thankfully John goes into his office and hides until things quieten down. When involved in a project, no matter what, it seems to spill out into every available space. Katie occasionally eats grass. I think there must be some delicious grass that calls to her like catnip to a cat. Then of course there is the inevitable “outcome.”

    Anne: so far no shortages but just warnings and product limits. I certainly can work with that! I mainly worry about Katie’s rations. She doesn’t adjust very well. Hummmm Canadian geese? Well we do have thousands living in various fields around here. Not sure John is a very good shot after all these years. We must have the same kind of ivy. It digs into pavement and trunks of trees, killing healthy trees. It reminds me of kudzu in the south. If we left a place vacant for a summer, it would disappear under a thick cover of these vines. They quite literally grew 6 feet a day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, I made trips to two grocery stores today as well as the library. I am very uncomfortable from my recent shot. I think I will go to bed in a little while. Sorry, hope to check in tomorrow.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning Lin. So sorry you are feeling the effects of your jab. Spoil yourself today!💕

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day and I will be picking up my 92 year old sponsee to attend. Everyone will be so happy to see her so I am excited for her. Nothing else planned after the meeting unless she wants to stop for coffee and/or tea.

    Lin, sorry you are feeling unwell with the third shot, I had a little headache yesterday but seem fine today. Take some aspirin and just rest today, I am sure it will pass.

    Jackie, love your little bear with the tea pot, perfect for Lin.

    Patsy, sorry about your thumb, I do hope it heals fast.

    Anne, anyone above 65 can get a booster and those who are compromised. Also doctor's, nurses, teachers etc.
    So mostly everyone except the younger people. I think the nursing homes and assisted living will also get there if not already. Things are improving in our state mostly because of masks.

    Have a good day everyone and continue staying safe and healthy.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited September 2021
    Thanks Jackie. All should be fine in a couple of days. I will just sleep when needed. 🛌

    The weather is a bit cooler today. Early morning was filled with lightning strikes and rumbles of thunder. I got downstairs just as the squirrel was zipping along the lawn with a big veggie. He managed to get up the fence and then sat there munching on it and staring at me. I did not know squirrels would eat young Acorn squash. Odd.

    I am doing laundry this morning and making a little list of the orders I have placed that have not shown up. They have said the mail will slow down even further, by design, for this Christmas season and there will be a surcharge again on packages. I wonder why no one is trying to fix this? Anyway I have an order for organic rice (also gluten free in packaging etc.) that left Sacramento on September 13th and never has updated at all. The info just says it is running late but no idea where it is. Anyone else in the U.S. having USPS delivery problems? FedEx is closer to on time delivery and I never seem to receive anything via UPS these days.

    Patsy, I am sorry about your thumb. I have known several people with trigger finger and all have been hindered by it. One gentleman had surgery for the condition. I don’t think I saw him again after he healed, Covid intervened. I hope that does not hinder your art projects.

    I am also a messy project person. I have things everywhere when working on a project. A good reason to live alone as I hardly ever put things away.

    Anne, when I was in the store yesterday, I walked past the “chilled chicken” cooler. It was well stocked. I hope anyone hunting for chicken is able to find it. The store was out of soy milk and almost out of bottled water.

    Sandy, always productive. Glad you accomplished everything. I am curious, did you get both the Covid booster/3rd shot and the flu shot? I have signed up for a flu shot at Walgreens in a couple of weeks although today it is not sounding like a very good idea.

    Off to check on the laundry.

    Be safe everyone.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning everyone! We have a wet and dark morning but I think I have got my SAD under control. My happy light is on and coffee is brewing. Katie is still curled up in her bed. John is rumbling around. He is sleeping in this morning. This dishes are on the go in the dish washer. So far this morning, that is the extent of the activities. Oh the list of “to do’s” is a yard long.

    Lin: dear friend I hope you are feeling better today. It is an odd thing. We feel just fine but the efforts to stay healthy make us feel bad. I hate shots but I do want to avoid these various illnesses that have vaccines. So we feel a little bad in order not to feel really really bad.

    By the way, I have been told by our Oregon Health Authority that if I originally got moderna, I should not get the booster at this time. We are still protected. Data is being studied about when moderna people should get boosters. We are careful to mask and social distancing. But I am really tired of doing this. I know everyone is. But we must be vigilant if we are to beat this down.

    I guess I will putter about the house today. We are to have a very rainy day. It is quite mild in temp. Katie will be running in and out, this means Toweling her off frequently. I think John will be doing the same.

    Split pea soup and a small side salad for dinner. A dollop of yoghurt in the middle of the pea soup. I don’t have any sour cream. My gran would have stirred in a splash of her sherry. I remember it made the soup exotically special. That and her homemade bread a a pat of real butter. Unfortunately that part of menu will not be served.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My early shopping trip to the supermarket went well and all shelves were full. I bought plums to stew with cinnamon and a few cooking apples Pat left behind because I couldn’t find any blackberries when I gardened yesterday. Looks like that season is over.
    It’s been raining all day so apart from one of our shorter walks round the block and a quick trip to the bottom of the garden to check the hens are ok, I’ve stayed in. A chunky vegetable soup with spices and creamed coconut has cleared the odd leftovers from my fridge and will feed me for another 3 days but then I found myself watching a 1949 black and white movie The Spider and the Fly. That’s the year I was born! A clever script with twist at the end.
    A few messages came through, one from Louisa who upholstered my dining chairs to let me know she will collect another chair in the morning to be covered to match the monkeys then another from the courier who was to deliver my new bookcase at the beginning of the week but had problems obtaining fuel. They now plan to deliver next Tuesday.

    Sandy, I hope your meeting goes well. We’ve also been advised to hold off Moderna booster jabs as well as the AstraZeneca and we were supposed to wait 6 months before receiving a Pfizer shot but am not sure after so many u-turns what to expect now. Wait and see I suppose!

    That’s funny about your friend Flo Anne. I enjoy similar experiences that occasionally irritate but I soon see the funny side and anyway she’s the best friend anyone could wish for.

    That certainly sounds familiar Patsy, projects spread in all directions and yet a finger can be immediately placed on every tiny piece that’s needed. Pat experienced what can happen living with a dog and leaving cables lying around. While we spent our evening at the amateur dramatics show, Betty decided to chew through several sections of her Apple iPad Pro charger! It’s been wrapped in black masking tape until she can replace it. 🤭

    That’s an interesting Japanese teapot Lin. If it didn’t have Port of Kobe I’d have guessed Dutch pottery… shows how little I know! Naughty squirrel taking your squash although I discovered yesterday a blackbird has been sneaking into my greenhouse to eat tomatoes! Now the weather is cooler the door will be kept shut so no more stealing.

    I’m watching another interesting movie with Jeremy Irons, Night Train to Lisbon… time to concentrate!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Lin, the pharmacist did ask me if I also wanted the flu shot but I told her I would wait a few weeks after my booster shot. I didn't want to take the chance because I sometimes get side effects from the flu shot.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Yikes, here is my ugly trigger finger glove. I should wear it most of the time. During food prep, I just tape my thumb into position so I can wash my hands frequently. I want to avoid surgery if possible. But we will see how this ugly glove works to help heal this strange condition.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hello, here's me just popping in because I never know what time the groceries will arrive and prefer to be washed and dressed! Plus Mike will be over. He's off to Quebec a week on Saturday to climb a ladder, remove his dads generator and take it into the village store for maintenance. Plus other stuff I guess now his Dad is tottery like me and banned from climbing ladders.

    We've had a glorious September and the weather man thinks October will be the same! This will be the first time the garden is completely put to bed for winter.

    However, why I'm writing early is to tell PATSY {so sorry about the thumb love} that just in case of a chicken shortage Mike bought a can of Kirkland chicken packed in water from Costco. Tried it on Bean this morning and she wolfed her brekkie down. I thought it tasted a little salty/spicy even after rinsing in cold water but she enjoyed it so will buy more - just in case. Not a regular thing.

    Must fly "see" you girls later.
