Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Morning all. I've been in one of my energetic sprees. Housework all done including polishing and just waiting for the bread dough to finish rising before baking.

    We put loads of garbage out yesterday and apart from the blue box still waiting. the three bags of garden rubbish, mainly fallen apples, and the garbage bin full of Marks discarded rubbish merrily gone. Not so next door though. The plumbers were over for almost a full day two days ago and now I know why, sitting on the front are toilet bowls in all their glory Ignored by the garbage lads so far. I sometimes think only myself knew how awful the departed previous owner really was. Next door will be building a new house at this rate! I don't think the new folk can sue because they bought without seeing or an inspection. Of course we haven't seen a sniff of our old neighbours of thirty odd years! Isn't it strange JACKIE that you and I ended up with less than desirable neighbours!

    Mark and Mary Jo have asked if we can celebrate thanksgiving/harvest festival here on Sunday BUT they don't want me to cook [despite me buying a very plump organic chicken from Yorkshire Valley Farms. yes, really, that where I buy Jilly's chicken as well]. I think they want to work on the stairs and suggest they order in from their very favourite - and expensive Italian restaurant. They are friendly with the owner and are regulars so always get a discount and a good deal! Well, suits me, why look a gift horse in the face! I'm also invited to their place on thanksgiving Monday, but think I'll stay home and share with Bean my chicken! Poor Michael has really missed out galloping off to Quebec on Saturday.

    Thats about it, AND the beeper just gone on the timer,
    have yourselves a wonderful Friday,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) If it's Friday that must mean laundry day. That's all that's on my schedule today except for the bike.
    I will do weigh in tomorrow although I know I will not be happy with the results. I was taking some Aleve for my back but quit because my stomach was getting pains and is now better without the Aleve. Live and learn.

    Anne, sounds like your garbage people will be busy between you and your neighbors garbage. Feels so good when it is all gone though doesn't it? How nice of M and M to get dinner for you to celebrate your Thanksgiving. I know I would appreciate it if my kids did that for me. Are you saying you buy your chicken from England or is that just the name of the store?

    Jackie, how sad for your friend to lose his wife so young. I just heard from another friend that a co worker of her daughter just died at 58 from Covid even though he and his wife were vaccinated. I understand he had underlying conditions and his wife is feeling guilty because she feels she brought it home. Such sad times.

    Lin, I had the oil changed last month and was told I am good for winter. The kids are all good, Robby is getting better with each day as Lisa is giving him a supplement of magnesium which is helping along with the other meds.
    Ewok is good with the kids unless they start teasing him then he gets a little rambunctious.

    Patsy, is today the day Damon comes or is it tomorrow. I am sure you are more than excited.

    Have a good day and keep staying safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! The day is clear and quite chilly. I don’t mind really but John has a lot of problems with his shoulders and back when he gets cold. Being thin now and balding, he has a lot of problems trying to get and stay warm. I have suggested he might have circulation problems…..FORGET THAT! I do love that crazy but cranky guy!

    Here it is again, cauliflower pizza night. I have forgotten there might be something else possible on fridays. But this is what we always have. It really is good and you can’t tell it us made with cauliflower. The crust is quite crispy. We have the margarita pizza, so it is vegetarian..

    Damon comes tomorrow afternoon. I am so looking forward to his visit. I wish we could invite our daughter over for a birthday dinner but she might not be up for it. She has this on and off again weakness. Very frustrating for her and the family.

    Anne: it is interesting that John has the same idea as your son Mark. John does not want me to be cooking while Damon is here. So John bought a big seafood cocktail platter and a couple of deli heat up meals. A round of forbidden Bree cheese and interesting crackers. Wine and beer for Damon. I feel a bit odd not cooking for a family visit but I will certainly enjoy the visit more. Happy harvest festival with your family. I bet you get a call from Micheal, he no doubt misses being there with you all to share in the feast.

    Jackie: one of the first signs Katie was feeling better was her insistence of a few games of ball. Inside and outside ball games. When I hear about people losing their partners who have been together for many years, I do get a catch in my throat. I know one or the other of us will eventually have to go it alone for awhile. I know it is vital to enjoy and live each day to its fullness. It is good to celebrate life right this very minute. Buy flowers, listen to great music, tell jokes, eat good food, call friends, remember all the good times and forget the bad! Celebrate! Friends, pets, including chickens are to treasured.

    Sandy: we can’t wait to see the new photos of you and your growing family. Soon Robby will be a big grown up teenager with girlfriends and a drivers license. Then life gets really really interesting!

    Lin: I am in love with the shell tea set. Something about it, so naturally elegant. But as you might guess I love all thing’s nautical. I can’t turn the page back to reread your post. So I will just say hello and remind you to stay safe and healthy. And that I think of you every day as I glance over at my Brown Betty teapot.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Yorkshire Valley Farms is a chicken supplier in Ontario, Canada SANDY. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited October 2021
    Hello everyone. I did see both of my friends this morning. The agreed upon place had a broken coffee maker so they wanted to go to a different restaurant. Off we went, super busy place with few parking places. We went in and I had to laugh, I was the only one who ordered coffee! The others got iced tea or soda. We went outside snd had to clean leaves off the chairs and the table, then one friend had to find something to clean bird droppings from her chair. It was damp, smelly, loud, and we were buzzed by bees. Haaaa. 🤣😂😅. Not exactly Nirvana. Both of them had bad allergies and one moved away from me because she said she could smell essential oils on me. So, what a morning dear ones. I am not the only picky person. Kind of funny. They both had other places to go so I stopped by the grocery store on my way home to see if they had the things that were out of stock at the beginning of the week. Nope, but it was worth a look.

    Just got home when a friend called. We had a nice talk. They have to drive to some place in Nebraska for service on their cars. They have 2 Porsches and one is a real sporty one he stores in the winter. It needed service before our nasty weather arrives. Sounds like a good trip and they had fun going out to lunch and to a flight museum. Interesting.

    I wanted to get started on cutting along the top half of the the panels I colored. Surprise, the die does not fit. Apparently fussy cutting will be needed on all of them, the die only produces a rough cut. Darn.
    This is going to require lots of time and clear eyes!

    Patsy, wahoo! Almost Damon time and how wonderful that you won’t have to wear yourself thin with loads of cooking. Great idea to purchase the food John. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

    Anne, how lovely that you will be eating some very special treats as well. And you won’t have to spend the entire day in the kitchen. Excellent. Great idea M & M! I am sorry Michael won’t be with you. Enjoy your day!

    Sandy, glad all is set for your car. Great. And thanks for the updates on Robby and Ewok. What’s up for this weekend?

    Jackie, my goodness, what a coincidence running into your friend on the day of his wife’s service. You do such a good job of managing your day with changeable weather and you get so much accomplished.

    Well, I think I should move along. I think it is time to start pulling and cutting dead foliage on the plants in my deck containers. It is sunny and dry right now. Good opportunity to sort out what exactly can be saved a bit longer.

    Best wishes everyone. Be safe.


    I believe this teapot is a museum piece but I didn’t save the details. Sorry.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Just wanted to say unlike the departed Harry, his toilet is still sitting outside on the grass. The garbage men didn't take it. Annsie
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Morning! Mike set off in pouring rain at 7 am. I know this because he text me and I was up the entire night with my food allergy. I should have known better of course but I couldn't resist making bread yesterday and had a lovely big warm crunchy topped slice for my tea. I guess Sandy, Mikes friend, will end up with a 10 lb bag of bread flour because I swear I will never eat or make it again. I'm okay now but spent a miserable night and so did poor Jilly Bean who spent it with me! So what to eat with no bread, muffins, apple crumble etc in my life. This is going to take some figuring out because I don't envisage living on beans.

    The two Ms came over with the finished stair treads. They really are gorgeous. Mark is an accountant but also a very gifted carpenter. He takes after my dad and his own father. By contrast I don't think Mike knows which is the hammering end of a hammer and neither does Marks son Derek because this useful gene missed the pair of them. They are very useful for fixing computers though. I don't know when the treads will be installed but will post a picture when they are BEFORE a carpet slim runner spoils the effect. I bleated can we leave them bare. but no way said both Ms. I'm getting a bit tired of being treated like Dresden china especially as I don't resemble Dresden china by any stretch of the imagination.

    I so envied you LIN out drinking coffee with your friends. Flo and Ellen my old buddies are no longer in circulation with infirmities. I'm lucky to have Maria next door to talk to. She is off to a pig roast at her brothers place, 50 acres of brush land apparently. He's just retired.

    PATSY has Damon arrived? I believe he comes this afternoon, but that would be your time zone, so I guess not.

    JACKIE, so sad that your walking pal has lost his wife. You are on the previous page so can't check, but I seem to remember you are putting carpet on your bare wood stairs as well.

    Great news SANDY that Robbie is getting better. Such a handsome young man.

    Now, where's BOB. He was around when I got chucked off MFP but I haven't read him since I got back. I do hope he is well because his health didn't seem too good.

    Now if I can keep off bread, muffins, apple crumble I should be a shadow of my old self and back on the pound a week club showing off. Dream on Anne.

    Anne and her faithful Jilly Bean.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Anne, I have not had anything with a hint of wheat flour or gluten for decades. There are many many substitutes for wheat flour and a plethora of gluten free products. They never have wheat!

    Your Organic Garage carries gluten free products.

    Here are some other locations with gluten free products.

    Fortino's. 493 Dundas St, Oakville (Canada)
    Fortino's. 173 Lakeshore Rd W, Oakville (Canada)
    Healthy Planet - Oakville. 2501 Hyde Park Gate, Unit C2, Oakville (Canada)
    Longo's - Burloak. ...
    Longo's - Oakville. ...
    Longo's - Southeast Oakville. ...
    Metro - 3Rd Line & Rebecca. ...
    Metro - Dorval….

    Chin up. If you try, you will be able to find substitutes.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I am sitting later this afternoon so Rob and Lisa can go to a dinner, but first a zoom call with my family at 2:00. It is going to be a beautiful day so I imagine I will be outside with the kiddos. Because of Jackie I cleaned my closet out yesterday and now have three big bags of clothes to put in the donation box.
    Like Jackie, it was hard to get rid of some things but bit the bullet and did it. Closet is all nice and arranged for fall/winter so thanks Jackie.

    Anne, my DIL can't have gluten, dairy and other products but she manages just fine. When we order pizza we get her a gluten free pizza and she loves it. As Lin so kindly said there are many stores and products that can suit your new eating. Sorry it was raining when Mike left, I hope it cleared up for his long drive. Can't wait to see the stairs and you are lucky Mark has his father's talent. My SIL is just like that, he is such a good handyman he is now offering his services as a part time job and loves it.

    Lin, I believe Whole Foods also sells Gluten and dairy free foods. I don't eat dairy myself but Walmart has dairy free yogurt and ice cream that I love. I also do not eat ice burg lettuce but love butter lettuce. You and my daughter in law have a lot in common except she likes a good steak.

    Jackie must be having good weather or just busy as a bee as usual.

    Patsy, enjoy your time with Damon and maybe by some miracle your daughter will join you.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Thanks girls. yes Marks over at the moment and he said I should be able to get organic flour as well. When I shopped at the Organic Garage I never had a problem but they don't deliver and they are difficult for me to walk to these days. However, I noticed LIN mentioned Longos and I have their delivery so will look into it next week when I order again. Another store thats difficult for me to shop in person - Whole Foods is on the same strip as Longos. The boys do so much for me I try not to bother them with driving me around for groceries. Easier to ask them when a real emergency crops up. Enjoy your cars and independence as long as you are able.
    What I'd really like is to shop fully at the Organic Garage again. Cheaper than Whole Foods, but a super plain store with everything I wanted. I gather one of the assistants actually said she missed me! She spotted Michael somewhere and wondered if I was still in the land of the living.
    Anne. PS, Mike phoned and he's about halfway to his Dads.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Yes Sandy, busy as a bee but I’m now sitting cuddling a cup of tea and catching up with you all.

    Mild and misty first thing but I walked to the top of the moors with George and Betty and we were rewarded with warm sunshine as we looked down at murky clouds below. No sign of Brian and Duke but I hope they’ll keep each other company in order to get through the grieving process. He did tell me that since his wife passed away Duke had taken to jumping on the bed at night and waiting for the light to go out before going to his own bed. He was apparently more his wife’s dog so he had arranged for a flower arrangement in the shape of a Westie to sit on her coffin.

    As soon as we got home I unwound an electric cable to attach to my hedge trimmer and began to cut back the thick hedge that almost cuts my garden in half. It’s a job I hadn’t done without help since before my hip replacements so wow, what a difference… no pain and job done in half the time!
    Chrissie had asked if I could help her walk Bella who is now getting used to being taken out, so drove to her cottage where I was greeted by a friendly Bella and after a catch up chat we set off with Chrissie pushing her walker while I held on to the dog lead. I’m convinced she must have had a home before the Romanian dog catchers nabbed her which is very sad, especially if her owner is missing her, because she walks perfectly on the lead and appears to possess road sense. After carrying logs from Chrissie’s garage into her cottage I headed home and here I am with my cuppa while George and Betty chew treats as a reward for coping on their own. Actually I discovered George had slipped out through the cat flap at some point and of course couldn’t get back in but he hadn’t been barking so good boy!!

    Anne, I love my oak staircase but had to accept it might be dangerous for me or the pooches long term because the steps are slippery in stockinged feet so this is my compromise.
    My previous staircase had no handrail but it never bothered me whereas I still find holding the rail rather off putting. Of course if you are only replacing 2 steps it would be extra work to recover the lot so perhaps best to put up with being treated like rare porcelain! 😁
    I don’t need to avoid gluten but must admit I’ve found the occasional gluten free cake or pastry that’s offered delicious. Someone who bakes cakes to sell at the local farm shop leaves a plate of gluten free fancy cakes on the counter and I do sometimes buy one.

    Eight hours behind me Patsy but I can feel the excitement from across the pond. Savor every second of Damon’s visit.❤️

    Sandy, we can thank Patsy for originally mentioning a clothes clear out. My little pile is still waiting to be dropped off so I’m doing my best to ignore it and not be tempted to do a double check.

    Lin, your friend moving away from you because she could smell essential oils made me laugh, in fact if I had been sitting with you I would have giggled like a naughty child and been sent to the naughty corner.
    That’s an amazing teapot but almost creepy!

    Time to cook my evening meal.
    Take care everyone… stay safe.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Gluten free flour Anne, there are a million of them in different mixes. Almond flour, rice flour, chickpea flour to name a few.

    Lots of manufacturers produce gluten free products and many stores sell them.

    Whole Foods carries some brands.

    Sandy, yep, we ( your DIL and I) must be alike in many ways, but I am no dairy, eggs, or animal products for along with no gluten or white sugar.

    Persevere Anne. ❤️❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Anne, I don't mean to stick my nose where it doesn't belong but I would bet your boys or Mary Jo would be happy to take you to the store you love once a week. It would give you a chance to get out for a short time and get all the goodies you need.
    Just my opinion. (Sorry)

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited October 2021
    You havent stuck your nose in SANDY! and I know they would take me if asked but the best way to remain a wanted old dear is not to bug too much. However Mike can expect to be bugged when he gets back, lol ! Do you remember years ago that you all were amazed I walked everywhere with my shopping buggy? Not so easy now. In those days I hadn't hit the magic number 80. Another person who offers to take me to the stores is Maria but again she has such a lot on her plate! I just can"t ask her.

    No, to keep my independence {and I do venture out with little Bean} I must explore the possibilities that Longos and grocery gateway offer and remember to cross "NO SUBSTITUTES when I order things. Thats why I received a 10lb bag of Robin Hood bread flour soon to be Mikes friend Sandys bag of flour. Didn't mark No Substitutes. My own daft fault!

    Annsie, still in the learning process despite getting on in years!

    Mikes just phoned as he pulls onto his Dads drive In Quebec. That means it took him 7.5 hours more or less.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Love your staircase JACKIE. Mine will be very similar, only I think a little wider. Marks replacing the 8 leading down to the basement. When thats done he will redo the 4 leading down from the back room down to the backdoor and small landing before turning and continuing down the 8 he's doing now. Does that make sense? He's taking his time because he still has his back problems. The worst job will be painting the walls. He will have to build a scaffold for that. Actually its rather a big job with all the turns etc. I didn't have a hand rail or banister either until about a year ago when he installed one and to be honest I'm very glad he did these days.Not really needed going down but wonderful for hauling up!
    I'm just going to phone Flo. Difficult these days because she sleeps a lot.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones, very sad (sort of) Damon got a message last night that two sailing friends who are fully vaccinated by the way, come up with something they call crossover positive exposure. The Oregon Health Authority told him not to visit his elderly parents. (Us?) until next week after he is tested and gets a negative result. So we have been on the phone all morning and he is as disappointed as we are. I had decorated with banners and balloons etc and the cake will go in the freezer. The banners can just stay up. The balloons will need to be replaced. The odd thing is that most of the time the sailing group wears masks. They eat outside on a picnic table, they have all been vaccinated twice with moderna. This virus is virulent and scary resistant to all our efforts. But so far no symptoms and they are all getting tested again. Damon is so worried about visiting us and yet he is lonesome for family just like we are.

    On to other topics. I made Katie’s cookies and she is possessed. She knows where they are in the fridge and tries to tell us she would really enjoy one right now! She stands by the refrigerator and looks at the door.

    We are now going to have seafood party food for a couple of days. No cooking for me! Yea! But no Damon (sigh) I am grateful he doesn’t have any symptoms but we will not breathe a sign of relief until the test comes back negative.
    Be safe, dear ones! This dreaded virus is mean and tricky.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Oh Patsy, I am so sorry for this news. We are experiencing so many breakthrough cases of fully vaccinated people in this area. Meanwhile the unvaccinated people row, about seemingly free and doing what they want. It is such a mess.

    Just a quick. OTR. I have been working on my cards and I broke a cutting plate this afternoon. Luckily, I had a replacement in my supplies. So I come up with an idea, roam about finding supplies, trying it out. Happy, unhappy? Tweak it. I think I may have the front sort of nailed down but I have lots of cutting, trimming stamping, fussy cutting etc. to come. But closer than this morning. It is interesting that this happens so often—I come up with a different idea and think I like it but I do have enough of that color paper to finish all the cards I wish to make. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Anne, this bread does not make me ill although I am not thrilled with a few of the ingredients.

    “Little Northern Bakehouse, Seeds Grains Gluten Free, 17 Ounce“. The photo is of a multi pack, I just get one loaf at a time.


    I wish everyone well. Talk to you tomorrow.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    PATSY! Oh what a shame for you and John and of course Damon. It's so sad but of course it's more important for you all to be safe. I'm so sorry. Our numbers are going up again here.

    I'm making an apple pie for our lunch, with ice cream. I shall only eat the filling at this point, but LIN thank you for the information. I'll let you know how I get on with my grocery order next week. Pretty sure all will be found by what Mark tells me.

    I'm truly grateful today because Bean and I woke up late to no pins and needles tingling my forehead and face. One slight scar which I can live with.

    More later, and even if you don't have thanksgiving yet, join us in ours!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It’s a beautiful day, more like summer, so I’m getting on with my gardening projects.

    Patsy, what we’d say in England is what a bummer but really lovely lady, better to have got this news the day before rather than after a visit from Damon. Seafood plates can be enjoyed again when the time is right. 💕
    My pooches have a treats drawer in the sideboard that George stares at every time he passes just in case it might miraculously open and I was just watching a BBC video about a dog that anticipates an epileptic fit that was George’s double so I’m determined to take more notice in future of anything other than his zen stare into space!

    Happy Thanksgiving Anne to you and yours. 🇨🇦 ❤️

    Only popped in for a glass of water so back to the task in hand.
    Happy Sunday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Got to add that Jilly's treats are in a drawer in the back room. Just like all the doggies great excitement if she hears one of these drawers are opened for something else. One apple pie cooling, all done!