Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    For Anne and all our Canadian friends.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hooray, the hedge trimming and clearance of the weeds underneath turned out to be not as difficult as anticipated and if our forecast for a dry week is true, I’ll get my garden ready for Winter. It’s been a glorious day except first thing when we walked in thick fog on the moors. A small compass is attached to my car keys so I don’t worry about getting lost and also have an App called what3words that pinpoints my location within a couple of meters.

    Anne, second time of reading your steps do make sense and I agree totally about a useful handrail to pull myself upstairs after a busy day but having just stripped my bed to get the linen washed overnight, I had to resort to throwing it all down to the bottom because the stairs are typically narrow.

    Pretty violets Lin on yesterday’s teapot. I love the shape too. Clearing weeds from under a small camellia I found a violet plant tucked away so apologised for disturbing it and moved on!

    Hello to Sandy and Patsy, hopefully enjoying the day. Time for me to relax after fish and salad evening meal. A light Greek style coconut and vanilla yogurt to follow.

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Barbie, if you stop by..


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited October 2021
    Happy Sunday! :) I slept in this morning and woke up just in time to watch my usual Mass on TV. The kids were good yesterday but make me nervous when riding their scooters and mom let's them go in the street from one driveway to another. I do a lot of yelling and worry about cars but they are fine. We then watched Honey I Shrunk the Kids but didn't see the end because they were allowed their IPads at 7:00 and didn't care about the ending.
    One they are on IPads it becomes easy for me until bedtime.
    I forgot to mention that Call the Midwife is back on PBS so of course I am recording it so I don't miss an episode.
    Also went back to Grantchester since I didn't even make a dent in the series.
    I ordered groceries for pickup today and with the holiday hope most of my item are in stock. I didn't feel like going in the store and tomorrow I hope Joe will be available for lunch. Tuesday and Wednesday I am needed for sitting and Thursday is my meeting.
    I bought an outfit for a wedding I am going to in November and it came today and I just love it. It will also be perfect for my birthday celebration in Jamaica. I am so happy.

    Jackie, so much work to keep up your place but a busy person is a healthy person so good for you. You have so many pictures to take and show us all the work you have done inside and out.

    Anne, I hope you enjoy your Canadian Thanksgiving today even though you celebrated yesterday. I would venture to say M&M will stop by to visit you and Jilly.

    Patsy, sorry Damon had to postpone his visit but he is smart in keeping you safe. There are so many breakthrough cases even with being vaccinated it seems like this will never go away. You now have something to look forward to next week and this will be in the past.

    Have a great day everyone and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy thanksgiving to you Canadians! ❤️🇨🇦 ❤️Historically we used to celebrate thanksgiving in October as well. I remember my gran complaining that it was changed by some government administration for some reason that is lost in history. Now our thanksgiving is the official beginning of the Christmas holidays. I have turned into one of those people who constantly say “Oh I remember when things were different….” Good grief!

    Today we will phone chat with Damon and maybe Andrea. Of course we are all holding our breath on this latest virus contact. I suspect all will be well. It could be a sailing friend with the Pfizer vaccine. It sort of needs that booster to stay strong.

    It is very chilly today. I honestly would love a fire in the fireplace. That would be cozy for a cold dreary Sunday. Not sure how much firewood we have in the house but I will see what is in the wood box. I am going to turn on Sunday Baroque concert. My goal is to try to turn this into a warm pleasant day. I know you Canadians will be enjoying a lovely family feast. There really is nothing better than to share a nice meal with those you love. Ooooooh warm apple pie and ice cream! I will still be having that seafood platter left from yesterday. I might have to turn it into a seafood stew or gumbo.

    Be careful my dear ones.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited October 2021
    Good afternoon. Our online church service was late today. Never know when they are going to start. I try to standby and work on something else.

    Jackie I love your steps and the nice carpet treads you are installing on them. They look luxurious. Your George is a very interesting fellow and I believe he has many skills he may keep hidden! And what nice news about Bella. Trained to walk on a lead. Excellent. I hope she has a happy life now. Yipes, you got the hedge trimming done in a wink of an eye. Lovely to find a violet in the midst of your chore. I actually liked that teapot quite a lot. Some of the ones I share, I just find interesting. Are the tomatoes still producing for you?

    Sandy, I would be nervous with the kids riding in the street even for a short distance. They are quite young. We rode on the streets when I was little but we were older than your grandchildren at that time. Glad all went well. I still am without a DVR so I am watching both Call the Midwife and Grantchester. I am not excited about either show as much as during earlier seasons. But then I am often either messing about with a card or reading a book rather than concentrating on watching. 😂

    Anne, I hope you are enjoying the special food today and how nice of you to make a homemade pie. Looking forward to photos of the new steps. It is wonderful that your son has so many talents. That really comes in handy! I hope he does not hurt himself during the process. And best wishes to your son helping his father. I hope he is home again soon.

    Patsy, a fire in the fireplace sounds lovely. The sun was out here earlier and it was kind of hot and humid outdoors. I see the temperature has dropped to about 70 degrees now that the sun has disappeared. Oooh, a gumbo would be great! Super idea.

    Be safe everyone.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2021
    Good morning lovely friends. A beautiful day after a chilly night that brought the temperature in my greenhouse down to 5c but we’ve enjoyed a walk across the moors, stopping to chat to a few visitors making the most of our Indian summer. Both
    Pooches are snoozing so I will prepare a snack for my lunch then continue with gardening.

    Lin, my ripened tomato harvest has certainly slowed but I’m hoping if I leave the door closed the warmth will encourage a few more because I still have bunches of green tomatoes. The peppers are struggling too, probably because I was slow to plant the seeds.
    Another pretty tea set that reminds me of Honiton lace which is produced in our neighbouring county of Devon. They copied the local wild flowers to create patterns and Queen Victoria’s wedding dress was covered in it which then made it Incredibly popular…. Here endeth today’s lesson!! 😅

    Sandy, I was disappointed with Grantchester and Call the Midwife and think perhaps they have run out of ideas. It’s certainly a shame children can’t play as safely as we could with so much more traffic on the roads. My brother recently sent me this old photo to remind me of “the good old days”!! We were out all day playing on bomb sites when not at school.

    It also fits Patsy’s remembering when things were different. I’m with you on that Patsy as is my brother Bernie!

    Anne, I hope you survived your apple pie and maybe allowed yourself a tiny bite of your pasty!

    Ok, lunch snack followed by weeding.
    Happy and safe Monday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm cooking a roast chicken, roast carrots, roast onion, roast potatoes etc for todays lunch. This is interesting Bean no end. I have to say yesterday was the best Thanksgiving I've ever had. Such a happy day and only the three of us. We had the posh restaurants salmon steaks and trimmings followed by my apple pie and ice cream. Then all four of us poured into the M's car and off we went sight seeing, stopping at a pet store to find Jilly new nail clippers. I so enjoyed getting out and about and viewing all the changes 2 years isolation brought! Jilly loves to car ride.

    Back home for the dreaded nail clipping with Mark hanging onto a squirming Jilly whilst Mary Jo clipped. The nails had grown awfully long in just 2 months. She started off with just a wee clip and a released Bean forgave all when she received her favourite treat for being a brave girl. AH!

    Little does she know that was just the start!

    And alas I cant hang about with veggies needing basting. Hopefully more later, but who knows!

    Anne getting to look like an apple dumpling with all this good food!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Storms expected later. I am taking Joe to lunch but if it starts to rain before that I will cancel since the last time he got wet and I don't want him getting sick on my watch. Nothing else after that but I do have two days of sitting tomorrow and Wednesday. I have to admit I miss Lisa's parents. ;)

    Anne, again I misread and am happy you celebrated your Thanksgiving with M&M. For some reason I thought they wanted to celebrate early. I sometimes think I have too much on my mind and it doesn't function right. I am so glad you had such a wonderful day and were able to get out and enjoy some sights.

    Jackie, I remember those days well. We played in the street in front of my house and when a car did come we would all yell CAR! Those were fun times. Bomb sites, something I was never near but looks like it was after the war and fun for the kids. I am only on season two of Grantchester but current with Call the Midwife which I agree is not as good as the earlier seasons.

    Lin, I too love that teapot which is very elegant. I think Lisa is thinking of getting Children at play signs for the street in front of her house so cars slow down. Still makes me nervous with three kids, hard to keep your eye on all of them at the same time.

    Patsy, I hope all went well with your call with Damon and he calls with good news this week so you can be together next weekend.

    I have decided if it rains before I go pick up Joe I will just pick up food and bring it to him. Right now the sun is out so hopefully it holds off until I get home.

    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy and chilly and promised showers, so all in all a fall day. And the beginning of our cold rainy season. I don’t mind the rain but it takes extra effort on my part to drag around my happy light. I have ordered another couple of them for strategic areas. They are somewhat uncomfortable to spend too much time under them, they are super bright and feel a bit odd.

    We went for a Sunday drive as well, Anne. Since the tourist season is winding down, the drive through the nearby national parks are more relaxing. And of course there is big construction going on at the south jetty. The ocean storms really cause big changes in the navigation channels.

    I am still baking Katie’s morning breakfast cookies. I found a lot if different recipes approved by the AKC. Whenever I feel in the mood, I whip up a batch of something for her and put them in plastic bags in the freezer.

    Just a quick hello because I am up to my eye lashes in laundry!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited October 2021
    Sorry, I am so late. For some reason MFP logged me out of the community section and my login didn’t seem to be working. I was finally able to get in through Safari. Well, maybe tomorrow it will work better.

    We had a lot of drizzle today and it was much chillier so I did not get any additional gardening containers emptied. Maybe another day I will be able to get more accomplished.

    Jackie, I had heard about the popularity of Queen Victoria’s lace but hadn’t seen such nice examples. Thanks! I hope you do get more tomatoes. I picked just about every green tomato and today as the squirrel returned to find a morsel to take, he left quite disappointed. If he had looked closer, he would have found one tiny watermelon and a few cherry tomatoes. Maybe he will find these things tomorrow.

    Anne, lovely Thanksgiving and going for a drive was a great thing to do. Excellent. Glad Jilly helped you cook today. Chicken is one of her favorites right? Nail clipping, not a favorite.

    Sandy, did you have a nice lunch with Joe? Two days of sitting? Wow, I hope the kids don’t ride on the street. A sign would be nice but I would still be concerned about cars.

    Patsy, good idea to order additional lights. That is better than moving one around continually. And it is wonderful that you too went for a drive. That is something we did when I was a small child. Load up the car after lunch and go for a drive. We usually ended up at the house of my dad’s parents who lived in a small town not that far from where we lived. But it was fun, different routes, and lots of looking, it was always nice.

    Well, everyone, be safe.

    Hope to see you tomorrow. I will work on my login through the app.


    Lots of red teapots

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I made out my Grocery order today and as you all suggested I found lots of gluten free and organic stuff at Longos. When I think about it I started the allergy at the start of shut in and couldn't get to the Organic Grocery anymore. Anyway everything ordered for Thursday and if this doesn't work I'll dig my old shopping trolly out of the garage and hoof it to my old favourite store once more.

    We all spent a very quiet day yesterday, no renovation work etc. So - enjoyable but not much in the news line.

    The photo JACKIE posted reminded of my childhood street. All us little urchins out there having fun. The kids on my street still play outside on their bikes but ours is a very quiet street with little through traffic. I would be concerned as well SANDY if your grandchildren's street is busy, especially with a three year old! and especially with some of the less than desirables walking around. I don't want to poke my nose in but could you tell Lisa you are very happy with your normal times spent with the children but could she find an alternative solution until her parents get back home because it is getting harder as the children grow older doing double duty and we ourselves aren't quite as nimble as we used to be? I'm sure she will understand. Incidentally we have one of those signs on our street but I don't think anyone takes heed!

    All the washing done PATSY? I bet you are getting excited again. LIN harvesting among the foliage and JACKIE enjoying the Indian summer just like us in Ontario. 73 F and glorious sunshine. changing leaves and blue blue sky. What is there not to love about my favourite season!

    Gosh its already almost 11. Must away and think gluten free lunch, leftover roast chicken for a start.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning! I fear my night was not only restless but my day is going to be one of those sleepy no energy kind of days. I will try for an afternoon nap. As I have mentioned, I am not godd at naps. I can not drift off.

    We had very cold night. Frost warnings and snow in the mountain passes. Very early this year! John washed the Honda yesterday. We cleaned the inside of the car several days ago. So now for an oil change and various other maintenance chores and our Honda (named Bullet) because she is a mud gray color. Not my favorite but she is roomy and there is a big place for Katie in the back.

    By the way, a neighbor had a horrible fall last year because he became tangled in dog leash and grocery cart. Sooooo be careful Anne. We love you far too much to bare the thought of you in so much pain again. As John says when he is being philosophical….pain hurts!

    Feeling drowsy so might sneak in a nap after all.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good afternoon! My gardening plans went awry today when I decided a little housework was in order. I love my new tiled floors but goodness, so much of Betty’s loose fur collects in clusters and moves into corners or under furniture. I brushed and brushed her on Sunday afternoon but it’s made no difference to the number of fur balls!
    It was cooler during our morning walk with a breeze and clouds about so not many people dog walking and no visitors at home so I’m left to talk to myself and the pets!

    So few cars about on London streets when I was a child, my brother Bernie and I would sometimes sit on the window seat and count the few that did pass our house. Horse and cart more in use after the war in our area 😅🤣

    Lin, I still can’t log into MFP on my iPhone as it refuses to recognise me. No such problem on my iPad thankfully. I remember when that style and colour of teapots was popular; possibly 1990’s. There again, the way time flies and events seem to have happened many years before I imagine, they could be earlier. Lovely bright collection!

    Sandy, Grantchester played by James Norton was brilliant so I won’t comment about future series. Don’t want to spoil it for you! I hope you managed to lunch with Joe and the storm didn’t arrive.

    Good luck with the changes you are making Anne. It’s certainly worth trying and won’t do you any harm.

    I expect Patsy is just beginning her day with a mug of coffee. Great idea to dot happy lights about the place. We are now following the European Union’s dictate to only use LED light bulbs that I sometimes find too bright and unnatural. I’ll have to dig the old candles out from wherever I stored them before the renovations. 🤔

    I hopped on my scales this morning to find I’ve lost a pound again but who knows where I’ll be by Saturday!

    Afternoon cuppa finished so I’ll finish hoovering the stairs that still haven’t got their new carpet pieces stuck down as the double sided tape hasn’t arrived…. More fur balls!

    Stay safe
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Change of plans for today, no sitting. I will go tomorrow and Thursday morning while Rob, Lisa and Robby tour two different schools for Robby. They are schools that help him learn to adjust to regular schools, hard to explain but should be very helpful for him. They are touring to see if the fit is right and they like the school.
    He is doing better but still has minor problems that have to be corrected before going to mainstream school.
    We got the pictures from our photo shoot so here is one of my favorites.

    Jackie, the reason I went back to Grantchester was that I thought I had watched the whole series so started watching season 6 and was confused why there was a new actor. So I went back to Prime and realized I had only watched season 1 so back at it to find out why the change. Maybe Betty needs a puppy cut to stop the winter shedding or will she be too cold?

    Patsy, sorry you didn't sleep well again, I hope you are able to nap.

    Anne, good luck with the groceries. I know I complain about all the sitting I do but it will be fine once Robby is back in school again. It has been a trying time for all of us but things are improving daily. Once the regular schedule is back in place I will only be going on my regular Tuesday and movie night. I wouldn't trust a teenager like I used to use for sitting with the kiddos they are sometimes a little out of control. I appreciate the advice but things should be better soon especially when the snow arrives.

    Lin, I picked Joe up early to have lunch before the rain came so all worked out well. I do prefer to be in the backyard or the basement with the kiddos and with the weather turning it will be soon. It is okay out front if Lisa is with me or if it is not rush hour when people are coming home so I have to be aware of the time. I hope you are able to log on without difficulty. You and Jackie might have to clear all your cookies.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello. Busy day…flu shot, filled the car with gas, made a triple to the library, worked on cutting down the rest of my container plants and put the vegetation in a compost bag. Then I started moving the containers, one by one into the garage. I contacted my handyman and have been waiting for him to show up. Guess he won’t be here after all. Also got another purchase that needs to be returned, so I have the authorization and the code needed to drop it off. (Hopefully tomorrow.).

    Sandy, interesting tones in that picture and everyone is posing nicely and all smiles! Good photo. Are you okay with that one? Glad you and Joe had a nice lunch yesterday. I hope a suitable school is found for Robby. ❤️

    Jackie, I didn’t know Betty shed so heavily. Oh my, chasing dog hair on tile floors! Sound quite a chore. It seems I am able to login on my iPad again. I don’t know what the glitch was yesterday. And I hope the double-sided tape shows up so you can finish affixing the stair treads.

    Patsy, I am sorry you had a restless night. I did as well. I know, ridiculous, but I was very nervous about getting that extra strength flu shot. First ever of the extra strength type and first flu shot since the early 2000’s.

    Anne, best wishes on your grocery order. I hope it works out! I will join in the chorus. Please find another way to get groceries from the Organic Garage. So easy to take a fall, we are heading into winter weather, ICE, and the store may no longer welcome dogs. So much has changed. So I hope Longos fits the bill!

    We are expecting rain all day tomorrow. I wish I had finished out on the deck but oh well, I did my best.

    Be safe everyone.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    As it’s such a gorgeous day we walked miles first thing.
    Photos taken from our starting point when mist and early dew were hanging about then on the way back to the car an hour later in glorious sunshine.

    Home, coffee consumed and pooches fed so I’m going to get on with the next garden tidying project. I’ll return when it’s time for my afternoon cuppa.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Morning all. Mark showed up as I was picking up fallen apples, the last, and then he cut the grass which inspired me to start cutting back dying foliage. He continued removing the old stair threads with a crow bar because whoever installed them in the first place did so with 4 inch nails! It just got too hot outside for me and Bean! I've never known such a hot/warm October, and more promised today. The front of the house is knee deep in oak leaves from Maria's oak tree which leans towards us. She was full of apologies as though she has some control where the oak tree sheds! lol.

    Helen wrote from Australia all gung ho because their lock down is finally over. The only down side on a beautiful day was the BBC's article on the dire consequences of climate change, flooding etc.

    Like JACKIE above, must get moving until MY afternoon cuppa.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) No time but just wanted to say good morning. Sitting this morning until the afternoon.
    Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time