Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Breakfast was a success and our friend was happy. We chatted for a long time and then two of them left to shop and the birthday girl and I stopped to play a slot machine for an hour, something she loves. I drove her to her daughter's where I was surprised with an early birthday gift from my friend and her daughter. It is a Michael Kors purse which is beautiful but large. They wanted me to have it before my 80th birthday in March which really did surprise me. They told me I could exchange it for another if I preferred which I will do because this one is just too big. I am grateful for their kindness and generosity and they are fine with me exchanging it. I am blessed.

    Anne, at least you figured out what was ailing you and can now eat accordingly. I think I know other people with an intolerance to yeast so at least you are not alone. How do the new stairs look? Is there a handrail to grasp?

    Patsy, sorry you had a bad experience with tops from Amazon. I am pretty lucky when it comes to clothes from them but am on my third return of shoes. I give up and will probably just go to a store and try them on to make sure they fit. I need a navy blue pair for a wedding I am going to in November.

    Lin, yes Lin sitting today and tomorrow. Wednesday are a little later because Robby is starting his classes to make his First Communion next year. I am not sure for how long Wednesday's will be included but since I have decided to go back to mass in person there will be no more Saturday movie night. I like that coffee/tea set, it is very elegant.

    Jackie, I love that fence with the trellis but still confused. Are you putting up the fence? For some reason I thought your neighbor was putting up a fence and you were just going to add the trellis to cover up his fence. Can you straighten me out? :D

    Have a good day everyone and remember to keep safe and healthy.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Anne: 4 cups flour, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon salt and a cup or so of buttermilk enough to make a soft dough. That’s it! Easy peasy. It is good but I like to add stuff like oats, various seeds etc including poppy seeds. You can’t go wrong. It is a very simple rustic kind of bread. It isn’t the same as The kind you used to make with yeast into a gorgeous loaf of bread . Hope this works for you.

    Today we have high thin clouds. I think they will burn off soon. Sunshine? Maybe….very chilly however.

    The birthday we are celebrating is Damon’s. He has forbidden me to tell you or anyone his age. I hate to tell him, everyone can figure this out. He has two very aging parents. The truth is there for everyone to see. He is having fun creating virtual interiors for an architect friend that is designing a huge condo building and commercial space. It is futuristic in concept and using all the new digital tools. I feel like a stone aged granny.

    I must check on my laundry, the package on the front deck, and my instant pot chicken, veggie, dumpling Soup. Great for a cold evening meal. Not too bad on calories since it has way more veggies than dumplings and chicken.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    edited October 2021
    Hello! Our last warm sunny day according to the latest weather forecast. I ordered a hose holder/bag but it hasn’t arrived so I drug the hose inside and down to the basement. I decided I did want to leave it on the deck with the weather change anticipated. I did a few household chores and moved some dirt from my standing container to the area near my fence. I might move a bit more before sundown but not right now. It is actually a bit warm out there.

    My two dozen Thanksgiving cards now have a sentiment stamped inside. So now, just to put my name and year in the back, sign and write a note in each and address lots of envelopes. I have the envelopes and plenty of stamps so all is well. I am not going to make any Halloween cards but I see that I need a half dozen birthday cards in November. Hummmm. I have picked out a sentiment for my Merry Christmas cards and will stamp those some days when feeling energetic. The hand colored snowmen still are looking at me, they haven’t been turned into cards, yet.

    Back to the real world.

    Sandy, it sounds like yesterday was a great day for everyone. Wow, what a gift! I hope you will find an exchange that is the size you prefer. I would have been shocked to receive such a gift. You have some terrific friends. Best wishes today.

    I just took a break. The squirrel is digging dirt out of the remaining two containers on the deck. There’s nothing of interest in them now, just old roots. I don’t see the fascination the squirrels have with this digging.

    Anne, aha, yeast, yes, an entirely different thing. So you can make is a non-yeast bread. And all the quick breads I used to make were without yeast. A kind of brown bread, I think it was called Boston brown bread, and lots of different fruit breads, lemon, pumpkin, apple spice, banana and I lost the recipe but I did make crackers once upon a time. Happy baking. And happy new steps.

    Patsy, oh boy, finally, a visit from your darling son. I hope you have a great time. Any chance the weather will be hospitable? I am sorry your daughter will not be with you. Just enjoy. Oh, and that was not embossing on those little calendars. I had hand colored the tiny flowers but the white background seemed too uninteresting so I found a tiny swirly stencil. I didn’t have a mask for the coloring so I used my fingers to keep the hybrid ink away from the coloring. Just kept shifting it around and I used a tiny brush to apply the hybrid ink. My fingers ended up with interesting colors. 😂

    Jackie, my brain has gone dead. Did you post today? Sorry if I am ignoring you.


    Let’s see what I have in the teapot department today?

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    edited October 2021
    And here is a Thanksgiving card…..


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Thanks for the recipe PATSY. Wow that IS simple. Michael still hasn't recovered from turning 60 in September tell Damon. I take it it isn't Johns birthday so I wonder why I got a reminder on this machine this morning. Something about his Chinese 20th. Meanwhile, all be warned, MFP has dumped me again and got in through the back door, THIS TIME.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello and a happy Wednesday. I didn’t get here yesterday, only because I was trying to do a hundred things all together but am finding these days both brain and body say no way! The rain poured and Betty refused to come down from my bedroom for our early walk so because I already had boots on George and I left without her. A sleepy pooch greeted us when we got home. Next was a trip to Chrissie who had phoned the previous day saying she couldn’t manage a walk with Bella. There the fun started because Bella wouldn’t let me near to put the harness on so Chrissie had to get off the sofa where she was eating breakfast in her dressing gown, watching tv, to put it on. (Do I sound just a little hmmm?). Outside an oil tanker was delivering to a property and blocking our usual route so I tried to walk in the opposite direction only to come upon a white van, the sort Bella is terrified of, so no going that way either… no alternative but to wait in the pouring rain for the tanker to leave. It was a struggle to get Bella past her home to walk our usual route and that continued until she did her poo and we headed back where she growled at me when I tried to take her harness off so Chrissie had to get off her sofa again!

    The usual story phoning people who advertise their fencing business but don’t return calls. There’s no rush to get the fencing up but some quotes and ideas would be handy.
    Sandy, my neighbours ugly, black plastic screen is on his side of where the boundary hedge once was and because they have built their patio so high I need to put my own screen up the length of my garden to give me some privacy as well as lose sight of the hideous construction. I’ll take photos once completed.

    Dogs asking to go out so I’ll make the most of lack of rain and come back to the sneakers later.
    Jackie 🥰
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A lovely walk enjoyed by all while the rain stayed away. A quick bite of lunch then I’ll drive to Plymouth where I hope I can find a few items of clothing at a store I often use. A couple of warm tops and new socks required then, on the way home I will stop off to buy yummy cake to take tomorrow when I visit my friend from the allotments for morning coffee.

    Anne, I found this recipe amongst my gran’s papers she kept from wartime so I’m guessing yeast was hard to come by. I did try it once and it was quite edible but like Patsy’s sourdough bread, it needed seeds.

    Back later!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Thanks JACKIE! and I guess in a way we are in a war zone! I'm rather enjoying the savoury scones which are another good alternative, well buttered!

    I think I would sound more than a little Hmmm love! Chrissie sounds like one of life's takers. Does things on impulse then leave others to clear up her mess. If you don't answer her calls she will find someone else to take poor Bella out, that you can guarantee.

    I can think of another one residing in Quebec. Mike isn't letting on why he drove non stop for seven hours in pouring rain and the only time I asked how he got on he muttered he didn't want to talk about it. Maybe he encountered his dads spectacular temper. Anyway, with winter arriving I guess papa will be able to sit in isolation contemplating his navel for 5-6 months because no one drives to Quebec in ice storms etc. Do you hear another Hmmm from over here, lol.

    Mark took Bean for a walk yesterday which rather surprised me when he offered. A first. Bean is rather lovable and grows on you! She was called a little devil when she ran off and hid peeping out from under the coffee table because she thought he wanted to play her favourite hide and seek game. Anyway off they went, Mark clutching a poop bag and minus the poop bag when they returned, lol. Hope he offers again because the more who love my little dog the easier I will feel for her future should I fall off my perch. Hasten to add, no yeast for three days appears to be working with less bloating. Yeah, double yeah.

    Well must make out this weeks order which is taking twice as long searching for organic and yeast free products. A lot of baking in my future because yeast is added to store bought muffins, cakes, etc to make them big and fluffy. I wonder what happens if you live in a senior care home and its menus?

    Happy Wednesday to everyone, hugs from Anne.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Cool day again but I will be going to the Outlet Mall to exchange the beautiful purse my friend and her daughter gave me. I am still in shock over such an expensive gift but grateful. I am sitting after dinner for a little while so Lisa can take Robby to Religious Ed classes for his First Communion. Bryanna will come after school to clean my house which is much in need.

    Nothing else exciting going on so will wish you all a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    edited October 2021
    Hello, an overcast day with falling temperatures. But overall, still fairly warm. I did some phoning today and although I do not have an appointment, I am going first thing in the morning to try to get a new assist battery installed in my hybrid car. I have been assured they have the battery in stock and are indeed open during regular business hours. I am skeptical and will check it out. If they don’t have the specific battery, I will call the dealership to see if I can get an appointment before the end of the month.

    Sandy, best wishes on finding a suitable replacement purse. That is certainly a very amazing gift. Hope all goes well for your child sitting later.

    Anne, sorry, I have no recipes to share. I thought I still had the brown bread recipe but I think I have tossed it out. But you have received several great recipes from Patsy and Jackie, so you have some things to try. Lucky Bean, loved by all! Happy ordering. It does take some time unless you have the option to just load all the items from your prior order as a starting point.

    Patsy, Wednesday already! Tick tock countdown to Damon’s arrival. Are you guys out shopping as well? What temperature do you use when baking your bread and for how long?

    Jackie, I hope you have had a successful shopping trip. Nice toasty clothing as well as a delightful cake. 😂. Oh yes, trying to get return calls. Sigh. Quite an issue. Hopefully someone reliable will come out to do an estimate. Any chance those irritating neighbors will sell up and go elsewhere? Yeah, I know.

    I was finishing one card front earlier and my eyes are not working well, everything seems slightly off but there is nothing I can do as everything is glued down and I really hate to sacrifice this watercolor panel. My friend will receive a wonky card. Should I apologize?

    Time to go out to grab the mail. Be safe everyone.

    Looky—a tea set made of cardboard


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2021
    Muffins Anne! Here’s a recipe a lovely lady called Dolly gave me. She lived with her husband in Owen Sound and they were wonderfully caring and supportive when my brothers were in hospital after the car accident that killed my mother. I passed their house each day as I walked from the motel I stayed in to the hospital to visit and we got talking then they would invite me in for coffee and muffins. Substitute the date filling with anything you fancy!

    Mix dry ingredients in one bowl, wet in another then gently fold wet into dry, enough to allow air into mix but Don’t stir or blend!

    Jackie 🥰

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Heavens Im getting enough recipes for me to try all winter. Thank you girls!
    Heres my own favourite muffin recipe.

    2 cups of plain flour
    1 cup of sugar
    2 tsp baking powder
    1/2 tsp salt
    1 whole egg
    3/4 cups milk [as needed]
    3/8 cup oil ... [that is 1/4 cup plus plus 2 tablespoons]
    1 cup any optional additional ingredients

    Set oven to 400 degrees to bake for 20 or 25 minutes

    Stir together dry ingredients. Add wet ingredients and any optional ingredients and stir until just moistened. Adjust amount of milk depending on how moist your add INS are. Add less milk for things like banana, crushed pineapple, or pumpkin and add a bit more if needed for dried fruits. Scoop into greased muffin tins. Sprinkle the tops with sugar if desired.

    This recipe is a no fail for me. I've used it for years.

    The date muffins sound good JACKIE except for the vinegar which I'm allergic to. I might try them in my basic recipe though because dates are my candy choice!

    A very quiet day for me and Jilly because Mark stayed home to install the bathroom washbasin which cracked with a new one which arrived yesterday.

    Off to watch Jeopardy.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Chilly day for my meeting and will be getting the first of two shingles shots after. I did not sit last night as Rob was able to take care of the two little ones so that was good. I will go tomorrow, not to sit, but to go to Trunk and Treat in Max's preschool parking lot. Lisa is decorating her trunk in Christmas decorations as it is cheaper than the Halloween decorations. It is from 6:00-8:15pm so it should be fun for the kiddos. Robby liked his first day of school Tuesday even with some hiccups but hopefully he adjusts. I did exchange my purse for a smaller one and even got a matching wallet thanks to my friends generosity.

    Anne, well is sounds like you should be busy baking all winter. I do love the smell of baking goodies especially bread. Hope all is going well and everyone got some rest yesterday. I do hope Mike has recovered from his time with his dad, especially if it didn't go well.

    Lin, I hope you got your battery that you wanted without having to go to the dealer. I am sure no one but you would notice if the card was slightly off which it may not be and your eyes were just tired.

    Jackie, your "friend" is taking advantage of you walking Bella everyday. Poor pup sounds so confused, can't Chrissie just set up an external little fenced in area for Bella to do her business? They sell those round or square type fencing for that reason. Or can't she at least put a stake in the ground with a long leash in her yard? I feel bad for Bella.

    Patsy, two more sleeps until Damon arrives? or is it three? Either way have a wonderful time with him as I know you will.

    Have a safe and happy day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It was a disappointing shopping trip to Plymouth yesterday because there’s very little in the shops I’d want to wear and my favourite place that used to sell clothes made in Turkey and Bangladesh are currently carrying stock from China so barely 10% cotton. I did buy a pack of socks but can already feel the difference on my tootsies!
    This morning I visited the friend I’ve made at the allotments and took rich slices of lemon drizzle cheesecake to have with our coffee. She told me all about her recent trip by car to Scotland where she met the author of a manuscript she is typing from hand written pages. The story covers his life on the Isle of Bute and the wildlife he sees every day but she told me that the whole 2 weeks she was there she didn’t see an otter, eagle or hare for all her efforts to visit the right locations. She plans to return next May! We also made plans for the allotments AGM at the end of the month when we have to confront the man that’s been bullying and causing problems!
    The good news is her son is a builder and she pointed out a fence he constructed across from her property and he has agreed to contact me when he can visit to see what I need for my screening panels.
    Our early doggie walk was short so after I mucked out the hens this afternoon I drove to the moors and we climbed to the top with George, tail flying, doing zoomies and Betty doing her best to keep up!

    I feel terribly sorry for Bella as I’m convinced if she had been placed with a family that already had a dog, she would have quickly adjusted to new people and walks. As it is, she is picking up Chrissie’s constant fuss and worry about visitors and where we sit or how we stand or wave an arm. What I didn’t mention before was that after the awful walk in the pouring rain on Tuesday I told her how difficult it had been to persuade her to come with me, probably because I was wearing raincoat with hood up that scared her but Chrissie’s cross response was no, it’s because you’re here in the morning and you usually come in the afternoon. I said rather firmly I’ll get here when I can! I’ve not been asked since!

    Sandy there is a large fenced garden area at the rear of the property but Bella apparently won’t do her toilet there anymore… possibly too much fussing about it again!
    That’s a very smart bag and purse and I’m sure you’ll get lots of use out of them.

    Lin, I never did tell you what I did with my pasta dish the other day! Very boring really; mixed with olive oil, pesto and strips of Italian ham and grated Parmesan. Not particularly healthy but it’s quick and easy.
    That was an amazing teapot a couple of days ago that resembles a long legged bird balancing on the one leg! The Penguin books set is hilarious and I’m guessing disposable after one cuppa!

    Anne, Dolly’s muffin recipe is a typically Canadian one and the bran and dates make a wonderful laxative!!

    We’re all counting down with you Patsy. Fingers crossed, nothing to get in your way this weekend.

    George’s new bed has arrived in the post so it’s been placed in the corner where the old original one sat and I’ll see his reaction when we settle tonight.
    Received a text from our NHS advising I can book my booster jab so visiting a pharmacy in the same town as my hairdresser next Tuesday morning. Just in time with our infection rates soaring!

    Time to cook and maybe light a fire.
    Jackie 🥰

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The Armenian yard long cucumber was picked earlier because having reached about 10” I realised it wasn’t going to get to the promised yard! Sliced thinly it’s very tasty although the skin is a bit tough, possibly because it hung about too long and the lack of sunshine.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good afternoon dearest sneakers! We have wind and rain today. As in literature, it is a “dark and stormy” day. But with my happy lights and cool mellow jazz on the CD player, we are doing just fine. Katie loves wind. She chases leaves and stands on the picnic table with her head in air. An amazing sight. I have not been able to catch it yet on camera, but when I do, you sneakers will be able enjoy the silliness of our Katie.

    Several of my posts have gone astray and I now believe it is the ipad. I needed 2 updates and I have neglected to do them. I am now up to date. I don’t really like the minor changes but I will adjust.

    Good grief! My hip is giving me fits! I can’t tell you how annoying this problem is with one arthritis episode after another. But as nasty little John says, it proves I am alive. The exercises do help but right after I think…is this helping or making things worse. Later in the afternoon things loosen up and I can walk about doing my tasks without the grunting and groaning. I do believe the sneakers are a wonderfully healthy bunch. Yeah, we have our aches and pains but in general we are “all good!” Hearing how everyone tries to take good care is inspiring for me. Thank you, dear ones.

    Damon comes on Saturday afternoon. He has to finish up a project on Friday so it will be a strange weekend. Saturday-Monday. Now we defrost the cake, put the birthday banners back up and blow up new balloons. Food is exotic as we can make it. Cajun gumbo one night, cauliflower pizza another night and finally hot spicy enchiladas. I’ll send him home with a massive stomach ache.

    What is your favorite scary Halloween movie? I vote for the original Alien. John agrees but also suggests Rosemary’s baby. Oooooooooh it is a fun scary night for us. We never have any trick or treaters. Our road/drive way is too scary. Dark with lots of forest.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm in shock, after 20 degrees or 70 yesterday we are now into winter! Wearing the last of the summer pants and top to put away for 6 months and shivering when outside.

    I'm in shock for something else as well! After sympathizing with Jackie and her renovations I'm in the midst of them. Mark and Mary Jo have just gone after lifting up and throwing away the fitted carpet downstairs. Mark was worried that the staircase wall water problem had extended but no everything is nice and dry downstairs and BARE. LOADS of work to be done and once complete they are now talking about virtually restructuring upstairs as well. I knew I was eventually going to get a new shower stall but they are talking of adding walls to block doors and opening up walls for new doors. Actually it will be lovely if everything comes to fruition AND I'm sill around to enjoy being dragged into the 21st century. The house as is, is very dated and was originally "updated" about 50 years ago in the Portuguese style. Didn't bother me and won't it be funny after 30 odd years here suddenly being posh like M and M!

    They call it keeping mama safe. humph!

    Sounds like Chrissie is showing her true colours Jackie! How nice of your friend Sandy and Lin I know your cards will be just perfect! Patsy, I hate to do it but when I get up I do my trot around the house for half hour. Hard at first but I can feel all the knots unknotting after 5 minutes and then I'm good for the rest of the day. All I really want to do is slump in a chair with a coffee but this small exercise really works for me.

    Sorry for all these boring posts girls but my life now is living in the middle of a builders yard and you know how exciting builders yards are! Mikes in for a shock if he rolls up tomorrow.
    By the way, if the upstairs IS remodelled I'll have the choice of living in the new basement flat or moving in with the Ms for a short time. Depends on my knees on the stairs plus Beanie of course.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    edited October 2021
    Good evening.

    I did get the new battery installed in my Hybrid auto. They really did have the battery in stock. Wahoo. And the technician checked the date on the old battery, very close to the 5-year mark. So it was time. Then off to get a bit of gas for this vehicle, reset the clock, trip trackers, and started on radio stations.

    Then home and several orders arrived as well as a grocery order. Oh my. The box of water is so incredibly heavy. Wrestling it in the house is kind of a big chore for me. I think it’s about 40 lbs and there are no handles to use, just a heavy box with several stickers added—Heavy. I didn’t need a sticker to warn me of that.

    I scooped some of the potting soil out of my largest deck container. And it was cold out there, my ears were frozen!

    After lunch, I called my friend who moved away and we had a nice long talk. She is hunting for a bit of furniture, and as I used to live in that area, we discussed various furniture stores she visited and the stores that have closed. It was very interesting. She told me she has found a church she is going to for now but she hasn’t found any activities and there is no Senior Center in the area.

    Anne, my goodness, another construction zone! My goodness.

    Patsy, unlike your Katie, I do not love the wind. My ears and sinuses always howl when subjected to a cold wind. Yes, well, not a traditional weekend in terms of days/hours but a wonderful visit no matter when!

    Jackie, that cucumber looks tasty. Sorry it did not turn out to be a yard long but maybe that’s enough? Also sorry you didn’t find all the clothing you were hoping for. Warm socks are a good start. Lucky George, a new bed. Now tell us, did it suit him? Time for another Covid shot, good for you. A simple pasta dish is lovely. Thanks for letting me know what you put together.

    Sandy, I love that purse. Good selection. I love the color as well. Although I am crazy for bright blues, I also have so many things that are gray. My house and both of my vehicles for example. I had a grey felt purse years ago that I liked a lot. Things wear out in time. Are you keeping that purse new until you go on your birthday trip? Hope the shingles shot(s) don’t cause any trouble for you.

    Be safe everyone.

    See ya tomorrow.



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2021
    We’ve lost the sun but it’s dry so I’ve washed towels as well as George’s old bed hanging out to dry. We took a shorter walk on the moors closer to home before driving to the farm supply store for pet and hen food plus a Yak bar for Betty to chew. While I was there I bought a pork pie that looked delicious but in fact it wasn’t, however, disappointing lunch over and I will now finally get those carpet strips for the staircase stuck down. I know, I’ve been planning this for nearly a week!

    Lin, is your water not safe to drink that you have to buy in such a large supply? Well done for getting it into your home, something I’d have found impossible at that weight!
    George slept all evening in his new bed and looked comfortable and very cosy so I’d say it’s a winner but I’m still waiting for the other half of my order. I’ll have to chase the seller through PayPal soon.
    A smart teapot yesterday but I preferred the ceramic bunnies! 🐰🐰

    Scary movie for me Patsy would have to be The Shining… “Here’s Johnny!” but also, the one that’s stayed with me for many years is the British 1970’s original The Wicker Man that’s become a cult movie. Worth searching out if you and John haven’t seen it.

    Welcome to the world of renovations Anne! Hopefully it won’t be too long before all the work is finished and you get your posh walk in shower. Sorry to be confused but where is the basement flat you may move into, yours or M and M’s?

    Hello Sandy. Have fun at tonight’s trunk and treat. I’ve no idea what it is but know you’ll all enjoy yourselves.

    Time to stick carpet. Happy and safe Friday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is started on this chilly day as well as the heat. I did not get the shingles shot yesterday because the pharmacist told me it would be $195 since I have not met my deductible. Too pricey for me, I will either wait until I meet my deductible which I don't think I will ever do since I only take one prescription or just forget about it.

    Jackie, here is an example of trunk and treat.
    There are lots of cars that decorate their trunks and the kids go from one trunk to the next to trick or treat. They also vote on the trunks to see who wins the best decorating. This is all done is Max's school parking lot and they have live music and fun things for kids. It is a safe way to trick or treat.
    My scary movie has always been The Haunting which scared me half to death. I really can't watch scary movies such as Halloween or Freddie Kruger, I can't even go in a haunted house because it scares me too much. lol

    Lin, I am using the purse and wallet now as they wanted me too. Not sure why they didn't wait until my birthday but maybe they know something I don't know. lol I thought of a Hybrid when I bought my new car but just too much out of my price range. It would have been better for the earth and someday all cars will be electric but I hope not before my time is up.

    Anne, wow, that will be some remodeling job but will be beautiful when done. They must be thinking of not only your safety but the future. I would be very grateful for upgrades and safety features, you have wonderful kids.
    Be sure to take before and after pictures so we can follow along with you.

    Patsy, sorry to hear about your hip? Have you considered a replacement? One more sleep before Damon arrives, I bet you can't wait. A great birthday celebration for him with family is going to make him forget the number. Enjoy!

    Have a good day everyone and keep staying safe, it's not over yet.

    One Day at a Time