Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    edited October 2021
    Hello friends. So glad I did the laundry yesterday. Early this morning, the rumbling of thunder started and got louder as the minutes passed. Finally there was a big crack of lightning followed by a huge bellow of thunder. It seemed to be on top of my house. Wow, I did a little jump in the air! Then a downpour started. Thankfully, it stopped later and now rain isn’t expected again until later today but all day long tomorrow. (But it is sprinkling again…)

    I have been doing some InstantPot cooking today. Started with a little batch of quinoa but I believe it will be tossed out as it smelled stale. Then I made some rice and finally beans are cooking now.

    Patsy, I am glad you got your shots scheduled. A friend contacted me yesterday and she had just gotten her booster. I believe her husband got his as well. She said they were relieved and she felt safer. Miskey sounds like a force to deal with! Cannot believe Katie leaves that bed alone! Wow!

    Anne, enjoy your day. Your weather sounds lovely. And good for you. Got your order placed. More progress on the home remodel. Well done Mark!

    Sandy, busy day for you. A friend of mine goes in often for donation as she donates platelets rather than whole blood.

    Jackie, good luck on that delivery. Two days would be terrific. When I order something now, I just automatically assume it will be at least 2 additional days. Other than lost items, that seems to work.

    I thought the book looked interesting as well but I haven’t looked it up. I did purchase the new edition of the Old Farmer’s Almanac yesterday. Lots to look at and read! It will be my reference book for gardening next year. 😄

    Be safe everyone.


    Jasper ware I believe


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited October 2021
    Unbelievably the town of Denbigh has voted to keep Stanleys statue! Finally a bit of common sense! I'm personally appalled at statues being removed. These long dead people are part of our heritage and history, like it or not.
    Its also noticeable that the folk who want to change our history are in no rush to emigrate back to their places of origin to change things there for the better.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Wow, it’s windy out there this morning but me and the pooches had a fun walk on the moors, got buffeted about and did the route I chose in record time with the wind behind us! Look at these little mushrooms I came upon that had probably started life growing on a cow pat.
    I still wouldn’t risk picking any sort of fungus/fungi. I do know what’s known as magic mushrooms grow on our moors that are hallucinatory but I have enough trouble dealing with the real world!!

    As I drove into the car park I saw David for the first time in months so stopped for a quick catch up. His renovations are 3/4 completed and his little pug that struggles to walk is having a course of injections that seem to be slowly helping but he had left her at home while he walked his sweet Cavalier King Charles. He’s got her booked in with George’s groomer this morning for a first visit so I was able to assure him what a caring lady she is. I had to smile because he looks a frail man but was concerning himself with my welfare as the wind knocked us about and also asked if my neighbour is behaving himself because he had offered to talk to a barrister friend who has Paul McCartney as a client!

    Lin, don’t you just hate thunder claps that are directly overhead. No chance to prepare for the crash! More rain for you today too. I hope you don’t need to go out anywhere. I’m staying home because nasty weather coming off the Atlantic later.

    Time to make plans for the rest of my day, maybe muck out the hens before the heavy rain arrives.
    Everyone have a safe day. I seem to remember Patsy and John get their boosters today but daren’t turn the page. The soreness in my arm has gone so all good.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Too late to muck out the hens. 🐓🐓🐓🐓 Purple sky and rain has arrived!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    edited October 2021
    Hello. Rainy, damp, cold and yes, the sump pump is chugging along again today.

    I am busy trying to get my Mac updated. It is old and quite quirky. It has errored out twice so far and what says it will take 2 minutes just hangs up. Usually, with much patience, it updates. I always forget how slow it is until a software update appears. 😄

    Jackie, well, I am glad I have no hen house to clean or dogs to walk with the weather we are having. Should we call you Intrepid? Making it through strong gales and more to get out with your dog pals each day? Even Max and his compatriots don’t walk twice a day when the weather is nasty. I think he is being more careful due to dear aging Max. Any update on your new automatic door? Those fungi look kind of frightening to me. I get odd fungi in my yard each summer. I am always glad when the guy mows over them.

    Well, back to the updates. Then I will work on some Christmas cards. I should be working on birthday cards but I needed a change of pace. 😄

    I hope everyone is well today.

    Be safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    A second Jasper ware teapot
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Another gloomy day and meeting day depending on weather. I am not going to drive in pouring down rain but it is supposed to rain before I have to leave so we will see. I do want to get to the dollar tree for some cards and Halloween bags for my gifts for the kiddos although tomorrow would be fine. Since I am sitting all day Saturday I will bring the gifts then and let the parents take them trick or treating on Sunday.

    Jackie, sorry about your rain, lately that seems all it does here. Did you tell David you have it under control with that obnoxious guy from the allotment? He is a good source if needed. Light the fire put your feet up and relax, you deserve it.

    Lin, I was unable to donate blood as my hemoglobin count was 12.2 and it has to be 12.5 to donate. He said the reason being is that your count goes down after donating blood so they have a set number. He asked if I drank coffee in the morning and I said yes so he suggested next time not to drink coffee but water instead. This is the second time my count was low but the first time it was normal in the other hand, this time not so. I might take some time off from donating because I heard as we age our hemoglobin does go down. Will check with my doctor to be sure. I am sure I would have jumped out of my skin if a thunderbolt hit over my roof.

    Have a good day everyone and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello my darling sneakers! Oh my! We also have heavy weather, as we say here. Wind rain and more rain. I guess we can truly say the drought is no more…currently!

    I am to have my third shot on Friday. John has his on Sunday. We will be happy to have this taken care of. I feel somewhat wimpy these days. My allergies are talking to me. So I want to get back on track. I must do something about all my sad house plants. They need everything. Fertilizer, repotted, trimmed, and a good soaking. I have been a bad plant mom. I know Anne and Jackie would not approve of my neglected plants.

    We have so many varieties of mushrooms here in Oregon. There are many mushroom gatherers who have secret spots that they guard jealously. Especially certain kinds of desirable mushrooms. It would scare me to death. I know I would pick some deadly mushroom and accidentally poison my family.

    Still trying to make a long term plan for John and me. We need regular help. I don’t think it is fair to impinge on Damon, even if he could work from here. So my search for help and or downsizing is on my mind constantly. Answers come out of the blue, I know. And it rarely happens as I might have planned. It is part of life’s grand adventure.

    I know we agreed not to talk politics but honestly, aren’t we in a huge stinking mess here in the US? The postal service and I have been fighting of late. It looks like I will become even more internet connected. Christmas gifts? Cards? Letters? What are they?

    Enough of my odd rants this morning. I am actually feeling rather upbeat but amazed at life’s twists and turns.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well I'm feeling upbeat today despite having what everyone else has - RAIN. And no, I haven't been dabbling with magic mushrooms although I did wake up in the middle of the night with an epiphany you might say and I've been upbeat ever since. It got me wondering about old workmates of my own age. My very favourite supervisor has died. I had a feeling he might have when my usual Christmas card stopped appearing a couple of years ago. He was such a nice fun guy and looked a bit like Randolph Scott. He spent a lot of time on company business in Wichita and all over the place and he always brought me a little something back. Ceramic clogs and windmills from Holland. I forget the name of the artwork but earrings from Hong Kong etc. A navy sailor in his youth, and although sad to see him gone he had a herd of children, grandchildren and greats plus a lovely wife called Diane. A life much loved and well spent. I had to smile about another old workmate. She was rather naughty and a bit of a trouble maker, and I found her in a retirement home. A photo of her looking a whole heap older with an impish grin and so I'm wondering if she's keeping the staff and residents on their toes still.

    I'm afraid poor Bean hasn't been out much because of the rain. We've just had a chase around the coffee table to keep her in shape, I tottered!

    I've got over my sermon about statues, live and let live I guess. Did you read that the great grandson of Sitting Bull is indeed a descendent thanks to DNA from a lock of the chiefs hair.

    Not sure but I think our cut off date for blood donating is 65 years. Suits me!

    I hope I have another epiphany in the wee small hours!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is started and stripped the whole bed in order to wash foam cover, sheets and comforter in hopes of putting my new comforter that I thought was coming today only to find out it won't be here to Wednesday. Oh well, I will be ready to replace summer comforter with winter when it arrives.
    I have the kiddos Halloween presents (board games for all) to wrap to be ready to take early tomorrow morning.
    Bought their cards and others and when I got home I was missing Charlie's card so I will have to go back today to buy a new one since I can't find my receipt. Good thing I was at the dollar tree. lol

    Anne, I have tried looking up old friends but never have any success. I am sorry your old supervisor has died but you do have great memories of him. Are you doing your search through google?? We evidently don't have a cut off for donating blood but I think I might retire that idea and leave it to the younger people. We will see.

    Patsy, sorry you are having trouble with the postal service, I am lucky and have no problems with mail or Amazon deliveries. It is always hard to make change and I myself have no idea what lies in store for me if I can't live alone.
    I am not sure I would like to live with any of my kids, I am so used to living alone it would be hard. Our assisted living facilities are very expensive so who knows. I told my kids to build me one of those little houses in one of their backyards but they just laugh.

    Lin, I hope your got your update done. My desktop computer is probably nine years old and although it runs fine, it does make noise when I play online games which I think is the fan. My son wants me to buy a new computer but we will see.

    Jackie, I hope your weather has improved so you can get outside, you are restless inside. lol

    Have a great day and stay healthy and safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A lovely day and a lovely walk. I’m not sure where the rest of my time has gone but I have written up lots of notes to take to this evening’s allotment association AGM. Fireworks could fly or there may only be a damp squib! The man upsetting us has emailed to my friend what is tantamount to bullying comments so whereas at 2pm I was considering whether to bother to attend, I’m now fired up! 😤

    My chicken house motor has just arrived by courier so delivery was speeded up but I’ll wait until tomorrow to install it. No point rushing as it gets dark because I’m bound to do something wrong. Nearly dark so will shut them in, have a cuppa then head off to the OK Corral. 🤠

    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hey! Partly cloudy but I see Mr. Sol peeping out among those clouds. Hello there, it has been awhile since we’ve seen you old friend! We should have a couple of days seeing the sun before the next round of clouds and rain sweeps in to drench us.

    Today we go to Walgreens for my shot. John’s appointment is Sunday. Our physicals are next Thursday. So we are doing medical stuff these days. Good to get it over and done for a few months. At our tender age, our doc wants to see us every 6 months. Not my favorite activity.

    As far as the postal service goes, we are a rural area and having difficulty getting postal workers. Packages are put in locked bins and the key is supposed to go in our regular post office box. Something goes whacky at this point. A notice from Amazon tells us our package is at the post office we go and they say, well we must search with the routing number, we give to them but it takes a day or two for them to find it there in the secret back room! Aaaaaaaargh! And I heard on the news our head of the postal service has announced the US is having trouble de.I’ve ring the mail so we can’t deliver any packages or mail to Australia. Seriously!!!!!! I am totally flummoxed! What? This is a Trump appointed head of that service, by the way. Sorry that just slipped out because I am so astounded.

    While in Walgreens I may get some new cosmetics. I am using dregs from the bottom of the bottles right now. Rosy red lipstick, pink nail polish, moisturizer, and mascara. Quite a list from someone who virtually never goes much of anywhere.
    Think boosters and keeping safe, my darling friends,

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    edited October 2021
    Hello everyone. Another cold, wet, windy day. I only did one errand today. I am not going to the doctor at this point but I am really struggling with the pain in and around my right shoulder blade. I have done some reading and there’s a possibility that the problem really is in my neck. I did a lot of heavy lifting the last week or two and I had sharp pain in my neck for several days. Now it is an overwhelming ache in the scapula area. I cannot sit in any chair for more than a few minutes. Tylenol, heating pad, and spray on Biofreeze is all that is keeping me sane. Holding my iPad and looking down is nearly incapacitating.

    So, love you all, but I just cannot hang in there right now. I am heading back to the heating pad again. Laying flat!

    Thinking of you.



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited October 2021
    Oh, poor LIN, how absolutely horrid for you!
    My day was pretty good. Michael came over and he's lost so much weight he looks 10 years younger. I gather the doctor put the fear of God in him with prophesies of diabetes and too high blood pressure. I'm losing a bit as well now I'm off yeast, but made a mistake yesterday and was up all night. Apparently buttermilk is no longer made the old fashioned way but has added vinegar etc in it commercially. Oh well - the wild life will enjoy the Irish soda loaf! Of course the vinegar will add to the shelf life but it sure aint adding to mine! Money again is the root of all evil. I think new pants for Michael are in order for Christmas!

    I gave Sandy his friend my expensive bread making machine which I hardly used anyway, preferring the joy of hand kneading. In return she sent me a ramp for small dogs to climb into high beds. Amber wouldn't use it. Tried it on Bean and she ran under the coffee table absolutely terrified of it! Mike said just leave it and she will get used to it, but I couldn't! It's in the garage waiting for delivery back to Sandy! Its completely black and we wonder if the colour scares the two wee dogs.

    I was going to make my Mexican bean and rice casserole today but after last night I think I will stick to homemade egg, peas and chips. or French fries. More like home fries actually.

    Hope LIN feels much better today, JACKIE gets the chicks warm and cosy again, PATSY survives the booster shot pain free and SANDY is warm under her summer comforter.
    As for me, I wonder what adventures today will bring. Probably Mark and Mary Jo. My house is a MESS. At least Mike took home one or two appliances he'd forgotten about for 7 years!

    Hugs all around from Anne and of course the "brave" and stalwart pup, Jilly the Beano.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Sitting early so just wanted to say good morning before I hop in the shower. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    edited October 2021
    Hello, wishing everyone a good day. It is ‘beggars night’ tonight although the calendar says Halloween is tomorrow. No treats here😃

    Keeping my heating pad close today.

    Anne, sorry about the added stuff in buttermilk. Maybe that’s why my oddball recipes call for plant milk with organic Apple Cider vinegar. Bad way to lose weight.

    Sandy, happy day with the kiddos.

    Hello Patsy and Jackie!


    This teapot was manufactured by Jacob Furnival & Co. in Cobridge, Stoke-on-Trent c.1845-70. The 6 paneled body displays a beautifully detailed single flower in full bloom surrounded by other small flowers, flower buds and delicate leafy branches. The crisp, clear and precise transfer design is on each opposing side. The teapot features a beautifully applied, intricate cockscomb handle and detailed applied spout. The body of the teapot sits upon a 6 faceted, footed pedestal with multi ridged base. The edge of the base as well as the handle edges and spout have a small leafy scroll work transfer design. The matching 6 sided lid, as well as the flower-like finial is edged with the same small leafy scroll work transfer. On one side is a small flower in bloom and on the other is a leafy flower bud. The teapot is 10" tall and 9¼" from handle to spout.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello all you darling sneakers! We have sunshine and it is very very chilly. It is beyond sweater weather, it is coat or jacket and a wooly hat weather. We are into serious autumn or an early winter.

    I got my booster yesterday. I must say, I am having a bit more reaction from this. A red swollen place on my arm that is very sore. The worse is the fatigue and general ache and sometimes a period of chills. But as our pharmacist warns, we are building on the vaccines we have previously gotten. It really isn’t too awful. Cooking will be soup from a can and hot herbal tea and saltine crackers. Sounds like I have a cold or something or a light case flu. The good news is I will probably not get Covid. So a couple of down days isn’t too awful of a trade off.

    Anne: I love buttermilk! I would drink a cup at bedtime as a kid. Not sure what my gran felt was the benefit but that was her treat as we climbed into bed. Odd? Sure! To this day I love it and I have several recipes that just require it! Our son is also fighting a battle of the bulge. I think at a certain age our body plays tricks on us. What we used to eat will now make us fat and we will not be able to digest it and eventually we will have a heart attach if we continue to eat like we used to. Hummmmm what’s up with that? Also, those little ramp or steps can be so useful for little doggies as they age. But they do need to be lead up and down on them several times daily until they make friends with this new thing. Our old MoMo and Mazzie had ramps and stairs to help them.

    Sandy: you are really a second mom to your grandchildren. My gran was a real mom to me. It was a very special relationship. I think kids with this kind of advantage feel more secure. They have more than mom and dad to feel comfortable with, there’s their gran to tell all their troubles to.

    Lin: dear friend, you have really been suffering. I wish I could think of something to help you. I have arthritis in just about every joint in my body and my exercises are essential but there are days, like you, I just want to curl up with the heating pad. Happy music? Soft lights? Wonderful hot herbal tea? A weighted heating pad where it hurts. Thinking of you.

    Must try to do a few chores before I curl up with my quilt and another cup of peppermint tea.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2021
    Ooh, gone midnight so already Sunday morning. Had a busy Saturday then lit a fire, cooked dinner and promptly fell asleep so sorry I missed posting properly. Heavy rain crashing on my roof kept me awake last night which didn’t help! At least our clocks are about to go back and the good news is I’ve installed the new hen house motorised door so I don’t have to get up early! I popped down in the dark just after 6pm and hooray, door firmly shut.

    Chrissie phoned to ask if I could buy her a TV guide which I did and the good news is, when I dropped it off she was planning on walking Bella herself. I know doctors as well as us friends have encouraged her to move more and the exercise does seem to be working so long as she doesn’t overdo things so hopefully going in the right direction.

    Lin, I do hope you are in a lot less pain now. I always think of you being young because you are the kid of our group but even you must begin to think before lifting heavy items…. says she who is always lifting, dragging, pulling!!
    There’s something charming about that chunky teapot. Definitely from another era!
    My iPad locked me out of iCloud after an update so I spent too long trying to change the password. Finally received a message in the Settings app that ICloud will be reconfigured in the next 48 hours.
    I’m seriously considering a new Apple Mac book so any recommendations gratefully received.

    A ramp for dogs to get on a bed Anne; what will they think of next? My bed is high but as you know, all three pets clamber up at night although if Betty has brought one of her toys she struggles so I remove it from her mouth, she jumps then I give it back. I’m convinced they would look with horror at a ramp and definitely support Jilly’s reaction.

    If I turn my clocks back now it will soon be the witching hour again so I’ll do that and get to bed.

    Jackie 🧙🏻

    Good grief, I’ve just noticed there is what looks like an ISIS emoji. Now that is in poor taste!

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    HAPPY- OR SHOULD IT BE UNHAPPY HALLOWEEN. Just in case I get spirited away I'm writing early to remind you all to go to bed tonight with a table lamp on, one can't be too careful.
    Kidding of course but............. Anne and Jilly the Beanie.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Happy Halloween everyone!

    Everything being thrown at us today by way of weather. Rainbows, howling gale, driving rain, sunshine and so on. We walked on the moors and sometimes flew, but have blown cobwebs away while managing to avoid any rain so can now relax at home.
    The hen house door worked so they were already out in their run when I went to check…. Hooray!
    Slowly getting used to the time change and am sure it will take a few days but that extra hour in the morning should work to my advantage.

    Happy Sunday… pumpkin pie all round (but no pastry for Anne!) 🎃

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Halloween greetings.


    I can imagine this gent at my door.


    Oh my, November is closing in.
