Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning. I think this is to be a wet stormy day but it is slowly getting light out. I see clouds, racing in, so rain and wind on the way.

    Today I will be doing a bit of chores before I head into the dungeon. John’s birthday is next Sunday. I need to make him a card. I will fix him a special dinner and hopfully both kids will call. Our daughter is feeling pretty good currently so that’s a good sign. We do have a complicated family.

    Lin: it must be an interesting reaction when you send out your hand designed and created cards. That is a lost art. In person mail is so rare these days.

    Sandy: I am totally lost! I somehow thought you were off with friends on a gambling junket. But here you are….

    Jackie: our bad weather has started. Rain and wind and cold damp air. Katie is a hot house flower like me. She dashes out for bathroom duties then dashes back for a towel off and in house ball games. It makes us a close attentive family. We must let her out multiple times a day. Then there is the towel off and three or four ball games each day. Running down the hall to catch the ball, leaping up in the air to catch her animal toys. She does not entertain herself, ever! She is glued to our ankle at all times. I guess we have trained her. We do enjoy her even when she is exasperating. Currently outings are a run around the back yard. We have visiting coyotes. I sort of like them but they bring trouble. They kill chickens.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    edited November 2021
    Happy Saturday! :) Beautiful day here, going to reach the 60's. As I mentioned I will be visiting friends early this afternoon so I can see their daughter before she goes to work. I don't plan on staying long and might try to go to Mass this afternoon. If not then will be watching it live on TV in the morning. I am all set for my mini trip and will get my suitcase put together tomorrow after I do laundry. There is a family zoom call at 3:00 today so I would like to be home for that but we will see.
    I ordered another comforter from Kohl's as they have a big sale going on today. This time I ordered a king for my queen size bed because I like the sides longer than the queen and I don't like bed skirts mostly because I can't do it myself and they are a pain.
    I also ordered three fleece sweatshirts from Kohl's yesterday for pickup. When I went to pick them up only one was in the bag. I checked at home and for some dumb reason I clicked the wrong thing and the other two are being delivered to my house. It was too late to change the order so I am paying for shipping which is as much as one of the shirts was on sale. I am so mad at myself I could have gotten another shirt.

    Everyone have a great but safe day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone. Another sunshine and showers day but for once I’ve dodged getting wet! Few visitors on the moors when I walked George and Betty, perhaps because of a cold wind, so I kept to a lower track rather than climb. George is full of himself now he’s looking so smart and ran lots of zoomies. Betty tucked in behind my heels while her long ears flapped in the wind. At one point we found ourselves being watched carefully by a young bull and Anne might remember a Tommy Steele song in the 60’s called Little White Bull that was a big hit. I found myself humming the tune as we continued to walk!

    Driving out from the village I saw Brian walking Duke on the road so stopped and got out to tell him I had tried to find his home on Thursday. He pointed out the property from where we stood and it seems I should have taken a right turn that I missed. Another day!

    This afternoon I visited Chrissie to help her walk Bella a further distance to a small fenced off grassy area away from the road where we clipped on a longer lead and let her wander where she wished. Chrissie tried recall training but that only worked for treats! Still, it’s a start and I’ll help again soon. I also tried to help her order a prescription drug online for Bella but she uses a Samsung tablet that seemed to swallow up saved copies never to be found again so will have to ask another friend to delve into her system.

    We do follow a similar weather pattern Patsy; something to do with living close to the sea I expect. Betty has a similar routine to Katie… stay in the warm and dry, don’t hang around in the rain and pee every couple of hours, just as I get comfortable so have to ease out of my chair! Chrissie was telling me how wild boar in Portugal were an issue destroying hen houses but also threatening humans… no doubt been comparing notes with your coyotes!

    Lucky you Sandy with lovely temperatures but annoying that your order was split… modern technology eh?

    I must cook an evening meal and might indulge in a small lager.

    Take care dear friends.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited November 2021
    Hello, a chilly sunny day. I had many things on my agenda but my big shopping trip yesterday turned out to be not so great. I found several things I had never purchased before and the ingredients looked okay. But alas, I am down for the count today. The remainder of the offending food product will be tossed out. And my list will remain untouched today.

    I joined in for what was called a “virtual crop.” I joined in on Zoom but kept to myself. It was pleasant to to hear ladies, most who knew each other, talking about just life and just small talk and then about different card making products etc. I miss the monthly get together we had at the library and this call was much like our paper crafting times. Some giggling, and some information gathered. This was a one time invitation. Glad I did not miss it.

    I started to foil again this morning and 100% of what I tried ended up in the trash. Last week, the machine got too hot and ruined my work, today, not hot enough. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Jackie, I love the white bull calf. We have a breed here that is big and rangy looking and most are white, Charolais. They are often crossed with other breeds raised for meat. I have never heard of that song. I looked up the lyrics and it is a long one. I am glad you ran into Brian, now you will be able to find his house. Yeah!

    Patsy, cold and wet. I can understand why Katie just ducks out of the house and zips right back in again. Late fall and winter are not my favorite seasons. And we have a lot of that on the way. John will be happy to be treated with such loving attention. You never let anything go—you always make days special.

    Sandy, oh gosh, I am sorry about the shipping mix-up. That sounds like something I would do! I ordered some special replacement light bulbs from Amazon which were to arrive yesterday (2 days after ordering). Today I checked and they haven’t even shipped, Prime and your estimated delivery date means nothing apparently. I asked Alexa about the order and she said, she couldn’t find it. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I have an order from another company that went to the shipping depot 5 days ago, it hasn’t made it out of California. This is a food item so I am a bit concerned. Anyway, I hope the King sized comforter works out well, when it arrives.

    Anne, what are your boys doing this weekend? Is your weather cold and wet too? Sorry if I missed your post.

    I think I will pay bills and then read for a while.



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Sunday. 🙃. A dry, cool day so far. I was a bit slow to get started so didn’t walk until after 10 and that meant crowds of visitors but managed to find quieter walks for George and Betty without the hassle of kids poking them uninvited!
    I’m currently snacking on a delicious English apple before driving to a local store for a few items. I’m looking for an off cut of carpet to replace the piece that sits at the top of the stairs after it was destroyed by the builders. Also vermiculite to grow seeds in and masonry nails to finish hanging pictures on. I’m guessing my North American friends know them as something else since my iPad is attempting to predict something else!

    Lin, that’s a fascinating teapot that I’m guessing from its steam it’s sitting on a heat source. Who would ever have known you would find such a wide variety over time but I still look forward to seeing each day what you post.

    My Canadian friends are going to attempt a WhatsApp chat in the week rather than Zoom but I’m already feeling it could go horribly wrong and we will end up chatting on the phone instead. 🤬

    Apple finished so I’ll get out, that’s if I can persuade George to come in from the garden!

    Stay safe and well.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hello, well girls I am living on top of a demolition site, the rather nice basement apartment is now no more as walls come tumbling down. The more Mark and MJ dug the more they found. You know, as well as the tree roots I'm beginning to wonder about an underground stream! We found out that a stream ran down to the Credit river years ago, at the back of the garden and dried out, but with climate change and downpours who knows! Anyway I have declined kind offers of living in Marks front room for a couple of weeks and Mikes cramped apartment [if I'm in it} in favour of staying put in my own comfy upper flat with the glass door firmly shut to save me and Beans lungs.

    HOWEVER, I've told the family if they are willing to pay I wouldn't say no to staying in a posh hotel in Niagara on the Lake for two weeks. Dog food and theatre tickets provided, lol. So far complete silence on this generous offer from me. lol.

    We are having an Indian summer for 5 days at least LIN so you can imagine Mark and Mj will be making the most of it to carry on working. I have become very philosophical about the whole thing. Just bad luck after 30 0dd years since our last upheaval.

    Saw an article on BBC JACKIE entitled "How to make your clothes last longer" all stuff it turns out I've been doing all my life more or less. Cute bull and yes I remember that song, and also Ferdinand the Bull who was hopeless at bull fighting because he was too busy sniffing flowers. After eating my own apples for over two months horrified on eating the last one that they cost over three dollars EACH at the store. No wonder people pinch them!

    Mikes just phoned to say he's on his way. Little does he know he's having Cabbage, onion, potatoes in a creamy sauce for lunch. Well - he's still on a diet but had an excellent medical exam with his doctor. No longer pre diabetic etc. I might bake afrozen pizza as well in case he collapses from vegan!

    Annsie. and Jilly the Beanie.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Church service is over, laundry is started. I had a good time with my young couple yesterday and couldn't get over how their daughter is a mature young lady. Where does the time go?
    Did I mention that Babe's son is in rehab? That is what Babe told me and supposedly will be for 30 days. I pray that he finds recovery, but I hate to say I have my doubts but one never knows.
    Easy packing today so should be a restful day before our adventure begins tomorrow.

    Anne, oh my it seems to be going from worse to worster. (I know it's not a word) I wouldn't be surprised if your boys took you up on that offer they are pretty amazing. Your apples cost $3 each? Wow, we are lucky ours do not.
    Have fun with MJ and your boys, I know Jilly will.

    Jackie, I think most of the walls here are drywall so no masonry nails needed. I saw this tape advertised on TV and love that it sticks to anything. I wish I had it to hang all my pictures since it causes no damage.,aps,122&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&smid=A1Y9Y0REM2ELLA&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExOENDME40V0dZS1NPJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzQyMjc3MkFKUE5LOEhJSDZaOSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNzMwMTM3MVBCOUJaWTlBTDM1SyZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=

    Lin, I love that teapot with electric warming plate to match, very clever. I don't have any problems with Amazon's shipping, I in fact have been getting my shipments in one day. I just order too much because I am always thinking of things I need. lol

    Patsy, sorry I confused you, it is tomorrow I leave for three days. I just get so excited about going somewhere I talk about it too much. John is so lucky to have you, you make every event special.

    Have a great day. I will try to check in each morning to at least say hello.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cold cloudy day, and we are too have heavy rain, snow in the mountains, mountain passes will be a nightmare for travelers. I hope things are at least better for thanksgiving so Damon can make it over. While he learned to drive years ago in the snowy mountains of ski country Colorado, he does not enjoy driving. Getting anywhere is not fun for him. He wants to be wherever his destination instantly.. I like the adventure and I don’t mind travel. I not very good at driving, however.

    I am baking pumpkin cookies for Katie and pumpkin raisin muffins for John so I must check back later.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited November 2021
    Good afternoon. Church is over and the lunch dishes are washed. It is sunny today and over 60 degrees. I would like to drive over to a friend’s house to leave something for her but I don’t know what she’s doing this afternoon and don’t want to interrupt anything. I would be happy to go if she’s not there so wouldn’t intrude.

    Another friend posted late yesterday afternoon that it was the last wine Saturday social of the season. I had no idea they had a regular gathering at their house. But since I don’t drink wine, they would have no reason to say anything to me about it. I can see an advantage to living in a warmer climate without a severe winter during this pandemic. You can still meet people outdoors all year long. We are headed downward in temperature this week and precipitation is expected to start on Tuesday, perhaps turning to snow and/or sleet by the end of the week. Fall is slipping away.

    Patsy, busy baking delicious treats for your family. Do you get at least one muffin? Or do you make something entirely different for yourself?

    Anne, my gosh, what a demolition! I hope it goes without any unanticipated problems. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 Quite kind of you to offer to live in a lovely hotel. Would Jilly be allowed? Take care.

    Sandy, perhaps your Amazon deliveries go better since there are likely more warehouses and distribution spots around Chicago. We are lots smaller or maybe I order oddball stuff! Or both! Again, have fun.

    Jackie, you have a number of things to purchase. I hope you found some or all of them today. I have never used WhatsApp. I hope it goes well.

    Trying to adapt to the time change. Good grief. Always difficult for me to adjust. Off to crush boxes again. They seem to multiply!

    Best wishes everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Just wanted to say good morning and have a good week. Hopefully I will let you know I am winning.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited November 2021
    For some unknown reason my very long post about yesterdays activities just vanished before my eyes. and I just can't repeat at the moment, boo hoo.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A lovely sunny but cold day. But we are told we have some usual winter weather coming. My gran used to call it “we are having dirty weather now!” Not sure why it was called dirty, maybe because then more mud would be tracked into the house.

    Yesterday we had a lovely long call with Damon. We planned thanksgiving. He ordered a thanksgiving Turkey, dressing and gravy from a catering service that he is bringing. I am doing the pumpkin pie and side dishes including my homemade cranberry relish. Now for the entertainment…..I must devise something interesting because there will just be the three of us. We will call daughter Andrea, I don’t think she will come over because it would be too hard for her. Still working on that mobility issue. But we can hope.

    John’s birthday is this Sunday. I am making a card and a special dinner. He really doesn’t like cake so I didn’t make or order one. He wants ice cream and chocolate cookies. He is a strange one! Who doesn’t like birthday cake? And a he will be offered an Amazon gift card. That way he can order some tool or something….at our age it is hard to shop for gifts. We don’t want or need very much.

    Today laundry is on, making Katie’s chicken, I will be making enchilada casserole. Cleaning bathrooms and then I will try to sneak off to the dungeon to work on John’s b’day card.

    Sandy: good luck and here’s hoping you will be coming back with a “full” designer handbag.

    Anne: internet gremlins! They are annoying and evil. Don’t let them win. Repost all your Sunday adventures. We are standing by waiting hear about the latest thing happening in your basement.

    Lin: I understand how much fun card making can be. But I also know it is time consuming and often very frustrating. I need to start over on my b’day card. It looks awful.

    Jackie: your Dr. Campbell is very upset lately. You can see he s worried and frustrated. Katie is doing her puppy trick again. Stealing socks and hiding them dropping her balls in my lap demanding a game of ball. It is barely into fall-winter and she is already acting up. I decided to fill the house with plants this winter. They must be hardy and not too fussy about abuse by Katie. I will admonish John if he try’s to pour his cold coffee or tea into a nearby houseplant. Do you think I can pull it off?

    Off to clean the bathrooms.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I pulled back bedroom curtains to find thick fog hanging over us. It looked damp and generally bleak out there so definitely a porridge morning before getting me, George and Betty out for our constitutional. It was a case of concentrating on where I walked because not seeing my usual pointers like a derelict engine house ahead or barn to one side was a little discerning and I didn’t want to get lost. Not that we would starve or even suffer exposure but it would definitely feel embarrassing!
    After our stroll I drove to my friends that recently adopted a kitten and Labrador puppy because a message had been left on my phone from them to let me know a lady who was once a neighbour had passed away and I wanted to learn what happened. Bonny the pup has dramatically increased in size and exhausting them both while the kitten is completely laid back and takes little notice of the dog. The funny thing is each is blaming the other for choosing to adopt a puppy now the hard work has started! I took a photo as they showed me their progress in training Bella to sit!

    This afternoon was spent clearing the tomato and cucumber plants from the greenhouse, washing surfaces and sweeping the floor ready for any delicate plants should we get some cold weather.
    Brady brought in a live mouse last night that I was within millimetres of catching before it hid under furniture while George sniffed and scrabbled to chase it out so he could play with the poor creature. While I worked outside I left doors open in the hope it would make a dash for it and so far George has stopped his frantic searching so fingers crossed it’s gone.

    Anne, that’s a great plan to stay in your home and shut the mess away out of sight. I know that awful feeling watching one relatively simple building job escalate until there’s nothing left to be removed.
    My wardrobe is full of old clothes so I guess I’m doing the right thing too and having removed a raincoat from more bags to be deposited in a charity container, I was delighted this evening when I tried it on for size and realised what a smart Mac it is.

    It does sound as if you are all about to experience Patsy’s gran’s dirty weather. We are warming up again but with that comes clouds low enough to cover me, the pooches and every surface in a damp layer.
    Patsy, I don’t think many of our scientists are happy about lack of transparency at the moment and although I haven’t watched one of John Campbell’s videos recently I do watch updates given by the scientist who set up a research App I contribute daily health information to. It seems main symptoms now are those of a bad cold but our government won’t update their data so many sufferers don’t get tested because they assume it’s not Covid. George’s groomer had what she referred to as a nasty cold and my friend living in London had been very poorly for a couple of weeks but was dismissive of my suggestion to get tested.

    Nodded off that point and now 1am so off to bed,
    Jackie 😴

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    For Bella read Bonny!! Too many doggie names starting with ‘B’ 🐶
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thick cloud and a gentle breeze at 13c according to my weather App and I’d say that’s about right.
    I’m on a roll after our usual moors walk where George found himself being followed by half a dozen woolly sheep that seemed to think he was a lost lamb. Very funny, especially when George felt the need to give them a wide berth and run to me! On the way home I stopped at the post office that was recently bought by new people and was delighted to find friendly smiling staff working behind the counter because the previous owners were so rude they drove most custom away, including me! Bought some basics and a hot Cornish pasty for my lunch.
    Washed towels are drying on the airier in my dining room while I’ve finally installed new smoke and carbon dioxide alarms that have been missing since Dave the builder removed old ones and disposed of them! Next job is to muck out the hen house then cut up some wood for kindling. After that veggie soup to be made.

    Good luck Sandy… hope you are winning! 🍀 🍀

    A neat teapot yesterday Lin but I’m guessing that view shows an English garden with all those pallets stacked up in a corner… not that I’ve got an untidy pile sitting in mine!

    Hen house calling so wishing you all a happy Tuesday. Stay safe and Anne keep a good distance from the renovations.

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Tuesday!😝 Don’t ask. Bad day yesterday, hopefully today will be better! Have a good day!

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited November 2021
    Hello, nothing exciting here. I delivered the package to my friend’s house yesterday and enjoyed looking at gorgeous leaves. I won a card class and found out about it yesterday morning. I believe access is only available through the end of the month so I started watching and working my way through the videos. There was also an offer to join a 2-day weekend class (for a discounted price) being taught by 3 of the people who were in last Saturday’s virtual crop. I looked through the agenda and the materials list and have decided to pass since I don’t have even one of the inks, stamps or dies being used. Other than catching up on videos, I was gathering up trash and crushing boxes to take out last evening for today’s pickup. My gosh, it was dark really early. My internal clock is quite off kilter right now. Amazing what just an hour can do!

    This morning I got several cards ready to mail, dropped them in the outgoing box and went to a different grocery store hoping to find all the things that were out of stock at the other store I visited recently. And actually, no, nada of my missing items. In fact this store was out of even more items. Didn’t stop me from bringing home some frozen vegetables and some nice fresh celery. And some frozen fruit. Very easy to carry in so I didn’t purchase much!

    Sorry there was no teapot yesterday. I just ran out of gas last night and thought I would take a nap, hummm, well, that went longer than anticipated. 😂

    So here is a Hall teapot. One of the commenters said it is the Nautilus design.


    Jackie, I love the puppy! Puppies are a lot of work. I still remember my last puppy and all the chewing that went on in this house. And yes, your friends need some more diversity in naming these doggies. I can picture George being herded by some wooly sheep. What a busy day! Your accomplishments are tremendous.

    Sandy, sorry for the bad day.

    Anne, lost post. Argh. Very frustrating. I hope nothing else has emerged in the quest for fixing up the house.

    Patsy, I hope the card design goes well.

    Be safe everyone.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hi girls. I will read all your post later because the last three days have been very interesting to say the least, well for us here anyway! and I just haven't the time right now.
    It all started with the root removal from the drainage pipes.$600 less and the water around the washing machine and back of the house disappeared, great except it still seemed damp at the front next to the new folks so on Sunday Mark ripped the flooring up in what was a bedroom.
    Wet concrete underneath but from where? So.... the intrepid Mark ripped the inner wall down next to the unlamented Harry's old house. Very wet indeed. Then we remembered, last winter there was a huge cracking noise which frightened the living daylights out of the Bean and me. Reported to the Ms but all seemed well at that time. On Monday after ripping flooring up and walls in that room Mark and Mary Jo went outside to dig a huge 5ft deep trench. So deep you couldn't see Mary Jo who is 4ft 11in. At this point out came our new very nice neighbours.

    The plumber had been to them because they had roots in their drainage pipes and the consequent flood. All was revealed for us, cracks in the wall full of that lilac bushes roots that Harry chopped down to accommodate his boat....he said! All the cracks where cleaned out and filled in with cement by Mark and Mary Jo whilst the two new neighbours leaning on the fence told us all about their woes. No wonder Harry did a rapid bunk!

    Finally the cement was left to dry out overnight with a covering over the hole in case a burglar happened to chance by. Jilly supervised all this by barking at any Great Dane etc who decided to pee on our lawn.

    Tuesday Mark, Mary Jo [and by the way me doing my tottery bit to help]. filled the hole with removed stone and earth again watched by Joe and Kalad resting from removing Harrys rusty old LR stove. Do you remember all the logs leant against my fence for 30 odd years! It turns out both men had mowed my lawn and I will be very sorry to see them go because they are so nice and friendly after the morose Harry. This is because they are selling up in the spring once they've corrected the major problems. There is no basement for instance, no crawl space, just a thin layer of cement between them and Mother Earth. The water heater is in a bedroom cupboard and the air conditioner is on top of the outside roof tiles. Too much to mention here, but you get the gist that my moaning wasn't unjustified, lol. I think it's good the stove is gone because when we first moved in it caused a fire with sparks heading towards our roof and Harry's outer wall burnt to a gaping hole. We stood outside in the snow and in our pyjamas whilst neighbours clad Harry and family in blankets and the local fire lads dowsed the flames..

    It was 72 degrees here yesterday so a perfect day to work outside, and we cut back all sorts of bushes etc and replanted tulip bulbs so you can imagine there is no sign of Mark or MJ today and me and Bean are in recovery mode.

    Having thus bored you I will read your posts this afternoon to see what you all have all been up to. No peace for the wicked, you can't even put your shawl on at 86 years it seems! Be warned.
    Hugs from me and licks from Jilly the Beano.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! It seems our forum and MFP have reconfigured. It will take some “getting used” to this new format. We have rain, rain and a huge storm is headed our way tonight. 2 to 6 inches of rain with high wind gusts. Dirty weather!

    I must cut down on coffee again but that will mean I will be shuffling along, barely awake. This will be hard. I was drinking too much coffee and it was causing heartburn.

    I am reading all the controversy about the vaccine. Interesting! But since we have really nothing else to help us through this pandemic, I guess it is really moot point. The new treatment pill might be a real God sent. Fingers crossed that we can scoot through the rest of this terrible pandemic.

    We are fine here with the exception of my mysterious reoccurring allergies. I am quite interested in Anne’s drainage issues. That is always something of possible problem around here. And John really hates to cut back bushes and trees.

    After John’s birthday, we have thanksgiving. I am trying to find cheery mums but they all look so dreary and wimpy at high prices, it is annoying to bring home sick and dying flowers. I am not that good of a gardener.

    I am going to wait until after thanksgiving to groom Katie. Too much little tasks until Damon comes on thanksgiving. She does look sort of messy and shaggy. Poor little girl.

    I am sending my high hopes and good vibes to Anne for her big remodel project. Fingers crossed for Sandy to see more luck at the gambling tables. Wishing Lin a fun creative day making beautiful little mailable art cards. Hoping Jackie stays healthy as well as her creatures and that the mouse has left for forests and fields. To all other sneakers, hello!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited November 2021

    Hello, I have tried repeatedly to get to our group today and no success until now. Yes! I spent a good portion of my day tracking down missing packages, calling to cancel (non-renew) a service, and spoke with my insurance agent about next year’s med-supp plans.

    The crew digging in new cable has arrived on our street this afternoon and they are starting to make messes closer to my house. If you don’t hear drom me, they have cut a cable that supplies service to my house. Yes, I have lots of confidence in them. 😂

    it is cold, and wet outside now. We may actually see some white stuff at some point in the next few days. Oh no!

    Anne, what a horrible mess. Good thing Harry has disappeared because I would imagine a lot of folks would like to talk to him - sharpish like! I hope the problems have been solved. 🤞🏻

    Patsy, I have not done much with my cards today. I am cutting out snowmen in between other things. Maybe tomorrow will be a more productive day. I hope you had more luck in producing a card for John that you like. There’s not much time until Thanksgiving. And then November will be almost over as well. Oh my gosh!

    Sandy, I trust today was a better today.

    Jackie, waving hello to you.

    Let’s see what I found in the way of a teapot.

    Ooooh, that is large!!

    Wishing everyone well.

