Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    edited November 2021
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Sandy, it is Wednesday…..

    lol....thanks Lin I am getting too old. Yes, Anne I had the right day. Schedule is right just typed the wrong day. lol lol
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dreary and cloudy….and chilly with that damp cold that goes right to your bones. Brrrrrrr! I am doing more laundry and l must trim John’s hair. He doesn’t have any hair on top but the sides grow at an alarming rate. I learned to trim hair back in our college days. We barely had money for food much less haircuts. It is really kind of a nice time. I cut and trim, John looks around my dungeon and identifies little things he could do to make things better in here. Katie sits under my drawing table and tries to cause as much mischief as possible.I have my special cd music going.

    Tomorrow we must get up and out the door early. We have our yearly physicals with fasting blood tests. Not my favorite thing to do. John gets very crabby about the whole thing. We must do this because even if everything is just fine, our insurance demands it. Oh well! get to it and get it over.

    I was up late looking at election returns. Wow! Things are certainly confusing and a mystery. Things aren’t going my way but I am hoping for a calm and sweet holiday season. Politics have always fascinated me. The study of a national culture and political climate is revealing and dynamic. Art of the time will reflect like a clear mirror what is going on and what is concerning people at any given moment in time.

    Cars! Well they are a necessary evil. I don’t really like to drive. I try not to drive as much as I can. John and I go most places together. He likes to drive and of course loves cars. I love the idea of the autonomous car. Get in and tell it where you want to go. Now that is wonderful transportation. And of course it would be electric.

    We have so many trees that should be cut down or trimmed aggressively. John hates to cut down any tree. In fact he just will not do it. Some of our trees are a scandal. Threatening the house and easy access to our road. But that is another story too complicated to relate.
    Exercises next and emptying the dryer.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited November 2021
    Hello, good afternoon. It has been a laundry day for me. I am quitting for the day after putting away the freshly washed and dried laundry. I have a stack of boxes to crush and I have been hunting again. I had a two-piece Happy Birthday die. The small words with a backer die. I had cut out several of them and used one on one of the cards I made this week. I liked it and would like to cut some more but guess what, yep, missing in action. It is not with the other birthday items. It is very small though so easily lost. I do not remember if it came in a package. Well, it will surface some day, I hope!

    Public transit. Well, we have next to nothing available here. I did a lot of research on how I could get to Trader Joe’s and home again once upon a time. It is literally impossible to get there, have shopping bags, and then find a way home. There are few routes, unhandy schedules and the stops are also few and far between. Most of what we have does not run on the weekend either. It is a rather poor system of trying to get people to work and back M - F. There is absolutely nothing to get to and from medical or dental appointments. Cabs are very expensive and the alternate rides can be dangerous. So when I can no longer drive, if InstantCart still exists, I will use them for groceries and supplies. The other things, I have no idea. I have heard that if you have an extremely low income and few assets, there may be some other services available to get to appointments. Just another problem to think about another day.

    Patsy, sorry about the annual physical and blood work. Just going into a medical office puts me over the edge these days. I have a dental appointment on Friday and I am already thinking about that!

    One of my friends says she is going to get a haircut since she just got her 3rd shot and feels safer and she would like to not go during the winter. I haven’t decided. I would still like to have hair long enough for a ponytail or to pin it up on my head. Maybe?

    Sandy, you will be all jazzed up with the lovely manicure and hairdo! Do you have your clothing chosen to throw in your suitcase?

    Anne, difference countries and different metros have an array transportation alternatives. I wish we had more buses and trains, etc. Eons ago, I traveled to Chicago with my mother on the train and it was a great experience. Nice alternative to sitting in a car for hours. Passenger trains are a thing of the past in most places now. I suppose they emit too much pollution to be viable now. Now, is all of the Mexican casserole gone? I still have some rice and some beans left. Time to eat the remains or freeze them. And then, must cook something new.

    Jackie, good day to you. I hope all is well and particularly I hope the new automatic door for the hens is working 100% accurately. How do George and Betty like the lovely dog beds? Are those for downstairs? Or upstairs or overnight? When I had my last two dogs, they were totally unpredictable. One day, dog beds were the thing. Another day, they would want to sleep over the air vent or on a blanket. And they didn’t talk to me so I just settled for wherever each of the wanted to stay.

    Well, back to hunting for those dies and then box crushing. That will take a good portion of the remains of the day. Be safe everyone.


    A lady posted this photo saying she was selling all of these teapots which she had collected over the past year! In and out in a rush!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Yippee! I found the missing dies at the bottom of the birthday box!

    And here is a start of a card front with the snowmen I colored in with my pencils earlier this year. The snowflake background and the greeting are done in blue foil. Not great light but I do still love the little snowman.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Yes, that's one great snowman LIN.
    Things are getting out of control here! I won't linger - just to say Mark came over and after taking the downstairs carpet up he decided to see what was under the tiles in a small spot. Up came the tiles to reveal a wood floor and up came the wood floor to reveal a very wet cement floor. A simple beginning is starting to turn into a nightmare I think. All for now, I need a cup of tea to stomach all this.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I should add that the wet is from the tree roots going into the water pipe and thus stopping flow. The town won't allow trees to be cut down and especially with climate warming, so I don't really know what the solution will be. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Oh no Anne!

    I will have a cup of tea as well. 😢
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning. I’m about to walk the pooches round the block before picking up Linda to go for coffee and cake at another tea shop we need to check out!
    Busy yesterday what with a hair appointment and shopping in the next town. We had a cheery walk first thing.

    Answers to public transport questions, dog beds and the rest once I settle back home. I might first pop over to see Brian who recently lost his wife… see how the day progresses.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I've woken up feeling a lot better. Its a beautiful tree beloved by tons of squirrels so I don't want to see it go. Any ideas girls, John? Brians predicament is so much worse than a wet basement. My answer is to fill the damn thing in with soil and rocks, and thus revert to MY roots. A house with no basement apartment and a very small house at that. I don't think Mark will go for it though.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Stopped by for bacon sandwich and wonder Anne if perhaps the concrete could be wet because it’s been sweating under the carpet and tiles. I had a similar problem during my renovations but open windows and doors soon dried it out. I know, wrong time of year! 🥶

    Sun still shining so off out for a 2nd doggy walk.🐕

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Thursday, I think I have the day right this time! :) Meeting today and then to the bank. I have a grocery order to pick up later this afternoon. Hair tomorrow, visiting young old friends Saturday afternoon so will pack a small bag on Sunday. We have matching shirts we wear on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday we wear one of our own. Easy Peasy and yes we are silly old ladies.

    Jackie, you really never just sit and do nothing, I wish I was more like you but unfortunately I like to do nothing.
    It could be that the kiddos wear me out and now that I am sitting two days in a row I am even more tired.

    Anne, I am sure Mark will figure this all out and get things done right. In the house with Babe we had radiant heat under the cement floors so even with carpet it was warm on your feet. Also had a hanging fireplace which keep the dampness dry. At the rate Mark is going it will be like a brand new house for you in your later years.

    Lin, love that snowman card and love that teapot collection. I have no room for any type of collection so I am boring. So your short hair is now long hair? Can we see a picture? I would love to grow my hair long enough for a pony tail but have no patience. It is good that Bryanna is now my personal hair stylist and keep up with my hair.

    Patsy, good luck with your physicals, it will be good to get them over with.

    Speaking of doctors, mine said to only donate blood twice a year since when we get older our red blood count goes down. She said I shouldn't need any supplement if I follow her advice. I think I am just going to stop donating, I did it to help and I feel I should now take care of me.

    Have a great day, I probably won't post until late tomorrow as my appointment is early.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    We had this problem in the past so it really is quite a puddle around the valve JACKIE. plus quite wet concrete. A willow tree caused the same problem 30 years ago. The town wouldn't cut it down until the local vicar had a flood as well. This time the oak tree caused problems two years ago, but now its bigger with a much bigger problem as well. Two plumbers dragged out loads of tree roots from the sewage pipe. Definitely the tree. we were lucky with the willow. It was on the towns land so they paid to have everything pumped out and after a few times they cut it down. This time the oak is on Marias land and we have to fork out $600 for the plumbing. We don't want to worry poor Maria. She has troubles enough poor lass.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A very wet and windy day! Trying to get into the docs office I very nearly fell- I can’t believe I was able to catch myself and I didn’t pull John down in the whole process. It was a close one. I expected my blood pressure to be sky high but it wasn’t. I did okay. John’s was high, he gets that condition called white coat syndrome. I think our physicals turned out fine. Nothing set off alarms and doc spent a lot of time talking about his kids and grandkids, sooo!

    Anne: our son told us a very important thing. You never know unless you ask. And you never get what you want unless you ask for it. So my advice is to talk to Maria about her home owners insurance, does she have any that could assist in this big problem? Next, I would go to the city and explain the problem and if possible bring a statement from the plumber. Ask if there might be a way to remove this tree because of the damage and actual risk to your health considering resulting black mold in the walls etc. they may not give permission to remove the tree but you never know unless you ask. That is what we would do if it happened to us. And we are needing aggressive tree trimming right now down our little road. More on that later.

    Sandy: sounds like you ladies are going to have a “rip snorter” of a great time on your trip. Take tons of photos and win lots of money. Eat naughty things, drink strong liquids, laugh long and hard!

    Jackie: it is very important to stay in touch with folks who have recently lost a partner. It must be like someone just cut off your arm! Having friends just drop in and have a cup of tea and listen must be the tonic that allows them to carry on. The widow of our musician friend is a case in point. She isn’t very likable but for old times sake we remain friendly and help anyway we can. I believe it is very helpful for her.

    Lin: the snowman is a charmer. I say use him over And over in many sizes. He looks Like you can add accessories of all kinds, just for fun. No wonder you get carried away with your creative pursuits.

    Off to heat up soup and recover from a frustrating morning at the docs office, when nothing is wrong. Thank goodness! The best kind of doctor appointment.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited November 2021
    Good evening. I was going to try to post earlier but I had an Internet (and cable television) outage. It wasn’t stable when it did start to work a bit. So, the day has slipped away. I was on the phone a lot. Some interesting conversations.

    Anne, regarding the wet lower level, we have companies that utilize methods to waterproof basements. There are many methods I believe, they can dig a trench and tile around the edge of the basement pulling the water down and away from the floor, they can install a sump pump, they can apply waterproofing to walls and I am sure there are many other options. I still wonder if the tree’s roots can be pruned (cut/killed) on the side towards your house. Can the water supply line to your house be moved? In any case, there must be professionals to consult on the problem. With that, I quit!

    Sandy, countdown to casino trip👍🏻👍🏻

    Patsy, oh my goodness, a near fall at the doctor’s office. Yipes! I am with John. My blood pressure goes through the roof just driving the car to a doctor’s office. I am glad that is over with.

    Jackie, a rainbow. Thank you, that is beautiful. I think you are having another busy day.

    I am off first thing tomorrow morning to visit the dentist. Eeeck.

    Be safe.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2021
    Late to the party but I’ve made it just before midnight again!
    Now backtracking to coffee and cake, Linda and I sat in a sunny window of a converted barn and spent a couple of hours talking over the madness that was last Friday’s AGM and what to do. The good news is we are not alone with our views, other members were appalled but we’ve agreed we must lighten our own moods by taking a different approach and in fact laughing at this man. SO, rather than contemplating a November 5th Guy Fawkes bonfire and a certain “guy” sat on top while fireworks fly across the sky, we will draft a complaint to the appropriate authorities then decide if we want to proceed or hold it in abeyance. We did laugh a lot about other things so it was a lovely couple of hours.
    After my bacon sandwich I took George and Betty, whose birthday it is today, for a fresh walk on the moors; fresh because the wind had picked up but being George’s favourite sort of weather he ran circles round the bracken and tumble down granite walls of old mining works. While there Chrissie phoned to ask if I can walk with her and Bella Saturday in order to try to reach an open field where we could slip a longer lead on Bella and practice some recall. Sounds like a good plan and since Chrissie is in a better frame of mind about her own health and pushing herself a bit, I’m happy to help.

    Back in my car I drove to where Brian had indicated his home was but couldn’t find him which was a shame. I drove back along the road slowly looking left and right for “Quarry View” that he had told me to look out for but nothing so may walk that way tomorrow although the groomer is visiting in the afternoon.

    Public transport is excellent locally Anne with a government subsidised bus service that passes through hourly to larger towns east and west and stops just round the corner. Connections will then get me to either Cornwall’s city of Truro or across into Plymouth in Devon. As a senior I’m issued with a bus pass that gives me free travel. We also have a National coach route to London that runs daily plus a train station in town so I can journey across the UK if necessary but pay for both of those services.
    I suppose I was trying to simplify your damp problem when really tree roots are a different story, especially if it’s an Oak that lives next door. I agree with Patsy, the question should be asked of Marie about home insurance or perhaps Mark could put it to your insurance provider to approach hers. With Britain being such a soggy island I’m sure that’s why we rarely dig downwards when constructing property. Basements would be constantly damp.

    I too adore your cheery snowman Lin and think he should be spreading greetings far and wide. As for the new pet beds, the plush donut has so far been ignored but you can guess who nabbed the sofa……
    I should have known better than to spend yet more money on creature comforts!

    Sandy, believe me, if I was sitting 3 active kids for just a couple of hours a week never mind days, I would be shattered in no time! At least my day can be regulated to how I’m feeling and of course there are the regular coffee and tea breaks! It does sound as if you are planning a truly wonderful few days away with your friends and we insist you fill your time with plenty of laughter… We’ve all been locked away far too long!

    Good news from your visit to your doctor Patsy although not so great to be so close to falling over again. I’m guessing you both have to wait for the usual blood test results so thinking positive thoughts for you! ❤️
    I did feel frustrated at not finding the mysterious “Quarry View” and Brian with his Westie Duke as I had thought even a short visit to let him know someone cares would cheer him, even for just that moment. Sometimes it’s all we can do for people who lose a loved one.

    Brrr, I just let Betty into the garden and it’s freezing out there! She didn’t hang about and I was glad to get the door closed again. George went upstairs to bed some time ago and now my wood burner is losing its warm glow I’ll head in that direction too.

    Jackie 🥰

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    LIN we did EVERYTHING you suggested 30 years ago with PROFESSIONALS when we moved in. It cost us a bomb! But here's the laugh, trenches were dug etc etc and under the LR floor boards was a third outlet or sink which the professionals capped. Yesterday, Mark on pulling up the fitted rug, the tiles and the boards found this cap which looked sealed, but when he pulled it up it came away easily because they hadn't secured it at all. That means George the boarder lived over it for 5 years, Mike for two years and me for 30 odd years! Hence soggy unseen concrete! Moral to this tale Mark was only 25 at that time and I was clueless as always, BUT never trust anyone. Doesn't seem to have done anyone any harm though. Your suggestions are excellent but I'm afraid all were carried out to our knowledge.

    PATSY, what a thoughtful post you made as well with lots of good advice. Thank you both so much. We would happily pay for any tree cutting down but the town is adamant even though we were here before the tree. Mary Jo suggested we cut back the branches leaning over the fence in the hope that Miss Oak will direct her roots the opposite way onto Marias front garden. MJ says the root system usually follows the above canopy. I wouldn't know! Maria would happily get rid of it because she's worried about her roof tiles! The climate change conference has come at the wrong time although we don't exactly have a rain forest next door! One thing that WOULD work. Apparently trees don't like copper so the Plumbers suggested we encase the pipes in sheets of copper. However this would mean digging up a huge concrete drive! Its probably cheaper to pay the $600 every so often. The children are reluctant to say what will happen to the house when I'm a gone and departed Anne. I suspect they like me having my independence and surely I can't last forever!!!!!!

    SANDY, how on earth do you manage to supervise three little ones. I could barely manage
    Derek in his childhood he was such a lively child. Deepest admiration and I agree with JACKIE, go and have fun and let your short hair down!

    Lovely to read the UKs excellent public transport system is alive and well JACKIE. I can get to Niagara Falls via the bus or train but I've seen enough water at the moment, lol.

    Well enough from me. I will away and get dressed before the groceries arrive. Jilly and I still miss Dorio but the new guys are cheerful enough.

    Hugs and a big thank you from all of us to all of you for the offered tips!

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Guess what, different plumbers are at Kalads house and he hasn't got a basement! Must be a blocked pipe, good old Harry! Anne
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Got my hair done, Bryanna did a great job. Ran some errands after and then rode my bike for an hour. Now it is dinner time and I am first getting on. Nothing really exciting going on so will be back in the morning.

    Have a good evening.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A fun walk across the moors, housework then George’s groomer visited so he’s now looking neat and tidy. Of course, that won’t last!
    Bedtime for me so see you tomorrow.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Good evening. A good visit to the dentist this morning. Clean teeth and no repair work needed. A huge trip to the grocery store. It takes quite a while to drag everything into the house and put it away when you buy more than usual! Made coffee and had lunch and then off to the library to pick up some books. Back home and sorted through the info on the cards in next Saturday’s online class (not tomorrow, a week from Saturday). Sorted out all the inks needed for each card, looked through my colors of card-stock and found I did not have several and I had only a few pieces of several others. Order placed! Sorted supplies, found silver embossing powder etc. All lined up and tomorrow I will start cutting pieces needed for each card with the colors that I have on hand now. Got a good start.

    I have some videos (surprise, they are on card making techniques) to watch and wahoo, my order of foil arrived late this afternoon! 😄

    Wishing everyone a very happy weekend. (And a safe one as well please.)

    Lin with the tired eyes signing off now. 🙋🏼‍♀️
