Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Oh, and a teapot for the day.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I CAN have the slice of pie JACKIE because pastry doesn't have yeast in it. Send by courier/broom immediately, lol.

    What I AM having is my HOT bean and rice Mexican casserole with cheese on top. Guaranteed to send any ghostie or ghoulie packing!

    I wouldn't say no to that teapot LIN because I was born in October and of course all the worst witches are born in October. Evil cackle.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member

    Happy Sunday! >:) Long day yesterday, got there around 10;15 and got home around 8pm. Rob bought Dunkin Donuts and after indulging I took the kids outside for some scooter riding (no street) and then to the park. Robby got bored so Rob met us half way and took him home so the little ones could stay. After lunch the boys played some Nintendo while Charlie played on IPad. Later I took Robby for his therapy session and by the time we got home Lisa was home. Rob ordered Pizza so not a good eating day for me although I did manage to get over 7000 steps. After we ate I gave the kids their Halloween presents and stayed to play a game and a half (Max quit so ended). I got home and Bryanna sent a text that she would spend the night if I didn't mind which of course I didn't. She had a bad day which I didn't know and stupid me mentioned that Lisa was hoping for a little more pink in her hair and Bryanna broke into teats. She said she knew she didn't do it right and it makes her feel terrible and because it takes her so long she didn't eat anything all day plus the fact she is broke all the time and hopes her unemployment doesn't run out before she finishes school. She came to me for a hug which of course I held her for a while. It would be too hard for her to work after school as she stays many nights to make up hours so she can be done in December. Grandma of course will help her, but she really doesn't want to accept it but I am sure she will.
    On a lighter side, when Robby was in car with me he asked if I was going right home when his mommy came home.
    I said well I will stay for a short time because I like hanging with you and he said that is why I asked because I like hanging with you. Melted my heart.

    Meeting a friend to pick up cookies I ordered from her son's fundraiser. Having a zoom call later this afternoon and catching up on some rest. I am hoping for no trick or treaters because of being a secure building and I bought no candy. I will get some quarters ready just in case. Have a devil of a good day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    My Mexican casserole turned out SO good with enough leftovers for three more lunches. Thus inspired I set to and made true English fruit scones and they are the best i've ever made. Why?Spooky! Anne.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Lost my post! I will try again later.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Okay! I am back. Drives me crazy when I have a long post where I replied to everyone and the silly thing just vanished off to the side. We have a wonderful sunny mild day. Windows and door open for Katie to run in and out. She likes to bring in little treasures like sticks and leaves and anything disgusting and dead. Oh Joy!

    John is off to Walgreens to get his 3rd shot. Hope he doesn’t have the same reaction I did. Dizzy and a red sore arm. Much better today. After two days off, I did my exercises today. Felt better afterwards. This from someone who hates exercises.

    I always loved Halloween. I dressed up when I taught at the college and also for the mayors office in Anchorage. I bought John several costumes but he never really got into the spirit of costumes. Katie has a costume. Hers is an angel with a halo and wings. She has chewed on her wings and will only wear the halo just long enough to try to take a photo. As usual she does not cooperate at all.

    Anne: I also make Mexican rice and bean casserole. I put in a fiery chili and lots of spice. John says it needs to be served with a side order of tums.

    Jackie: of course you on the previous page and my memory is non-exiistant today. I do remember you are continuing to be a kind and helpful friend to Chrissie. I do admire that attitude.. I might get impatient and cross.

    Lin: as usual, your teapots are a joy to behold. Christmas cards will be few and far between this year. Post office is a scandal. We rarely get real mail. Only bills and flyers and catalogs.

    Sandy: your grandchildren are truly blessed. I know you would say you are the one who is blessed. My gran was like my mom. I believe she was the best mom/gran ever. There is a special relationship between grandparents and grandchildren. If it is there, it is so special and fulfilling for everyone.

    Remember the Monster Mash? The Addams Family? Happy Halloween darling sneakers.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    All Saints Day. Our ancient Norman church was named All Saints. After a morning of cooking and baking yesterday Jilly and I collapsed on the sofa. I was just about to drift into a nap when the phone rang and it was Maria from next door. She really sent me into a loop. Today Tony goes to a new place for four hours and she wondered if I'd like to go to a small quaint restaurant in our quaint downtown with her for lunch. She took me completely by surprise but finally I said okay and THEN I sat back and thought about it. The restaurants downtown are very small so the tables are close together. Finally I called MJ to see what she thought. She said she and Mark only visited restaurants where they could sit on the patios and no way would ever go to a quaint tiny downtown restaurant. Too cold to sit on a patio so I plucked up courage and declined. As MJ said I'm not exactly a spring chicken and don't want a cold never mind the virus. I never told Mark because I knew what his reaction would be and when I finally told Michael he nearly hit the roof. None of my lot visit restaurants apparently even though they are now open. Anyway, today I'm glad I declined because it is ruddy cold to be wandering around the old town. Brrrr. Time for leftover hot, hot, hot Mexican Bean and rice casserole PATSY.

    I think if Bean had a halloween costume it would be a little black imp. Not likely because she won't even wear her winter coat never mind horns on her head.

    Halloween here was unusually quiet, Jilly only barked twice and nobody knocked on our door. MJ said there was no one out in their area either.

    I think people here are very cautious about the virus except for Maria and her family. Being Eastern European the whole clan was at the cemetery yesterday instead of today.

    we have a plumber coming at some point to check the drains for tree roots as a precaution before Mark starts assembling walls.

    Well, pretty quiet and boring here which suits me but not exactly earth shattering newsworthy.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Monday! :) A do nothing day and I am very happy about that. I did pick up the cookies that I ordered yesterday as well as the family zoom call. I rode my bike while I watched an episode of Grantchester which so far I am still loving. I had no trick or treaters so all was quiet yesterday. We leave a week from today for our three day mini trip to the casino, really looking forward to that. We will be celebrating our friend who turned 87 in October birthday. The casino is very cautious and limits people at the tables and separates those at slot machines. We feel very safe there and we have all had our booster shots and wear masks.

    Anne, I think one can only do what they are comfortable with and if hesitant than should not. I am sure Maria understood and your family only wants what is best for you. Our state is doing well with the numbers and there is talk of easing up on masks in restaurants. I was thinking the other day about my young grandchildren who wear masks as required. They have no idea what normal means since they have been wearing masks for so long. What a memory that will be for them when they get older, that is if we ever get back to normal.

    Patsy, I am very close with all of my grandchildren but Bryanna is like a second daughter to me. I practically raised her as a child and we even have a song that reminds us of each other which you probably know called I'll Stand by You. The little ones of course are very close to me since I see them the most but love all of them.

    I hope everyone is having the beautiful sunshine we are having even though it is only 40 degrees. Stay safe and healthy.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A chilly start to my day but it helps getting up an hour later. Up on to the moors I was stopped by yet another lone male, this one without a dog, who was on his second round of his daily walk of 5 miles that he does 6 days a week. Probably a similar age so i was impressed. We chatted for about 10 minutes and I think he would have kept talking except I told him my pooches needed their walk. Actually I was beginning to feel cold!
    I’ve been dealing with more trouble from the control freak at the allotments because the Minutes of our AGM that he ran show several untruths and misleading items including stating I was classed a guest because I hadn’t paid the membership fee, which by the way I had! I’m getting tired of his interference in my life but will continue to support friend Linda because he is a bully and on her own I’m not sure she would cope.
    This afternoon I needed to buy milk and yogurt so drove to our farm shop then on to the allotments to collect Winter squash, a small pumpkin and celery to make a warming soup. A lady was ahead of me in the shop asking if anyone had handed in her purse yesterday as she couldn’t find it after shopping. We all recommended she phone her bank to cancel her cards because our contactless system has been increased to £100 so if a dishonest person found it they could steal a lot.

    Yesterday I made apple, and quince jelly with chillies but since the recipe called for a lot of castor sugar I fear it will be too sweet. Certainly got a kick from the chillies!

    Only around 11c daytime this week which is about 50f so I’m digging out my Winter woolly collection to wear on walks. I’m back on porridge for breakfast too but now I’m thinking about food, my tummy tells me it’s time to eat so I’m still not caught up with the hour change.

    Happy Monday. Stay safe
    Jackie 🥰

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Jackie those jellies look deliciously spicy. I would use little spoonfuls on a toast point on top of cream cheese just to be very decadent! Yummmmmy

    The “gentleman” that is chairman of the allotment has a screw loose seriously. I am convinced he has dementia or some illness that prevents him from thinking properly. That angry way of dealing with people in the meetings says he is aggressively trying to control everything and everyone. What sane and healthy person does that? It takes a lot of energy and effort to remain that hostile. Call a session to vote him out of control and appoint a temporary chair and co-chair to share responsibilities. Tell him your group and he do not share the same mission. Your group should be a happy group dedicated to planting veggies and flowers and sharing the bounty. Sorry for butting in where I shouldn’t. You are such a kind and generous person, I hate that this man is causing you distress.

    Anne: you are another lovely person who shares often and generously. Your family does not want to risk your health in any way. Not sure how we can have lunch or even tea and cookies with friends. It feels risky to me as well. We are having a few repairs done and John banishes me to my dungeon taking Katie with me. He interacts with the repairmen in a mask as far away from them as possible. I would love to go out to lunch but it is not safe yet. Damon takes a tests before he comes to visit. Your family wants you to stay healthy. We all insist you stay healthy!

    I will shut up now,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited November 2021
    Good evening. I was out running an errand this morning and then when I returned home I decided I had to get more of the November birthday cards finished. So several more are now finished. I called a friend to make sure her address hadn’t changed and we ended up chatting for quite a long time. Both of their married kids and families are coming home for Thanksgiving. The young children cannot receive vaccine and she is not sure her kids are going to rush out and get the older kids their first shot. But she will not refuse to have them over for the day so they are trying to figure out what they can do. She takes a medication that can ruin the immune system so it is a pretty big deal for her. The only thing that is certain, the kids and grandkids will be there.

    So many tough decisions these days.

    I have spent the rest of the day/evening foiling. This is my second session of foiling and most went better. It goes quite slowly and to be fair, I spent time hunting for my rotary cutter but never found it. Darn it. I had heard I could cut the foil much quicker with the rotary cutter than with scissors. Maybe someday I will find out.

    Jackie, your jelly looks lovely. I agree with everyone who has expressed an opinion, that guy is a jerk and needs to be replaced! Did you make the soup? It sounds yummy.

    Sandy, I am glad you are helping Bryanna. Everyone needs a boost sometimes. Mini trip to the casino? Wow! I hope you have been saving up!!

    Anne, I personally, would not have gone to lunch in a small restaurant. Having coffee outdoors once was enough for me actually. Your family always has your best interest at heart. That is wonderful.

    Patsy, John really protects you. I had no idea. It think that is marvelous. How is John feeling after shot #3? Well I hope.

    No sunshine here today but tomorrow they say we will see at least a glimmer. And chilly! The weatherman says that white stuff is becoming more likely. Eeeck!

    Well, time to clean up some of my mess. Little bits of foil everywhere!

    Be safe everyone.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Thats great advice for JACKIE, PATSY. And for me as well. I felt awful for turning down Maria's lovely offer on really her first day of a few hours of freedom BUT I am so glad I did. I've just read that the UKs Houses of Parliament are asked to don masks again as the awful virus increases its ugly self. We will be next, you can almost be sure of that.

    BUT such good news today from the climate conference as Brazil, Canada etc agree to stop chopping trees down. I hope they actually follow through with this. The next step I'd like to see is some sort of measure to limit the use of cars and vehicles. I've never owned a car, Michael just has his second hand one but there are 4 cars sitting on Mark and Mary Jo's drive!
    Derek and Bev work at separate places but do Mark and Mary Jo really need a car each these days. One is on its last legs though and only used for chugging here.

    We have snow in the forecast today but a little north of us, in Mike's area. It is 2C or 36F as I write This for once makes me very happy, lol. SANDY do be careful both travelling and at the casino. I'm at the stage of avoiding casinos as well as small restaurants, but then I only have been in a casino once and the noise put me off for life. LINs got the right idea staying safe and sound and pursuing her lovely hobby. And JACKIE, I so agree with everyone, that man is an idiot with probably a screw loose. How did he get voted in, in the first place? And when can he be voted out? After Mr T got the boot - anything is possible!

    The plumbers arrive today sometime and then Mark can get back to his hobby.

    Wear your woollies girls, Anne.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It was a beautiful start to my day and especially early because I forgot that the only clock I hadn’t altered back one hour was on my bedside cabinet! Never mind, we got to the moors before 8.30 with not a soul about and with no wind at all but sunshine and glorious views, we strolled for over an hour.

    Warming soup made today Lin but I’ve not tasted it yet as it’s just come off the stove. It might turn out to be too warming because on the spur of the moment I rummaged through my spices and added a 4g pack of Raita before reading what the ingredients were. Kashmiri chilli powder, paprika and coriander leaf… oh dear! I do have a large pot of plain yogurt in the fridge should it be required!

    Anne, our members of parliament had been told off weeks ago about their lack of mask wearing because they should lead by example but I’m convinced Boris believes in herd immunity. I noticed yesterday he was photographed next to Biden who wore a mask but not our Boris.
    I do agree, especially after all these months of being careful, it would be madness to take risks now so well done you. Electric cars are the way forward and I’m sure once your motor industry sees the necessity, things will change. They are incredibly quiet as well as clean so it will be a joy for anyone living on a busy street!
    Ah yes, just how did this awful control freak get elected? Well, truth is he wasn’t as he didn’t put a vote to us on the floor, but falsified the meeting Minutes to show a majority voted in favour!

    Patsy, thank you lovely lady because I do sometimes think perhaps it’s me being too argumentative but I just can’t bear to see injustices, and certainly not bullying. My emails to him are always polite, even when I’m not feeling the love, but at the meeting I saw his mask slip just for a moment when I persisted with a particular line of enquiry. I’ve since confirmed by talking to someone outside of the association in the know, he lied on that occasion too. Next step will be to place an official complaint with the regional council that oversees his smaller one because he is in breach of their Code of Conduct. Big sigh!. I really do just want a quiet life!
    You’ve got it in one with the cheese and biscuits and a dollop of my jelly! Of course, that would then call for a glass of red wine to accompany them! 🤪

    Lin, awful for your friend to be compromised by family who don’t see the need to protect her. It’s not exactly a time of year to be sitting outside for long either. I imagine she will be worried for the whole time they visit.
    That’s a jazzy teapot!

    Missing Sandy unless she posted while I typed. Hello ❤️

    Clouds have built up so it’s now raining while Prince sings Purple Rain on the radio!

    Happy Tuesday.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Sitting day for me, actually Tuesdays and Wednesdays are now my new sitting days. I have to return the winter comforter I bought because it just doesn't fit right. For now I am just going to keep the one I have until I find one I really love. So another return is scheduled for today.
    Please don't worry that I am not taking precautions with our mini trip, our state is doing well and with three shots I feel very safe. Masks are still required indoors so our numbers are low. No one likes our governor because he is so cautious but I for one like his approach to the pandemic. We four enjoy our time together and watch our for each other.

    Jackie, I agree electric cars are better for the environment but I just couldn't afford one when I bought my car. With the price of gas I probably would have saved money. I did post before you yesterday so you must have missed my post. I think we all want that bully out of there no matter what it takes. Your soup looks good but if spicy count me out.

    Anne, the problem with lots of couples is that each has different things to do so each needs a car. My mom never drove so we only had one car. I didn't have a car until I got married and then needed one to cart the kids around while my husband worked. I promise to be careful as I always am and will keep keeping cautious. We are driving so no worries about airlines. Those worries will be next March when we go to Jamaica.

    Lin, do the parents of the grandchildren have their vaccines? Robby will be eligible for a vaccine as soon as approved but not the two younger ones. The kids wear masks when indoors and of course in school. I would think if the parents are vaccinated things should be safe for your friend at least I hope so for her sake.
    Bryanna does appreciate me and tells me so all the time so until she finishes her hours and gets her state license I will help her as much as I can. Thanks for understanding.

    Patsy, wonderful that Damon is so cautious when visiting you. If everyone would do their part we might get rid of this virus once and for all. Wishful thinking???

    Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well the plumbers been and gone. He cleared out tons of roots from Marias oak tree which uses our water pipes for a water source. Its a beautiful tree but it costs Mark at least $600 every year or so. A young tree as well. about 10 years old I would guess. Oh well money is the ROOT of all evil you might say and at least this year we didn't have the usual flood.
    Anne, still a lover of trees. but then I didn't have to pay!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited November 2021
    Good afternoon everyone.

    I got to the post office this morning to get the recently finished birthday cards in the mail. Yes! I was going to shop the specials at the drugstore today but came home and looked over my supplies and decided I really didn’t need anything that they sell.

    Home again. Sorted out materials to do more foiling but today almost everything has ended up in the trash can. It is getting to be a quite pricey activity. I will try again another day. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    The list for my thanksgiving cards is finished. A number of people will receive electronic greetings. The list is longer than the number of cards that are finished. Christmas cards should be plentiful. 😄 I will start addressing envelopes and I have calendars that need to be sent as well. It will be me, a pen, lots of envelopes and my contact list.

    Anne, I love trees but they can create a few different problems. Roots in the water and sewer lines is something most people don’t think about. Can the roots jutting into your yard be pruned back severely without killing the tree? Tree care is very expensive. 🍁🍁

    Sandy, I am sorry the comforter didn’t work out. It seems there are more things that need to be returned lately. I hope you have a great time at the casino. That is coming up soon! I hope the kids have a good time with you today. About cars, yes, a couple heading in different directions often needs 2 cars, so I agree with you.

    A friend of mine and her husband got rid of one of their cars and then tried to work out schedules using just the one car. Oh my gosh! They were always having to give something up. He mostly kept the car and took her to places she needed to go. She would come to our card making events and she always had to leave quite early as her husband was picking her up. It was much cheaper for them to have just one car but very inconvenient and unhandy when the car broke down or had to be serviced and her wings were severely clipped.

    Jackie, I love the look of that soup. Ummm, the spice, not so much. Great morning photo. The sky is a lovely blue and the I love the threadlike clouds! You seem to find someone to converse with on every trip! We will do the time rollback this coming Sunday according to my calendar. I will double check though. I lost track of time this morning and I missed my Zoom meeting. Darn. I find no link for a later playback. Shoot! Well, Mr. Unpleasant Liar must go. I am sorry it seems to fall to you to lead the way. Life should not be difficult on all fronts.

    Patsy, hello. I seem to have missed you.

    Must run along now. Be safe everyone.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited November 2021
    Just a comment on cars. I never needed one but I've got a feeling that public transport isn't so available in the USA as for us here in Canada. We are very lucky. And of course public transport is so much cheaper than running a car. Anne.
    PS Thinking about public transport here, we even have kneeling buses for us oldies. The boarding platform lowers for wheelchair access and of course for those who can no longer "climb" onboard. My cousin in Australia travels all over the country on trains or buses. She's never had a car either and I remember when I was young we would watch American movies and could hardly believe that teenagers had their own cars when our parents didn't!

    Tony next door goes to his dementia centre weekly on a special NHS van with driver and an attendant to keep an eye on the riders as they do the rounds picking them up. Come to think of it Kalads dad from next door on the other side also catches the same ride.

    I know it can be difficult in rural areas JACKIE to rely on a village bus but are buses still running between cities and towns? It was every half hour in my old village and also in Derby. When I visited family in the UK they got on the bus for free being over 65 but I had to pay! despite looking plaintive, lol

    Both Derek now and Mark in the past used our so called GO TRAINS to travel to work in Toronto. The more I think about it, yes we really are lucky.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) A beautiful sunny day with cold temps. I am going for a no chip manicure this morning to get ready for our trip. Friday I am going to Bryanna's school to get my hair done. Sitting this afternoon and meeting tomorrow so a busy week.

    Anne, we have trains to go downtown Chicago but you still have to drive to the train station. We also have senior buses called Pace buses that pick up seniors for doctor appointments and grocery shopping. Joe used them all the time when he lived here. Me, not sure what I will do when I can't drive, I depend on my car for everything.

    I best eat something before my appointment so have a good day and hello to everyone else.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Sandy, it is Wednesday…..
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Our bus service and station connects with the train station. So you catch a bus and then hop on the go train if thats what you need to do. The last time I was in the UK I was riding on an empty bus on my way to my Moms birth town. On the way we stopped at a small village and a bunch of very jolly, chattering, middle aged women got on with baskets and trolleys. I think they were farmers wives off to Beverley for the weekly Friday grocery shop and maybe lunch. Anyway I guess it was a real treat for them with living isolated on moorland farms. That's the positive thing about public transit. One usually gets to talk to the person you are sitting next to.
    Hope it was just a typo SANDY and you got the right day for your manicure!