Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Hello all. It is overcast and cold here today. We had our first frost here last night and many areas of the state had a freeze. A friend posted several pictures of the last of her tomatoes that she rescued before last night’s cold weather. My gosh, she has just hordes of red, pink and green tomatoes. Her new garden this year was a very productive one!

    Jackie, yeah, finally the carpet strips! Nothing wrong with planning to do something and having to push it down the list for a few days. And sorry your treat did not turn out to be tasty. 😟 The water here is quite nasty. I use filtered water to make coffee and tea but that is it. All of my drinking water is bottled. And unfortunately I have been unable to get these bottles in my grocery order. When I am able to get some, I am limited to 2 bottles. That doesn’t last long. Thus the ordering. The downside is getting that many bottles in a double cardboard box is really heavy.

    Sandy, well, great using the purse and wallet now. I am sure you will still be pleased with your gift at the time of your birthday. Maybe they just saw the purse and thought of you so they bought it. You know, who knows what will be available on the shelves then? Just smile each time you use it. And wow, what a wonderful trunk display! People go to a lot of work to make lovely displays. Happy laundry day. Wow, I had no idea the shingles shot was so pricey. So many vaccines are no cost. I didn’t even think there would be a charge. Woooo.

    Have a great day everyone.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Overcast and chilly today! Another sweater day and I am just so looking forward to Damon’s visit. I can see that the seasonal changes are having an effect on John and me as well as Kate. She has reverted to her puppyhood! She is chewing on tissues and stealing our socks. Except for the tissue chewing, the sock stealing is rather cute. She steals them and hides them to present at later time to surprise us. You can tell the pandemic has just about turned us into crazy nut cases. Hummmm maybe we were always kind of nutty.

    Jackie: that situation with your friend Chrissie and her doggie, Bella, is heartbreaking for both of them. She obviously needs a pet but doesn’t have the strength or coping skills to deal with a pet. Dearest Bella has had a hard life and is desperately clinging to the only safe home she knows. I sincerely hope that a better plan evolves for both of them. And you will enjoy a warm carpet strip on those stairs on cold winter mornings! Isn’t it wonderful to find a fence contractor who you can feel some confidence.

    Lin: I understand about bad tasting water. We think that our water district simply strains out the big rocks and throws in some chemicals and calls it good! The taste is often strange…..we filter all our drinking and cooking water. Even toothbrushing water. But we don’t haul big bottles of water around. I don’t think either of us could do it.

    Sandy: I have to say, that Halloween trunk and treat event was darling! How wonderful for the kids. Our kids had a Halloween carnival in the school. The kids got to wear their costumes as well as the parents and teachers. It was also delightful for everyone….also a lot of work. A great handbag makes you feel more dressed up! Enjoy the elegance. Make the most of every moment, use it now! Who or what would you be saving it for?

    Anne: big adventures ahead! Also a nice long chat with Mike about his visit with his dad. It sounds like he might need to deal with a lot of frustration. I am sure you serve as Mikes emotional anchor. He sounds like a very nice man who tries to help everyone. I am Damon’s anchor. He can tell mom any and every thing. No demands or judgement, just a sympathetic ear when needed. In any case you have a great family. And you know it!

    Great scary movies, a tradition around here on Halloween. And popcorn….

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    It would be my basement JACKIE if and when finished. It was a finished flat complete with Living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom, plus wash and dryer room. At the moment just a mess. The ripped up carpet went off in the garbage truck this morning. Oh and it has one of those big black stove fireplaces for wood burning. Actually I used it a lot in the past, cool in summer and warm in winter, but alas just a memory now until the family "wreckers" get cracking. I think it's Marks new hobby. I'.ve told him to take his time, after all less work upstairs!
    Like Patsy I've got Bella on my mind. She must be quite traumatized. And you can't really blame Chrissie for wanting a companion. Jilly has been a god send for me, especially with the shut in periods.

    What a super idea SANDY for a safe halloween! And how clever the decorating! Very impressive and fun to do!

    LIN, our water is quite safe, but that doesn't stop me boiling it and popping a big jug in the fridge for me and Bean. I've never bought bottled water.

    Michael is being strangely mum about his recent visit PATSY and I'm not asking! We get on great so its a case of let sleeping dogs lie, talking of which Bean is fast asleep. A new pet store has opened at the top of the street in the "Gingerman" which was a restaurant before the evil Corvid struck. Mike and I took Bean and as always the lady behind the counter made a tremendous fuss of our little monkey. Walking home we avoided an enormous fox which eyed Jilly interestedly. THEY'RE BACK. I think the town moves the foxes on but they make their way home!

    Our temperature is steadily dropping. 7C the high today. For my pet store jaunt I wore a red plaid wool zip up coat/jacket that the two Ms bought me last Christmas and although cozy I felt a little chilly. We have yet to experience frost.

    Friday night at the movies here!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Lisa decorated her trunk and everyone thought it was great!! She is so talented.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    She is indeed. Morning all. Annsie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Gosh, a shock to my system walking this morning. It’s freezing out there but I took the pooches on the moors and kept walking until my hands felt ready to drop off! Crossed paths with Brian and Duke who seem to be coping. Brian’s son is apparently visiting regularly and helping to sort through a lot of things he didn’t know were there… even in the loft space! I’ve promised to call in one afternoon soon, take George and Betty and share a chat and cup of tea.
    Nearly lunchtime and definitely a hot soup day!

    Incredible Sandy, the decorations look wonderful. Well done Lisa!

    Of course Anne, I should have remembered you once had a lodger in the basement and I’m sure it will be fun to have Mark visiting regularly. I do appreciate that Chrissie wanted company but perhaps English animal shelters turning her down should have been a signal that she would find things more than difficult. She is definitely a demanding lady so I will have to remain firm! Meanwhile, guess who’s walking Bella this afternoon!! 🙃. She’s a sweet dog who must be wondering how come her life was turned upside down and she has to learn a new language too!

    Lin, I filter my drinking water from the tap because I know the mains pipes that divert off road across common land to my property are ancient and that means lead! Some time ago I read an article that claimed it’s believed to be a cause of dementia so immediately purchased a Brita water filter.
    Pretty yellow roses on the tea set. 😊

    Whoopee Patsy, Saturday has arrived. Have a wonderful time with Damon and who knows, perhaps your daughter will feel able to join in too. ❤️

    Take care and stay safe dear friends. Winter is upon us!
    Jackie 🥰
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hi JACKIE, yes I did have George the lodger for 5 years. He was supposed to be only with me for two months, but I guess he was so comfortable we had trouble dislodging him! I was friendly with his mom who lived up North and George, her youngest, had lost his job, descended on her and she had found him a job here to dislodge him. Clue number one! I liked George, but there was one problem. He cooked all his meals in various bought bottled sauces and the smell was awful UNTIL he was terribly ill with Celiac and had to change his ways. At that point Mark wanted to do some work downstairs and George was persuaded it was time to move into a rented apartment. He's still there YEARS later and MUST be 65 by now. We remain friendly when I see him in the neighbourhood but it WAS lovely getting my home to myself, smelt better, and CHEAPER re electricity bills etc!
    I guess thats why I was a bit hard on Chrissie earlier. Charming people, they charm the socks off you and one feels so guilty when trying to be firm and get ones own life back to normal! Mike lived in the basement as well for two years and I enjoyed his company so much, but Mark persuaded him to buy a condo which was the right thing for him to do because now its almost paid for, and increased so much in value.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I slept in this morning to find a text from my landlord that the heating guy could come around ten this morning or next Saturday. I quickly answered him asking him if I was too late for today because I won't be home next week. I then jumped into some clothes and tried to make myself presentable. I am still waiting for his answer. I shut my cell phone off when I sleep since I have a house phone for emergencies and my cell phone will ring if an emergency. I hope he comes today otherwise who knows when he can come back. The one day I sleep in, never fails.

    Anne, I do not remember that you had a boarder, is my mind slipping? I have a hard enough time when I go out in my hallway where the different smells from the different apartments. Not usually a good smell but at least it doesn't seep into my apartment. Mike has a condo and Mark and MJ have a house?? Are Mark and MJ married and Derek is their son? I really have to learn to pay attention more, I am so sorry.

    Jackie, it was cold last night but I had a velour sweatshirt and my winter jacket so I was warm. It didn't seem to bother the hundreds of kids who were out trunk or treating. So was it you or Chrissie who walked Bella? Is the gentleman who lost his wife your age? Could a budding friendship come from this?

    Patsy, have a wonderful time with Damon and enjoy every minute.

    Lin, running errands or doing cards???

    Have a great day. I will be having a zoom call with family and possibly going to in person mass again. Stay safe.

    One Day at a Time

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Mark and Mary Jo will have been married 32 years this October Sandy and yes Derek is their son. Michael is Devins dad. Mike has a condo and Mark and MJ have a house and live 10 minutes drive from me whilst Mike has to drive 45 mins to visit. I would guess it's JACKIE doing the walking with Bella seeing Chrissie is doubled with arthritis, lol.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Annsie35 wrote: »
    Mark and Mary Jo will have been married 32 years this October Sandy and yes Derek is their son. Michael is Devins dad. Mike has a condo and Mark and MJ have a house and live 10 minutes drive from me whilst Mike has to drive 45 mins to visit. I would guess it's JACKIE doing the walking with Bella seeing Chrissie is doubled with arthritis, lol.

    Thank Anne, I was mostly right just don't remember a lot of Devin. Does he live with his dad?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Guessed right Anne!!
    I nearly had a similar lodger experience when Pat split with her husband and sold the property without any plans for a new home but as much as I love her, I knew we’d end up having our own split! She finally chose to move to Tewkesbury as she has friends there and they moved their grown up son out of his room to accommodate her. She stayed a lot longer than anticipated because she was waiting for a new build but they all stayed friends and it turned out to be the best decision.

    Sandy, I had a call from Chrissie last night telling me how far she had walked Bella and other chores she had carried out so I could hardly say no when she asked about today. Chatting earlier, she does seem to have a plan for Bella’s walk and as Bella is my main concern I’ll help when I can AND be firm!

    Dinner ready!
    Jackie 🥰
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2021
    Guessed right Anne!!
    I nearly had a similar lodger experience when Pat split with her husband and sold the property without any plans for a new home but as much as I love her, I knew we’d end up having our own split! She finally chose to move to Tewkesbury as she has friends there and they moved their grown up son out of his room to accommodate her. She stayed a lot longer than anticipated because she was waiting for a new build but they all stayed friends and it turned out to be the best decision.

    Sandy, I had a call from Chrissie last night telling me how far she had walked Bella and other chores she had carried out so I could hardly say no when she asked about today. Chatting earlier, she does seem to have a plan for Bella’s walk and as Bella is my main concern I’ll help when I can AND be firm!

    Dinner ready!
    Jackie 🥰

    PS. I don’t think Brian remembers my name but I’m happy to pop in to see his home before he moves and he’s aware I met his 2 sisters and a brother before they passed away so that makes me family! He built the property over 30 years ago but apparently it’s too big for him on his own. I imagine after 58 years married to Carol his wife he’s struggling with the changes.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Goodness knows what I did there!!!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Just a pop in to say HiHo! Our baby boy is on the way here. Our baby girl is fussy but still wants to be part of the party. What a strange family we have. Love them all and I wonder how they see us wrinkly old crazies who struggle constantly with our crumbling old house and our creaky old knees etc. life is full of the odd twists and turns. Thinking of you all and will toast the sneakers at the birthday cake cutting.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh my gosh. I've just had a shock. I could hear a lawn mower which sounded awfully close and looking out of the front window my new Afghan neighbour is cutting the front grass! Harry never offered to help in 30 years!

    Devin is in his thirties Sandy, so I rarely see my eldest grandson because he lives far away.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    edited October 2021
    Well, I am severely behind with all the posts today. I was sorting through mail this morning when a friend called and we ended up talking for a long time. I found out they are getting another kitten. The litter arrived last week so it will be a while as the breeder will not let the kittens go until 12 weeks of age. Lots of discussion about the various colors of Tonkinese cats. And they hope to get a female this time but no idea yet how many females are in this small litter of 5. So the morning slipped away.

    After lunch I started paying online bills and balancing my main checking account. Then I switched to researching school board candidates for the November election.

    So exciting right? Finally, I received two $10 coupons from the service that shops for my groceries. And I placed two small orders to take advantage of them. One day from expiration.

    Meanwhile, wow. Everyone is so full of interesting updates!

    Sandy, I adore the trunk decorations. Wonderful lights and thanks for the photos. Who is the extra kiddo in one of the photos? Another cute kid. Glad you had good warm clothing. It was freezing here last night. I hope the guy arrived to service the furnace and if you go to mass, I trust is a good experience once again.

    Anne, my goodness, you are literally over run with help these days. Nice, as long as people aren’t pushy. How was your grocery order this week? A-okay? Happy weekend to you and little Jilly.

    Jackie, it is nice of you to plan a visit to Brian while he and his son are clearing out the house. I hope he finds a suitable, and smaller, house.

    Patsy, celebrate. 🥳🎂🎁❤️❤️

    I do need to get back to finishing some cards. I am sorting through cards I started over the last few years and never stamped in any sentiment. I would like to use some of these now but I am finding more to throw away than to use. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Be safe. So happy to hear from everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Hi, me again.

    It is a rainy day and also quite chilly. A fall combo🍁🍂🍁🌧🌧

    I will be working on cards today. I need a special sympathy card. I have been sending cards every couple of weeks to a couple from my church who had to stop attending in person years ago due to the gentleman’s declining health. It was one health issue after another and then he required dialysis multiple times each week. His wife has called EMTs so many times but he was a tough guy, always recovered, until this morning. His wife is alone, no children and they had counted on a nephew who was familiar with all of their business and arrangements. Unfortunately, he suddenly passed away late in the summer. She has been the rock of Gibraltar. Even rocks wear down.

    So off I go. Sorry to be in a blue mood.

    Be safe everyone.

    Long distance hugs.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Chilly raining day, looks like a pajama day. I went to mass yesterday and it was less crowded and I sat on the side in a pew all by myself. I really like going in person and will continue to do so except for next week when I have to baby sit all day Saturday while Lisa gets her hair done. I haven't heard from Joe's son on whether the family agrees he can go to mass with me but I don't want to push him as he said he would get back to me.

    I am watching the Squid Game on Netflix which everyone was talking about. It is violent but still good. I watch is with subtitles as I tried in English and it just didn't fit with the story. The first episode shocked me, but now I am into it so not so shocking. I haven't finished Grantchester but watch several shows at once including my regular TV shows on regular TV. Do you think I am addicted to TV?

    Lin, no, the serviceman did not come yesterday nor did my landlord answer my text. The other little girl is a friend of the kids, Lisa and her mom are good friends. They parked next to each other for Trunk or Treat so the kids were together a lot. I too, have to pay online bills today. Have fun with your cards, you amaze me.

    Anne, how nice of your new neighbor to cut your front lawn. I think you found a winner with them. Sorry you don't see Devin, I have two granddaughters out of state and two grandsons and of course one step granddaughter I am not allowed to see. I guess that is why I spend so much time with Bryanna and her siblings.

    Patsy, I can just feel the excitement in your post waiting for you son and possibly daughter. I hope you enjoy every minute and make wonderful memories.

    Jackie, you are a very kind person. I would do the same for Chrissie because that is my nature. I didn't realize you knew Brian before the dog walks. You are like family and I am sure he appreciates your kindness. Always stay as sweet as you are.

    Have a great day and do something fun on Sunday Funday. Me, I will be catching up on all my TV shows. lol

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Beautiful day here but chilly so I decided to cook myself [and Bean] a Sunday type dinner. Mike won't be over today. So, i've just mopped up Lamb chop. mashed potato, broccoli, and two very highly risen Yorkshire puddings. the third I had as dessert with sugar, butter and lemon juice. "How very English" said Mark. The good news, with Mike not coming over I can have the same again tomorrow and that goes for Bean. I should have named her
    "lamb chops"
    Frost warning tonight so I warned Mary Jo and she's out in her garden picking green tomatoes to make chutney this afternoon.

    The order was great LIN but I forgot the buttermilk to make the Irish soda bread. Oh well next week. That was such a sad story you told today.

    Wish Damon a happy birthday from me PATSY and don't forget to tell him my Michael is still in shock at reaching 60 last month. I WISH!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Well, a miserable rainy day finally cleared about midday which is when I took George and Betty out to the moors. It’s half term so lots of visitor… again! We did a round trip for nearly an hour then home for light lunch when my school mate Anne phoned for a catch up. We finally hung up around 4.30 when I set to finally sticking carpet on the stairs (yes, the job didnt get done the other day ) and am delighted with the result.
    George has already given them the slippery test and passed the job so hopefully Betty will stop falling off the last couple of steps.
    Yesterday’s walk with Bella went well except when a young man followed us into the narrow footpath where she usually does her business and scared the living daylights out of both of us! We did go on a little way after that experience but I could tell she was wanting to go home so didn’t force her.
    My neighbour continues to construct what looks like a beer garden that now has fairy lights hanging from the horizontal bars under the tin roof… I can’t wait for the day my trellis and fence go up!

    Lin, such tragic stories like your friend’s remind me to be grateful for small mercies. Life can be very unkind.

    Yorkshire puds with lemon and sugar Anne definitely do prove your Britishness! That’s good of your new neighbour to cut your grass but then Afghans are very community minded in their own country so it’s lovely that he continues the tradition.

    I don’t know about being kind Sandy, just what I call normal but am aware society isn’t as caring as it once was. Brian is philosophical about life and old age as well as stoic so I don’t find it takes any effort to spend an hour or so with him when I know he will enjoy a reminisce. I recently watched an excerpt of the Squid game and it reminded me of the brutal game shows on Japanese tv although I understand it’s Korean. Hopefully far fetched but you never know!! 😲

    Well, with Patsy, John and family being 8 hours behind me I’m guessing morning coffee is still being consumed before a lazy lunch is prepared. Have a wonderful day boys and girls! Thinking of you. ❤️

    Feet up time here and maybe a few logs on the fire, not that it’s cold.

    Take care.
    Jackie 🥰