Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning all! We have a week of showers and clouds. Since I have much to do and many activities, I don’t mind….yet! I feel asleep right after dinner and sort of became a zombie for the rest of the evening. But I am up at the regular time this morning. Feeling fine. I do have a lot of chores inside and outside. I doubt that I can accomplish even a 10th of my tasks. Eeeeeek! I have turned into a version of John and his ever increasing lists.

    Katie and I played a wet game of ball out in the back yard. The condition of our grounds is shockingly awful. We need a team of gardeners to help us.

    I got out the fall decor pumpkins. The blown glass pumpkin that was made by a dear departed artist friend sits in the place of importance on the dining room table. I get a bit weepy when thinking of the artists and musician friends who have left us. But we have their music and lovely pieces of art to enjoy.

    Sandy: your family portrait was very interesting. The purple hue is very stylish. Does you DIL keep her hair that color or was it colored just for the photos? The kids and you! Wow! Handsome family!

    Lin: I understand your concern about the senior flu shot. But we have been getting them for a few years now. Our arm is sore after the shot…a bit out of sorts and achy for 24 hours. Not too bad however. Better than having the full on flu. We have had that and it lasted at least a month. Awful!

    Jackie: we have an area that looks a lot like your moors. Our moor area is the playground for a large herd of elk. They can be quite aggressive. We have been warned many times about how aggressive and dangerous they can be. So Katie walks on our grounds and in the backyard for her never ending ball games. We used to be able to take her into Home Depot. But she is banned since she knocked over that big display. She gets too excited!

    Anne: it sounds like your little home is really getting shaped up. You must be elated at all the improvements. How great that Mark is doing this using only family to help. I know you do a tremendous amount you don’t even mention. I am so impressed with you and your wonderful family. There seems to be nothing that Mark hesitates to tackle. New stairs after removal of moldy paneling and old wall boards, no problem! Mark rolled up his sleeves and went to work. You have to be proud of that guy.

    Back to my list…..
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Just to clarify, it is Bryanna who has the purple hair not Lisa. Bryanna is Rob’s 26 year old daughter from his first marriage. This is Lisa, the mom with the three little ones.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    edited October 2021
    Hi, happy mid-week. Wow, we had heavy rain very early this morning. Lost some lovely sleep over that and of course there will be no working outdoors for a while. I took my return package to the UPS store. So cool! I didn’t even have to finish repacking the item. Just handed over the parcel, showed the code on my phone and I left. Astounding, I have already received an acknowledgment of the return and they have started a refund to my credit card. Superior to the old methods of returns.

    I am now shifting things and putting things away in anticipation of Saturday morning’s class. They are sending updates each day this week. I guess they want us to be prepared. 😂 and I will get started prepping card bases later today.

    Other than that, I have been texting and emailing with a couple of friends and put in an order with Walmart as there was a spot for pickup tomorrow morning. Yeah!

    Sorry, nothing at all interesting here.

    Sandy, I like that picture as well but you aren’t in it, so not as well as the first one you posted. Hope sitting with the kids went well today.

    Patsy, you are a very busy bee now too! I am glad Katie stays away from any dangerous areas. I am sorry that your precious keepsakes bring some sad memories but hopefully some happy ones as well. I guess I didn’t mention, the flu shot was the type without the preservative. Actually, this is good as a I have felt after a shot in an extremely long time.

    Anne, you and your family are all industrious! And you are accomplishing so much. Well done!

    Jackie, thank you for the morning photos. Quite lovely. Something to enjoy while the views here are just houses. Now that the container garden is done for the year, I see no birds or squirrels at the moment. I miss them.

    Be safe.

    All best wishes.


    A collector’s display case. One of two that were shown. Wow!


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Battery low on my iPad and although I tried deleting all cookies I still can’t get on to MFP with my phone. I had so many plans for tomorrow, all upended after 2 phone calls and an email this afternoon. Will hopefully be back later if I don’t fall asleep!!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Beautiful photos SANDY.
    Wow indeed LIN with all the teapots on display.
    Marks here fixing as usual and Bean and I went for a long walk, crunching through the oak leaves. I think he's having a day off tomorrow.
    I'm off to make my cuppa and put my feet up.
    Loved all the posts and the photos. Oh JACKIE, I've had to contact M&S because Marks discovered one of those anti theft devices in a merino scarf I sent for him and he can't get it off and doesn't want to be accused of stealing. Its tucked away in the folds and I didn't notice it and neither did he until today.
    Hi PATSY and the adorable one - yes you too JOHN, lol.
    Anne and my adorable one.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just as I thought… fell asleep and now gone midnight! Must get to bed as 5th reupholstered monkey chair being delivered early in the morning.
    Jackie 🥱😴
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well I woke up at 6 am full of zip and vigour which translates as unusual.

    So far by 10,18 I've fed the hound, fed me, got me cleaned up, had long text conversations with Mike in Quebec, navigated the stairs and done the washing and drying before Mark rips the old stairs out, cleaned the upstairs and taken in my grocery delivery. And all put away.

    EVERYTHING I ordered showed up and GLUTEN FREE. Big hurrah! Can't wait to start baking again.

    JACKIE has the monkey chair arrived?
    PATSY, yes I am proud of Mark. He was awfully good at his job until his back problems forced him to take early retirement. But he just can't keep still although he takes his time gingerly.
    The original panelling was installed by him years ago and it was really attractive which means I was very sad to see it go. This time we will just have your usual painted walls, but once the stair threads are in they will be great. They look great all stained and varnished sitting downstairs for Mark to install. I washed today because the next job is to rip the old stairs out and just having a void to the nether regions for a couple of days. Must remember to shut the back room door leading to the back door.

    On top of everything else I got an email from Jim in the USA. Michigan. We've only met twice years ago, but he's my 2nd cousin I think on my Dads side and roughly my age, translation, ancient. He lives with his daughter and two grandchildren. We met when my dads Canadian cousin started looking up relations in the old country. His Mom who would be my Great Aunt Louise emigrated to Canada as a young woman. married and everyone sort of lost touch. Most of the family are somewhere in the USA now I believe. Golly, loads of folk with my DNA wandering around delighting you all. And the lot in Australia as well to add to our clan. Small world.

    So, on for a gluten free lunch,

    Bye for now, Anne.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A quick cup of tea and then I must cut the lawns that will hopefully be dry enough after thick overnight fog and dew. My chair was delivered and again Louisa has done a brilliant job. Now I just have to keep the pets off! Photo includes the new bookcase Sandy wanted to see. Nothing special but adjustable shelving a great help.

    Our walk was in the fog but I spent more time talking to another dog walker who told me all about his watch and clock repair hobby. Never believe an item is genuine unless a magnifying glass has been held over the inner workings where somewhere a hidden mark will confirm its authenticity because he’s lost count of the number of supposed Swiss watches that prove to be from Taiwan!!
    It was then in to visit friends who collected their new family member yesterday, a 10 week old Labrador puppy they are calling Bonny, so adorable I immediately thought I want one!! Already going out to pee and incredibly sociable, even with their new kitten. I should have taken photos!
    Back home for lunch then out to visit Chrissie who phoned yesterday to ask if I could walk Bella as she is in a lot of pain. With her harness on I managed to guide her away from the cottage without Chrissie and slow but sure we walked long enough for her to do what was required. We had to pause at one point when a courier parked nearby to deliver a parcel which scared Bella, probably reminded of her awful journey across Europe!

    Not sure I’d want to take on Elk Patsy. Some of the moorland cattle can be intimidating but both pooches give them a wide berth, then there are the stallions that can get a bit frisky as they move their mares away from us but Elk? I wouldn’t know how to approach them!
    The other day I finally hung a framed etching on slate of an Aquarius sign that a dear friend, no longer with us, gave me for my 60th birthday. Remembering her and her fighting spirit gave me a smile although I miss her terribly.

    Lovely family photos Sandy and I’m struck by just how much Robby looks like his dad although they are all beautiful!

    Lin, that’s an amazing collection of teapots. I’m guessing they are miniatures? I left the greenhouse door open for 5 minutes yesterday while carrying items in and out and a blackbird got in to peck a tomato. I gave the remains to the hens and it soon disappeared.

    Oh Anne, I daren’t turn back and can’t even sneak a look on my iphone to read your post yesterday but do remember your description of Mark’s wonderful repairs. Won’t you and Jilly be posh when it’s all finished. 😁

    Nearly 4pm and clouds drifting over so I’d better get the lawnmower going.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    edited October 2021
    Hello, a bit chilly today. The furnace actually cut in for a short period of time this morning! Noooooo!

    And then I was off to pick up a grocery order. Unfortunately a number of items were unavailable. It was hardly worth the trip but I got what they were able to pull from the shelves. Then I drove down to the post office to place a letter directly into the indoor mail drop off.

    Home again, put away the items I was able to purchase and then hunted for the missing items online. No luck!

    Last evening I finished the card bases for Saturday’s class. And I think I have most of the needed tools and supplies. Yippee! Now I have switched back to cutting out tiny little fall colors of leaves for the Thanksgiving cards. That doesn’t take a lot of space so I shouldn’t disrupt the organization for Saturday.

    I did try to order one color of card stock that is running low around here. But you guessed it, out of stock. It is apparently a popular color for making Fall cards. Good grief. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Jackie, I love your room and the newly added chair. It is beautiful. And I love that light. Wow! Good illumination. Oooh, a new puppy. Irresistible! Just a passing thought? Or a serious one? You are getting along well with Bella. And your friend must be so grateful that you will help. As far as the teapots are concerned, I have no idea of the size. I liked the colors and the arrangement.

    Anne, congrats on your perfect grocery order. That is stupendous. What a productive day you are having. Well done. And corresponding with additional relatives. Kind of boggles my mind. Do you think you will try to keep in touch?

    Hello to Sandy and Patsy. If you’ve posted, MFP isn’t showing me!

    Be safe everyone.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning…almost afternoon. It is PNW cloudy with sun peeping out between. Rain showers are promised and a promise kept.

    Today is trash gathering day. I also have some more “antique” food in the fridge to add to the garbage. I am not sure what to make of this wonderful feeling of liberation after i gather my refuse for the trash truck. I must tend to my neglected house plants and I will be in the dungeon for the better part of the afternoon. Many and varied tasks! I can’t come close to matching Anne’s impressive accomplishment today. I have said it before, you are an amazing lady. And add to that, rather cute and intelligent.

    Jackie: oh my! You have put together a charming and cozy cottage. I am fascinated by the colors you chose. If just hearing about your plan I might wonder how these disparate elements would come together. Then seeing the finished room, I am charmed by the atmosphere you have created. It is just perfect!

    Anne: I wish I could say I have great numbers of relatives but as a family, I fear we are dying out. So I am left with the charge to make a lot of memorable trouble. Hummmmm I guess I can do that, what do you think?

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited October 2021
    PATSY, of course you can, together we would be awesome!

    I read a piece on BBC which has given me great hope and thrilled me to bits. The UK lost her wonderful mills to this stuff from abroad, but guess what - they are growing flax again. Sure in small quantities but flax linen is wonderful and perfect clothing for the misty little isle. Add that to our Yorkshire sheep for wool! Flax linen was used for centuries and dyed with woad. It all disappeared around the time of my wedding in 1957. Even the Nottingham lace my dress was fashioned from is no more. So sad! But its ever so slowly returning along with the old skills being re-taught.

    Before the Romans came to Britain and the British dressed in woad,
    The rolling English drunkard made the rolling English road.

    Now we just need Hull Brewery to open up again, lol.

    The gluten free bread I bought was baked in the United States. Not bad at all and something I can live with. No tummy disturbances so far, touch wood. Gluten free oatmeal for tomorrows breakfast!

    Anne, a very happy and hopeful Anne at that!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    Something to greet you Anne. 😂 happy happy birthday….

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oooooooops! Lin beat me to it! I want to wish you a happy birthday before your birthday! One of those very happy unbirthday wishes!🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 seriously! I hope you know, I am thinking of you and wishing you a very happy birthday tomorrow.
    All love and best wishes,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Have a wonderful day Anne. As the old song goes, “You’re not getting older, you’re getting better”!

    Hugs across the pond from George, Betty, Brady, the chooks and a special big one from me. ❤️
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    HOW WONDERFUL. I've woken up to happy birthday wishes and my very favourite bird hooting at me! I've made my wish. Good health and long happy lives for my wonderful internet friends. Thank you all so much!

    I copied Prince Charles for breakfast. The gluten free bread toasted, a large boiled egg and ginger marmalade.

    More good news. A man bought a house near the Credit river because he loved the old redwood tree in the backyard. Sacred to the local native Indians. He lived and loved that tree for 60 years and then sadly died. The new house owner wanted to chop the tree down! A court battle followed and......THE 250 YEAR OLD TREE HAS WON. Is the world finally waking up! Re: old skills being taught again above, etc.

    I worked so hard yesterday I'm going to enjoy a lazy day with my energetic little friend.
    Thank you again.
    an appreciative ANNE. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member

    Have a wonderful day Anne, you bring so many smiles and laughter to our little group. Have a great, relaxing day.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Thank you so much SANDY. Mark has ripped the stairs out so must be careful not to step into a void. Anne.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    My floors got a hole in it and I might fall!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Please be careful Anne and maybe put a bright ribbon across the door to remind you there are no stairs.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2021
    How exciting Anne, but I agree with Sandy, ticker tape across the entrance to the missing stairs might be a very good idea. There’s only so much excitement that any girl wants!!

    I shopped early, walked and achieved more gardening but here we are, not even 6.45 and almost dark.
    Spinach and Ricotta pizza tonight with a side salad but having eaten it I’m now thinking oh dear, that might influence tomorrow’s weigh in!

    A bad news day for us with the murder of one of our MP’s, apparently the nicest man, which is unheard of in our politics today. Covid tests in our area of England giving false results so standby for another surge of infections and even the Queen heard to criticise politicians and their meetings to discuss climate change… all talk and no action… and so say all of us! I might just watch the 7pm news!

    Kettle on then settle for the evening.
    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰