Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I received an alert from my bank about a charge made to Pay Pal and an email from Pay Pal telling me about the charge. It is an unauthorized charge saying it was an auto payment to some company called
    Top Dog Direct, LLC. I have no idea how this happened but I changed my password, changed the way I sign in with added security and filed a complaint with Pay Pal. I can't dispute the charge on my credit card because it is still pending but will do so if it doesn't in fact clear. What a wasted morning.
    The rain held off for pictures until we were done then it poured. Pictures should be cute even though it was quite hectic with the kiddos. Went back to their house and had some Red Robin and then when Bryanna left Lisa and I sat outside in the front driveway while the kids were riding bikes and scooters. I really enjoyed sitting with her sipping wine and perfect weather. We rarely get a chance to just sit and talk but we both enjoyed it. Robby is still very active and at times hard to control especially during the pictures because he didn't like his pants and shoes. I hate to tell you this but he even knocked over the umbrella the photographer was using and broke it. I of course told the young man I would pay for the umbrella and was afraid to ask how much, but it was $25 besides the photo shoot and pictures to follow. His dad and mom disciplined him and when we were leaving he apologized to the young photographer who accepted graciously. I think that is why I enjoyed sitting outside and just chilling with Lisa.

    Nothing on the agenda today, just riding the bike and trying to lose the extra weight that has been caused by more eating because of stress. No excuses, I have just been bad.

    I hope everyone has a good day and that Katie is feeling better today. Jackie, hopefully you will feel fine and after ten days feel confident you did not contact Covid.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited October 2021
    Hello everyone. A sunny day once again. I needed a couple of things so made a trip to Walmart this morning and actually shopped rather than grabbing things and running to the checkout. What a difference. Another stop by the library on the way home to drop off some returns and then home to put away my purchases.

    Like you Sandy, I then wasted time as things weren’t loading on my devices. Avast wouldn’t do a check on my network so I rebooted everything. Finished that and then found out Facebook was toast, and Messenger. Neither is working at this point. One conversation on Messenger reverted to where we were on Saturday and everything from Sunday is gone. The only post on my newsfeed is from 11am on Saturday. Wow. What a mess. It is amazing how much time a person can waste trying to get things working.

    A while ago, I disputed a charge with PayPal and then with my credit card company as the charge had already processed. PayPal got totally mad at me because they had started a dispute process which was cancelled when I contacted the credit card provider. I don’t know how these things get messed up! I hope it is over soon for you Sandy.

    Patsy, I hope Katie is doing better this afternoon. Poor dear.

    Jackie, will your friend be living near you again if her offer is accepted? If so, is that a good thing? I hope you stay well!

    Anne, what a lovely celebration with your son. Oh my yes, the weather could be a problem if he needs to work outdoors or scramble up on the roof. Wishing him a safe trip🤞🏻🤞🏻whenever he travels.

    I should move along. I have some things to do. It is the evening to out out the trash for early morning pick-up.

    Be safe everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited October 2021
    Happy Tuesday! :) It looks like I am the first one here. Sitting later for the kiddos, that's about it for today unless I can fit in riding my bike.
    So color my face red!!!! After all the fuss I made with PayPal I realized later last night that I did indeed make a purchase with Top Dog LLC. I remembered I had ordered new bra's but did have the confirmation email so I went through all my deleted emails to find it. Cleary it stated that the charge would be under Top Dog LLC so I had to back track everything and after numerous messages to PayPal I think I have fixed everything. All the changing of passwords really wasn't necessary and all the time I wasted was for nothing. I wrote an email to the company and apologized and let them know Pay Pal will release their funds. At least I can look forward to new bras. (I hope)

    Lin, I have had a couple of disputes with sellers from Pay Pal and agree they do not like it when we dispute with our credit cards as well. I really didn't care as long as I got my money back. Those are purchases I made from ads on Facebook which are never as they are advertised so lesson learned never buy anything from Facebook ads.
    Although I have to admit I just did again and hope I didn't make a big mistake. I ordered some coffee mugs for my friends for Christmas and although they are probably coming from China I do hope I get what I ordered.

    I hope everyone is well and happy and enjoying their day but keeping safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello. We move from sunshine to overcast on a pretty regular basis today. I ran several more errands today. All all was well until I left the organic grocery store with my bags. A couple was walking in my direction and he looked extremely amused. As I was unlocking my car, he suddenly ducked over in front of my car and very loudly announced, oh my gosh, there’s a virus right there. And he smirked at me. She pulled him off and they went inside where he again gave me a nasty look. His big issue, I was wearing a mask, neither of them had one. All the employees in the store wear masks but I noticed none of the customers this morning, except me, had a mask. They have signs everywhere asking people to stay far apart and please wear a mask.

    I was very angry. I am used to being being disrespected but it has been a long time since someone went out of their way to humiliate me in such a manner. Which is why I detest many people. End of rant. I guess staying home is not so bad.

    Happy child sitting today Sandy. Gosh, sorry you had to back track with PayPal. But glad all is well with your account. I have a couple of missing packages right now. Both domestic shipments. I think one may emerge today!

    I hope everyone is well.



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Chicken breast baking in the oven after another day of sunshine and showers. Ellen visited at 10 to give me a pedicure and as usual we chatted and laughed through the hour. A rainbow greeted me when I took George and Betty to the moors for their walk which should have warned me heavy rain was on the way! Poor Betty felt the rain hitting her in a strong wind but I managed to find a sheltered area for our return to my car where the sun came out and rain stopped! I’ve done some gardening, dodging showers and think if we ever get a run of dry days it won’t take long to get on top of the tidying.
    Betty just made me laugh because when I taught her to bark to let me know if she needed to go out into the garden I was usually in the snug so now, wherever I am, she walks into the snug and barks! It’s rather sweet so I probably should t laugh.

    Sandy, I made a blooper too and can only blame myself. Last week I had a message from the courier handling my new bookcase telling me they planned to deliver today between 3 and 6pm and I should reply YES if that was okay or NO if the time needed to be changed. If they didn’t get a response they would postpone. I didn’t respond with yes or no but for some reason typed Ok thanks. It’s now after 6 so I’m guessing it’s not on its way and it’s 5 weeks since I ordered and paid!

    Lin, I don’t really consider Sue a friend because she had advertised in the local paper and I paid her to do some gardening once a week between my hip replacements but she seems to think we are great buddies! My real friends tell me she is a rather needy person and a taker rather than ever giving so I should keep a distance. She is looking within a 2 mile radius of me but Ellen who was here this morning tells me property is selling within minutes of going on the market and prices going up so Sue will struggle to find something she can afford.

    Chicken cooked and just had message to say my bookcase is 20 minutes away so didn’t make a bloomer after all!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Lin, I am sorry you got harassed but the guy was a total jerk!! I wear a mask in every store I go in and even when I pick up my groceries in my car I wear a mask. It's people like him that I would love to tell off but in today's world you have to be careful because of all the guns people carry.
    You just keep staying safe and ignore the idiots of the world, you are too good a person to let them get to you.

    Love ya,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lin, I agree totally with Sandy, that idiot and others like him are why the virus is still with us. Please don’t let someone like that impact the way you live because to be honest he’s made himself appear stupid to the rest of us who have been told about his behaviour. You are 100% a better human being than him! ❤️
    Why is it anti mask, anti vacs people feel the need to be confrontational when the rest of us are just getting on with life in a safe way? Most in England continue to wear a mask in shops and some on the streets too, it’s no big deal.

    Big hugs
    Jackie 🥰
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! We have a chilly overcast day. One could call it dreary! But I am a happy camper. Damon is coming this weekend. I think Katie is better but not back to her regular bouncy self. And now my sad tale of dumb ideas….I have been searching the back yard for any possible toxins that could have upset Katie. Then I ran across a poop of hers. Something about the smell made me think. I am in the habit of giving her a handful of freezed dried beef liver bits in the mornings. I went on the internet to various sites and WOW! These things are terrible for dogs. I read over and over from many reliable sites like AKC and ASPCTA and other sites. One or two pieces a week is the maximum a dog should be offered. They get a special kind of illness and Good grief! I was trying to give her something that was good for her. She is better. Liver snacks are in the trash. She is going in for a blood test. I hope they let John or me go in with her. She is a true mental case in the vets office.

    In our family we take turns doing the bills etc. it is really a method to make sure both of us are up on all the family bookkeeping. Not really much to worry with but it is helpful to have more eyes on the numbers and orders etc. John is the culprit. He orders things and then forgets where and when they will arrive. Bad boy!

    At this point in my life, I guess I would enjoy even crazy needy friends. I have been isolated so long, and so many of my friends have passed, I can tolerate anything but hostile people. I shrivel up in dispare when confronted with anger and humiliation. No one likes that but I seem incapable of dealing with these strong negative emotions. Fortunately I have not had to face too many super negative people. If that had happened to me, Lin, I would have been in tears and totally confused. Why would it be so upsetting to that man when you wore a mask? There must be some strange meaning associated with masks and the virus?

    Making Katie some healthy pumpkin cookies, planning a weekend with Damon, helping John clean inside of car. Busy busy doing not too much really.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh LIN dear, you've only got ro read the news to realize just how many idiots are walking about. Can you imagine how his wife must feel having to deal with a nut case. I wonder how he would have reacted if you had taken off your mask and blown at him! Then said "whoops, sorry, you better go get tested". No. better to just ignore because he won't be the first idiot to come your way.
    Once when I was on a plane travelling from England to Canada I fell asleep and woke up to find my glasses gone. I frantically searched the seat etc and a lady came over and told me my glasses where under my seat because this idiot had come over and taken them off my face. I could have stood on them! I said to his wife "can't you control the idiot" but she just shrugged. Why on earth do women put up with some of these characters. Either needy or scared to be on their own I guess.
    Anyway just carry on as always love. If anyone saw his behaviour they mainly would feel like the rest of us here and think what an ignoramus! Wow I finally got to use that lovely word!

    Oh PATSY, poor Katie and poor you who was only trying to give your little girl a treat! One thing though brave Katie has made the rest of us aware. Mike brought Bean a new treat and she's been a bit off colour which is most unusual for "cast iron tum" Bean. Just off to read the ingredients!

    Good morning SANDY and JACKIE.
    Hugs to all from
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Another cool day and another rest day. I sit again tomorrow and Saturday so glad to have these days in between to catch up. Lisa's parents probably won't be back until Christmas so with only me to sit, there will be extra days. I really don't mind sitting, it's the driving that I don't like.
    Lisa got the proofs from the photographer but we aren't thrilled with them. I think next time we will go back to Picture People because they got some good shots when we used them in the past. Who knows, maybe the edited photos will be much better and we will be happy.

    Anne, how rude of that guy removing your glasses even worse for just touching you. In today's world he could have gotten a law suit against him. I don't recommend confronting anyone in these days, people are just crazy, not like when we were young.

    Patsy, unfortunately this is why we never gave Daisy any type of table food except for her boiled chicken and rice.
    She has such a sensitive tummy any little thing gives her diarrhea. I think she even had sensitive type treats recommended from the Vet. I know farm dogs can eat just about anything so not sure why our pets are different.

    Lin, hope you are having a better day today and have recovered from your experience with that idiot!!

    Jackie, hopefully your bookcase has arrived and was easy to put together if that was the case or just looks great in where you placed it. Picture please?

    Have a great day everyone and keep staying safe and wear your mask no matter what anyone else thinks.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We just had one our famous coastal squalls, a dark cloudy downpour then off the clouds scooted and sun peeks out but only temporarily. I see rain clouds in the distance. And it is quite chilly.

    Katie is almost back to her regular self. She seems just a bit tired. She wasn’t quite at bouncy as normal but much better. We have a call into the vet and will chat with someone there, probably a vet tech. This experience has me cooking for Katie. I have pulled up recipes from AKC on dg treats, diet and other nutrition info for her breed. I usually cook her main meal but I have purchased her treats. Now it seems I must cook those as well. Oh well, she is family and very important.

    Lin: that experience you had with that very strange man is sort of a symptom if our national tummy ache. I don’t understand how we got to this point of intolerance and division. John says we have always been this way. I don’t know…maybe we have and I just didn’t see it.

    Sandy: I understand how difficult it is to get great family portraits. Some photographers just have a knack for seeing possibilities and putting people at ease. It is an art form really. It is wonderful that you make this a priority and make it happen. Your schedule of setting is demanding and Young people haven’t any idea how much energy it takes. When I was doing story time at the library, I only had the kids for about 2 hours in total. There were usually about 15 kids and sometimes no parents to help out. At the end of that day I wondered how to put one foot before the other to get to the car and home again.
    I loved doing it but it was only once a week. Not sure I could do it these days. That was only two years ago.

    Anne: oh do check ingredients on dog treats. We avoid treats made in China. They often have very strange ingredients. It must be a cultural thing. I don’t think pets are in any way the same there. Although in China the pandas are successfully raised and cared for. I did a query on google about liver snacks for dogs. Reading about it just knocked my socks off. How did I miss this?

    Jackie: we are seeing some odd shortages here. There is a paper mill about 50 miles from here. Yet we have a limit on toilet paper and often empty shelves. Our gasoline prices are astounding! Yet we are still seeing vacationers every week end. Some driving those enormous motor homes that look like buses. The complexity of our economy and the social changes have everyone scratching their heads. Everyone is complaining about prices and job opportunities yet every where you look, I see signs…now hiring, workers wanted etc. if I were a young person, this would a great time to find a career opportunity.
    By the way, how is dear little George? I have thought about a raw diet for Katie but the lack of constant availability is a problem.
    I have prattled on far too long, sorry!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited October 2021
    Hello friends. I have been filling out paperwork and trying to get responses from companies where I have some sort of issue. I have a clothing item that needs to be returned and I have been corresponding with them as no item list or receipt was in the package and I couldn’t find anything on how to return an online purchase. Well, this has been going on for a few days they just keep saying, yes, your package has been delivered. Well, I knew that. Finally found another approach and voila, I got a return label printed! Got everything packaged up again and then headed off to try to find a FedEx ground location. Finally found one, dropped off the package and signed up for text updates. Finally, something accomplished. I have an acknowledgment of the return and a refund will be issued in the next 10 days.

    So happy to have something resolved.

    Have also been working on the pages long questionnaire required for my flu shot next week. I am going to Walgreens, not my pharmacy, just for the incentive. Same shot as my pharmacy but I will get $5 on my Rewards Card I hear. I hope so, it has taken waaay too long to fill in all the required bits of information from my medical cards.

    One of my lost packages appeared yesterday. The other one is a dilemma. The company won’t respond to my emails and they don’t list a phone number. The post office status remains, on the way to the next location. I guess I will go back to the company web site and search for additional information.

    Jackie, did the book case arrive? I hope all is well with you and dear George and Betty. Sorry to have called Sue a friend….she is more an acquaintance. I am glad to hear you have more calm and civilized people when it comes to masks. Americans are quite crazy.

    Sandy, sorry the photos are not as great as you’d hoped. Maybe they can be manipulated to look better but yes, going back to a former photographer sounds the best thing to do for the next session. A day off from looking after the kids. Your schedule seems to be settling down a bit. Still loving your new car by the way? Any service needed before winter? It’s been so long since I had a new car, I cannot remember.

    Patsy, wahoo, Damon will be visiting. Great! No vet visit for Katie then? You are taking good care of her, as always. Be safe. I think I am one of those needy people. I like to have someone to talk to regularly. I am certain some folks wish my phone would break. 😃

    Anne, I am horrified! Someone actually removed your glasses! That is just so wrong! Craziness is not a new thing is it. I find nothing amusing in that prank at all. I am sure you wanted to tell that person exactly what you thought. Interesting that his wife put up him.

    Well, back to research.

    Be safe everyone.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Nearly bedtime so a quick catch up. Yes, my bookcase arrived after I tracked its journey the last few miles across the moors. A very tired but charming courier lifted it out from the back of his truck and carried it along the path to my kitchen where it sat, wrapped in thick bubble wrap until midday. I’ve decided to place it under the stairs so moved the 70’s record player and my vinyl LP’s into the snug then collected books that had been stacked upstairs for months and started to sort on to the shelves.

    Today has been unusually mild so I took a long walk across the top of the moors with George and Betty only meeting one young couple with 2 bounding Dalmatians and a yellow Labrador that showed too much interest in Betty before being called off. George observed from a distance!!
    My friend Pat FaceTimed me to tell me she had watched a morning tv show where someone was recommending a variety of dog beds and in particular she thought of Betty when so called anti-anxiety beds for dogs missing their puppies were talked about. I had told her about Betty’s habit of collecting toys around her like some sort of monthly ritual which she found moving. I’ve ordered a donut ring bed and a sofa bed thinking whichever one Betty uses, George can enjoy the other!
    I had planned to cut back a hedge but unexpected rain arrived before I could get started which also meant dashing out to pull washing off the line and draping it over an airdrop in the dining room.

    There are similar issues in Britain Patsy which our government gets blamed for but I do agree with our Boris telling us the world economies took a massive hit these past 18 months and it’s going to take time to fix. Job vacancies are high in many sectors but many people are out of work and not prepared to retrain. Having a mortgage, I used to put my hand to any job in order to pay to keep my home and many a time lived on baked beans on toast! Society is creaking at the joints!!

    George does seem fine now although his appetite can be erratic. He loves the special raw meat meals I buy at the pet shop but out of the variety of meats, I stick with chicken, chicken and lamb or Turkey because I’m sure beef or offal would have a bad affect in all sorts of ways! A couple of years ago I became aware that many dog treats being sold here are produced in China and because I didn’t like to think what sort of meat content might be added, took more notice of country of origin. I’m not sure I’d have the patience to make treats for my pooches on a regular basis but they seem happy enough with the occasional shop bought packet. This is our current one.

    I love that teapot Lin. Pretty and an unusual shape, in fact the last 3 have been delightful. Goodness, I’m thinking how lucky I am not to be faced with the delivery problems and returns you have to deal with. My online shopping goes in fits and starts and I’ve had a run of purchases in the past few weeks but hopefully the dog beds will be all we need for a while.

    Sandy, sorry the photos weren’t as you’d hoped. Was there a reason not to use the Picture People that had taken previous pictures?

    Betty is snoring so I’d better get myself and furries to bed.
    Jackie 😴

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Rushing around but just wanted to comment whilst I remember. JACKIE, our family only have female dogs and as far back as I can remember they all become broody round about heat time, even Jenny who was the only one spayed. Jilly takes her little rubber baby bone into bed with her to cuddle up to and she doesn't bother with this toy at all other times. I think its marvellous that you've trained Betty to bark when she needs to go outside. Jilly just runs up to me and points her head towards the back door, but she also does this if she decides she'd like a treat! Being a bit of a con dog she usually gets both.
    Grocery delivery day, must away,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Sitting today instead of meeting. Just for a few hours so should be home for dinner.
    Have a good day and will be checking in to read the posts.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited October 2021
    Hello friends. Good day to everyone.

    I have been doing laundry this morning, yeah, finished now!

    And I had a nice long call with my friend, the normal Thursday call. She was in the mood to talk today so we chatted quite a while. Her birthday is coming up soon and she was happy to talk about what she wanted for her birthday snd what kind of cake she wants her sons to find. Good luck boys!

    Sandy, I hope sitting with the kiddos goes well today. Is everyone healthy and happy? Or as close as is possible? Does Ewok like to frolic with the kids? Huskies can be kind of rough…..but then so can children.

    Anne, rushing around again? My goodness what is up today? More gardening? Work on the house? Grocery delivery?

    Jackie, the doggie bed looks quite comfy. If I fit, I would try it out. I am glad the bookcase arrived. Wahoo! By the way, I was able to contact the company that shipped the missing package. They have agreed to send a new order. I sure hope this one arrives! I love the name of those dog treats—Wagg. How lovely. Of course a name doesn’t matter if there is anything sketchy about the product. Glad you found something I cannot see the ingredients but I like that they are baked and have vitamins and minerals.

    Patsy, hi, busy getting ready for your visitor no doubt. I hope you have a fabulous time.

    Well, back to my little chores. If you do not hear from me tomorrow, it may be after meeting friends for coffee, we made a break for it and went shopping. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

    Be safe my friends.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Almost noon but not quite….good morning. We have partly cloudy -partly sunny day. Very chilly. We have the little space heater going in the living room. Katie is in love with this little heater. She lies in front of it and sometimes too close. We must turn it off when she gets crazy and insists on trying to snuggle right up next to it.

    Yes, we are so excited about seeing Damon. We have the shopping done and will try to have a tiny little birthday celebration for him. He is at that conflicted age of…it’s my birthday but I hate that I am a year older but I want some sort of recognition that it is my birthday…sort of! Good grief! I used to think teenagers were complex but it doesn’t get any better as an adult.

    I have hit upon a healthy recipe for doggie cookies. I can whip up a batch and cut them into small squares, toss them in a baggie and into the fridge. Katie knows where they are and looks forward to the bag coming out of the fridge. Anyway one recipe should last at least a week. So that’s doable. A whole can of Pumpkin, whole wheat flour, egg white and peanut butter with a bit of milk to moisten the dough. Stir pour out onto a large cookie sheet and bake at 275 degrees for one hour. Makes a lot of snacks and the are very firm and chewy for the doggies. Okay! That’s my current insanity. Baking for the dog….

    Threw out a bunch of worn out clothing and shockingly it really helped clear my overcrowded closet. It is hard for me to get serious and toss old worn out things. The hardest is old paint brushes. It almost requires a good Christian burial to retire paint brushes. Paint brushes are like old friends. Some just fits your hand and the bristles act just the way you need. More of my insanity. I am revealing a lot of my personal crazies today. Are you scared?
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    No PATSY, lol. Michael was NOT a happy camper either when he recently hit 60. I wish! I tell him just wait until you hit 86!

    I've finally got onto MFP. It was down all afternoon. Not that I had time to get onto it anyway. Grocery order, washday, picking apples, walking Jilly day. M and M came over to do a bit more and Mary Jo said the new stairs or steps are wonderful. Carved to fit and stained. Can't wait to see them!

    I'm whacked and Jilly needs her din dins. She has one white eyelash growing amidst the black. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thick fog greeted me this morning so I decided to go early to the supermarket for a few supplies while all 3 pets remained curled up sleeping. We walked when I got home, keeping to local roads, a few phone calls were made and then, when the sun appeared, I managed to get more pruning achieved. That’s my day in a nutshell!

    Anne, I think Betty has trained me rather than the other way round, at least she thinks she has! Sometimes she will bark to go out and I see she just wants to drink rain water from a container rather than her water bowl in the dining room.

    Hope you manage to make that break for it tomorrow Lin. Our Covid numbers locally are rising again and that’s putting a dampener on friends’ plans to be more sociable. When I gardened this afternoon I heard one of the teenagers next door had a ghastly cough and did wonder if her parents are intelligent enough to arrange testing, especially since they manage a restaurant for one of our large chains. This is the same people that dug up our boundary hedge so at least I won’t be getting too close!!

    A pile of unwanted clothes is stacked in my spare room waiting to be bagged up and taken to a charity drop off. I was strict with myself so whenever I hesitated about an item I told myself off… don’t you dare hang it back in the wardrobe!

    Late to bed again so will finish here and wish you all a pleasant evening.
    Jackie 🥰
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another foggy start but I drove to the moors anyway thinking that if I keep to well worn tracks I wouldn’t get lost. I bumped into Brian and his Westie Duke that I hadn’t seen for a few weeks and sadly he told me his wife’s funeral is today. After a long Illness she had been put on a morphine drip that gradually increased the dose. It will be a celebration of her life and theirs together so he plans to wear the suit he got married in 58 years ago. Still no sign of David with his paralysed Pug so I can only hope they are ok.

    I’m sipping a cup of coffee while the kitchen and shower room floors dry so some housework getting done then, if the clouds lift a bit more I’ll get out in the garden.

    Carpet strips arrived yesterday to stick on the stairs so Betty and George don’t slip and fall. Me too I suppose! I’ll have to buy double sided tape so may pop out later when the shops are quieter.

    Stay safe everyone.